Chapter 10. Basic Routing

<feature><title>Terms You’ll Need to Understand:</title> <objective>

Static routes


Default routes


Distance vector


Link state


Administrative distance


Routing Information Protocol (RIP)

<feature><title>Concepts and Techniques You’ll Need to Master:</title> <objective>

Understanding dynamic routing algorithms


Understanding the use of administrative distances


Configuring static routes


Configuring RIP



Routing is the process by which a packet gets from one location to another. To route a packet, a router needs to know the destination address and on what interface to send the traffic out (egress interface). When a packet comes into an interface (ingress interface) on a router, it looks up the destination IP address in the packet header and compares it with its routing table. The routing table, which is stored in RAM, tells the router which outgoing, or egress, interface the packet should go out to reach the destination network.

There are three ways to control routing decisions on your router:

Static Routes

Use a static route when you want to manually define the path that the packet will take through your network. Static routes are useful in small networks with rarely changing routes, when you have little bandwidth and do not want the overhead of a dynamic routing protocol, or when you want to manually define all of your routes for security reasons.

Static routes are created in global configuration mode. The syntax for the static route is as follows:

ip route destination network address [subnet mask]
{next-hop-address | interface] [distance]

For example, in Figure 10.1, Carol is trying to get to a web server on a different network. Her computer will be configured to use the Cancun router as its default gateway, but the Cancun router needs to know how to get to the network where the web server resides.

Static route example.

Figure 10.1. Static route example.

Using the Honolulu router as your next hop in the path to the web server, type the following to create a static route on the Cancun router:

ip route

Instead of routing to the next-hop router, you could also create a static route out of an interface. If you did not know the address of the Honolulu router, you could tell the Cancun router to use interface serial 0/0 to get to the network. The syntax would then be ip route serial 0/0.

At this point, you have created a route to get to the network attached to the Honolulu router. That will get Carol’s data to the web server, but the Honolulu router will also need a route to get traffic back to Carol’s network. Using the Cancun router as the next hop, the syntax would be

ip route

Remember that when entering the static route, the destination is a network address, whereas the next-hop address is a specific IP address assigned to another router’s interface. As noted previously, you can also create a static route to direct your traffic through a specific interface.

Default Routes

A default route is similar to a static route, but instead of configuring a route to a specific network, you are configuring the router to know where to send traffic for any network not found in its routing table. Default routes are used to establish a gateway of last resort for your router.

There are two ways to create a default route. The first is to use the same command that you used for a static route but use the network as your destination with a subnet mask of For example, to establish a default route to send traffic out serial 0/0 destined for any network not learned through dynamic or static means, type the following:

ip route serial 0/0

If you chose to specify the next-hop IP address of the router, you could type the following instead (assuming a next-hop address of

ip route

The second method of creating a default route is to use the ip default-network command. With this command, any traffic destined for networks not found in the routing table will be sent to the default network. Figure 10.2 illustrates the use of the default network. If Carol is trying to access the Internet, a default route could be configured with the following global configuration command on the Honolulu router:

Honolulu(config)#ip default-network
Default network example.

Figure 10.2. Default network example.

Note that you do not include the subnet mask in this command. Routing protocols, such as RIP, can propagate this default network to other routers. When Carol attempts to access the Internet, her computer sends traffic to the Cancun router, which is her default gateway. The Cancun router will see a default network of, look up this destination in its routing table, and forward her packets to the Honolulu router. The Honolulu router, in turn, will forward the traffic out its interface connected to the network and onto the Internet.

Exam Alert

Know how to configure a static route, default route, and default network.

Static and default routes are nice, but they are not scalable. If you need a scalable solution, you need to experiment with dynamic routing protocols. For the ICND1 exam, you need to know how to configure RIP, static, and default routing. For the CCNA and ICND2 exams, you will need to understand the operation and configuration of EIGRP and OSPF as well. EIGRP and OSPF are covered in Chapter 14, “Routing.”

Before we get into the details of each of these routing methods, you should first understand some of the characteristics of all routing protocols. These characteristics include administrative distances, metrics, distance vector, and link state operations.

