8.1 Introduction

After obtaining the mathematical model of the system, its performance is analysed based on the time response or frequency response. Time response of the system is defined as the response of the system when standard test signals such as impulse, step and so on are applied to it. Frequency response of the system is defined as the response of the system when standard sinusoidal signals are applied to it with constant amplitude over a range of frequencies. The frequency response indicates the steady-state response of a system to a sinusoidal input. The characteristics and performance of the industrial control system are analysed by using the frequency response techniques. Frequency response analysis is used in ­numerous systems and components such as audio and video amplifiers, speakers, sound cards and servomotors. The different techniques available for frequency response analysis lend themselves to a simplest procedure for experimental testing and analysis. In addition, the stability and relative stability of the system for the sinusoidal input can be analysed by using different frequency plots.

This chapter introduces the frequency response of the system and explains the procedure for construction of Bode plot to determine frequency domain specifications such as gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin and phase margin.

8.1.1 Advantages of Frequency Response Analysis

The time response of the system can be obtained only if the transfer function of the system is known earlier, which is always not possible. But it is possible to obtain frequency response of the system even though the transfer function of the system is not known. The reasons for determining the frequency response of the system are:

  1. Analytically, it is more difficult to determine the time response of the system for higher order systems.
  2. As there exists numerous ways of designing a control system to meet the time domain performance specifications, it becomes difficult for the designer to choose a suitable design for a particular system.
  3. The transfer function of a higher order system can be identified by computing the frequency response of the system over a wide range of frequencies Eqn1.
  4. The time-domain specifications of a system can be met by using the frequency domain specifications as a correlation exists between the frequency response and time response of a system.
  5. The stability of a non-linear system can be analysed by the frequency response ­analysis.
  6. The transfer function of a higher order system can be obtained using frequency response analysis which makes use of physical data when it is difficult to obtain using differential equations.
  7. The frequency response analysis can be applied to the system that has no rational transfer function (i.e., a system with transportation lag).
  8. The frequency response analysis can be applied to the system even when the input is not deterministic.
  9. The frequency response analysis is very convenient in measuring the system ­sensitivity to noise and parameter variations.
  10. In frequency response analysis, stability and relative stability of a system can be analysed without evaluating the roots of the characteristic equation of the system.
  11. The frequency response analysis is simple and accurate.

8.1.2 Disadvantages of Frequency Response Analysis

The disadvantages of frequency response analysis are:

  1. Frequency response analysis is not recommended for the system with very large time constants.
  2. It is not useful for non-interruptible systems.
  3. It can generally be applied only to linear systems. When this approach is applied to a non-linear system, the result obtained is not exact.
  4. It is considered as outdated when compared with the methods developed for digital computer and modelling.

The comparison between the time response analysis and frequency response analysis is listed in Table 8.1.

Table 8.1 ∣ Comparison between the time response analysis and frequency response analysis


8.2 Importance of Sinusoidal Waves for Frequency Response Analysis

In frequency response analysis, the signal used as an input to the system is a sinusoidal wave because of the following reasons:

  1. Fourier theory (infinite sum of sine wave and cosine wave).
  2. Any input signal applied to the circuit can be represented as a combination of sine and cosine waves of different frequencies and amplitudes.

Consider a ramp signal as shown in Fig. 8.1(a) and constant sine and cosine waves of varying amplitude as shown in Fig. 8.1(b).


Fig. 8.1 ∣ (a) Ramp signal, (b) Fourier components and (c) original and sum of fourier components

If the sine wave and cosine wave as shown in Fig. 8.1(b) are added, the resultant will be a ramp signal indicated using a dotted line along with the original ramp signal shown as a continuous line depicted in Fig. 8.1(c). Since any signal can be represented by varying the frequency and amplitude of the sine and cosine waves, the sinusoidal wave is chosen for frequency domain analysis.

