

acoustic pressure, 120
acoustic streaming, 120
ACR-M-024, 373
active packaging, 351–2
AcXys cool plasma systems, 239, 240
commercial applications of ozone, 259
future prospects for ozone, 277–9
airtight storage See hermetic storage
Alicyclobacillus acidoterrestris, 45
infrared dry-roasting, 175–9
overall colour changes under different roasting conditions, 177
Pediococcus population size reductions on medium roasted almonds, 179
pilot-scale catalytic infrared heating equipment, 176
results, 177–9
roasting times for producing roasted almonds, 178
study approaches, 175–7
infrared pasteurisation, 170–5
almond’s flesh colour parameters, 174
almond’s skin colour parameters, 173
Pediococcus population log reduction value, 172
results, 170–5
study approaches, 170
Angoumois grain moth See Sitotroga cerealella
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services, 431
anthocyanins, 58
anti-foaming agents, 130
AOAC methods, 156
apple juice, 2, 3
arcing, 90
argon, 227
Arrhenius equation, 468
Arrhenius model, 468
ascorbic acid, 4, 55
ascospores, 46, 49
ASTM51261, 429
ASTM D-822, 377
ASTM D 3985, 373
ASTM E 96, 374
ASTM F 88, 373
ASTM F 372, 373, 374
atmospheric-based dielectric gas discharge, 238–9
atmospheric gliding arc, 237–8
atmospheric plasma, 241
Auger spectroscopy, 238
Aurobasidium pullulans, 241


Bacillus atrophaeus, 229, 237
baked goods, 303–18
batch retorts, 390
bentonite, 391–2
Better Than Fresh™ system, 214–21
commercialisation, 219–21
DPCO2 treated freshly squeezed orange juice
and pasteurised orange juice sensory evaluation between day 30, 221
physical properties, 221
sensory evaluation between day 1 and 30, 221
pilot model and microbial validation, 215–17
vegetative pathogens log10 reduction in orange juice, 216
prototype model, 217–18
quality and shelf life validation, 218–19
pectinesterase activity in orange juice, 219
biogenerated atmospheres, 340–1
blackcurrants, 59
blanching treatment, 51
blown arc air cold plasma system, 237–8
Braun tube, 248
Brettanomyces, 263
Brettanomyces/Dekkera, 131, 133
buck regulator, 83
Byssochlamys nivea, 49


carbon dioxide, 211, 324, 325–6, 327
carotenoids, 56–7
carrot juice
conventional carrot juice production, 107
data used, 108
goal definition and scoping, 104–6
data sources and quality, 104
functional unit, 104
products description, 104
study processes, 105
system boundaries, 105–6
impact categories and assessment methods, 110
juices produced with different techniques, 111, 112, 113
acidification potential, 113
eutrophication potential, 112
global warming potential, 112
primary energy use, 111
non-conventional processing, 107–9
energy use for pasteurisation by high pressure, 108–9
energy use for pasteurisation by pulsed electric fields, 109
PEF treatment and HPP environmental impact, 103–14
processing inventory, 106–10
carrot and bottles transport, 106–7
carrot cultivation, 106
carrot waste to animal feed, 107
LCI data for carrot cultivation, 106
packaging, 109
point of sale, 110
transport from juice manufacturer to point of sale, 109
cascaded dielectric barrier discharge, 235–7
catalytic IR emitter, 141, 193
cavitation, 120
Cavitus cleaning system, 133
Cen-tech electronic digital caliper, 158
Checkpoint TTI, 355, 362, 363
chlorine dioxide
aqueous, 285
gas phase, 286
CIELAB system, 52
CIR emitter See catalytic IR emitter
clean-in-place, 215, 275–7
European Community demonstration project, 277–9
closing switch, 84
Clostridium botulinum, 237
co-field flow chamber, 81, 90
cold plasma, 290–2
concentrated high intensity electric field, 12
conductivity, 80
continuous retorts, 390
controlled atmosphere, 323–4
cool plasma
application in food and medical device technology, 244–7
DBD test reactor, 245
microorganisms reduction on lettuce, 246
propagating microwave discharge, 247
single plasmajet device, 245
atmospheric-based dielectric gas discharge, 238–9
plasma production principle under ambient conditions, 239
cascaded dielectric barrier discharge, 235–7
illustration, 236
inactivation efficiency, 236
case studies, 233–50
appendix, 253–7
atmospheric gliding arc and blown arc air cold plasma system, 237–8
seven case studies overview, 234
cereal crop seeds, grain and food gentle e-ventus disinfection, 247–50
mobile e-ventus 30 systems, 250
seeds treatment using e-ventus technology, 249
commercialisation in food processing, 226–51
defining plasma and cool plasma, 226–7
future trends, 250–1
key drivers, 228–9
microbial inactivation effect and mechanisms, 229–33
microbial inactivation using cool plasma, 230–2
microwave vacuum cold plasma generation, 241–4
G. stearothermophilus and B. subtilis spores inactivation, 243
laboratory-scale microwave vacuum cool plasma system, 243
types and generation methods, 227–8
ultralight dielectric barrier discharge and spot system, 239–41
AcXys dielectric barrier discharge system, 240
CP121 Cold Plasma Demonstrator, 238–9
critical moisture content, 338
Cumulative Energy Demand, 110
cyclodextrins, 317–18


