
Symbols and Numbers

2D groups

2D layering vs. 3D positioning, 113–114

adding camera to project, 106

designating, 14

shadow controls not working with, 122

3D behaviors, 117–118

3D Compass, camera view, 111

3D groups

3D positioning vs. 2D layering, 113–114

adding camera to project, 106

designating, 14

positioning camera, 107–109

3D Transform tool (Q key), 114–117

3D view tools, camera, 109


Add Behavior button, 13, 32

Add Filter button, 13

Add, Mask Blend Mode, 41

Adjust 3D Transform tool, 29, 107–109

Adjust Anchor Point tool, 11, 141

Adjust Glyph tool, 29–30

Adobe Illustrator documents, 132–133

Adobe Photoshop documents, 131–132

Advanced pane, Shape tab, 44–45

Advanced Quality, Canvas display, 9

After Exports options, Export command, 136–137

alpha channels

particle cell parameters, 53

replicator cell parameters, 61

Ambient light, 120

anchor points

adding camera behaviors, 110

Adjust Anchor Point tool, 11, 142

in Canvas window, 8

differentiating camera types by, 107

replicators and, 60

Animation menu

applying extrapolation to keyframes, 83–84

converting behaviors to keyframes, 86

keyframing filters in, 99

keyframing parameters in, 80

manually creating keyframes in, 77–78

Properties tab in Inspector, 4

setting interpolation in, 18

taking curve snapshots in, 83

Apply button, 3

Apply To parameter, of parameter behaviors, 93

Audio parameter behavior, 94

audio, Show/Hide Layers in Timeline, 17

Audio tab (Command-6), 16–17


3D behaviors, 117–118

manipulating objects in 3D along, 113

using 3D Transform tool in Canvas, 115

using 3D Transform tool in HUD, 116–117


B-Spline Mask tool (Option-B), 12, 40, 143

B-Spline tool (B)

Bezier curves vs. shapes of, 38

as Create tool, 12

escaping incomplete shape, 38

modifying closed shape, 39

Bad Film filter, 104

Basic Motion behavior, replicators, 64


3D, 117–118

applying, 13, 87–88

camera, 110

converting to keyframes, 86

examples of, 90–92

modifying, 89–90

overview of, 87

parameter, 92–96

particle, 56

replicator, 64–66

showing/hiding/disabling in Layers tab, 14

showing/hiding in Timeline tab, 17

text, 32–34

timing/duration of. see timelines

Behaviors tab (F2)

modifying behaviors, 89

modifying parameter behaviors, 93–95

project behaviors listed in, 4–5

Bezier Mask tool (Option-B), 12, 40–41, 144

Bezier tool (B)

B-spline shapes vs. curves of, 38

as Create tool, 12

creating custom shapes with, 36–38

modifying closed shapes with, 39

placing text on path with, 28

blur filters, camera, 103, 106

Box tool, 18, 81

Brightness, light parameters, 120

Brush Types, Shape tab, 39


Camera and Effects icons, 12–13, 145


adding, 13, 105–106

adding multiple, 106

behaviors, 110

modifying, 106–107

positioning, 107–109

shadow controls lacking on, 122

types of, 107

view options, 110–112


3D Transform tool in, 114–115

applying filters in, 98–99

in Canvas window, 6–8

creating particle system in, 50–51

creating replicators in, 58–59

keyboard shortcuts, 145–146

overview of, 6–8

Canvas window

Canvas, 6–8

defined, 6

mini-Timeline, 9–10

showing/hiding Project/Timing panes of, 13

Status Bar, 8

View Options, 8–9

Casts Reflection parameter, 123–124


behaviors, 87

filters, 97

channels, setting visibility, 9

Circle tool, 35–36

Clone layers, creating, 16


modifying closed shapes, 39

modifying filters, 99

modifying paint strokes, 44

setting particle cell parameters, 53–54

setting replicator cell parameters, 60–62

Shape tab options, 39

Command-2. see Library tab (Command-2)