8.3 Basics of Frequency Response Analysis

The steady-state output of the stable linear system is also a sine wave of same frequency when a sinusoidal input is applied to the system. The output and input of the system generally differs in both magnitude and phase. Generally, the frequency response of the system can be obtained by replacing the variable s in the transfer function with Eqn2 as given by


where Eqn4 is the magnitude or gain i.e., the sinusoidal amplitude ratio of output to input. In addition, Eqn5 is the angle by which the output leads the input. The parameters Eqn6 and Eqn7 are functions of the angular frequency Eqn8. The Laplace variable s is a complex number that is represented as Eqn9. If a linear time-invariant system is subjected to a pure sinusoidal input, Eqn10, the output response of the system contains both the transient part and the steady-state part. But at Eqn11, the transient part dies out because the roots have negative parts for a stable system and only the steady-state part of the output response exists. Therefore, as the frequency response of the system deals with steady-state analysis of the system, it is enough to substitute Eqn12 instead of Eqn13.

Example 8.1 Consider a low-pass RC network with Eqn15 and Eqn16 as shown in Fig. E8.1 and is driven by the input voltage Eqn17 Determine the output voltage v0(t) across the capacitor, C.


Fig. E8.1

Solution: The transfer function of the low-pass RC network is


Substituting the values of Eqn21 and Eqn22, we obtain


The Laplace transform of the input, Eqn24

Hence, the output of the system, Eqn26

Using partial fractions, we obtain Eqn27

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn28

where Eqn29is the transient part of the output and Eqn30is the steady-state part of the output.

8.4 Frequency Response Analysis of Open-Loop and Closed-Loop Systems

The frequency response analysis of both open-loop and closed-loop systems is discussed below.

8.4.1 Open-Loop System


Fig. 8.2 ∣ A simple open-loop system

Consider an open-loop linear time-invariant system as shown in Fig. 8.2. The input signal i.e., sinusoidal with amplitude Eqn40 and frequency Eqn41 is given by


The steady-state output of the system Eqn43 will also be a sinusoidal function with the same frequency Eqn44 but possibly with a different amplitude and phase, i.e.,


where Eqn46 is the amplitude of the output sinusoidal wave and Eqn47 is the phase shift in degrees or radians.

Let the transfer function of a linear single-input single-output (SISO) system be Eqn48. Then, the relation between the Laplace transforms of the input and the output is


For sinusoidal steady-state analysis i.e., frequency response analysis, s is replaced with Eqn51 Then, the above equation becomes


Here, Eqn53 can be written in terms of magnitude and phase angle as


Similarly, Eqn. (8.2) can be re-written as


Hence, comparing Eqs. (8.3) and (8.4), we obtain


and the phase angle is


From the transfer function Eqn58 of a linear time-invariant system with sinusoidal input, the magnitude and phase angle of the output can be obtained using Eqs. (8.5) and (8.6) ­respectively.

8.4.2 Closed-Loop System


Fig. 8.3 ∣ A simple closed-loop system

The closed-loop system is shown in Fig. 8.3.

The transfer function Eqn59

For the frequency response analysis, substituting Eqn60, we get


The transfer function Eqn62 can be expressed in terms of its magnitude and phase as


Therefore, the magnitude of Eqn64 is


The phase angle of Eqn66 is


Thus, by knowing the transfer function Eqn68 of a linear time-invariant system and the feedback transfer function Eqn69 the magnitude and phase angle of the output for the closed-loop system can be obtained using Eqs. (8.7) and (8.8) respectively, provided the input to the system is sinusoidal.

8.4.3 Closed-Loop System with Poles and Zeros

Consider a negative feedback closed-loop system as shown in Fig. 8.3 with the closed-loop transfer function as


where Eqn71 is the Laplace transform of the output and Eqn72 is the Laplace transform of the input.

For a closed-loop stable system,


where, Eqn75 and Eqn76

where Eqn77 and Eqn78 are positive and distinct integers with Eqn79.