DC power supply, 83
adaptation of existing technologies, 289–94
bacterial-based biological control, 293–4
cold plasma inactivation of Salmonella Stanley and E. coli O157:H7, 291
E. coli O157:H7 surviving populations and ozone concentrations, 292
in-package plasma, 290–2
phage treatments, 292–3
antimicrobial treatments, 285–9
chlorine dioxide on pathogenic microorganisms, 287–8
gas phase chlorine dioxide, 286
precision thermal treatments, 286, 289
chemical treatments optimisation, 284–5
aqueous chlorine dioxide, 285
electrolysed water, 284–5
fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables, 283–96
future trends, 294–6
technology, 296
tolerances, 295
traceback, 295–6
dense phase carbon dioxide processing
Better Than Fresh system, 214–21
commercialisation, 219–21
pilot model and microbial validation, 215–17
prototype model, 217–18
quality and shelf life validation, 218–19
microbial and enzymatic inactivation efficacy, 211–13
CO2 migration and reactions, 212
patents and systems, 213
pressure temperature phase diagram for CO2, 211
schematic diagram, 214
validation and commercialisation for orange juice, 209–22
Denton Desk II sputter-coating unit, 159
depuration, 259–60
diagnostic ultrasound, 121
dielectric barrier discharge, 244
disinfection, 75–6
disinfestation, 447
dosimetry, 429–30
dried cured products, 30
dry ice blasting, 133
dry-roasting, 175
duty cycle generators, 240
Dyne-A-Mite HP, 237


E. coli 25922, 12
E. coli O157:H7, 12, 44, 45, 210, 215, 238
cold plasma inactivation, 291
surviving populations and ozone concentrations, 292
e-ventus® technology, 247–50
Ecoinvent database, 104, 105, 109
ecotoxicity, 110
ELBA, 247
electrolysed water, 284–5
electromagnetic spectrum, 409
electromagnetic wave, 410
electron beam irradiator, 447–8
electroporation, 75, 76
Emergency Ration, 369
Enterobacteriaceae, 27, 30, 38
environmental impact
PEF treatment and HPP, 103–14
carrot juice processing inventory, 106–10
goal definition and scoping, 104–6
impact categories and assessment methods choice, 110
enzyme baroresistance, 50
(eO) TTI, 356–7, 362
equilibrium moisture content, 338
equivalence criteria, 474–82
equivalent efficacy
equivalence criteria, 474–82
equivalent lethality, 479–82
variation in heat treatment’s temperature profile, 481
equivalent time curve, 474–9
C. botulinum and B. sporothermodurans spores, 480
construction, 475
disinfection, 478
organisms or spores, 477
freeware, 483
MS Excel program, 483
Wolfram Demonstrations, 484–5
non-linear kinetics of microbial inactivation and deterioration processes, 469–73
log-logistic temperature dependence, 472
role of temperature, 471–3
semi-logarithmic survival curves, 470
Weibullian model, 469–71
thermal vs non-thermal food preservation, 464–86
microbial mortality kinetics and sterility measures, 466–9
equivalent lethality, 479–82, 485
equivalent time curve, 474–9
Escherichia coli, 6, 27, 30, 38, 210, 229, 233
Escherichia K-12, 217
etching, 233
ethylene oxide, 235


