Calling a Service many times from an HTML form

It is possible to call a Service multiple times from a single HTML form (for example, one time for each row in the form) by placing a line similar to the following with a service-multi event type defined for the controller.xml request-map entry of the target Service.

How to do it...

Follow these steps to call a Service multiple times:

  1. Use the event type service-multi within the controller.xml request-map entry as shown here:
    <request-map uri="someService" />
    <event type="service-multi" invoke="someService"/>
    <!-- Other request-map statements intentionally left out -->
  2. If using an OFBiz Form Widget, add a line similar to the following to the Form Widget definition. Note, the list-name is the name of the list that is generating multiple rows for the HTML form:
    <form name="someFormName" type="multi" use-row-submit="true"
    list-name="someList" target="someServiceName" /
    <!-- Form fields removed for reading clarity -->
  3. If using a FreeMarker template, add lines similar to the following:
    <form name="mostrecent" mode="POST"
    <#assign row=0/>
    <#list someList as listItem>
    <#-- HTML removed for reading clarity.
    Each row has a unique input name associated with it
    allowing this single Form to be submitted to the
    "someServiceName" Service from each row -->
    <input type="radio" name="someFormField_o_${row}"
    value="someValue" checked/>
    <input type="radio" name="someFormField_o_${row}"

How it works...

The Event type service-multi provides a convenient shortcut for coding HTML forms that are embedded within lists. Each list item is automatically converted to a unique form field so that a single Service may be called from any row within the list.

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