Consider the input Eqn80 applied to the system as


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain Eqn82

Hence, the Laplace transform of the output using Eqn. (8.9) is Eqn83

Substituting Eqn. (8.10) in the above equation, we obtain


Using partial fractions for the above equation, we obtain



Here, Eqn87, where Eqn88

In addition, Eqn89



As the constant K1 is a complex number, it is convenient to represent it in polar form as

Eqn93 where Eqn94




Since we have assumed all the values of Eqn100 the steady-state response is


Thus, if a sinusoidal input is applied to a system that has negative real value of poles, the steady-state response is a scaled, phase-shifted version of the input. The scaling factor is Eqn102 and the phase shift Eqn103 is the phase of Eqn104.

8.5 Frequency Response Representation

The frequency response analysis of a system is used to determine the system gain and phase angle of the system at different frequencies. Hence, the system gain and phase angle can be represented either in a tabular form or graphical form.

Tabular form: It is useful in representing the system gain and phase angle of a system at different frequencies only if the data set is relatively small. It is also useful in experimental measurement.

Graphical form: It provides a convenient way to view the frequency response data. There are many ways of representing the frequency response in the graphical form.

8.5.1 Determination of Frequency Response

The frequency response analysis of a system can be determined using (i) experimental determination and (ii) mathematical determination.

(i) Experimental determination of frequency response

This method is used only when the system transfer function is not known. This method is used for a plant testing and verification of the plant model. Determining the frequency response of a the small system experimentally in a laboratory environment is not very difficult. A typical set-up for the experimental determination of the frequency response is shown in Fig. 8.4.


Fig. 8.4 ∣ Experimental set-up for frequency response

The requirement for determining frequency response varies for different systems. The ­general requirements for determining the frequency response of systems are power supply, signal generator and a chart recorder or dual trace oscilloscope. The experimental set-up varies depending on the test systems.

The steps to be followed for determining the frequency response are:

  1. Test frequency range and input signal amplitude are established.
  2. Sinusoidal signal with low frequency is applied and sufficient time is allowed for settling of transients present in the system.
  3. After a stable output is reached, using the input and output waveforms, the system gain and phase angle are determined.
  4. The same procedure can be applied for the input signal with different frequencies and the frequency response analysis of the system can be determined.

Thus, the frequency response of the system whose transfer function is not known can be determined.

Mathematical evaluation of frequency response

This method is applicable to the system whose transfer function is known. In this method, by substituting Eqn136, the transfer function is considered to be a function of frequency and it is treated as a complex variable. The system gain and phase angle at a particular frequency is same as the magnitude and phase angle of the complex number.

The mathematical procedure for determining the frequency response of simple and complex transfer functions are given below:

Simple transfer function

  1. Choose the frequency for which the frequency response has to be determined.
  2. Substitute Eqn137 in the given transfer function.
  3. Convert the resultant complex number into a polar form.
  4. Substitute the chosen frequency Eqn138 in the above equation and determine the magnitude and angle of the complex number.
  5. Then, the system gain and phase angle at that particular frequency are determined.
  6. Repeat the above steps for different frequencies and the corresponding system gain and the phase angle can be tabulated.

Complex transfer function

A complex transfer function can be separated in two simple transfer functions and each simple transfer function can be converted into the polar form. The complex number in polar form allows easier manipulation of magnitude and angle. The procedure is as follows:

  1. Convert the complex transfer function into a product of simple transfer functions.
  2. For each simple transfer function, follow the steps that have been discussed earlier to determine the individual magnitude and angle of the simple transfer functions.
  3. Then, the overall gain and phase angle of the complex transfer function at a particular frequency can be obtained by multiplying the individual gain and adding the phase angles, respectively.
  4. The above steps can be repeated for different frequencies and the system gain and phase angle can be determined.

Example 8.2 The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn150. Determine the frequency response of the system over a frequency range of 0.1–10 rad/sec.


Gain of the complex system = product of gains of simple systems

Phase angle of the complex system = addition of phase angles of simple systems

The given complex system can be divided into four simple functions as


Simple system 1:


Substituting Eqn153, we obtain Eqn154

Therefore, gain of the system M1 = 5 and phase angle of the system Eqn155 = 0°.

