Chapter 8. Wireless LANs

<feature><title>Terms You’ll Need to Understand:</title> <objective>



Wi-Fi, 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g


Ad-Hoc mode and Infrastructure mode








Authentication, encryption, and intrusion


WEP, EAP, WPA, and WPA2/802.11i

<feature><title>Concepts and Techniques You’ll Need to Master:</title> <objective>

Identify the differences between wireless LAN standards


Describe the differences between WLAN modes


Identify the differences between BSS and ESS


Identify security threats specific to WLANs and techniques to mitigate them


Identify the four WLAN security implementations, their operation, strengths, and weaknesses


Identify the basic configuration steps for installing and using a wireless access point



This chapter introduces Wireless LAN (WLAN) technology. We will discuss the standards associated with WLANs, how WLANs are deployed and the basics of how they operate, security threats specific to WLANs and measures to mitigate them, and the essential steps to connect and configure an access point (AP) and a client.

WLAN Standards

WLAN technology has made rapid advancement in the past few years. The reasons for this are pretty simple: It is very convenient for users; it’s usually less trouble and cost to deploy (because there are no wires to buy and install); and as the technology improves, the speeds attainable are pretty respectable, even in today’s bandwidth-hungry world.

As with any networking technology, some implementations are vendor-proprietary, but most are compliant with a standard, especially after some time has passed and the standard is ratified, allowing all the vendors to build equipment that is compliant. WLANs are defined by a series of standards that are the result of cooperative work between the International Telecommunication Union-Radio Communication Sector (ITU-R), the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the Wi-Fi Alliance and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) (or its equivalent in other countries). So many regulatory bodies are in on this because unlike an Ethernet switch, for example, a wireless AP could really interfere with other radio functions if it did not stick to its allocated frequencies and transmission strength. Imagine if you set up your AP and discovered that you had just jammed all radio contact between an airport tower and the aircraft it was controlling. That would be bad. It would be worse for the people on the planes, though.

Unlicensed Radio Bands

WLANs operate in one of the unlicensed radio frequency bands under the regulation of the FCC (or its equivalent in other countries). These bands are called the Industrial, Scientific, Medical (ISM) and the Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) bands. These bands are reserved for use by low-power radio equipment that does not require a radio operator’s license to use (some WLANs can be operated in the ISM band at much higher power if the operator acquires a license). Table 8.1 lists the information of interest.

Table 8.1. Frequency Bands, Names, and Related Standards

Frequency Band





Older cordless phones, Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) cell phones



802.11, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n WLANs



802.11a, 802.11n WLANs

Exam Alert

Know the information in Table 8.1.


The core WLAN standard is IEEE 802.11, sometimes known as Wi-Fi because this was the first standard championed by the Wi-Fi Alliance. Wi-Fi is short for Wireless Fidelity, a retro/hip reference to Hi-Fi. The IEEE ratified 802.11 in 1997.

In much the same way that Ethernet was standardized by 802.3 with subsequent iterations of improved Ethernet getting extra letters to distinguish them from the original (such as 802.3u, 802.3z, 802.3ae, and so on), the subsequent variations and improvements to 802.11 are distinguished by a letter as well. The ones you want to remember are 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. There are a couple others in the works; you have probably seen 802.11n gear in stores. The CCENT and CCNA tests are not talking about 802.11n yet, but we’ve included a little of it here for interest and perspective, and because we think it will be included on the exam one of these days.

Table 8.2 lists the WLAN standards you should know, and some of the relevant info about each. (Some of the terms and acronyms will be explained in later sections.)

Table 8.2. WLAN Standards (North American Version)







Date of Standard






Max Speed (DSSS)



11-Mbps FHSS





11Mbps per stream

Max Speed (OFDM)






Assigned Frequency Band





2.4 and/or 5.0GHz

Available Channels





11 or 23

Approx. Range

75 feet

75 feet

150 feet

150 feet

500 feet

Exam Alert

Know the information in Table 8.2.

802.11, sometimes known as legacy, specifies an 11Mbps maximum speed, using 11 channels in the 2.4GHz band. The 11 channels available were used in a random, rapid sequence to statistically avoid interference from other devices using the same frequencies. This “skipping around” the channels is called Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS). In reality, a lot of the data was lost to interference anyway, and a more sophisticated system was engineered for 802.11a.