Administrative Distance

Administrative distance is the measure of trustworthiness that a router assigns to how a route to a network was learned. A route can be learned if the network is directly connected, there is a static route to the network, or by various routing protocols as they exchange information about networks between routers. For example, in Figure 10.3, the Jupiter router needs to determine the best route to get to the network attached to the Earth router. It has learned of two separate paths; one is learned through EIGRP and the other through OSPF. EIGRP has decided that the best path for a packet destined to the network is through Saturn, Mars, and finally Earth. On the other hand, OSPF has determined that the best path is through Pluto and then Earth. The Jupiter router needs to decide which routing protocol it should trust, or prefer, over the other. The one preferred will be the one the router listens to when making decisions on how to route.

Administrative distance decisions.

Figure 10.3. Administrative distance decisions.

To determine which routing source is preferred, Cisco has assigned administrative distances to sources of routing information. A router will choose the route that is learned through the source with the lowest administrative distance. Table 10.1 illustrates the default administrative distance value.

Table 10.1. Administrative Distances

Routing Source

Administrative Distance





EIGRP (internal)




RIP (version 1 and 2)


EIGRP (external)


Exam Alert

It is possible to change the administrative distance of a static route by appending a different administrative distance to the end of the command. For example, the following command assigns the administrative distance of 130 to a static route:

ip route serial 0/0 130

Changing the administrative distance of a static route is commonly used when configuring a backup route, called a floating static route. If you do not specify an administrative distance at the end of the static route, the default is being used. For the exam, you should be able to look at the syntax of a static route and know what administrative distance is being used.

Exam Alert

Make sure that you memorize this table. You should know both the values and understand the concept of administrative distances. Remember, the lowest number is preferred. It might help you to memorize these by remembering the word “Eeyore”—E-OR, for EIGRP, OSPF, and RIP. This is the order of the dynamic routing protocols. (EIGRP external routes are discussed in Chapter 14, “Routing.”) They are also alphabetical in order.

In Figure 10.3, the Jupiter router would take the EIGRP learned path through Saturn and Mars to get to the network attached to the Earth router. EIGRP has a lower administrative distance (90) than OSPF (110) and is therefore preferred.


In the previous example, two routing protocols run on the routers, but OSPF and EIGRP chose two different paths to get to the Earth router. Each routing protocol has its own algorithm to determine what it considers to be the best path to a destination network. The main factor in deciding the best path is the routing protocol’s metric.

A metric is the variable used in the algorithm when making routing decisions. Each routing protocol uses a different type of metric. Table 10.2 illustrates the different metrics used by routing protocols.

Table 10.2. Routing Metrics

Routing Protocol




Hop Count

The number of hops, or routers, that a packet has to pass through to reach a destination. The route with the lowest hop count is preferred.


Bandwidth, Delay

Uses Bandwidth and Delay by default, but also can factor Reliability, Load, and Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU).



Cost is defined as 108/bandwidth.

Metrics are not the only thing that distinguishes the routing protocols. Routing protocols can be further classified into two categories:

  • Distance vector routing protocols

  • Link state routing protocols

Distance Vector Routing Protocols

Distance vector routing protocols include RIP and the now unsupported legacy protocol, Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (IGRP). EIGRP is a hybrid that contains many of the characteristics of a distance vector protocol. Characteristics of distance vector routing protocols are as follows:

  • Periodically broadcasts entire routing table out of all interfaces.

  • Trusts what the other router tells it. (For this reason, distance vector routing is sometimes called “routing by rumor.”)

Controlling Routing Loops

Because distance vector routing protocols trust the next router without compiling a topology map of all networks and routers, distance vector protocols run the risk of creating loops in a network.

This is analogous of driving to a location without a map. Instead, you trust what each sign tells you. Trusting the street signs might get you where you want to go, but I’ve been in some cities where trusting what the signs say will lead you in loops. The same is true with distance vector routing protocols. Simply trusting what the next router tells it can potentially lead the packets to loop endlessly. These loops could saturate a network and cause systems to crash. This, in turn, makes managers very upset and means that you have to work late into the evening to fix it.

Luckily, distance vector protocols have some mechanisms built in to them to prevent loops. These mechanisms are as follows:

  • Maximum hop count

  • Split horizon

  • Route poisoning

  • Poison reverse

  • Holddown timers

  • Triggered updates

Routers maintain a routing table which is stored in RAM. The routing table lists every network the router has learned about and the number of hops, or routers, it takes to go through to get to a destination network. For example, if a packet sent from a router needs to go through two other routers to get to the destination network, a hop count of two would be recorded. All distance vector routing protocols maintain a record of hop count even if they do not use hop count in their routing decisions.