Simple system 2


Substituting Eqn157, we obtain Eqn158

Therefore, gain of the system M2 = Eqn159 and phase angle of the system Eqn160

Simple system 3


Substituting Eqn162, we obtain Eqn163

Therefore, gain of the system, M3 = Eqn164

and phase angle of the system Eqn165Eqn166

Simple system 4


Therefore, Eqn168

Therefore, gain of the system Eqn169 Eqn170

and phase angle of the system Eqn171

The gain and the phase angle of various simple systems at different frequencies between 0.1 and 10 rad/sec are calculated and tabulated as given in Tables E8.3(a) and (b) respectively.

Table E8.3(a) ∣ Gain of the simple systems at different frequencies


Table E8.3(b) ∣ Phase angle of the system at different frequencies


Therefore, the overall gain and phase angle of the complex system is determined using the following expressions and are tabulated in Table E8.3(c).

Gain of the system, Eqn190

Phase angle of the system, Eqn191.

Table E8.3(c) ∣ Gain and phase angle of the complex system at different frequencies


8.6 Frequency Domain Specifications

Frequency domain specifications of a system are necessary to determine the quality of the system and to design the linear control systems using frequency domain analysis.

Consider a simple closed-loop system as shown in Fig. 8.3. Its transfer function is


The magnitude or gain of the above transfer function as a function of frequency is given by


The phase angle of the transfer function as a function of frequency is given by


The typical gain–phase characteristics of a feedback control system are shown in Figs. 8.5(a) and (b).


Fig. 8.5 ∣ Gain–phase characteristics

The different frequency domain specifications that are required for designing a control system and determining its performance are:

(i) Resonant peak Mr

The maximum value of gain Eqn197 as the frequency of the system Eqn198 is varied over a range is known as resonant peak Eqn199. The relative stability of the system can be determined based on this value. There exists a direct relationship between the maximum overshoot in the time-domain analysis of the system and the resonant peak in the frequency domain analysis (i.e., a large value of Eqn200 indicates that the maximum overshoot of the system is also large). The resonant peak lies between 1.1 and 1.5.

(ii) Resonant frequency Eqn201

The frequency of the system at which the resonant peak occurs is known as resonant frequency Eqn202. The frequency of oscillations in the time domain is related to the resonant frequency Eqn203. When resonant frequency is high, the time response or transient response of the system is fast.

(iii) Cut-off frequency Eqn204

The frequency at which the gain of the system is 3 dB or 0.707 times the gain of the system at zero frequency is known as cut-off frequency Eqn205.

(iv) Bandwidth

The range of frequencies that lie between zero and Eqn206 is known as bandwidth. It is also defined as the range of frequencies over which the magnitude response of the system is flat.

The value of bandwidth indicates the ability of the system to reproduce the input signal and it is a measure of the noise rejection characteristics. In time-domain analysis of the system for a given damping factor, bandwidth in the frequency domain indicates the rise time in the time domain. If the bandwidth of the system in the frequency domain is large, then the rise time of the system in time domain is small and the system will be faster.

(v) Cut-off rate

The slope of the magnitude curve obtained near the cut-off frequency is called cut-off rate. The cut-off rate indicates the ability of the system to distinguish the signal from noise.

(vi) Gain crossover frequency Eqn207

The frequency at which the gain of the system is unity is called the gain crossover frequency Eqn208.

If the gain of the system is expressed in dB, then the gain crossover frequency is defined as the frequency at which the gain of the system is 0 dB (since 20 log 1 = 0 dB).

(vii) Phase crossover frequency Eqn209

The frequency at which the phase angle of the system is −180° is called phase crossover frequency.

(viii) Gain margin gm

In root locus technique, there exists a relationship between the gain and stability of the system. Similarly, in frequency response method, there exists a value of K, beyond which the system becomes unstable. Hence, the gain margin Eqn211 is defined as the factor by which the gain of the system can be increased before the system becomes unstable. Mathematically, it is defined as the reciprocal of the gain of the system at the phase crossover frequency Eqn213.

The stability of the system is directly proportional to the gain margin of the system. In addition, the high gain margin results in an unacceptable response and the result becomes sluggish in nature.