far infrared, 140–1
FED-STD-101, 374
Federal Grain Inspection Service methods, 194
Fermi temperature, 227
flavonoids, 57
flexible liners, 336
foam, 130
folates, 58
food additive, 214
food irradiation, 7, 445–9, 450–1
benefits, 445
considerations and challenges for commercialisation, 433–8
consumer acceptance of irradiated fresh produce, 434–5
film materials approved for use, 436
foods permitted to be irradiated, 435
irradiated food labelling, 437
logistics, 437–8
packaging materials, 436–7
regulatory approval, 435–6
consumer acceptance and marketing of irradiated meat, 442–60
background, 443
cause for concern, 443–4
future trends, 458–9
possible solutions, 444–5
education, 453–8
consumer responses, 455
mango momentum, 457–8
overall appeal of irradiated beef concept, 455
effectiveness, 452–3
public health benefits by specific pathogen, 453
endorsement, 453
food and public health organisations, 454
equipment, 447–9
electron beam irradiator, 447–8
gamma irradiator employing a radiation chamber, 448
gamma irradiator underwater, 448
x-ray irradiator, 448–9
fresh produce, 430–3
doses, 431
irradiated fruits and vegetables, 430
pathogen reduction, 432–3
phytosanitary application, 431–2
quality for enhancement of microbial safety, 433
history, 449–53
importance, 446
labelling, 452
Radura symbol, 452
principles and considerations for commercialisation, 427–39
process, 445–6
technology and dosimetry, 428–30
dosimetry, 429–30
types, 428–9
uses, 446–7
disinfestation, 447
pasteurisation, 446
sanitation, 446
shelf-life extension, 447
sterilisation, 446
food packaging, 342
food pasteurisation
non-thermal processes, 1–13
concentrated high intensity electric field, 12
high hydrostatic pressure, 5–6
ionising irradiation, 6–8
non-thermal plasma, 9–12
pulsed electric field, 2–4
ultraviolet radiation, 8–9
food preservation, 464–6
oxygen depleted modified atmospheres, 321–43
applications, 337–43
definition and uses, 322–4
generation and application, 330–3
preventing mould growth and mycotoxin formation, 327–8
product quality, 328–30
stored-product insects and mites, 325–7
structures used, 333–6
thermal vs non-thermal processes, 464–86
equivalence criteria, 474–82
freeware, 482–3, 484–5
microbial inactivation and deterioration processes, 469–73
microbial mortality kinetics and sterility measures, 466–9
food processing
cool plasma commercialisation progress and issues, 226–51
case studies, 233–50
defining plasma and cool plasma, 226–7
future trends, 250–1
key drivers, 228–9
microbial inactivation effects and mechanisms, 229, 233
types and generation methods, 227–8
infrared-based technologies, 139–204
ozone commercial applications, 258–79
agri-foods industries, 259
breweries and wineries, 262–6
cleaning-in-place, 275–7
fresh cut salad mixes and fruit, 269–72
fresh microwaveable meals, 274–5
future prospects in agri-foods and food processing, 277–9
meats and sushi, 272–4
shellfish and fish processing, 259–62
vegetable processing and storage, 266–9
pulsed electric field systems, 73–101
key process parameters, 77–82
processing and commercialisation status, 98–9
systems overview, 82–94
trade-offs and optimisation, 95–8
Food Safety and Inspection Service, 7
Fresh-Check TTI, 354, 356, 362
freshly harvested rough rice
disinfestation effectiveness, 192–3
live beetles in rice samples with different drying treatments, 193
live moths in rice samples with different drying treatments, 192
infrared drying and disinfestation, 180–94
approaches, 180–1
disinfestation treatment effectiveness, 182–3
milling quality, 182
overview, 179–80
results, 183–93
tempering and cooling treatments, 181–2
moisture removal for different heating durations, 183–4
rice samples moisture removals, 184
rice temperature and heating time, 184
moisture removal under different tempering and cooling treatments, 185–8
rice moisture removal with 20.6% initial MC, 185
rice moisture removal with 25.0% initial MC, 185
rice total moisture removal with 20.6% initial MC, 187
rice total moisture removal with 25.0% initial MC, 187
rice milling quality, 188–92
head rice yields with 20.6% initial MC and different drying treatments, 189
head rice yields with 25.0% initial MC and different drying treatments, 190
milling rice whiteness with 20.6% initial MC and different drying treatments, 190
milling rice whiteness with 25.0% initial MC and different drying treatments, 191
total rice yields with 20.6% initial MC and different drying treatments, 188
total rice yields with 25.0% initial MC and different drying treatments, 189
freshness indicators, 351
fruit carotenoids, 36
fruit juices
high hydrostatic pressure processing, 34–66
basic research, 37–60
fruit composition, recommended intake and HHP treatment, 35–7
future trends, 66
fruit pulp, 36
fruits and vegetables
irradiation principles and considerations, 427–39
application, 430–3
challenges for commercialisation, 433–8
technology and dosimetry, 428–30
novel technologies for decontamination, 283–96
adaptation of existing technologies, 289–94
antimicrobial treatments, 285–9
future trends, 294–6
optimisation of existing chemical treatments, 284–5
furan, 435–6


gamma irradiator, 448
glass transition hypothesis, 191
gliding arc plasma system, 290
Gompertz model, 499–500
GrainPro Cocoons, 333, 334, 336
GrainSafe, 334, 335
grape juice, 58–9
growth/no-growth boundary line, 496, 500, 511


