Bluetooth Low Energy hardware

Classic Bluetooth was famous for its short distance connectivity in a cellular phone. This communication was a breakthrough over conventional IR communication as it did not require line-of-sight communication. The result was marvelous. It got famous among the cellular phone users and almost every vendor started to support Classic Bluetooth. The idea of the Bluetooth was simple enough for any lay person. You did not require any technical knowledge in order to send files and pictures to someone else's device. All you need to do is to enter the same passcode on two devices before pairing them.

It is not untrue to say that the success of Classic Bluetooth was marked by cellular industry. Users of Bluetooth did not require any additional Bluetooth hardware, rather their personal phones contained the built-in facility to connect to another Bluetooth device. Before the concept of Bluetooth Low Energy, the main hardware for Bluetooth communication was a cellular phone. This situation changed when Bluetooth Low Energy came into being. The industry realized that the devices can now be powered with the low energy. Users can now own their personal Bluetooth Low Energy device for the cheaper price.

This change in behavior in the thinking caused a boom in the Internet of Things. Users now have a technology that can be put into their appliances and provides free connectivity to their cellular phones. For the first time, Bluetooth came out of the cellular phones and was put separately. It is not to forget that Bluetooth headphones and some other Bluetooth devices existed before the launch of Bluetooth Low Energy but it came at the cost of the high power consumption.

Bluetooth Low Energy hardware is now a separate industry where manufacturers are making it easier for people to deploy BLE in their own devices. Bluetooth Developer Kits are widely available for the use today. This chapter will talk about some famous Bluetooth Low Energy hardware available in the market today.

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