(ix) Phase margin pm

In frequency response analysis, gain margin alone is not sufficient to comment on the relative stability of the system. The other factor that affects the relative stability of the system is phase margin Eqn215. It is defined as the additional phase lag that makes the system marginally stable. In addition, it can be defined as the addition of phase angle of the system at gain crossover frequency and 180°.

As a thumb rule, for a good overall stability of the system, the gain margin of the system should be around 12 dB and the phase margin should be between 45° and 60°.

8.7 Frequency and Time Domain Interrelations

The interrelation between the time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis of the system is explicit for the first order. In this section, the interrelation existing between the time domain and frequency domain for a second-order system is discussed. In addition, the ­frequency domain specifications for the second-order system are derived using the ­frequency response analysis.

Consider a second-order system as shown in Fig. 8.6 with the feed-forward transfer function as Eqn216 and with a unity feedback.


Fig. 8.6 ∣ A simple second order system

Hence, the transfer function of the second-order system is given by


where Eqn218 is the damping ratio of the system and Eqn219 is the undamped natural frequency of the system.

In addition, Eqn220

The transfer function of the system in frequency domain is obtained by substituting Eqn221 in Eqn. (8.12) given by


Substituting Eqn223 in Eqn. (8.13), we obtain Eqn224(8.14)

where Eqn225 is the normalized driving signal frequency.

Therefore, Eqn226(8.15)

Using Eqs. (8.14) and (8.15), we obtain Eqn227(8.16)

and Eqn228(8.17)

The steady-state output of the system when the system is excited by the sinusoidal input with unit magnitude and variable frequency Eqn229 (i.e., Eqn230) is given by


Using Table 8.1, the magnitude and phase angle plots with respect to the normalized frequency u are shown in Figs. 8.7(a) and 8.7(b) respectively.

Table 8.2 ∣ Magnitude and phase values


Fig. 8.7 ∣ (a) Magnitude and (b) phase angle plots of second-order system

8.7.1 Frequency Domain Specifications

(i) Resonant frequency ωr

At resonant frequency Eqn238, the first-order derivative of the magnitude of frequency domain analysis is zero.

i.e., Eqn239

Since the magnitude in Eqn. (8.16) depends on the normalized frequency Eqn240, the above equation can be written as Eqn241

where Eqn242 is the normalized resonant frequency.

Therefore, Eqn243

Simplifying, we obtain Eqn244


We know that, Eqn246.

Therefore, the resonant frequency is given by Eqn247(8.18)

(ii) Resonant peak Mr

The magnitude at resonant frequency Eqn249, is known as the resonant peak Eqn250.

i.e., Eqn251

Since the magnitude depends on the normalized frequency, the above equation can be written as


Substituting the Eqn253 in Eqs. (8.16) and (8.17), we obtain



But we know that in time domain analysis of a second-order system,

Peak overshoot, Eqn256(8.21)

Damped natural frequency, Eqn257(8.22)

From Eqs. (8.19) to (8.22), it is clear that there exists a relationship between the time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis of a system.

Interesting facts about the interrelation between time-domain analysis and frequency domain analysis of a second-order system are given below.

  1. For relative stability of the system, the values of peak overshoot and resonant peak of the system are:

    Peak overshoot Eqn258

    Resonant peak Eqn259

    If Eqn260 is greater than 1.5 and the system is subjected to noise signals, then the system may face serious problems.

  2. Variation of Eqn261 with respect to the variation in Eqn262
    1. As Eqn263 increases, the value of peak overshoot, Eqn264 gets decreased and it becomes zero or gets vanished at Eqn265.

      The resonant peak Eqn266 will also get vanished as the damping ratio Eqn267 ­increases. But the value of Eqn268 at which the resonant peak vanishes is derived as


      Therefore, Eqn270

      Hence, at Eqn271, the resonant peak and peak overshoot vanished.

      This concept is shown in Figs. 8.8(a) and (b).


      Fig. 8.8Mp and Mr for different values of Eqn274

    2. When Eqn275:

      The Eqn276 gets the maximum value i.e., Eqn277. In addition, Eqn278 ­approaches infinity as Eqn279 decreases to zero. This concept is shown in Figs. 8.9(a) and (b) respectively.