802.11a uses a much higher frequency (5GHz) and a fancy method of using the available channels, called Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). The science of how OFDM works is well beyond the scope of this exam, but you should know the term and which standards it applies to. A big advantage of the 5GHz band is that it is immune to common 2.4GHz emissions, such as from cordless phones, baby monitors, microwave ovens, and many of the wireless conveniences we take for granted that can really interfere with WLAN transmissions in the 2.4GHz range. A disadvantage is that the higher frequencies are more easily absorbed by structures and furniture, reducing the effective range. However, the way OFDM works actually gives it a range advantage in these office-type surroundings; in addition, higher frequencies mean smaller antennas, which means we can increase the antenna gain (sort of like turning up the listening volume). These things improve the range and so balance out the range loss of the higher frequencies. It was mostly enterprise customers who liked (and often still like) 802.11a, in part because it never caught on with the general public so the risk of interference and security breaches was reduced.


On the topic of high and low frequencies and transmission range, here’s a little lesson to help you remember what happens. Did you ever wonder why foghorns are really low notes, instead of a shrill whistle? It’s because the low frequency travels much farther, especially through fog, than a high one would. This is useful if you don’t want to drive your boat onto a rock. For those who have never heard a foghorn, think of a car with a big stereo system: What do you hear from a block away? Boooom... Boooom. Not the tweeters—the subwoofer. Low frequency, longer range.


802.11b, although later in the standards list, was actually in the market before 802.11a. 802.11b is back in the 2.4GHz range, so interference sources are a concern, but now we have another method of using the available channels called Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS). Again, the complex science behind how it works is not of concern for the CCNA exams, but you need to understand a little about it. There are eleven channels within the frequency band assigned to this standard by the FCC. Typically, only three of these channels (channels 1, 6, and 11) are ever used because all 11 channels overlap each other. When two APs use channels that are adjacent or close together (say, 2 and 3) or the APs themselves are close enough together to “jam” each other, the signals from one channel get stepped on, interfered with, and generally disrupted by the other. Channels 1, 6, and 11 do not overlap each other, as shown in Figure 8.1.

2.4GHz DSSS 11-channel overlap showing channels 1, 6, and 11 nonoverlapping.

Figure 8.1. 2.4GHz DSSS 11-channel overlap showing channels 1, 6, and 11 nonoverlapping.

By sticking to these three channels, the frequencies are far enough apart that it is very unlikely that they will interfere with each other, so less data is lost. In an environment where you have multiple APs (as in most business implementations), you take advantage of this by having your different access points using different channels, consequently overlapping their coverage area without overlapping the channels they use that could cause interference. We’ll mention this again when we talk about BSS and ESS a little later.


802.11g is currently the most popular standard, mostly because the home market has significantly driven demand. Consumers wanted more speed and backward compatibility with the wireless devices they already had, and they wanted it quickly and cheaply, well before the standard was ratified. The home market exploded, but the business market held back until that ratification happened to avoid deploying immature technology (another reason that you will find more 802.11a than 802.11g in business environments). 802.11g is backward compatible with 802.11b and uses the same 2.4GHz frequency band, but provides the same higher speeds of 54Mbps and slightly longer range. This was a difficult engineering feat to achieve, and if 802.11b and 802.11g do coexist in the same system, the 802.11b tends to impair the performance of the 802.11g system. 802.11g uses OFDM for most of its possible data speeds, but reverts to an 802.11b-compatible system for others. Many wireless devices now provide a, b, and g capability in a single unit.

The problem with the popularity of 802.11g goes back to overcrowding and interference. As I sit here in my home office, I can pick up no less than 12 wireless APs, and all of them are using the same channel. Add in all the other interfering devices in the 2.4GHz spectrum, and it’s a safe bet that these wireless networks are providing less than optimal performance. A business-class WLAN is expected to be of much higher quality than that, and the challenges of providing that kind of quality are significant.


Table 8.2 lists 802.11n, which at the time of this writing is not yet ratified by the IEEE but is expected to be so in 2008, possibly as late as 2009. Manufacturers are already selling “prestandard” 802.11n devices that comply with the draft standard, which will presumably be upgradeable if the standard should substantially change. The big draw is, of course, speed, with theoretical speeds of 600Mbps. This opens up the exciting possibility of wirelessly streaming HD-format movies from your media center to the TV in the bedroom without excessive delay. In addition to OFDM and the use of the 5GHz band, 802.11n uses a feature called Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO), which requires two sending antennae and two receiving antennae, and allows for up to four send and four receive. Effectively, you use multiple concurrent streams to achieve the high data rates. That’s why the 802.11n APs often have several antennae on the box.

