Beginner applications

Stickers are probably the most widely used beacon application. They are tiny beacons that can stick to any surface (mostly valuable items). For example, imagine a beacon that sticks to your keys and constantly keeps track of its location. This beacon will warn you if you forget the keys in a restaurant. In this scenario, the sticker made the keys aware of their surroundings, which is the main purpose of the beacon technology. The sticker is in constant contact with the smartphone in order to know its position relative to the person. The same logic will be applied in our next example, but in a completely different scenario. Imagine you go shopping and, while passing through a clothing store, you get a beep on your cell phone. This is a Bluetooth Low Energy beacon sending a proximity broadcast regarding special offers. The application is not only beneficial for the customer but also for the store owner. If a beacon is put on every item, due to the built-in accelerometer, the beacon can now tell the owner how many times an item in the store is being picked up. This is valuable information and can be used by the store owner to study customer preferences. 

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