Chapter 2. Choosing a Location for Your Site

Web Hosting

One of the most common questions people have when they set out to create a website is where to host it.

Remember that a website is a collection of web pages, graphics, script files, and anything else associated with the website. These files need to be stored on a computer that is accessible to other people. This computer that other people can access is also called a server. Deciding where to put your website’s files is extremely important and should be planned and researched like any other part of the process.


This section is chock-full of geek speak. I have explained the technical terms throughout this chapter so you understand the technology and therefore make the right web hosting choice.

What Is a Web Server?

A web server is a computer that stores and shares web files. Other people access these web files with their web browser.

You access servers every time you go to any web page. You type in the address of the server, it sends you the version of the web files it has stored on its hard drive, and voilá—you see the web page. A web server has three basic functions:

Image   Storage—A web server stores web files on a hard drive. Every web page, graphic, and script needs to be stored on a web server.

Image   Share Files—Based on the requests a web server gets, it provides the files over the Internet to a viewer’s browser.

Image   Analytics—A good web server keeps track of all the people accessing the website’s files and captures data about them. This can be incredibly useful and is talked about more in Chapter 18, “Maintaining Your Website.”

When you put your website’s files onto a server, the company that owns the servers is “hosting” your site.

A number of different server options may be available to you (see Figure 2.1). The rest of this section covers what to look for when making decisions about hosting your website. It is important to do this during the planning stage because the features or limitations of your hosting choice may influence your site when it comes time to build it.

Figure 2.1 Apache is an example of a free web server. You can find information about it at

Apache is an example of a free web server. You can find information about it at

Determining Your Web Hosting Needs

Before you decide on the hosting option that is right for you, it’s good to assess your needs for that hosting company. The following sections discuss some things you might want to consider.


Hosting your website files and making them accessible to other people can cost money. As with many of these considerations, a wide range of pricing is available, from close to free to more than a mortgage payment a month. Don’t think that any web hosting is completely free, though. Even if you host your own web server out of your home, you still need to buy the equipment and pay your electric bill, rent, and yourself.

Try to decide on a budget you can spend on an ongoing basis to have your website hosted. For my money, a little bit of monthly fee solves so many problems and offers so many opportunities it is well worth it.

Technical Knowledge Required

Some hosting options require you to have a higher level of technical skills than others. Honestly assess your technical skills and the time you’re willing to spend using these skills before choosing a hosting option.

Maintenance Needs

It’s important to know who is maintaining your web server. If you are doing it, you need to perform several regular maintenance tasks yourself. This includes making sure the server is running and accessible to other people. If you are using a hosting service, someone else might do this for you, but they probably expect to be paid. You need to evaluate how much time you can give to maintaining a web server or how much you are willing to spend.

Storage Space

Your web files take up digital space. You need to know the amount of space you have available to store your files. Unless you are the only website on the web server, you need to find out how much space you have available on that server and keep that in mind while planning your website.


How easy is it to upload and access your files on the web server? Do you have remote access to the server (you can connect to it from any other computer) or do you need to have physical access to it? This can make a huge difference if your access is limited or restricted in any way. Also, you should know what security requirements (such as personal information) you have to give the web hosting service for security reasons.

Bandwidth Needs

Bandwidth determines how much information can be transmitted over a period of time. Every time your website is downloaded it uses up some of the bandwidth allotted to you by the web server. One way to think of it is how many times your website files can be downloaded. Some web hosting services put a limit on the amount of bandwidth your website requires.

With some hosting options, bandwidth is nearly unlimited, and with others it is restricted. If you expect a lot of people to come to your website, pay careful attention to the web hosting bandwidth restrictions.

Domain Name Service

A domain name is an address on the Internet that is owned and stored at a particular place. See the Geek Speak sidebar for further explanation of domain names.

You need to know whether your hosting option will take care of domain name services and, if so, at what cost. Domain name services include registering and hosting your domain name so that other computers on the Internet know to come to your web host when they type in your URL.

Hosting Options

After you have some idea of what you are looking for in a hosting option, you should look around and research what is available. There are several options, so carefully match your web hosting needs with the right hosting option. The following sections describe some hosting options.

Home Hosting

It’s possible to host your own web server at home. At the very least you would need a dedicated web server machine, a dedicated always-on high-speed Internet connection, server software, and the technical know-how and time to install, configure, and maintain your own server, not to mention secure it. Tired yet? This option is usually for hard-core geeks, but yes, it is possible to host your web server from your own home.

Free Online Hosting

Some website hosting sites, such as Google Sites and Yahoo’s Geocities, allow free hosting for websites. They can offer this because they limit the storage, pages, and files you can put on their sites. Google Sites, for example, takes care of all the hosting for free but does not allow you any domain name service and allows a very limited amount of content. If you don’t want any web hosting hassles and have low technology needs, this might be the option for you.

Online Hosting Service

Several companies offer web hosting for a reasonable cost ($10 to $20 U.S. a month, plus setup fees). These services look after the servers and allow you a wide range of website possibilities. They usually have a number of different hosting plans, based on what you need in terms of domain and other technical services (things like physically maintaining the web server and installing new software versions).