Command-4. see Layers tab (Command-4)

Command-5 (Media tab), 16

Command-7. see Timeline tab (Command-7)

Command-8. see Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

Command-9 (Audio Editor), 18–19, 140

Command-D (duplicating layer), 16

Command Editor, 22

Command-Option-I (Play Range In Point), 10

Command-Option-O (Play Range Out Point), 10

Command-Shift-L (New Light), 119

commands. see keyboard shortcuts

Composite import, 68–69, 72

cone width setting, Spot light, 120

Control-click, 7

control points

creating custom shapes, 36–38

placing text on path, 28

Convert to Keyframes, 86

copy filters, 100

Crawl command, Layout tab, 27

Create tools

keyboard shortcuts, 143

in Toolbar, 11–12

credits, creating scrolling, 32–34

Crop option, filters, 102

Current Frame, Export menu, 136

curve snapshots, Keyframe Editor, 18, 82–83

curves, Keyframe Editor settings, 18


Defocus blur filter, 106

Depth of Field parameters, camera, 106–107

destination object

applying behaviors to, 88

applying filters to, 98–99

directional light, 120

Disclosure triangle, Properties tab, 4

display mode, for objects in Canvas, 9


working with Adobe Photoshop, 131–132

working with Illustrator, 132–133

duplicate behaviors, 89

duplicate layers, 16


behavior, 89–90

filter, 101


Earthquake filter, 103

Edit Marker dialog, 76

Edit tool, keyframes, 18


keyframes. see Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

keyframes in Timeline, 85

Motion templates in Final Cut Pro, 130–131

Embed Motion Content checkbox, 128–129

emitters, particle system

defined, 49

particle cell parameters, 52–54

shapes, 55–56

Escape key, from text entry mode, 24

Exchange import option, Timeline, 72

Export command, 135–137


using File > Export, 135–137

using File > Share, 138

extrapolation, Keyframe Editor, 83–84


F3 (Filters tab), Inspector, 5

F4 (Object tab), 3–6

F5. see Project pane (F5)

F6. see Timing pane (F6)

fade in/out, camera, 106

File Browser tab (Command-1), 2

File > Export, exporting, 135–137

File > Share, exporting, 138

File text generator, 30


adjusting timing/duration of. see timelines

applying, 13, 98–99

examples of, 102–104

modifying, 99–102

overview of, 97

for particle systems, 56

for replicators, 64–66

selecting camera blur, 106

showing/hiding/disabling in Layers tab, 14

showing/hiding in Timeline tab, 17

Filters tab (F3), Inspector, 5

Final Cut Pro

importing and roundtripping Motion projects, 127

overview of, 125–126

sending clips to Motion, 127–129

sending sequences to Motion, 129–130

using Motion templates with, 130–131

Final Cut Pro Set tool, 22

Fixed Resolution option, Illustrator, 133

focus, camera, 106

font families, modifying text, 24

Format pane, modifying text, 24

Framing camera, 107

Freehand Mask tool, 40–41


Gaussian Blur filter, camera, 103, 106

generators, text, 30–31

glyphs, text, 29–30, 34

gradient editor

modifying closed shapes, 39

modifying paint strokes, 44

setting particle cell parameters, 53–54

setting replicator cell parameters, 62


applying filters to, 97

applying mask tools to text in, 41

consolidating layers into, 13–14

using 3D Transform tool with 2D, 114–115

grunging video, with Bad Film filter, 104

guides, Canvas, 9


Highlights, lighting parameters, 121

HUD (Heads-Up Display), F7

3D Transform tool in, 116–117

modifying behaviors in, 89–90

modifying cameras in, 106–107

modifying filters in, 99–100

modifying masks in, 41

modifying paint strokes in, 44

modifying particle systems in, 51

modifying replicators in, 59

modifying text in, 29

overview of, 19

positioning camera in, 108

showing/hiding, 13


Illustrator documents, 132–133

image masks, 41–42

Image Sequence, Export menu, 136

Import button, File Browser, 2


Adobe Illustrator files, 132–133

Motion project into Final Cut Pro, 127

objects with File Browser, 2

referencing file at its current location when, 2

Timeline options, 72

In points

in mini-Timeline, 69–70

in Timeline, 72–74

Inherited, lighting parameters, 121

Insert import option, Timeline, 72

Inspector tab (Command-3)

