Chapter 1. Networking Fundamentals

<feature><title>Terms You’ll Need to Understand:</title> <objective>









Point-to-point topology


Star topology


Ring topology


Bus topology

<feature><title>Techniques You’ll Need to Master:</title> <objective>

Identifying network technologies


Understanding Ethernet



A qualified CCNA is expected to have a broad understanding of different network technologies and a more detailed knowledge of a few specific ones. This chapter introduces the basics of networking and points out some of the concepts that are tested on the CCNA exam(s).

Components and Terms

A network is a set of devices, software, and cables that enables the exchange of information between them. Host devices are computers, servers, laptops, Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs), or anything a person uses to access the network. Network devices are hubs, repeaters, bridges, switches, routers, and firewalls (to name a few). Cables can be copper, fiber optic, or even wireless radio (which isn’t really a cable, but serves the same purpose). The applications used on a network include those that actually enable network connectivity, such as the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), those that test network links, such as the Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP), and end-user applications, such as email and File Transfer Protocol (FTP). There are thousands of networkable applications; we are concerned with a small number of them.


A topology describes the layout of a network. You need to know several topologies for the exam. These are

  • Point-to-Point—A point-to-point topology involves two hosts or devices that are directly connected to each other and to nothing else; anything sent by one can be received only by the other. Serial communication is usually point-to-point, but not always.

  • Star—A star topology is one in which one host or device has multiple connections to other hosts; this is sometimes called hub-and-spoke as well. In a star topology, if a host wants to send to another host, it must send traffic through the hub or central device. Ethernet, if using a hub or a switch and twisted-pair cabling, is star-wired.

  • Ring—A ring topology is created when one device is connected to the next one sequentially, with the last device being connected to the first. The actual devices don’t necessarily form a circle, but the data moves in a logical circle. FDDI and Token Ring are examples of ring topologies.

  • Bus—A bus topology uses a single coaxial cable, to which hosts are attached at intervals. The term bus comes from an electrical bus, which is a point from which electrical power can be drawn for multiple connections. Ethernet that uses coaxial cable creates a bus topology.

  • Mesh—A full mesh is a topology with multiple point-to-point connections that connect each location to the others. The advantage is that you can send data directly from any location to any other location instead of having to send it through a central point. There are more options for sending if one of the connections fails. The disadvantages are that it is expensive and complex to implement a full mesh. You can compromise and build a partial mesh, which is when only some locations are connected to the other locations.

LAN Technologies

LAN stands for local area network. LANs are short-range, high-speed networks typically found in schools, offices, and, more recently, homes. Over the years, there have been many types of LANs. Currently, Ethernet is king, and other than wireless technologies, it is the only LAN technology you need to know for the CCNA exam.


Ethernet is the most common LAN technology in use today. Ethernet is a family of implementations, which have evolved into faster and more reliable solutions all based on a common technology.

Ethernet was pioneered by Digital Equipment Corporation, Intel, and Xerox and first published in 1980. The IEEE modified it and gave it the specification 802.3. The way Ethernet works is closely linked to its original connection type: A coaxial cable was used to join all the hosts together. This formed a segment. On a single segment, only one host could use the cable at a time; because the wire was coaxial, with one positive conductor and one negative conductor, it created a single electrical circuit. This single circuit could be energized by only one host at a time, or a conflict would result as two hosts tried to talk at once and nothing got through. Much the same thing happens when you and a friend try to send at the same time using walkie-talkies; all that is heard is noise. This conflict is called a collision.

CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection) is the method Ethernet uses to deal with collisions. When a host wants to transmit, it first listens to the wire to see if anyone else is transmitting at that moment. If it is clear, it can transmit; if not, it will wait for the host that is transmitting to stop. Sometimes, two hosts decide at the same instant that the wire is clear, and collide with each other. When this happens, the hosts that were involved with the collision send a special jam signal that advises everyone on that segment of the collision. Then all the hosts wait for a random period of time before they check the wire and try transmitting again. This wait time is tiny—a few millionths of a second—and is determined by the backoff algorithm. (The backoff algorithm is the mathematical equation a host runs to come up with the random number.) The theory is that if each host waits a different amount of time, the wire should be clear for all of them when they decide to transmit again.

Any Ethernet segment that uses coaxial cable (10-BASE 2, 10-BASE 5) or a hub with twisted-pair cabling is a collision environment.

Exam Alert

When a collision occurs

  1. A jam signal is sent.

  2. All hosts briefly stop transmitting.

  3. All hosts run the backoff algorithm, which decides the random time they will wait before attempting to transmit again.

Collisions have the effect of clogging up a network because they prevent data from being sent. The more hosts you have sharing a wire, and the more data they have to send, the worse it gets. A group of devices that are affected by one another’s collisions is called a collision domain. As networks grew, it became necessary to break up collision domains so that there were fewer collisions in each one. Devices called bridges and switches did this; these devices are covered in Chapter 6, “Basic Catalyst Switch Operations and Configuration.”