802.11n is exciting because it is fast, has great range, uses the 5GHz band (reducing the interference and overcrowding problem) and is backward compatible with a, b, and g. The only caution is that all of this is still prestandard; if you are going to buy something, make sure the box at least says it is compliant with the 802.11n draft standard.

WLAN Operational Modes

A wireless device can operate in either Ad Hoc mode or in Infrastructure mode. The following sections describe these modes.

Ad Hoc Mode

Ad Hoc is Latin for “this purpose”; in this case, it refers to a connection between wireless devices (such as two laptops, for example) for a temporary high-speed link, perhaps to share files or play a game. No AP is required; indeed, no network devices other than the two client machines are needed. Ad Hoc mode is not usually associated with business-class networks.

Infrastructure Mode

In Infrastructure mode, an AP is required because the client devices cannot send directly to each other; they must send through the AP. The AP, in turn, handles all the wireless client data and provides the connection to the wired LAN by way of its connection to the switch. Infrastructure mode is what you will find in business environments. With the use of an AP, many devices can connect to the network, and you can provide authentication and encryption for wireless connections to help secure the WLAN.

Autonomous Mode

Within the Infrastructure mode of operation, Cisco makes a distinction between Autonomous and Lightweight modes. The difference is simple: In Autonomous mode, each AP is managed separately and sends wireless client data into the network itself. This is a suitable mode for small networks where management and security issues are not overwhelming.

Lightweight Mode

Cisco has put a lot of work into making WLANs manageable and secure. In Lightweight mode, each AP associates with a WLAN controller, a special device that provides a single point for management and security of multiple APs in the network. The APs and WLAN controllers communicate using the Lightweight Access Point Protocol (LWAPP), a Cisco-proprietary protocol built for this system. In addition, all wireless client traffic from each AP is tunneled through the WLAN controller. It’s more complicated and more expensive, but tremendously powerful for managing and securing many APs in a centralized fashion.

Basic Service Set and Extended Service Set

Basic Service Set (BSS) and Extended Service Set (ESS) are terms that describe how clients can associate with and use the available APs and network infrastructure. The following sections describe these terms.


BSS is defined as a single AP that provides network connectivity for its associated clients. You could have several APs in your system, but they would each be offering a separate WLAN, and you could not “roam” between the APs; your laptop would need to associate itself with each new AP when you lost signal from the old one as you walked around the building.


ESS is more typical of a business environment. With ESS, each AP still defines a BSS, but the group of APs and their BSSs form the ESS. The main advantage is that clients can roam between the overlapping coverage areas of the individual APs’ BSSs, without losing the functionality of their connection to the ESS and thus to the network. To form an ESS, all the APs use the same Service Set Identifier (SSID). An SSID is just a name (technically, it is a string of up to 32 alphanumeric characters) that identifies the WLAN. You might have three APs for the office area, all configured with the same SSID, with overlapping coverage areas. Each wireless client changes its association to the AP with the strongest signal, which will change depending on where you are in the office and where you move to. It is typical to have the APs use different channels, to reduce interference and keep the throughput speed up. As you move, even though your association to the BSS of the AP changes to that of the next one, your association to the ESS provided by the three APs together does not, so your perception is that you never lose your connection to the network. Figure 8.2 shows what an ESS system might look like; there are two APs, each using the same SSID but on different channels. Mobile devices such as laptops, PDAs, or a wireless IP Phone can move between the two APs without losing connectivity to the network. In the diagram, the wireless IP Phone is roaming between the APs.

Two APs in Infrastructure mode using the same SSID form an ESS to allow devices to roam.

Figure 8.2. Two APs in Infrastructure mode using the same SSID form an ESS to allow devices to roam.

WLAN Security

This section takes a brief look at some of the security threats that target WLANs and the methods available to mitigate those threats.

WLAN Security Threats

Any network is vulnerable to attack. A wired network requires that you physically connect to a cable to execute an attack. If there is no possibility of an outside connection to your wired system, an attack must come from an available wired connection and is much easier to find and stop.

A WLAN’s versatility and convenience makes it a huge security vulnerability. By adding an AP to your network, you are making it possible for people to connect to your network without being in physical contact with it. The following are just some of the more common WLAN threats that we need to guard against:

  • War driving—Refers to driving around with a laptop, looking for unsecured APs to connect to and get free Internet access. Of those 12 APs in my neighborhood, 4 of them are completely unsecured and I could connect, use their Internet service, or snoop around their home network if I chose to.