Examine Figure 10.4. Through the use of a dynamic routing protocol, each router will exchange information with the next router. Mars will learn of the networks known by Saturn and Jupiter, and Mars will let Saturn and Jupiter know of the networks that Mars knows about. Table 10.3 shows the networks and associated hop counts for each router.

Avoiding loops.

Figure 10.4. Avoiding loops.

Table 10.3. Hop Count





















Distance vector routing protocols keep track of hop counts because if a route exceeds a maximum hop count limit (determined differently by each routing protocol), the network is considered unreachable. This prevents packets from cycling endlessly across your networks. Table 10.4 shows the maximum hop count for distance vector protocols.

Table 10.4. Maximum Hop Count Values

Routing Protocol

Maximum Hop Count





Exam Alert

Make sure that you know the maximum hop count for all routing protocols. Note that OSPF is not mentioned here. OSPF is a link-state protocol and has an unlimited hop count.

Having a maximum hop count should be enough to prevent loops, but because loops are so dangerous, other methods are used as well. The second method to prevent routing loops is split horizon. The split horizon rule states that information about a route should not be sent back in the direction in which it was learned.

Look back at Figure 10.4. The split horizon rule states that if Saturn tells Mars about the network, Mars should not advertise it back to Saturn. If it did, Saturn would be confused and think that it could possibly use Mars to get to the should its interface to that network ever go down. This would cause a packet to loop endlessly as the packet would go to Mars, which would in turn send it back to Saturn. Split horizon resolves this issue by ensuring that the Mars router never sends information about the network back to the Saturn router that it heard it from.

To make absolutely sure that no loops are created, route poisoning and poison reverse are also implemented. With route poisoning, as soon as a network is thought to be down, it is advertised out with a hop count that is one greater than what is allowed. This would declare the route as being inaccessible. Poison reverse does the same thing but in reverse. The router that hears about a down network, violates split horizon, and sends back an update with the network being unreachable. Figure 10.5 illustrates how this would look if the routers were running RIP, where the maximum hop count is 15 and a hop count of 16 declares the route inaccessible.

Poison reverse and route poisoning.

Figure 10.5. Poison reverse and route poisoning.

The next mechanism to prevent loops is holddown timers. When a router receives information that a network is possibly down from a neighbor router, it will not accept any new information from that router for a specified period of time. This is to prevent regular update messages from reinstating a down route. The default holddown timer for RIP is 180 seconds.

Finally, triggered updates are used to prevent loops by exchanging routing information whenever there is a change. In other words, a change in the routing topology will trigger routers to update each other. Without triggered update, a router would have to wait for the next update interval to learn of a changed route. During that period when a route is changed and when the next routine update is sent out there is a potential of a loop. To lessen the risk of a loop during this waiting period, routers will not wait for the update interval to send out the information about a changed network but will instead send out the information immediately. This way all routers can learn of the change as soon as possible.

Link State Routing Protocols

If distance vector routing protocols are like trusting the highway signs when you are on a road trip, link state routing protocols are like having the map in front of you. With link state routing protocols such as OSPF, your router will know all the networks and the various paths to the networks.

The Cisco Hybrid: EIGRP

Extra! Extra! Read all about it! EIGRP solves the world’s problems. It’s the best of both worlds! You get the best of link state and distance vector routing all built in to one protocol!

Okay, so perhaps that’s a little more hype than necessary, but it is not that far from the truth. EIGRP is a Cisco-proprietary protocol that combines characteristics of link state and distance vector routing protocols. For example, like a link state routing protocol, it sends out hello messages to discover its neighbors. However, it does not have a built-in hierarchical design like OSPF, thus making it more like a distance vector. The operations and configurations of EIGRP and OSPF are not tested on in the ICND1 exam, but you will want to know the differences between link state and distance vector protocols. You read more about EIGRP later, but for now let’s start with a very simple protocol, RIP.

Exam Alert

Know the characteristics of distance vector and link state routing protocols and know which of these categories each routing protocol falls into.


The Routing Information Protocol (RIP) uses the Bellman-Ford algorithm, which simply counts the number of hops, or routers, to a destination network and chooses the path that is the fewest number of hops. Any destination that is more than 15 hops away is considered inaccessible.

