
Frank Pohlmann, Editorial Director at Apress, gave me the tremendous opportunity to write this book. I am very grateful for your advice and coaching as we hashed out what the book would look like.

A very special thanks to Anita Castro, the coordinating editor, who pushed me through the sometimes arduous task of completing the chapters, graphics, and code for this book. You gave me some incredible advice and were very patient with me throughout the process.

Thank you to all of the editors and reviewers who worked on the project with me. Your technical advice, wordsmithing, and organizational ideas made this book immeasurably better.

I have also had many great mentors and colleagues who prompted me to do what I thought was impossible. Thank you to Dave Briccetti for introducing me to the art of teaching computer science. Paul Spinrad was an amazing editor for Make Magazine who inspired me to take on this project after I read his two stunning books. Paul gave me good pointers, was patient with me, and refused to get angry despite my fickleness. I am very grateful to you.

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