  • Hackers—Hackers usually want more than free Internet access; they are looking for interesting or useful information such as credit card numbers or other protected data, or else they just want to mess up someone’s network out of malice or boredom. Being able to claim that they took down Yahoo! for an hour gives them bragging rights; putting their former employer offline is an act of revenge.

  • Internal—These attacks are the result of malicious or ignorant actions by the company’s own employees. The classic example is the employee who buys a little AP and plugs it into the network drop in their office. The defaults on consumer APs are typically no security at all; now a hacker can connect easily and steal access or information. The hacker does not even need to actively seek information; the hacker can simply intercept the unencrypted traffic and possibly get useful or private information. The FBI estimates that more than 75% of network attacks come from internal sources.

  • Rogue APs—These are APs put in place in a WLAN without authorization. Usually, the hacker has spent some time with easily available software tools intercepting the signaling between existing APs and clients. Even if there is some security in place, given enough time, weak authentication and encryption can be cracked. After the hacker has the necessary information, the hacker can set up a rogue AP with the correct SSID and authentication keys. Clients then associate with the device, and now the hacker has direct access to all the information coming through that AP.

These scenarios make a business network admin freak out. For quite a while, businesses were not implementing WLANs because they knew that the lack of security was a major issue.

WLAN Security Methods

There are three main ways to apply security to WLANs:

  • Authentication—Requires all clients connecting to an AP to provide some (hopefully secret) information called a key to prove that they are authorized to connect. Ideally, we want to use mutual authentication, where the AP also has to prove to the client that it is a legitimate (that is, not rogue) AP. Strong cryptography allows the exchange of proof of the correct key without actually sending the key; this small mathematical miracle means that hackers can’t simply intercept the key and use it to gain access.

  • Encryption—Applies a mathematical formula and a secret key to the raw data, encrypting it into a stream of gibberish that only another device with the correct key and decryption formula can unscramble. If hackers intercept encrypted data, they are unlikely to be able to decrypt it without the key. I didn’t say it was impossible—there are some weak encryption schemes out there that can be cracked relatively quickly. The strong encryption schemes are strong enough that it would take years to crack them, at which point most data would no longer be worth the trouble.

  • Intrusion detection/intrusion prevention—These systems guard against unauthorized use of the WLAN. These systems are typically implemented as part of a Lightweight architecture. One of my favorites is a system that detects a new AP in the system, interrogates it, and causes it to shut down if it is classified as a rogue AP. Cisco’s Structured Wireless-Aware Network architecture (SWAN) includes several devices and tools that improve the manageability and security of WLANs. Learn more about SWAN at

As usual, different vendors were keen to get their product to market and start making money, so there were some nonstandardized security systems in place before the standards came out, but things have settled down somewhat into a fairly consistent and pretty secure standard that most vendors are supporting. It goes without saying that if you do not actually apply the security, it is not secure!

WLAN Security Standards

The next section describes the four WLAN security standards you need to know for the exam.


The Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) standard was introduced as part of 802.11. WEP uses a static preshared key system, meaning that all the APs and all the clients must have the same key string configured in order to authenticate and transmit encrypted data. The problems with this are that it is an administrative headache to change the keys, which means they don’t change often, which is not good. On top of that, the encryption method used was pretty weak. These factors meant that a hacker could intercept lots of authentication attempts, with all the clients using the same key over and over, all of it using weak encryption. From that point it is a pretty simple matter to crack the encryption, read the data, or connect to the network at will.

Some additional (not part of the standard) features were introduced by manufacturers to bolster the flaws in WEP. Most APs allow you to choose not to broadcast the SSID, which means that a client wanting to connect must know the SSID. This is not going to fool a serious hacker; it is still perfectly possible to capture WLAN traffic and determine the SSID in use. Another supplementary security feature was the capability to filter which Media Access Control (MAC) addresses (of client wireless NICs) could connect to the AP. The premise was that no two MACs are the same, so only a short list of authorized MACs needed to be added to the APs list. Unfortunately, it is a trivial matter to change the source MAC with software, so after we learn an authorized MAC, we can pretend to be that MAC.

Because its security features really deter only honest people, WEP should not be considered a viable security method in current WLAN deployments.

The Cisco Interim Solution

Being one of the major stakeholders in the success of wireless for enterprise customers, Cisco worked out an interim set of solutions to the problems WEP had. In cooperation with the Wi-Fi Alliance, Cisco utilized components of the IEEE 802.1x authentication protocol and its own Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) to significantly increase WLAN security. The three key improvements that Cisco’s solution offered were the following:

  • Dynamic key exchange—This system utilizes an elegant cryptographic solution to the problem of keying. Instead of a preshared key that all devices must be manually configured with (and that as a consequence seldom changes), dynamic keying allows the key to be secretly agreed upon by the devices themselves, without administrative effort beyond setting it up. Cisco used a proprietary method of dynamic keying.