Characteristics of RIP

RIP routers exchange information by broadcasting the entire routing table every 30 seconds out all interfaces with RIP enabled. RIP version 2 also sends out updates every 30 seconds but sends out updates using the multicast address of (can be configured to do unicast as well). In addition, version 2 provides the following benefits not available in version 1:

  • Routing authentication

  • Classless routing

  • Summarization

Implementing RIP

Configuring RIP is straightforward. The four steps to configuring a routing protocol are as follows:

  1. Enable the routing protocol.

  2. Activate it on interfaces.

  3. Advertise directly on networks.

  4. Configure optional parameters.

The first step, enable the routing protocol, is done from global configuration mode by typing router rip. The next two steps, activating RIP on interfaces and advertising networks, is done with a single command, the network command.

If you look at Figure 10.6 you see three routers named Larry, Curly, and Moe. For the Moe router, you need to enable RIP and enter the networks you want to advertise. The Moe router has the and networks directly connected to it. Moe’s configuration would be

Moe(config)#router rip
RIP example.

Figure 10.6. RIP example.

Larry has three networks attached to his router. His configuration would be

Larry(config)#router rip

Finally, we can’t forget Curly. Curly’s configuration would be

Curly(config)#router rip

When you enter your networks in your RIP configuration, RIP is activated on the interfaces that are assigned those networks. All networks that you listed in your configuration are then sent out all RIP-activated interfaces. Thus, the networks that you entered on Curly’s router will be sent out to Larry. Larry will take what he learned from Curly, add his own networks, and send them out to Moe. Larry will also learn networks from Moe, add his own networks, and send them out to Curly.

Remember to enter only your directly connected networks. Curly, for example, should not enter in his configuration because that network is not directly connected to his router. Also, you should enter classful networks only. A classful network is the major class A, B, or C network with the default masks of /8, /16, or /24. This means that even if you are subnetting, you should enter the major Class A, B, or C address. In Figure 10.7, our three friends have new networks that are taken from a major Class A network. Even though multiple networks are attached to them, enter only the major network. Thus, all three routers would have the same configuration:

Router(config)#router rip
RIP example with subnetting.

Figure 10.7. RIP example with subnetting.

Finally, you may enter some optional commands. The two optional commands that you should be familiar with for the exam are as follows:

  • version 2

  • no auto-summary

Both commands are entered under the RIP routing process. The first command, version 2, enables RIP version 2 on your router. RIP version 2 adds the benefits of optional authentication, multicast updates, summarization, and classless routing. Although RIP version 2 does support classless routing, it still automatically summarizes all networks on the default Class A, B, and C boundaries. In our previous example in Figure 10.7, RIP version 2 still summarizes the networks at the major boundary. (/8 is the default mask for a Class A network.) To disable automatic summarization, enter the no auto-summary command under the routing process. Using Figure 10.7 again, the complete configuration for Larry’s router, assuming that you wanted RIP version 2 with no automatic summarization, is

Larry(config)#router rip
Larry(config-router)#version 2
Larry(config-router)#no auto-summary

Note that even though we disabled automatic summarization, we still put the default classful networks in our configuration. RIP is smart enough to go on the interfaces and discover the individual subnetworks and their associated subnet masks.

Exam Alert

The three classless routing protocols in this chapter are RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF. Remember these three protocols. Also, classless routing, VLSM, summarization, supernetting (another term for summarization), and route aggregation are all related, so if you are asked which routing protocols support these, remember RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF.

Verifying and Troubleshooting RIP

Now that RIP is configured, you should verify your configuration. There are two commands that you can use to verify proper operation of RIP:

  • show ip route

  • show ip protocols

The first command displays your routing table. For the sake of simplicity, we’ll go back to our original example of our three friends before they got creative and started subnetting. Figure 10.8 shows the Larry, Curly, and Moe routers before they subnetted. This time, the names of the interfaces have been included.

RIP example—before subnetting.

Figure 10.8. RIP example—before subnetting.

After executing the show ip route command on Larry’s router, you should see the following:

Gateway of last resort is not set.
R [120/1] via 00:00:08, Serial 0/0
R [120/1] via 00:00:16, Serial 0/1
C is directly connected, FastEthernet 0/0
C is directly connected, Serial 0/0
C is directly connected, Serial 0/1

You should be comfortable reading the output of this command. Figure 10.9 provides a legend to understand the important elements that make up the output.

Understanding show ip route.

Figure 10.9. Understanding show ip route.

On Moe’s router, the output looks as follows:

Gateway of last resort is not set.
R [120/1] via 00:00:20, Serial 0/0
R [120/1] via 00:00:20, Serial 0/0
R [120/2] via 00:00:20, Serial 0/0
C is directly connected, FastEthernet 0/0
C is directly connected, Serial 0/0

Notice how the hop count for the network is 2 because that network is two hops away. You must go through the Larry and Curly router to get to this network.

