I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and appreciation to the following individuals. They have each played some part in helping me to initially understand the enormity of the threat severity associated with pandemics, in addition to supporting me in the subsequent writing of this book:

Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems at the World Health Organization.

Dr Jonathan Quick MD, MPH, Managing Director, Pandemic Response, Preparedness and Prevention, The Rockefeller Foundation.

Dr Lisa M Koonin DrPH, MN, MPH, a US public health official and medical researcher associated with the development of social distancing as a strategy to prevent the spread of viral diseases.

Dr Fergus O’Connor FRCS Lon, FRCS Ed.

Dr Martyn Hinchcliffe BM MRCP FRCR.

Catherine Feeney MSc FIH JP, Overseas Lecturer at Edinburgh Napier University.

Katy Watt Holder of two MSc degrees, Researcher.

Alan Cain BSc FSyI FSRM, Resilience Manager, NHS Greater Manchester Shared Services.

Robert Preininger CBCP, Business Continuity, Incident Response & Disaster Recovery Consultant, Nashville, USA

Sarah Alzaid, Business Continuity Manager, HSBC Bank, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Warren Goodall, Emergency Management Officer, NSW, Australia.

Wong Siu-leung, Hong Kong Centre for Health Protection.

Diana Yue, Hong Kong Mass Transit Railway (MTR) Corporation.

Geoffrey A Clark, Technical Artist.

Philip J Clark, Teacher of English as a Foreign Language.

Simon Lockyer, Headmaster, Royal Hospital School.

Simon Marsh, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, Royal Hospital School.

Lucy Pembroke, Primary and secondary education specialist in alumni relations and event management, Royal Hospital School.

Polly Honeychurch, Headteacher, Cottage Grove School, Portsmouth.

Andrea Springmann, MA, Destination Management, Sustainability Trainer, Hong Kong.

Fiona Aucott, Bournemouth Symphony Chorus.

David Claypoole, Founder and artistic director of the Virtual Light Opera Company.

Margo Dodd, Supporting the performing arts.

Martyn Parkes, Impromptu Opera.

Debbie Gallimore, Nutritional Therapist and Wellbeing Coach.

Anne Jobson, OBE, Barrister at law at Rougemont Chambers.

Clare Martin, Director of Community Projects, Pompey in The Community (PiTC), Portsmouth Football Club.

Joseph Lightfoot, Results Inc Gymnasiums.

Jane and Gavin Gosnell, Mustard Diner.

Damian Clarkson, The London Kitchen.

Hilary Bennis, Professional Granny.

Elizabeth Peacock, last but by no means least, a very good, long-standing, friend who had a sad story to tell.

I would also like to sincerely thank those individuals who chose to remain anonymous, but whose help and contribution towards the writing of this book has been significant. By remaining namelessness, I appreciate you were able to be more open about your observations and experiences.

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