HACCP system, 23
commercial high pressure processing, 21–31
commercial HPP-treated food products, 27–30
high pressure processing equipment, 23–7
treatment costs, 30
heat inactivation, 467
heat pasteurisation, 22
hermetic storage, 324, 332
applications, 337–9
beans, 338
coffee, 338–9
corn, 338
rice, 337–8
wheat and barley, 338
assisted, 324
flexible liners
moisture migration, 336
structural durability, 336
high frequency ultrasound, 121
high hydrostatic pressure processing, 5–6
aspects related to food quality, 49–60
bioactive compounds, 54–60
colour, 52
enzymes, 49–51
sensory and consumer studies, 52–4
aspects related to food safety, 37–49
bacteria, 38–46
moulds and yeasts, 46–9
basic research on fruit juices and derivatives processing, 37–60
fruit juices and smoothies, 34–66
bacteria inactivation, 39–43
fruit composition, 35–6
fruit intake recommendation, 36–7
fruit juice labelling, 65
fruit juice processing in Australia, 61–6
juices, smoothies and pulps, 36
moulds and yeasts inactivation, 47–8
future trends, 66
HHP-treated juices commercialisation, 60–6
commercial application, 61–6
HHP fruit juice manufacturing companies, 62–3
key drivers, 60
schematic diagram, 5
high power ultrasonics
applications and benefits, 124–33
emulsification/homogenisation, 129
large high power ultrasound applications, 124
defoaming, 130–1
Cavitus airborne ultrasonic defoaming system, 132
extraction, 124–7
anthocyanin concentrations changes, 128
colour density changes, 128
ultrasonic extraction systems, 126
ultrasonics in the wine industry, 126–7
flow cell designs, 122
high power ultrasound, 120–1
industrial applications in foods, beverage and wine industry, 119–36
large-scale implementation, 133–5
commercialised ultrasonic applications, 135
process and scale-up parameters, 121–3
energy and intensity, 121–3
flow rate vs energy, 123
pressure, 123
temperature and viscosity, 123
successful commercialisation, 136
ultrasonic cleaning and sanitation in the wine industry, 131
Dekkera/Brettanomyces microbiological reduction, 135
high pressure water cleaning vs ultrasonic cleaning, 134
viscosity alteration, 129
ultrasonic viscosity reduction applications and benefits, 130
high power ultrasound, 120–1 See also high power ultrasonics
high pressure processing, 22, 23
400 MPA HPP equipment, 23–4
dimensions, 24
illustration, 24
laboratory and pilot-scale research for sliced meat products, 24
working conditions, 24
600 MPA HPP equipment, 25–7
dimensions, 26
illustration, 26
laboratory and pilot-scale research for dry cured meat products, 26–7
working conditions, 26
commercial HPP-treated food products, 27–30
commercial sliced cook ham product, 28
high pressure effect on high water activity products, 28, 30
HPP effect on low water activity products, 30
lactic acid bacteria evolution during commercial shelf-life, 29
Tapas al minute range, 29
environmental impact using carrot juice, 103–14
equipment, 23–7
ham and other sliced meat products, 21–31
major operational challenges with the equipment, 25
baskets for product placement, 25
drying the products, 25
maintenance costs and equipment and repairs, 25
operating costs, 31
treatment costs, 30
high temperature short time, 2
Hitachi S-4700 field emission, 159
hot lye peeling, 203
Hunter colour, 52
hurdle technology, 2, 491
hydrogen peroxide, 235
hydrostatic retorts, 390
hypercabia, 325


I-Point Time Temperature Monitor, 354
infrared, 140
infrared-based processing technologies, 139–204
almonds infrared dry-toasting, 175–9
approaches to study IR dry-toasting, 175–7
IR dry-toasting results, 177–9
case studies for improved processing efficiency and food safety, 141–2
effect on food molecular constituents, 140–1
infrared absorption band characteristics, 141
future trends, 204
infrared heating effectiveness, 180–202
freshly harvested rough rice simultaneous drying and disinfestation, 180–94
stored rough rice disinfestation, 194–202
infrared radiation heating for tomato peeling, 203–4
infrared rough rice drying and disinfestation overview, 179–80
raw almonds infrared pasteurisation, 170–5
approaches to study pasteurisation, 170
IR pasteurisation results, 170–5
simultaneous infrared blanching and dehydration, 142–55
comments on continuous and intermittent modes of operation, 153–5
energy consideration, 153
equipment, 142–6
potato slices dry blanching and dehydration, 146–7
potatoes IR dry blanching and dehydration conclusions, 155
potatoes IR dry blanching and dehydration results, 147–52
strawberry slices sequential infrared and freeze-drying, 155–70
freeze-drying method, 158
IR and hot-air pre-dehydration methods, 157–8
quality evaluation, 158–9
samples and experiment designs, 156–7
sequential IR and freeze-drying results, 159–69
infrared dry-blanching technology, 142
infrared heating, 180–200
freshly harvested rough rice drying and disinfestation, 180–94
stored rough rice disinfestation, 194–202
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor, 84
intelligent packaging, 351–2
intermediate moisture foods, 489–94
ionising radiation, 6–8, 235
irradiated meat
consumer acceptance and marketing, 442–60
background, 443
cause for concern, 443–4
future trends, 458–9
history of food irradiation, 449–53
irradiation, 445–9
key to consumer acceptance, 453–8
possible solutions, 444–5
non-food products, 450 See also food irradiation
irradiators, 447–9
ISM frequencies, 411
isothermal inactivation, 469


Juice Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point regulation, 210, 220
juice processing
pulsed electric field systems, 73–101
key process parameters, 77–82
processing and commercialisation status, 98–9
systems overview, 82–94
trade-offs and optimisation, 95–8


