Running shooter and platformer games

Running shooters and platformers are very similar, so we've combined them here. The object of both is to make it as far as you can, while conquering obstacles and enemies. The difference is that with a running shooter, you can destroy your enemies by shooting at them. As you saw with Ramblin' Rover, we used elements of these types of games with our rovers (especially on our second and third worlds).

These games are extremely easy to make if you use Buildbox's pre-built templates. With Buildbox 2, and its new ability to have multiple worlds, the possibilities with these games are greatly expanded. They also make great first-timer projects.

Here is an image from Chihua Hop. It's another project I made (as a test of physics and changing characters with Buildbox 1.x). The Chihuahua has to make it through the houses and yards of the neighborhood while avoiding aliens and cats, and collecting treats. The Chihuahua fires...well, what everyone that owns a dog dreads.

Running shooter and platformer games

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