A Note on Notation

Some of the symbolism in this book has not (yet?) become standard. Here is a list of notations that might be unfamiliar to readers who have learned similar material from other books, together with the page numbers where these notations are explained. (See the general index, at the end of the book, for references to more standard notations.)

Notation Name Page
ln x natural logarithm: loge x 276
lg x binary logarithm: log2 x 70
log x common logarithm: log10 x 449
ImagexImage floor: max{ n | n x, integer n } 67
ImagexImage ceiling: min{ n | n x, integer n } 67
x mod y remainder: x yImagex/yImage 82
{x} fractional part: x mod 1 70
Image indefinite summation 48
Image definite summation 49
xn falling factorial power: x!/(x n)! 47, 211
Image rising factorial power: Γ(x + n)(x) 48, 211
n¡ subfactorial: n!/0! n!/1! + · · · + (–1)nn!/n! 194
z real part: x, if z = x + iy 64
z imaginary part: y, if z = x + iy 64
Hn harmonic number: 1/1 + · · · + 1/n 29
Image generalized harmonic number: 1/1x + · · · + 1/nx 277
f(m)(z) mth derivative of f at z 470
Image Stirling cycle number (the “first kind”) 259
Image Stirling subset number (the “second kind”) 258
Image Eulerian number 267
Image Second-order Eulerian number 270
(am . . . a0)b radix notation for Image 11
K(a1, . . . , an) continuant polynomial 302
Image hypergeometric function 205
#A cardinality: number of elements in the set A 39
[zn] f(z) coefficient of zn in f(z) 197
[α . . β] closed interval: the set {x | α x β} 73
[m = n] 1 if m = n, otherwise 0* 24
[mn] 1 if m divides n, otherwise 0* 102
[m\n] 1 if m exactly divides n, otherwise 0* 146
[mn] 1 if m is relatively prime to n, otherwise 0* 115

If you don’t understand what the x denotes at the bottom of this page, try asking your Latin professor instead of your math professor.

Prestressed concrete mathematics is concrete mathematics that’s preceded by a bewildering list of notations.

Also ‘nonstring’ is a string.

*In general, if S is any statement that can be true or false, the bracketed notation [S] stands for 1 if S is true, 0 otherwise.

Throughout this text, we use single-quote marks (‘. . . ’) to delimit text as it is written, double-quote marks (“. . . ”) for a phrase as it is spoken. Thus, the string of letters ‘string’ is sometimes called a “string.”

An expression of the form ‘a/bc’ means the same as ‘a/(bc)’. Moreover, log x/log y = (log x)/(log y) and 2n! = 2(n!).

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