  • User authentication with 802.1x—This component leveraged an existing IEEE authentication scheme, requiring the user to supply a username/password package when attempting to connect. This added another layer of complexity to the task of hacking in, because somehow the username and password had to be learned. 802.1x is quite difficult to circumvent if it’s properly configured, but it is somewhat complex to set up.

  • Unique key per packet—With the use of dynamic keying, the encryption key could change with every packet sent, so that even if the hacker figures out the key, all the hacker can read is that one packet. This operation obviously adds significant overhead to packet processing, but processing power was getting better and cheaper all the time, so the benefits outweighed the drawbacks.


Cisco was out of the gate fast with a hybrid of proprietary and standards-based protocols to address WLAN security, because the IEEE standards ratification process was slower than the market demand. While Cisco was doing their own thing on their products, the Wi-Fi Alliance kept one eye on what the IEEE was likely to implement, so that they weren’t too far off base when the standard did come out, and put forth a WLAN industry-standard (in contrast to IEEE standard) security scheme called Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA).

WPA set the same basic goals as Cisco’s solution, but with differences in how it was executed. Dynamic keying was achieved using the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) standard. WPA does device authentication either with simple preshared keying or 802.1x authentication. This worked well for both the consumer and business markets because the typical consumer could not set up an 802.1x system, whereas most businesses could and wanted the extra security.

One other benefit of WPA was its sponsorship by the Wi-Fi Alliance, which had proved that its certification program could guarantee that Wi-Fi–certified devices would work together reliably.


In 2005, the IEEE ratified the 802.11i security standard, which included features for dynamic keying, authentication, and very strong encryption using the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm. Although functionally similar to the Cisco and WPA systems, 802.11i is not backward compatible, and provides much stronger encryption.

The Wi-Fi Alliance continues to certify equipment for compliance with the 802.11i standard, but they call it WPA2. This continues the positive association with the success of WPA in the minds of consumers and IT managers, but causes some confusion as to whether they are two different standards. They aren’t.

Basic WLAN Configuration Steps

Installing a WLAN is relatively simple, but you should bear in mind the following procedure, both to make your life simpler and to stick close to what Cisco wants you to know as a CCNA.

The steps to implementing a WLAN are as follows:

  1. Verify the existing wired network—Check that Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) is working and that the virtual LAN (VLAN) assigned to the access port is configured as required. If a client connected to the port that the AP will use can get an IP address and communicate with other network resources, the AP should be able to as well.

  2. Install the first AP—Assign the AP an IP address and mask and a default gateway for management purposes. Connect to the switch access port with a straight-through cable.

  3. Configure the wireless settings—Change the default SSID to something in accordance with your local security policy (typically not the company name or phone number). Enable the radio, but do not enable any security yet. Choose which standard(s) the radio will support (802.11a/b/g). Choose the channel the AP will use (check what channels are in use nearby). Choose the transmit power setting.

  4. Install and configure one wireless client—Verify that it can connect. Many current operating systems and NIC software products will automatically discover APs and connect to the strongest signal.

  5. Verify that the client works—In the absence of security configuration, the simplest way to check is to try to browse the Internet. If the client does not function properly, check the following:

    • Is the AP close to the center of the area where the clients are?

    • Is there an interference source close by (microwave, cordless phone, or the like)?

    • Is the AP or the client close to a large metal structure (filing cabinet, steel door, reinforced concrete wall, steel-stud wall, heating/cooling duct)? If so, move it to an area free of metal.

    • Is the AP’s coverage area adequate to reach the client? Try moving closer to the AP.

  6. Configure the desired security features on both AP and client (it’s recommended to use the strongest available security method).

  7. Verify that the client can still connect to resources in the presence of security configuration.

The configuration of security is beyond the scope of the exam, but you should understand the process: If it works without security but stops working when you add security, the security configuration is the likely problem.