Curly’s router has the following output:

Gateway of last resort is not set.
R [120/2] via 00:00:4, Serial 0/0
R [120/1] via 00:00:4, Serial 0/0
R [120/1] via 00:00:4, Serial 0/0
C is directly connected, FastEthernet 0/0
C is directly connected, Serial 0/0

The second RIP command you should use is the show ip protocols command to verify the operation of RIP on your router. Among other things, this command shows you the timers and the networks you are routing. These networks are the same ones you entered under the RIP routing process. Following is the output of this command on the Larry router:

Larry# show ip protocols
Routing Protocol is "rip"
Sending updates every 30 seconds, next due in 19 seconds
Invalid after 180 seconds, hold down 180, flushed after 240
Outgoing update filter list for all interfaces is
Incoming update filter list for all interfaces is
Redistribution: rip
Default version control: send version 1, receive any version
Interface       Send Recv Triggered RIP Key-chain
FastEthernet0/0  1    1       2
Serial0/0        1    1       2
Serial0/1        1    1       2
Routing for Networks:
Routing Information Sources:
Gateway Distance Last Update 120 00:00:02 120 00:00:26

Sometimes things do not work the way you anticipated. If this happens, you may want to turn on debugging. Use the debug ip rip command to debug the routing process.


You should be very careful when using debug commands. If there is a significant amount of output being generated, it can crash your router. Only turn on debugging if you know it is safe in your environment. If you are not sure, contact Cisco’s Technical Assistance Center (TAC) before debugging.

Executing this command on Moe’s router generates the following output:

Moe#debug ip rip
1. RIP: received v1 update from on Serial0/0
2. in 1 hops
3. in 1 hops
4. in 2 hops
5. RIP: sending v1 update to via Serial0/0
6.      network, metric 1
7. RIP: sending v1 update to via FastEthernet0/0
8.     network, metric 1
9.     network, metric 2
10.     network, metric 2
11.     network, metric 3

For sake of clarity, each line of this output has been numbered.

The metric is added as it leaves the router. By looking at the networks being sent out with a metric of 1, we can glean that this router is configured to route for networks and (lines 6 and 8). You can also look at the interface IP addresses to see what networks are directly connected to the router (lines 5 and 7).

From this output, you can also tell that split horizon works. The split horizon rule states that you never advertise a route out of the interface through which it was learned. This router has learned three networks on interface serial 0/0 (lines 2, 3, and 4), but has not advertised out of any of them (line 6).

Exam Alert

You need to feel comfortable reading the output of the debug IP RIP command. Remember, it is not useful to send information back in the direction from which it came or to the source from which it came. If the learned route is not returned through the same interface on which it was received, the split horizon rule is in effect.

Exam Prep Questions


Given the exhibit in Figure 10.10, how would you configure RIP version 1 on the Chicago router?

Exam Prep Questions


Which of the following are methods used by distance vector routing protocols to prevent loops? Select all that apply.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Triggered holddowns

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Triggered updates

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Split horizon

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Split updates

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Holddown timers


Given the exhibit shown in Figure 10.11, what is the correct configuration for the Iceland router?

Exam Prep Questions


What does RIP version 2 add that is not found in RIP version 1? Select all that apply.

Exam Prep Questions

For questions 57, refer to Figure 10.12.


What would be the syntax to create a static route to the Atlantic City Fa0/1 network from the New Delhi router?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route Fastethernet0/1
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route fastethernet0/0
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route mask gw
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route 255.255.240 fa0/1


What is the command to enter a default route on Shanghai’s router to send all traffic to the New Delhi router?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip default-route fastethernet0/0
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route default fastethernet0/0
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route fasthernet0/0
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route fastethernet0/0
Exam Prep Questions
  1. Router(config)#ip route fastethernet0/0


You have replaced your static routes with RIP. You enter the following configuration for all three routers:

Router(config)#router rip

Users are complaining that they are unable to communicate between the different networks. What is wrong? (Choose all that apply.)

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Nothing. You cannot use subnetted networks with RIP.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. You must specify the specific networks along with their respective masks.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. You must specify the specific networks but do not need to specify the subnet masks.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. You must type the no auto-summary command under the router process.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. You must type the ip classless command.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. You must type the version 2 command under the router process.