L-A-A See ascorbic acid
lactic acid bacteria, 37
Lactobacillus, 22, 37, 131
Lactobacillus plantarum, 220
leak indicators, 351
Leuconostoc mesenteroides, 45
Leuconostoc species, 37
LIFE 05 ENV/E/000251, 278
life cycle assessment, 104
life cycle inventory, 109
Lifelines Freshness Monitor, 354
liquid constant pressure atomisation, 31415
Listeria innocua, 38, 217
Listeria monocytogenes, 6, 26, 27, 30, 38, 211, 233, 244
log-logistic model, 471–2
lossy dielectric, 411–12
low pressure plasma, 241
low temperature See cool


3M Monitor Mark, 354, 357, 358
magnetostrictive transducers, 121
material change, 437
mayonnaise, 129
Meal, Combat, Individual, 369–70
Meal Ready-to-Eat™, 367–8, 370–2
components, properties and criteria, 372–4
accessory packet, 374
Meal Bag, 372–3
non-retort pouch, 374
packaging materials, 373
retort pouch, 373–4
contents, 371
design criteria, 374–5
thickness reduction, 375
weight reduction, 375
future trends, 385
low-density polyethylene nanocomposites
clay loading on Young’s modulus, 379
MLS varying concentrations, 379
oxygen and water vapour barrier properties, 379
thermogravimetric analysis results of films, 380
varying processing conditions, 378
research and development, 375–84
bundle after airdrop testing, 383
demonstration/validation, 382–4
field testing candidate locations, 384
film development and properties, 379–80
lab-scale films, 380
Meal Bag properties for prototypes, 382
nanocomposite formulation optimisation, 377–9
nanocomposites, 375–6
pilot-scale film production and results, 381–2
properties for pilot-scale production films, 381
tortuous path mechanism, 376
transportation and distribution validation, 384
medium infrared, 140–1
methyl bromide, 322, 342
microbial challenge study, 492–3
Maple-filled French toast, 501–5
consumer acceptance ratings, 502
ingredients, 502
initial water activity and pH values, 503
moisture migration, 504
results, 505–10
microbial inactivation, 469–73
microbial mortality, 466–9
microbial safety, 433
microstreaming, 121
microwave batch processing ovens, 415
microwave generator, 412–13
microwave heating
case studies, 415–24
conventional and microwave fried donuts, 417
conventional donut fryers, 416
donut processing, 415–21
microwave donut fryer, 417, 418
microwave donut proofer, 420
microwave sausage cooker, 421–3
muesli conveyor, 423
muesli microwave cooking and drying, 423–4
muesli microwave oven, 424
Owens 6 Sausage ’n Biscuits, 422
industrial microwave equipment, 412–15
applicators, 413–14
control systems and sensors, 414
conveyor belts, 414
directional power couplers and meters, 414
generators, 412–13
isolators, 414
microwave batch processing ovens, 415
system components, 413
waveguides, tuners, directional couplers and isolators, 414
microwaves properties, 408–11
electromagnetic spectrum, 409
electromagnetic wave, 410
ISM frequencies, 411
principles and case studies of commercialisation, 407–25
process, 411–12
dipolar rotation, 412
ionic conduction, 412
microwave vacuum cold plasma, 241–4
heating process, 411–12
dipolar rotation, 412
ionic conduction, 412
properties, 408–11
military rations
Maple-filled French toast microbial challenge study, 501–5
consumer acceptance ratings, 502
ingredients, 502
initial water activity and pH values, 503
moisture migration, 504
microbial challenge study results, 505–10
incidental microflora, 506
Maple-filled French toast challenge study at T = 25 °C, 506–7
Maple-filled French toast challenge study at T = 35 °°C, 507
Quasi-chemical model, 507–10
S. aureus inactivation kinetics at T = 25 °C, 507
S. aureus inactivation kinetics at T = 35 °C, 508
water activity and pH, 506
modelling S. aureus growth in intermediate moisture bread, 494–500
data and fitted curves, 498–9
growth data, 495
growth/no-growth boundary line, 500
Quasi-chemical model, 496–500
nanocomposite Meal Bag, 367–85
Quasi-chemical model and accelerated 3-year challenge test, 489–511
future trends, 510–11
Maple-filled French toast, 491
pocket sandwiches, 490
high hydrostatic pressure, 6
irradiation, 7
pulsed electric field, 4
ultraviolet radiation, 8–9, 12
minimum inhibitory concentrations, 305
Minolta CR-200 reflectance colorimeter, 158
modified atmospheres
altered atmospheric pressure
high pressure carbon dioxide treatment, 324
vacuum treatment, 324
applications, 337–43
biogenerated atmospheres for insect control, 341
cereal grain preservation, 337
dates disinfestation, 340
food packaging, 342
fresh storage of fruits and vegetables, 342
hermetic storage, 337–9
high moisture corn preservation, 341–2
narcissus bulbs before loading in pellets, 343
narcissus bulbs treatments, 342–3
organic cereals, pulses, nuts and flours insect control and preservation, 339
quality preservation of stored cocoa beans, 340
tree nuts and dried fruits preservation, 337
vacuum treatment in Cocoon holding cocoa beans, 339
commercial application for food preservation, 321–43
generation and application, 330–3
biogeneration, 332
exothermic gas generators, 330–1
gas supply requirements, 331
high pressure carbon dioxide treatment, 332
low pressure vacuum treatment, 332–3
on-site nitrogen generators, 331–2
supply of gases from tankers, 330
normal atmospheric pressure, 323–4
assisted hermetic storage, 324
carbon dioxide-based MA, 323
controlled atmosphere, 323–4
hermetic storage, 324
product quality, 328–30
calculated oxygen concentrations in grain mass, 329
preservation, 329–30
quality parameters in rice paddy, 330
seed germination, 328–9
stored-product insects and mites, 325–7
high carbon dioxide and hypercabia, 325
high carbon dioxide pressure, 327
low oxygen and anoxia, 325
low oxygen and high carbon dioxide, 325–6
low pressures, 326–7
provisional dosage regimes, 326
structures used, 333–6
bunker storage, 334
corn storage, 336
flexible liners, 336
flexible structures, 333–4
hermetic granary, 335
hermetic storage, 334
rigid structures, 333
SuperGrainbags, 335
moisture migration, 336
montmorillonite layered silicate, 375–6
mould, 327–8
mould inhibitors
demands/challenges, 312–13
non-circulating system criteria, 313–14
optimum system choice, 314–17
Danisco’s solution application choice, 315
spray system selection criteria and characteristics, 316–17
surface application technologies, 314–15
mould spoilage, 307–8
mycotoxin, 327–8