      Fig. 8.9Mp and Mr for x = 0

  3. Choosing the value of damping ratio Eqn283:

    The damping ratio Eqn284 should be chosen between 0.4 and 0.707 (i.e., 0.4 < Eqn285 < 0.707) to have a tolerable Eqn286 and Eqn287. If the chosen Eqn288 is less than 0.4, both Eqn289 have larger values that are not desirable for the system.

  4. Variations of Eqn290 and Eqn291 with respect to Eqn292:

    When the value of Eqn293 is chosen between 0.4 and 0.707, the value of Eqn294 and Eqn295 are ­comparable to each other.

    When Eqn296, both the values of Eqn297 and Eqn298 approach Eqn299.

    When Eqn300 is small, then the values of Eqn301 and Eqn302 are:

    1. Eqn303 will be large and hence the rise time is small.
    2. Eqn304 will be large and the response of the system will be faster.

    Here, the value of Eqn305 indicates the speed of the response. The above concept is shown in Figs. 8.10(a) and (b).


    Fig. 8.10ωd and ωr for different values of ξ

(iii) Bandwidth

The range of frequencies between zero and cut-off frequency Eqn309, is known as bandwidth and the cut-off frequency is defined as the frequency at which the magnitude of the system is 3 dB down the magnitude of the system at zero frequency. Hence, bandwidth is nothing but the cut-off frequency Eqn310.

Assuming the magnitude of the system at zero frequency as 1, the cut-off frequency is derived as

Eqn312 = Eqn313 = Eqn315

But from Eqn. (8.16), it is clear that the magnitude depends on the normalized frequency. Hence, the above equation can be written as

Eqn316 = Eqn317





Comparing the above equation with the quadratic equation Eqn322, we obtain


Hence, solving this quadratic equation, we obtain


Considering only the positive values, we obtain Eqn325

Therefore, Eqn326(8.23)

We know that, Eqn327

Therefore, the cut-off frequency is given by Eqn328(8.24)

The expression for bandwidth is also same as that of the cut-off frequency. From Eqn. (8.23), the normalized bandwidth Eqn329 is equal to 1. The graphical idea about the bandwidth with respect to the damping ratio Eqn330 is shown in Fig. 8.11.


Fig. 8.11 ∣ Magnitude versus frequency

The graphical idea between the normalized bandwidth Eqn331 and the damping ratio Eqn332 is shown in Fig. 8.12.


Fig. 8.12ξ vs normalized bandwidth

Example 8.3 The open-loop or the feed-forward transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn334. Determine the resonant frequency and resonant peak for the given system.

Solution: Given Eqn335 and Eqn336.

Hence, the closed-loop transfer function of the system, Eqn337

The characteristic equation of the given system is Eqn338

Comparing the above equation with the standard second-order characteristic Eqn2019, we obtain

Eqn339, i.e., Eqn340 rad/sec and Eqn341, i.e., Eqn342

Hence, Eqn343

Resonant peak, Eqn345 Eqn346

Resonant frequency, Eqn348 Eqn349 rad/sec

Example 8.4 The closed-loop poles of a system are at Eqn350. Determine (i) bandwidth, (ii) normalized peak driving signal frequency and (iii) resonant peak for such a system.

Solution: The closed-loop transfer function of any system is given by


and the characteristic equation of the system is given by


The closed-loop poles of a system are obtained by equating the characteristic equation to zero. Hence, the characteristic equation of the given system using the given closed-loop poles is obtained as Eqn353

i.e., Eqn354

Comparing the above equation with the standard second-order characteristic equation, we obtain Eqn355. Therefore, Eqn356 rad/sec


Therefore, Eqn358

Using the damping ratio and natural frequency, the frequency domain specifications can be determined as given below:

  1. Bandwidth (BW) = Eqn359

    Eqn360= 4.350 rad/sec

  2. Normalized peak driving signal frequency (Eqn361) is

    Eqn362=Eqn363Eqn364 = 0.3846

  3. Resonant peak, Eqn366

    Therefore, Eqn367 = Eqn368 = 1.083

Example 8.5 Consider a second-order system with a natural frequency of 4 rad/sec and damped natural frequency of 1.6 rad/sec. Determine (i) the percentage of peak overshoot when the system is subjected to a unit step input and (ii) the resonant peak value when the system is subjected to sinusoidal input.