Your network is running EIGRP, OSPF, RIP, and static routes. Which routing source will be the least preferred?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. EIGRP

Exam Prep Questions
  1. OSPF

Exam Prep Questions
  1. RIP

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Static

For questions 9 through 12, refer to the following output.

Router#debug ip rip
RIP: received update from on FastEthernet0/0 in 1 hops in 2 hops in 16 hops (inaccessible) in 4 hops
RIP: sending update to via Fastethernet0/0 (, metric 1
RIP: sending update to via Serial0/0/0 ( in 2 hops
 <output omitted>


Which version of RIP is being used on this router?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Version 1

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Version 2

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Impossible to tell from the output

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Version 1 on interface FastEthernet0/0 and version 2 on Serial 0/0/0


What will happen to a packet destined for the network?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. It will be forwarded out the FastEthernet0/0 interface.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. It will be forwarded out the Serial0/0/0 interface.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. It will be dropped.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. It will be sent to the default route.


Which networks are directly attached to this router? (Choose all that apply.)

Exam Prep Questions

Exam Prep Questions

Exam Prep Questions

Exam Prep Questions

Exam Prep Questions


How many hops away will the network be for the router located at IP address

Exam Prep Questions
  1. one

Exam Prep Questions
  1. two

Exam Prep Questions
  1. three

Exam Prep Questions
  1. four

Answers to Exam Prep Questions


Answer B is correct. RIP version 1 is a classful routing protocol, which means that it does not send out the subnet mask in its update. When configuring RIP, you must put in the default classful networks, even if you are subnetting. In this example, a Class C network has been subnetted, but you should enter the network statement using the full class network of Answer A is incorrect because it enters all three networks, and it uses subnet masks. Answer C is incorrect because it enters all three networks. Answer D is incorrect because it enters a subnet mask, which is not used in RIP.


Answers B, C, and E are correct. Triggered updates send out updates whenever there is a change in an effort to speed up convergence. Split horizon tells the router not to send back route information in the direction it received it from. Holddown timers hold on to route information for a period of time to wait for other routers to converge. Answers A and D are incorrect because these do not exist.


Answer D is correct. When configuring RIP, remember that you should configure it for all directly connected classful networks only. Answer A is incorrect because it configures more networks than necessary. Answer B is incorrect because no number is added to the end of the router rip command. Answer C is incorrect because it is missing a network.


Answers A, B, C, and D are correct. RIP version 2 supports MD5 authentication between routers, summarization, multicast updates to instead of broadcast updates, and variable length subnet masks (VLSM). Remember, if a routing protocol is classless, this means that it supports VLSM and summarization. RIPv2, EIGRP, and OSPF are all classless.


Answer is C. The syntax for a static route is ip route <destination network address> [subnet mask] {next-hop-address | interface] [distance]. Answer A is wrong because you can not use slash notation (/29) in the command. Answer B is wrong because the wrong interface is being used. Answer D is wrong because it is using the wrong syntax. Finally, Answer E is incorrect because it is using the wrong subnet mask.


Answer D is correct. A default route has for the network and for the mask to specify any network and any mask. Answers A and B are incorrect because they are not valid commands. Answer C is incorrect because it is missing a subnet mask. Answer E is incorrect because it is using the wrong subnet mask value.


Answers D and F are correct. Only RIP version 2 supports classless routing with variable length subnet masks (VLSM). Once you enable version 2, you must follow that up with the no auto-summary command to disable automatic summarization. Answer A is wrong because there is a problem with the configuration. Answers B and C are wrong because you use the classful networks and do not specify a subnet mask. Answer E is wrong because the ip classless command is irrelevant.


Answer C is correct. RIP has the highest administrative distance so it is the least preferred routing information source. Answers A, B, and D are incorrect because their administrative distances are lower than that of RIP.


Answer A is correct. RIP version 1 sends out broadcasts to RIP version 2 sends out multicast packets to All other answers are therefore incorrect.


Answer C is correct. According to the output, the network is inaccessible and therefore any traffic to it will be dropped by the router.


Answers A and E are correct. If you look at the IP addresses assigned to the FastEthernet0/0 and the Serial0/0/0 interfaces you will see that they are on the and networks respectively. All other answers are incorrect because they are not local to the router but are instead learned through routing updates.


Answer A is correct. The local router in the output is advertising the network as one hop away. When the router at IP address receives this information, it will populate its routing table with that information.

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