nanocomposite meal bag
development for individual military rations, 367–85
future trends, 385
historical background, 368–70
Meal Ready-to-Eat™, 370–5
research and development, 375–84
nanocomposites, 375–6
formulation optimisation for meal bags, 377–9
morphologies, 376
Nantes, 107
antimicrobial spectrum, 305
considerations and selection of spraying system, 312–17
conveyor design and target positioning, 317
demands/challenges, 312–13
non-circulating system, 313–14
optimum system choice, 314–17
history, 304
method of assay, 306
mode of action, 305–6
physical and chemical properties, 304–5
preservative on surface of baked goods, 303–18
future trends, 317–18
mould spoilage, 307–8
safety and tolerance, 306–7
structure, 305
trials on use as surface treatment of baked goods, 308–12
commercial bakery spray trial, 311
pilot spray system, 309
uses in foods, 306
near infrared, 140–1
nitrogen, 240–1
nitrogen generators, 331–2
non-thermal plasma, 9–12, 229
process schematic diagram, 10
prototype for dry fresh almond pasteurisation, 11
reactor designed for liquid treatment, 10
reactor for solid foods treatment, 11
non-thermal processes
concentrated high intensity electric field, 12
food pasteurisation, 1–13
high hydrostatic pressure, 5–6
process schematic diagram, 5
ionising irradiation, 6–8
non-thermal plasma, 9–12
process schematic diagram, 10
prototype for dry fresh almond pasteurisation, 11
reactor designed for liquid treatment, 10
reactor for solid foods treatment, 11
pulsed electric field, 2–4
process schematic diagram, 3
ultraviolet radiation, 8–9
NRRL B-2354, 177


ohmic heating, 4, 12
Ohm’s law, 80
Omega HH147 Data Logger Thermometer, 147
OnVu TTI, 356, 363
Ophir FL205A Thermal Excimer Absorber Head, 157, 181
orange juice, 3, 12
dense phase carbon dioxide processing, 209–22
indigenous microbial population, 220
schematic diagram, 214
pasteurised and DPCO2 treated sensory evaluation, 221
pectinesterase activity, 219
vegetative pathogens log10 reduction, 216
oxygen depleted atmospheres
commercial application for preservation of food commodities, 321–43
definition and uses, 322–4 See also modified atmospheres
ozone, 133
breweries and wineries, 262–6
applications, 262–6
water treatment, 262
commercial applications in food processing, 258–79
agri-foods industry, 259
cleaning-in-place, 275–7
fresh cut salad mixes and fruit washing/packaging, 269–72
Strickland Produce flume water recycling, 271
Strickland Produce salad washing, 270
fresh microwaveable meals preparation, 274–5
Crono restaurant meal packaging, 275
Crono restaurant meal processing, 274
future prospects in agri-foods and food processing, 277–9
European Community ozone cleaning-in-place demonstration project, 277–9
meats and sushi processing, 272–4
ready-to-eat meats, 272
sushi products, 272–4
Ventafresh process schematic for sushi, 273
shellfish and fish processing, 259–62
fresh fish processing/packaging, 260–2
shellfish depuration, 259–60
uses of ozonated water, 261
vegetable processing and storage, 266–9
garlic processing spray bar rinsing system, 266–7
onion storage, 267–8
potato storage, 269