Solution: Given Eqn369= 4 rad/sec and Eqn370= 1.6 rad/sec

We know that Eqn371

Therefore, Eqn373

Upon solving, we obtain Eqn374

  1. Peak overshoot when subjected to step input = Eqn375Eqn376
  2. Resonance peak, Eqn377

Example 8.6 Consider a second-order system with resonant peak 2 and resonant frequency of 6 rad/sec. Determine the transfer function of the given second-order system and hence determine (i) rise time tr , (ii) peak time tp , (iii) settling time ts and (iv) % peak overshoot Mp of the given system when the system is subjected to step input. In addition, determine the time of oscillation and number of oscillations before the response of the system gets settled.

Solution: Given Eqn382 and Eqn383

We know that Eqn384

i.e., Eqn385

i.e., Eqn386

Upon solving, we obtain Eqn387

i.e., Eqn388 or 0.933

Therefore, Eqn389 or 0.966

The system with the damping ratio greater than 0.707 does not exhibit any peak in the ­frequency response of the system. Hence, the damping ratio of the given system is Eqn390.

We know that, Eqn391

Substituting the known values, we obtain Eqn392

Upon solving, we obtain Eqn393 rad/sec

The standard second-order transfer function of the system is Eqn394

Substituting the known values, we obtain

Eqn395 = Eqn396

Here, Eqn398 rad

Therefore, Eqn399 rad

Also, Eqn400 rad/sec

Rise time, Eqn401 = 0.2957 sec

Peak time, Eqn402 = 0.5045 sec

Settling time for a system can be determined for 2% error tolerance and 5% error tolerance.

Hence, Eqn403 sec for 2% tolerance

Eqn404 sec for 5% tolerance

Period of oscillation, Eqn405sec

Number of oscillations before the response of the system gets settled is given by


Peak overshoot of the system is Eqn407Eqn408 = 0.4309

Example 8.7 The time response of a second-order system when the system is subjected to a unit step input is given below:


Determine the frequency response parameters of the system (i) peak resonance Eqn410, (ii) resonant frequency Eqn411 and (iii) cut-off frequency of the system Eqn412.


From the given Table, the maximum value of the time response and the peak time of the system are 1.12 and 0.2 s, respectively.

Hence, there exists a peak overshoot of 0.12 at 0.2 sec.

Therefore, Eqn413

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn414


i.e., Eqn416

Therefore, Eqn417 rad/sec


Eqn419 rad/sec


Example 8.8 Consider a unity feedback system as shown in Fig. E8.9. ­Determine the K and a that satisfies the frequency domain specifications as Mr = 1.04 and ωr = 11.55 rad/sec. In addition, for the determined values of K and a, determine settling time and bandwidth of the system.


Fig. E8.9

Solution: Given Eqn423 and Eqn424

Hence, the closed-loop transfer function of the system is


Comparing the above equation with the standard second-order transfer function, we obtain

Eqn427 i.e., Eqn428(1)

Eqn429 i.e., Eqn430(2)

Using the values of resonant peak and the resonant frequency, the values of K and a can be determined.

  1. Eqn431

    i.e., Eqn433

    Upon solving, we obtain Eqn434

  2. Eqn435

    i.e., Eqn437

    Upon solving, we obtain Eqn438 rad/sec

    Substituting the values of Eqn439 in Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain


  3. Settling time, Eqn442 sec
  4. Bandwidth, Eqn443

Example 8.9 The damping ratio and natural frequency of oscillation of a second-order system is 0.5 and 8 rad/sec respectively. Determine the resonant peak and resonant frequency.