Exam Prep Questions


Which of the following frequency bands is used by 802.11a ?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 2.4MHz

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 2.4GHz

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 5KHz

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 5GHz


Which of the following are true of WLAN standards?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11b uses DSSS to achieve speeds of 54Mbps

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11b uses OFDM to achieve speeds of 11Mbps

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11g uses only OFDM in the 5GHz range

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11a uses only OFDM to achieve speeds of 54Mbps


You have been given an 802.11b-compliant AP to install in your location in San Jose, California. Which three channels will you be able to use without interference due to overlapping?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. a, b, g

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 21, 22, 23

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 1, 5, 10

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 1, 6, 11


You want to be able to walk around your production floor with a tablet PC, checking inventory and order status on the database. The shop floor will need four APs to provide adequate coverage area. What mode will allow you to stay wirelessly connected as you move between the four APs?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Ad Hoc

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.1q

Exam Prep Questions
  1. BSS

Exam Prep Questions
  1. ESL

Exam Prep Questions
  1. ESS


Which of the following is not a security scheme for WLANs?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. WEP

Exam Prep Questions
  1. WPA

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11i

Exam Prep Questions
  1. MIMO


True or False: Multiple APs in the same ESS WLAN should be in the same VLAN.

Exam Prep Questions
  1. True

Exam Prep Questions
  1. False


Which of the following could interfere with your AP’s transmissions?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. A large magnet nearby

Exam Prep Questions
  1. An AM radio nearby

Exam Prep Questions
  1. A baby monitor nearby

Exam Prep Questions
  1. A CDMA cell phone nearby


Which standards-based WLAN security scheme includes dynamic keying and strong encryption using AES?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. WPA

Exam Prep Questions
  1. Cisco EAP/802.1x

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.1i

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11i


What is a rogue AP?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. An AP that has a faulty component, causing it to “jam” other APs by transmitting collision frames at maximum power

Exam Prep Questions
  1. An AP that can be easily moved to any location in the building

Exam Prep Questions
  1. An unauthorized AP that is installed to facilitate the capture of information

Exam Prep Questions
  1. An AP that does not follow the accepted WLAN standards, but uses proprietary protocols instead


Which option will you configure last when setting up your AP?

Exam Prep Questions
  1. 802.11i settings

Exam Prep Questions
  1. IP address and Mask

Exam Prep Questions
  1. a/b/g mode

Exam Prep Questions
  1. SSID

Answers to Exam Prep Questions


Answer D is correct. 802.11a uses the 5GHz range, not 2.4GHz, and certainly not anything in the MHz or KHz range!


Answer D is correct. Answer A is incorrect; 802.11b cannot send faster than 11Mbps. Answer B is incorrect; 802.11b does not use OFDM. Answer C is incorrect; 802.11g does not use the 5GHz band.


Answer D is correct. In North America, the regulatory agencies have allotted the non-overlapping channels 1, 6, and 11 for use by 802.11b APs. Answer A is wrong because the channels are numbered, not lettered, and these letters refer to the 802.11 standards as a way to trick you. Answers B and C are the wrong channels.


Answer E is correct. The Extended Service Set allows you to roam between APs with the same SSID. Answer A is wrong; Ad Hoc refers to a client-to-client temporary connection. Answer B is wrong; the 802.1q standard refers to a switch-trunking protocol. Answer C is wrong; Basic Service Set does not allow roaming, it provides association to a single AP with a unique SSID. Answer D is wrong; English as a Second Language is of almost no use in allowing you to roam wirelessly.


Answer D is correct. Multiple Input Multiple Output is a feature of 802.1n APs that increases the data rate. WEP, WPA, and 802.1i are all security schemes for WLANs.


True. Multiple APs should be in the same VLAN, which is determined by the switchport setting on the access switch that the AP connects to.


Answer C is correct. Baby monitors often use the 2.4GHz band, as do many APs, and could easily cause interference. Magnets do not themselves cause interference (an electromagnet might, or a fixed magnet that is part of an energized speaker might). An AM radio is just a receiver and will not cause interference (unless there is a faulty component “leaking” EMR). CDMA cell phones are usually down in the 800 or 1900MHz band and are not likely to interfere.


Answer D is correct. 802.11i defines a set of standard protocols for authentication, dynamic key exchange, and encryption using AES. WPA does not use AES; Cisco’s EAP/ 802.1x solution is not fully standards-based and does not use AES; 802.1i is a distracter to fool you.


Answer C is correct. A rogue AP is usually put in place by a hacker or an inside facilitator to capture information from clients that associate to it unknowingly. Answers A, B, and D sound good, but are just wrong.


Answer A is correct. Security settings should be the last component you configure, after you have ensured that the AP works properly without security applied. Answers B, C, and D are all part of the steps to set up the AP for client testing without security.


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