It is possible to eliminate collisions altogether if we can provide separate send and receive circuits; this is more like a telephone (which allows us to speak and hear at the same time) than a walkie-talkie. This requires four conductors—a positive and negative pair for each circuit. The use of twisted-pair cabling (not coax), which has at least four conductors (and more likely eight) allows us to create a full duplex connection, with simultaneous send and receive circuits. Full-duplex connections eliminate collisions because the host can now send and receive simultaneously.

Modern Ethernet is fast, reliable, and collision free if you set it up right. Speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second are possible with the correct cabling.

Table 1.1 summarizes some of the different Ethernet specifications, characteristics, and cable types. This is not all of them, just an idea of how far Ethernet has come.

Table 1.1. Comparing Ethernet Implementations





Maximum Range


10-BASE 5


10Mbs Half duplex Thicknet



10-BASE 2


10Mbs Half duplex Thicknet



10/100-BASE T


10/100Mbs Half-duplex UTP



100-BASE T


100Mbs Half/Full duplex UTP





100Mbs Full duplex Multimode Fiber Optic



1000-BASE T


1000Mbs Full duplex UTP



1000-BASE ZX


1000Mbs Full duplex Single-Mode Fiber Optic


Exam Alert

You should be familiar with the contents of Table 1.1.

WAN Technologies

A wide-area network (WAN) serves to interconnect two or more LANs. WAN technology is designed to extend network connectivity to much greater distances than any LAN technology is capable of. Most companies can’t afford to build their own WAN, so it is usual to buy WAN service from a service provider. Service providers are in the business of building and selling WAN connectivity; they invest in the equipment, cabling, and training to build transcontinental networks for other businesses to rent. For the CCNA exam, you need to be familiar with four types of WAN connections and the protocols associated with them. WAN connectivity and configuration is covered in detail in Chapter 7, “Introduction to Wide-Area Networks.” The four WAN connection types are outlined in the following sections.

Dedicated Leased Line Connections

A leased line refers to a connection that is installed and provisioned for the exclusive use of the customer. Essentially, when you order a leased line, you get your very own piece of wire from your location to the service provider’s network. This is good because no other customer can affect your line, as can be the case with other WAN services. You have a lot of control over this circuit to do things such as Quality of Service and other traffic management. The downside is that a leased line is expensive and gets a lot more expensive if you need to connect offices that are far apart.

A leased line is typically a point-to-point connection from the head office to a branch office, so if you need to connect to multiple locations, you need multiple leased lines. Multiple leased lines get even more expensive. Leased-line circuits typically run the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), High-Level Data-Link Control Protocol (HDLC), or possibly Serial Line Internet Protocol (SLIP). (These protocols are covered in detail in Chapter 7.)

Circuit-Switched Connections

A circuit-switched WAN uses the phone company as the service provider, either with analog dial-up or digital ISDN connections. With circuit-switching, if you need to connect to the remote LAN, a call is dialed and a circuit is established; the data is sent across the circuit, and the circuit is taken down when it is no longer needed. Circuit-switched WANs usually use PPP, HDLC, or SLIP, and they tend to be really slow—anywhere from 19.2K for analog dialup to 128K for ISDN using a Basic Rate Interface (BRI). They can also get expensive because most contracts specify a pay-per-usage billing.

Packet-Switched Connections

Packet-switched WAN services allow you to connect to the provider’s network in much the same way as a PC connects to a hub: When connected, your traffic is affected by other customers’ and theirs by you. This can be an issue sometimes, but it can be managed. The advantage of this shared-bandwidth technology is that with a single physical connection from your router’s serial port (typically), you can establish virtual connections to many other locations around the world. So if you have a lot of branch offices and they are far away from the head office, a packet-switched solution is a good idea. Packet-switched circuits usually use Frame Relay or possibly X.25.

Cell-Switched Connections

Cell switching is similar to packet switching; the difference is that with packet-switched networks, the size of the units of data being sent (called frames) is variable. Cell-switched units (cells) are of a constant size. This makes dealing with heavy traffic loads easier and more efficient. Cell-switched solutions such as Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) tend to be big, fast, and robust.

Wireless Networks

There has been a boom recently in the deployment of wireless networks for both LAN and WAN applications. The IEEE 802.11 Wireless Fidelity standard, affectionately known as Wi-Fi, specifies a growing set of standards for short-range, high-speed wireless systems that are good for everything from mobile device connectivity to home media center systems. The advantages are the elimination of cables and the freedom of movement; the disadvantages are in range, reliability, and security. Wireless is a good WAN choice for moderate distances (less than 10 miles, for example) with line-of-sight between them—for example, between buildings in a campus. Special antennas are used to make the wireless signal directional and increase the range, often to more than 20 kilometers.


Wireless networking will be covered in more detail in Chapter 8, “Wireless LANs.”

Other Network Technologies

The CCNA exam is chiefly concerned with the previous LAN/WAN systems, but it is interesting to note some of the other directions that networks are headed as well. Following are other types of networks:

  • A MAN, or metropolitan area network, uses fiber-optic connections to dramatically extend the reach of high-speed LAN technologies. This service is typically found only in urban business centers where large corporations need high bandwidth, hence the metro name.