applying behaviors, 87–88

Behaviors tab in, 4–5

defined, 3

Filters tab in, 5

modifying behaviors in, 89–90

modifying cameras in, 106–107

modifying filters in, 99–102

modifying particle systems in, 51–56

modifying replicators in, 59–61

modifying text in, 24–28

Object tab in, 4–5

Properties tab in, 4

setting keyframes manually in, 77–78

Utility window in, 3–6

Intensity slider, light parameters, 120


keyboard shortcuts, 139–141

Toolbar buttons, 13

interpolation, 18, 81–82

Intersect, Mask Blend Mode, 41


Jitter, modifying paint stroke, 44

Joint option, Shape tab, 39


kerning, modifying text, 24

keyboard shortcuts

Camera and Effects icons, 145

Canvas, 145–146

Create tools, 143

customizing, 22

Interface, 139–141

Mask tools, 144

Project, 147

Timing, 146–147

View tools, 11, 142–143

Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

creating keyframes in, 80–81

defined, 80

editing keyframes in, 81

mini-curve editor in, 84–85

setting extrapolation in, 83–84

setting interpolation in, 81–82

taking curve snapshots, 82–83

in Timing pane, 18


converting behaviors to, 86

creating with Record Animation, 79–80

for filters, 99

Keyframe Editor. see Keyframe Editor (Command-8)

modifying in Timeline, 85

overview of, 77

sending clips to Motion from Final Cut Pro, 128

setting manually, 77–78

showing/hiding in Timeline tab, 17

thinning options, 79



adjusting row heights, 17

showing/hiding in Timeline tab, 17

Layers tab (Command-4)

applying behaviors, 87–88

applying filters, 98–99

creating particle system, 50–51

creating replicator, 58–59

modifying text, 24

in Project pane, 13–16

Layout pane, modifying text, 26–28

Library tab (Command-2)