pasteurisation, 2, 108, 109, 446
pectin colloid, 218
pectin methyl esterase, 50
pectin mycelia, 50
pectinesterase, 218
pectinolytic enzymes, 126
Pediococcus, 170, 171, 175, 177
peroxidase, 50, 51
Phoenix phenomenon, 490, 493
piezoelectric transducers, 121
pimaracin See natamycin
plasma, 226–7
plasma emitters, 237, 238
POD See peroxidase
polyethylene terephthalate, 229
polyphenol oxidase, 50, 51
IR dry blanching and dehydration, 146–52
diced potatoes 30 minutes after dry-blanching, 149–50
energy analysis results during IR dry blanching, 153
energy consideration, 153
images of potato slices of different thickness, 148
remaining PPO percentage and temperature profile with emitter at low intensity, 152
remaining PPO percentage and temperature profile with emitter on, OFF mode, 151
results, 147–52
test conditions, 146
test results under different equipment settings and operation conditions, 148
power ultrasound, 121
pressure-assisted thermal-sterilisation, 60
pressure-swing adsorption, 331
Procedures for the Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Juice, 215
propylene oxide, 170
pulse generators See duty cycle generators
pulse modulators, 82, 83
pulsed electric field systems, 2–4
commercial food and juice processing, 73–101
cell electroporation resulting from PEF treatment, 74
PEF utility, 74–7
environmental impact using carrot juice, 103–14
key process parameters, 77–82
common liquids conductivities, 81
conductivity/flow rate, 80–2
ideal and nominal pulses, 79
normalised voltage pulses, 78
pulse shape, 78–80
voltage and current waveforms, 80
modulators, 83–7
hard switch modulator, 85
60 kV Bi-polar solid state PEF system, 86
modelled pulse waveforms, 88–9
PEF protocol, 87
PEF qualitative assessment, 90
pulse forming networks modulator, 84
transformer coupled modulator, 85
overview, 82–94
DC power supply, 82
power supplies, 83
process schematic diagram, 3
processing and commercialisation status, 98–9
PEF treated Genesis Juice, 98
pilot PEF system, 100
trade-offs and optimisation, 95–8
commercial-scale PEF system, 97
potential system designs, 96
treatment chambers, 90–4
commercial-scale, 92
electrode erosion on inner diameter, 94
electrodes erosion levels, 93
OSU co-field flow chamber cutaway view, 91


quality function, 359
Quasi-chemical model, 492, 493–4, 496–500, 507–10
case study in military rations, 489–511
mechanism, rate equations and ordinary differential equations, 497
S. aureus inactivation kinetics
T = 25 °C, 509
T = 35 °C, 509
vs linear model, 510
schematic mechanism, 497
vs Gompertz model
estimated growth rates, 500
fitted curves for estimating maximum growth rate, 499


Radura, 437
Radura symbol, 452
reactive oxygen species, 9
Reserve Ration, 369
response function, 359
retorting systems, 389–90
developments in in-container technology, 389–406
future trends, 405–6
product quality and Shaka process, 402–3
Shaka process commercialisation, 403–5
Zinetec Shaka process, 391–402
RF plasma jets, 244
Rhizopertha dominica, 181, 196


Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 37, 46, 220
sacrificial sealed storage See hermetic storage
Safe and Sanitary Processing and Importing of Juice, 2
Safety Monitoring and Assurance System, 361, 364–5
Salmonella, 37, 45, 210, 215, 244
Salmonella enterica serovar Enteritidis, 170
Salmonella Enteriditis PT 30, 175, 177
Salmonella spp., 27, 30
Salmonella Stanley, 238
Salmonella typhimurium, 211
sanitation, 446
sealed storage See hermetic storage
sequential hot-air freeze-drying, 157
sequential infrared and freeze-drying, 155–70
catalytic infrared dryer set-up, 157
freeze-drying method, 158
IR and hot-air pre-dehydration methods, 157–8
strawberry slices
quality evaluation, 158–9
results, 159–69
samples and experiment designs, 156–7
sequential IR radiation and hot air, 176
Shaka® process
commercialisation, 403–5
concept and initial development, 391–3
heat up time to 121 °C from steam on, 392
process times, 393
static and rotary processing vs reciprocation by hand, 391
container types and sizes, 399–400
sterilisation times, 400
critical factors and determination of process conditions, 400–2
developments in in-container retort technology, 389–406
future trends, 405–6
first retort, 393–4
basket with flanged wheels, 395
crank and slider reciprocating drive mechanism, 394
food products, 398–9
sterilisation times for Bechamel sauce, 398
product quality, 402–3
validation and development, 394–7
cooling time, 397
heat up times to 120 °C from steam on, 396
heating time vs maximum acceleration, 397
microbiological challenge experiments, 395
shelf-life indicators See time-temperature integrators
Shigella species, 37
Silicon Controlled Rectifier, 84
SimaPro, 110
simultaneous IR blanching and dehydration, 142–55
comments on continuous and intermittent modes of operation, 153–5
lab-scale double-sided catalytic infrared dryer/blancher, 154
energy consideration, 153
energy analysis results during IR dry blanching, 153
infrared equipment, 142–6
mobile infrared heating equipment, 144
rear view, 144
side and top views, 143
side view of part with imaginary zones and sections, 145
simultaneous IR dry-blanching and dehydration, 142
Sitotroga cerealella, 181, 194, 196
sliced meat products
commercial high pressure processing, 21–31
commercial HPP-treated food products, 27–30
high pressure processing equipment, 23–7
treatment costs, 30
smoothies, 36
high hydrostatic pressure processing, 34–66
solid-state switches, 85
spark gap, 84
Stage-Gate process, 136
Staphylococcus aureus, 490
inactivation kinetics
T = 25 °C, 507, 509
T = 35 °C, 508, 509
Maple-filled French toast microbial challenge study, 501–5
modelling growth in intermediate moisture bread, 494–500
steam, 133
steam peeling, 203
sterilisation, 446
sterility, 467–9
stored rough rice
approaches to study IR heating effectiveness for disinfestation, 194–7
catalytic vibro-bed IR dryer and conventional heated air dryer setup, 195
quality evaluation in the thick-layer heating treatment, 194–6
single-layer heating treatment, 196–7
single-layer rice IR heating treatment experimental design, 197
thick-layer rice IR treatment experimental design, 196
disinfestation under single-layer treatment, 199–202
head rice yields, 202
live beetles in single-layer rice samples, 201
live moths in single-layer rice samples, 200
stored rice temperature and moisture loss, 199
total rice yields, 201
whiteness index, 202
disinfestation under thick-layer treatment, 197–8
emerging adult insects in treated thick-layer samples, 198
moisture change and milling quality, 198
thick-layer rice sample moisture content, 197
infrared heating effectiveness, 194–202
results of IR disinfestation, 197–200
strawberry juice, 59
strawberry slices
dried with different methods and conditions
colour value a, 163
colour value L, 163
crispness, 169
cross section, 166
rehydration ratio, 168
thickness shrinkage, 161
quality evaluation, 158–9
colour, 158
crispness, 159
microstructure, 159
rehydration ratio, 159
thickness, 158
results of sequential infrared and freeze-drying, 159–69
average moisture contents of samples, 160
colour, 162–4
crispness, 168–9
effect of drying method on appearance, 165
hue angle of samples from all drying tests, 164
microstructure, 164, 167
moisture, 159, 161
rehydration ratio, 167–8
shrinkage, 161–2
sequential infrared and freeze-drying, 70
catalytic infrared dryer set-up, 157
freeze-drying method, 158
IR and hot-air pre-dehydration methods, 157–8
samples and experiment design, 156–7
sulphur dioxide, 133
SuperGrainbags, 334, 335, 338
surface spray systems, 312–17
survival curves, 469, 470
switching power supply, 83


Talaromyces avellanus, 49
Tapas, 28
TA.XT2 texture analyser, 159
tennectin See natamycin
tetrode, 84
thermal pasteurisation, 22
thermal preservation, 465
thermal treatments, 2, 286, 289 specific treatment
thyratron, 84
time-temperature integrators
application, 362–3
flight label TTI, 363
fresh ready to cook chicken product, 364
vaccines, 362
commercialisation, 351–65
active and intelligent packaging, 351–2
food chain monitoring and management, 357–60
future trends, 364–5
industry and consumer attitudes, 361–2
shelf life indicators for consumers, 360–1
history, 352–4
development and application, 353–4
state of the art technologies, 354–7
diffusion based 3M Monitor Mark TTI, 358
enzymatic Checkpoint TTI response scale, 355
Microbial TTI response scale, 357
polymer based Fresh-Check TTI, 356
solid state photochromic OnVu TTI, 356
TT Sensor TTI, 357
tissue disintegration, 75
Title 21 CFR, 120, 215
tomato peeling
heating time effects, 203
infrared radiation heating, 203–4
TranSafeliner™, 338, 339
transducer, 121
transformer-rectifier, 83
Trench Ration, 369
TT Sensor TTI, 357


UHT skim milk, 6
ultra high temperature, 2
UltraVirTual Series EL freeze-dryer, 158
ultralight dielectric barrier discharge, 239–41
ultralight spot system, 239–41
ultrasonic atomisation, 315
ultrasonic emulsification process, 129
ultrasonic liquid processing, 121
wine industry, 126–7 See also high power ultrasonics
ultraviolet radiation, 8–9
US Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1994, 443
US Patent No. 5, 393, 547, 213
US Patent No. 5, 704, 276, 213
US Patent No. 6, 331, 272, 213
US Patent No. 6, 723, 365, 213


vacuum treatment, 324, 332–3, 339
vegetables See fruits and vegetables
vinification, 126
vitamin C See ascorbic acid
VITSAB Time Temperature Indicator, 354
Volcani Cube, 334


Weibullian Log-logistic model, 472–3, 485
Weibullian model, 469–71
Wonderware’s InTouch, 7.11, 217


x-ray irradiator, 448–9


yeasts, 37, 46


Zygosaccharomyces bailii, 46
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