  • A SAN is a storage area network. This is a very high-speed, medium-range system that allows a server (or cluster of servers) to access an external disk storage array as if it were a locally connected hard drive. This opens up huge possibilities for fault-tolerant and centrally-managed data systems, but it’s expensive.

  • Content networks are developed in response to the huge amount—as well as the kind—of information available on the Internet. Content networks deal with making access to the information faster, as well as logging and controlling access to certain kinds of material.

However, these specialized network types are beyond the scope of CCNA.

Exam Prep Questions


Your boss asks you to explain what happens when a collision occurs on an Ethernet segment. Which of the following are accurate? Choose 3.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Every device stops transmitting for a short time.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. When it is safe to transmit again, the devices that collided get priority access to the wire.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. The collision starts a random backoff algorithm.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. A jam signal is sent to alert all devices of the collision.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Only the devices involved in the collision stop transmitting briefly to clear the wire.


How is equal access to the wire managed in a collision-oriented environment such as Ethernet?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. The hosts are given equal access based on the circulation of a token; hosts can only transmit when they hold the token.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Hosts are given prioritized access to the wire based on their MAC address.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Hosts are given equal access to the wire by being allowed to transmit at specified time intervals.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Hosts signal their desire to transmit by sending a contention alert.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Hosts check the wire for activity before attempting to send; if a collision happens, they wait a random time period before attempting to send again.


Which of the following are commonly used WAN protocols? Choose 3.

Exam Prep Questions
Exam Prep Questions
  1. WING

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Frame Relay

Exam Prep Questions
  1. HDLC

Exam Prep Questions
  1. AAA

Exam Prep Questions
  1. PPP


Which of the following are IEEE specifications for Gigabit Ethernet? Choose 2.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.1d

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.3z

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  1. 802.1q

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.3ab


Which technology is cell-switched?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Token Ring

Exam Prep Questions
  1. FDDI

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Ethernet

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Frame Relay

Exam Prep Questions
  1. ATM

Exam Prep Questions
  1. PPP


Which devices were designed to segment collision domains? Choose 2.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Hubs

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  1. Repeaters

Exam Prep Questions
  1. MAU

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Bridge

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Switch


You have just acquired some new office space in a building across the street from your current space, about 350 meters away. You want to arrange for high-speed (10Mbs) network connectivity between them; which of the following choices is a valid connection option?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Analog dial-up

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Exam Prep Questions
  1. Ethernet using 100-BASE TX cabling

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11 Wireless using specialized antennas


Which WAN technology is the best choice if you have many remote offices that are in different states, you need always-on connectivity, and you don’t have money to burn?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Circuit-switched

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  1. Leased line

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  1. Packet-switched

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Wireless

Answers to Exam Prep Questions


Answers A, C, and D are the correct answers. B is incorrect because there is no method to prioritize access to the wire in Ethernet. Answer E is incorrect because all devices stop transmitting in the event of a collision.


Answer is E the correct answer. CSMA/CD is the technology that enables hosts to send if the wire is available and to wait a random time to try again if a collision happens. Answer A is incorrect because it describes Token Ring, not Ethernet. Answers B, C, and D are incorrect because they are fictitious.


Answers C, D, and F are correct. The big three WAN protocols are PPP, Frame Relay, and HDLC. There are others, but CCNA does not cover them. Answer A is incorrect because WEP is Wired Equivalent Privacy, a security scheme for wireless networks. Answer B is incorrect because it is fictional. Answer E is incorrect because AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting, a scheme to manage access and activities on networked devices.


Answers C and E are correct. 802.3z specifies 1Gb on fiber, and 802.3ab specifies 1Gb on copper. Answers A, B, and D are incorrect; those are the specs for STP, Wi-Fi, and inter-switch VLAN tagging, respectively.


Answer E is correct. ATM is a cell-switched technology. Answers A, B, C, D, and F are incorrect because they use variable-sized frames, not cells.


Answers D and E are correct. Bridges and switches segment collision domains. Answers A and B are incorrect because hubs and repeaters have the opposite effect: They make collision domains bigger and more of a problem.


Answer D is correct. 802.11 Wireless using specialized antennas is a good choice for this application. Answers A and B are incorrect because analog and ISDN BRI do not provide the required bandwidth. Answer C is incorrect because 100-BASE TX is copper cabling, which has a maximum range of 100 meters. (You might be able to go with Ethernet over fiber-optic cabling, but it is expensive—and it is not one of the offered choices here anyway.)


Answer C is the correct answer. Packet-switched networks are a good choice in this context. Answer A is incorrect; circuit-switched connections are a poor choice because they are not usually always on, and they get expensive the longer they are connected. Answer B is incorrect because leased lines have always-on connectivity, but at a prohibitive cost. Answer D is incorrect; wireless does not have the range to cover interstate distances.

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