finding text generators in, 30–31

overview of, 3

selecting filter in, 98

using preset particle systems in, 49–50

using preset replicators in, 57–58

life cycles, particle system, 49, 53–54


activating and adjusting reflections, 123–124

activating and adjusting shadows, 122–123

adding to project, 119

adjusting parameters for, 120–121

disabling, 121

types of, 120

Line tool, 35–36

Linear shape, 39

Link parameter behavior, 95

local axis, 3D Transform tool in HUD, 117

locking, 6, 14

looping clips, in mini-Timeline, 70–71


Make Particles button, 13

markers, 76

Mask tools, 12, 143


adding image to, 41–43

creating, 40–41

modifying, 41

modifying control points, 45

showing/hiding/disabling in Layers tab, 14

showing/hiding in Timeline tab, 17

master template, 130–131

Match Move behavior, 92

Media tab (Command-5), 16

mini-curve editor, 84–85


adding multiple objects to, 68–69

adding single objects to, 68

adjusting timing/duration of behaviors in, 89–90

adjusting timing/duration of filters in, 101

in Canvas window, 7, 9–10

defined, 67

looping clips in, 70–71

moving objects in, 69

project and object markers in, 76

retiming clips in, 70

trimming objects in, 69–70

mix level, audio files, 17

Motion basics

Canvas window, 6–10

Heads-Up Display, 19

overview of, 1

Project pane, 13–17

properties and preferences, 19–22

Timing pane, 17–19

Toolbar, 10–13

Utility window, 2–6

Move behavior, 87, 89

mute, Audio tab, 17


Negate behavior, 87

New Camera icon, 13, 105–106

New folder, File Browser, 2

New Light (Command-Shift-L), 119

Nudge behavior, 87

Numbers text generator, 31


object markers, 76

Object tab (F4), 3–6


adjusting timing/duration of. see timelines

animating with behaviors. see behaviors

applying filters to. see filters

parameters of reflected, 123–124

shadow parameters of, 122


modifying closed shape, 39

modifying paint stroke, 44

setting particle cell parameters, 53

setting replicator cell parameters, 60–62

Option key, 36, 116

Option-X, 10

Oscillate Shape behavior, 46

Out points

in mini-Timeline, 69–70

in Timeline, 72–74

Output, Export Options, 136–137

Output, Share command, 138

overlays, 9

Overwrite import option, Timeline, 72


Paint Stroke tool, 43–45

parameter behaviors

applying, 92–93

applying to filters, 99

applying to replicators, 64

defined, 87


choosing in Keyframe Editor, 18

example of filter, 103–104

Final Cut Pro, 125–126

lighting, 120–121

modifying filter, 99–102

modifying text, 27–28

particle cell, 52–54

reflection, 123

replicator cell, 60–62

tweaking in Properties tab, 4

Particle Emitters, 49–50

particle systems

behaviors and filters for, 56

creating, 50–51

creating from selected layer, 13

defined, 49

emitter shapes, 55–56

modifying, 51–52

parameters of particle cell, 52–54

using preset, 49–50

path, placing text on, 27–28

Photoshop documents, working with, 131–132

Play Range In Point (Command-Option-I), 10

Play Range Out Point (Command-Option-O), 10

playback, recording keyframes during, 79–80


moving object in Timeline to, 72–73

setting keyframes manually with, 77–78

slipping clips in Timeline, 74

splitting clips in Timeline, 73

Point light, 120

point size, text, 24


2D layering vs. 3D, 113–114

cameras, 107–109

using 3D Transform tool, 114–117

preferences, setting, 8, 21


applying style to text objects, 26

choosing project, 20

Export command, 135–136

using particle system, 49–50

using replicator, 57–58

Preview area, File Browser, 2

project markers, 76

Project pane (F5)