This is the kind of hosting I use for my websites.

Professional Hosting

If you are expecting a huge amount of hosting and high technical customization needs, you might want to consider professional hosting. For a large sum of money, a hosting company rents you your own server and maintains it for you. This gives you a huge range of possibilities, but it is expensive.

Commercial Hosting

If you are creating a website for your company, there might be people within your company who can host and maintain your web server. If your boss asks you to create a website, try to find out whether a system is already in place for site hosting.

So What Works Best for You?

To help you pick the hosting option that fits your needs, I have summarized the possible needs described in this chapter in an easy-to-use reference shown in Table 2.1. You probably won’t find a perfect solution (the perfect solution being all features and services for free), but you can match the needs and options as closely as possible.

Table 2.1 Web Hosting Options


Working with Different Types of Hosting Services

After you have chosen the type of hosting you want, your job might not be complete. In fact, you might spend as much time researching the available services as you did choosing the type of hosting.

Free Services

Several free hosting services exist on the Internet. I profile a couple of them here, but this is by no means a complete list, and new site hosts show up every day. Before signing up, review the features of the site and the terms of service and use, read reviews of the service, and if possible, look at sites that use the free hosting service. Remember that although all these sites will host your website for free, they do come with limitations. The following sections describe a few of the best free services for web hosting.

I have given the websites letter grades for ease of use and features. A grade of A is excellent. A grade of B is good. A grade of C is satisfactory, and D is unsatisfactory.

Google Sites (

Ease of Use: A

Features: B

A relative newcomer to the free web page hosting business, Google again makes things as free and easy as its search engine is. Google’s emphasis with Google Sites is connecting people in groups as easily as possible. If you are interested in Google Sites make sure to watch the introduction tutorial.

Google Sites (see Figure 2.2) allows easy text editing, attachments, and comments. The page creation tool allows easy linking, addition of images, and creation of new pages. It has page templates for commonly created pages with programming already added. Google also allows you to let other people change your site if you are working on the website as a team.

Figure 2.2 Google Sites makes the creation of websites fast, easy, and cheap.

Google Sites makes the creation of websites fast, easy, and cheap.

You can easily customize your pages and no HTML is required. If you like Google Sites they also offer expanded services for a monthly fee.

Image    For more on Google Sites, see Chapter 9, “Web Page Services.”

Yahoo! GeoCities (

Ease of Use: A

Features: B

GeoCities (see Figure 2.3) began as its own website, but in 1998 it was bought by the Internet search company, Yahoo!. The goal of GeoCities has always been offering free web pages for people with free tools and no technical knowledge required. The site offers several design templates and layouts to fit your needs. It also has an extensive list of add-ons to give your page extra personality. There are also page wizards and an easy-to-use drag-and-drop page builder.

Figure 2.3 Yahoo!’s free website service is called GeoCities.

Yahoo!’s free website service is called GeoCities.

To keep running for free, Yahoo! GeoCities places ads on your page. If you are not interested in ads on your site, Yahoo! also offers site hosting with more features and no ads for a fee.

Windows Live Spaces (

Ease of Use: A

Features: D

Microsoft’s Windows Live Spaces (see Figure 2.4) offers a space for MSN or Microsoft Live users to store photos, lists, and blog entries. It is very limited in its features but is simple to use. In essence, it is not really hosting any kind of website, but it does give you a web presence if you want a very simple one.

Figure 2.4 Microsoft’s free pages include applications it calls gadgets.

Microsoft’s free pages include applications it calls gadgets.

Ease of Use: B

Features: A

JustFree offers you a place to host your website files. It also offers more technical features, such as running PHP scripts and connecting to a MySQL database. If you don’t know what those things are, don’t worry—you don’t need to. The idea here is that you need some technical knowledge to use the advanced features of this site.

JustFree limits the number of files and amount of bandwidth you can use, but those limits are more than adequate for a simple website. If you have some technical skills but no money, this may be the option for you.

Low-Cost Commercial Sites

If you are doing anything more than the basics, you probably should spend some money on a low-cost commercial web hosting company. If you are going to spend any money on your website, I would make this the first place you go. A good hosting company can give you so much in terms of features, space, and peace of mind it makes the low monthly fee well worth it. Here are a few of the better-known low-cost commercial sites. They all have tons of features and make setting up an excellent website much easier.

Image   Dream Host (

Image   Go Daddy (

Image   A Small Orange (

Image   Blue Host (

Other Resources

One thing I keep coming back to in this book is that people are using the Web to give out and collect information like never before. When trying to decide which web hosting service to go with, take the time to read what people are saying about it. Substantiate the claims each service makes by researching the service.

You might find a web service that sounds too good to be true and adds virus or other harmful software to your computer or website. In addition, new web hosting services appear constantly on the Internet. Keeping track of them all would be an impossibility, so let someone else do it for you. Web hosting sites are always being reviewed, and here are some of the websites that review those services:

Image   Free Web Hosting (—A rating site for free web hosting services.

Image (—A searchable guide to free web hosting.

Image   Find My Host (—Reviews and ratings of web hosting services.

Image   Webhosting Geeks (—Web hosting reviews from a more technical perspective.

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