
Well, this has been a bit of a mix-and-match of various topics to end on before we put together our home security system framework. I hope you enjoyed these various footnotes to previous chapters, and that it's given you some ideas on how far you can take your home security system.

We started by looking at ways we can arm and disarm our system without having to access the Web-based control panel, by adding a mechanical or digital switch to an arm/disarm input.

We then looked at adding analogue-type sensors to our system, which can alert us when a threshold has been reached by using operational amplifiers set up as voltage comparators. The idea behind these comparator circuits can be implemented for different types of sensors where you want to know when a certain voltage threshold has been reached at the analogue sensor output.

Finally, we learned how to install Webmin on our Raspberry Pi so that we can monitor and configure many aspects of the Linux operating system.

The next chapter is the moment we've all been waiting for; we're going to take all of the elements and concepts from the previous chapters and put together our full system comprising the elements we want to feature. The star of the show will be our Bash scripts, which will glue together all of these elements and provide the control logic for the entire system.

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