Audio tab, 16–17

defined, 13

keyboard shortcuts, 146

Layers tab, 13–16

location of, 7

Media tab, 16

showing/hiding in Canvas window, 6, 13

project presets, 20

Project Properties window, Render Settings tab, 124

properties, setting project, 20

Properties tab (F1), Inspector, 4

.psd files, 131–132


QuickTime movie, Export command, 136–137


Randomize Shape behavior, 46

Record Animation button, 10, 79–80

Rectangle or Circle Mask tool, 40

Rectangle tool, 35–36

Recursive setting, reflections, 124

Reduce Keyframes, Animation menu, 85

reflections, 123–124

regions, creating time, 74–75

regular behaviors. see behaviors

render options

in Final Cut Pro, 126

setting Canvas, 9

working with reflections, 124

Replace, Mask Blend Mode, 41

Replicate button, 13


behaviors and filters for, 64–66

creating, 58–59

defined, 57

modifying, 59

replicator cell parameters, 60–62

shapes of, 63–64

using preset, 57–58

Reset button, Properties tab, 4

resolution, in Canvas, 9

Retiming behaviors, 91

retiming clips, in mini-Timeline, 70

ripple deletes (Shift-Delete), 75


modifying text in Inspector, 24

Shift-[ / Shift-] moving selections in playhead, 8

using 3D Transform tool, 114–117

roundtripping. see Final Cut Pro



in Canvas window, 8

modifying text in Inspector, 24

in particle systems, 56

using 3D Transform tool, 114–117

Scroll command, Layout tab, 27

Scroll Text behavior, 32

Select/Transform tool

adjusting timing and duration of behaviors, 90

adjusting timing and duration of filters, 101

creating text, 24

Sequence Paint behavior, 47

Sequence Replicator behavior, 64–66

Sequence Text behavior, 32–33

sequences, sending to Motion from Final Cut Pro, 129–130

Sequential import, 68–69, 72

Set Speed behavior, 91


activating and adjusting, 122

disabling and re-enabling, 122–123

lighting for, 119

lighting parameters for, 120–121

Shape tab, Inspector, 38–40, 44–45


behaviors for, 46–48

converting to paint strokes, 43–45

creating masks, 40–43

custom, 36–38

emitter, 55–56

modifying closed, 38–39

modifying control points, 45

replicator, 63–64

simple, 35–36

Share command, exporting, 138

Shift-[ / Shift-] moving selections in playhead, 73

Shift-Delete (ripple delete), 75

Shift key, 36, 116

Show/Hide Keyframes button, 85

Simulation behavior, replicators, 64

Sketch tool, 18, 80

slipping clips, Timeline, 74


enabling/disabling in Keyframe Editor, 18

turning off when moving clips, 69

snapshots, curve, 82–83

Solo, in Audio tab, 17

Spin Over Life behavior, 56

splitting clips, 73

Spot light, 120

Stabilize behavior, 92

Stack, File Browser, 2

Status bar, 7, 8

Stroke pane, Shape tab, 44–45

Style pane, 25–26

Subtract, Mask Blend Mode, 41


Tab key, Toolbar, 11

Take/Show Curve Snapshot button, Keyframe Editor, 82–83

templates, using in Final Cut Pro, 130–131


behaviors, 32–34

creating, 23–24

generators, 30–31

modifying in HUD, 29

modifying in Inspector tab, 24–28

overview of, 23

using Adjust Glyph tool, 29–30

Text subtab, Inspector, 24

Text tool, 23–24

3D behaviors, 117–118

3D Compass, camera view, 111

3D groups

3D positioning vs. 2D layering, 113–114

adding camera to project, 106

designating, 14

positioning camera, 107–109

3D Transform tool (Q key), 114–117

3D view tools, camera, 109

Time Date text generator, 31

time regions, 74–75

Timecode text generator, 31

Timeline tab (Command-7)

adding objects to, 71–72

adjusting timing and duration of behaviors, 89–90

adjusting timing and duration of filters, 101

creating time regions in, 74–75

defined, 67

mini-Timeline functions in, 67

modifying keyframes in, 85

moving object to playhead in, 72–73

slipping clips in, 74

splitting clips in, 73

in Timing pane, 17


mini-Timeline, 67–71

overview of, 67

Timeline tab, 71–75

working with markers, 76

Timing pane (F6)

Audio Editor tab, 18–19

keyboard shortcuts, 145–146

Keyframe Editor tab, 18

location of, 7

showing/hiding in Canvas window, 6, 13

Timeline tab, 17

tinting, 53, 61

Title Safe area, 24


adding camera to project from, 105–106

Camera and Effects buttons, 12–13

Create tools, 11–12

Interface buttons, 13

location of, 7

Mask tools, 12, 40

overview of, 10

View tools, 11

Track Points behavior, 47

Tracking behavior, 91–92

tracking, modifying text, 24

Transform controls, 107–109

Transform Glyph attribute, Adjust Glyph tool, 29

Transform tool, 3D

in Canvas, 114–115

in HUD, 116–117

trimming objects, in mini-Timeline, 69–70

2D groups

2D layering vs. 3D positioning, 113–114

adding camera to project, 106

designating, 14

shadow controls not working with, 122


Unstabilize behavior, 92

user interface, buttons, 13

User Preferences, Final Cut Pro parameters, 126

Utility window, 2–6


Video/Audio, Export Options, 136–137

Video Processing tab, Final Cut Pro parameters, 126

view axis, 3D Transform tool in HUD, 117

View Layouts menu, 9, 112–113

View options, Canvas, 7–9

View tools, 11, 141–142

Viewer, using templates in Final Cut Pro, 131

Viewpoint camera, 107


camera options, 105, 110–111

modifying camera, 106–107

positioning camera, 107–109


Walk Camera tool, 109

world axis, 3D Transform tool in HUD, 117

Wriggle parameter behavior, 95–96

Wriggle shape behavior, 48

Write On behavior, 48


zoom, 9, 17

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