The future of technology and the Internet of Things

Every so often, there comes a new platform, product, or service that changes the way we think about the world. Fortunately, the journey of technology is not yet at its peak, and I doubt it will ever be. The next revolution in technology will not come from the computer or cellular phone industry; it will come from elsewhere.

It will come from the Internet of Things.

Augmented reality-based gadgets are one of my prime suspects, as they provide an amazing fusion of the real world with the virtual world. This new way of interaction will give developers and users a whole new technological domain. Unfortunately, the technology is not yet at its peak. It is expensive and only developed for gaming purposes. Once it starts to be developed for a more general audience, with more applications and less bulky hardware, it is going to be a revolutionary change. 

According to an estimate by Cisco Systems (, there will be 50 to 200 billion connected devices by 2020, which makes it a $1.7-trillion industry. The number is huge because it includes the automobile industry, wherein 90% of all the cars produced by 2020 will be connected to the Internet. A glimpse of this can be seen in Tesla and Lucid Motors, who are working on smart cars.  The following shows Lucid Air (a luxury car by Lucid Motors), which will be available by the end of 2018:

"Internet of Things" is a very broad term; just like Internet, it can refer to what the Internet actually is (a network) or something that the Internet does (for example, providing the ability to connect people, send messages, or make a voice call). The Internet of Things can be used to refer to:

  • A smart car (for example, Lucid Air or Tesla Model 3)
  • Smart devices in your home (for example, Google Home or Phillips Hue Lighting)
  • Controlling your home devices remotely through your cellular phone (for example, controlling them using a Bluetooth gateway)
  • Remote monitoring
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