Solution: Given Eqn444 and Eqn445 rad/sec


Eqn447 rad/sec

Example 8.10 The specification given on a certain second-order feedback control system is that the overshoot of the step response should not exceed 25 per cent. What are the corresponding limiting values of the damping ratio Eqn448 and peak resonance Eqn449?


Given Eqn450

Eqn451 i.e., Eqn452

Therefore, Eqn453

i.e., Eqn454

or Eqn455

i.e., Eqn456

Therefore, damping ratio, Eqn457

Hence, resonant peak, Eqn458

Example 8.11 Determine the frequency specifications of a second-order system when closed transfer function is given by Eqn459

Solution: Comparing denominator of the transfer function with Eqn460, we obtain

Eqn461 i.e., Eqn462 and Eqn463 i.e., Eqn464


and Eqn466 rad/sec


8.8 Effect of Addition of a Pole to the Open-Loop Transfer ­Function of the System

Consider a system with the open-loop transfer function Eqn468. When a pole at Eqn469 is added to such a system, the open-loop transfer function of the system becomes Eqn470. When a sinusoidal input is applied to such a system, the system becomes less stable compared to the stability of the previous system. In addition, the specifications of the frequency domain and time domain vary depending on the time constant Eqn471.

For larger values of Eqn472, we obtain

  1. Larger rise time that in turn decreases the bandwidth of the system.
  2. Larger value of resonant peak that corresponds to a larger value of maximum overshoot in the time response of the system.

8.9 Effect of Addition of a Zero to the Open-Loop Transfer ­Function of the System

Consider a system with the open-loop transfer function Eqn473. When a zero at Eqn474 is added, the open-loop transfer function of the system becomes Eqn475 . When a sinusoidal input is applied to the system, the following changes occur in the ­frequency domain specifications.

  1. Bandwidth of the system gets increased.
  2. Increase in time constant for higher values of Tz.
  3. Settling time of the system gets increased.

8.10 Graphical Representation of Frequency Response

Determining the frequency response of a system, i.e., the magnitude and phase angle of a system for different frequencies from 0 to Eqn476 by using tabulation method becomes more complicated when more number of poles and zeros exist in the system. An alternative method that eliminates the difficulty of the tabulation method is the graphical representation of frequency response.

There are different graphical methods by which the frequency response can be represented. They are

  1. Bode plot (asymptotic plots)
  2. Polar plot
  3. Nyquist plot
  4. Constant M and N circles
  5. Nichols chart

The Bode plot of representing frequency response of a system is discussed in this chapter and the other plots will be discussed in the subsequent chapters.

8.11 Introduction to Bode Plot

Bode plot introduced by H.W. Bode was first used in the study of feedback amplifiers. It is one of the popular graphical methods used for determining the stability of the system when the system is subjected to sinusoidal input. The stability of the closed-loop system is determined based on the frequency response of the loop transfer function of the system, i.e., Eqn477. The gain or magnitude and phase angle of the system can be easily represented as a function of frequency using Bode plot. It is also a very useful graphical tool in analysing and designing of linear control systems.

The Bode plot consists of two plots:

  1. Magnitude plot: To plot the logarithmic magnitude or gain of the loop transfer function in dB versus frequency Eqn478 i.e., Eqn479.
  2. Phase plot: To plot the phase angle of the loop transfer function versus frequency Eqn480 i.e., Eqn481.

In Bode plot, both the magnitude and phase plots are plotted against the frequency in the logarithmic scale. In addition, the magnitude of the system is plotted in dBs (decibels). Hence, the Bode plot is also called logarithmic plot. Since the magnitude and phase plots of a system are sketched based on the asymptotic properties instead of detailed plotting, the Bode plot is also called asymptotic plots.

8.11.1 Reasons for Using Logarithmic Scale

The reasons for plotting the magnitude and phase angle plots of the Bode plot in a logarithmic scale are:

  1. In higher order systems, magnitudes of the individual subsystem have to be multiplied to get the magnitude of the higher order system that is a tedious process. But if we use the logarithmic scale, the multiplication part can be replaced by the addition that makes the process of determining the magnitude of the higher order system easier.
  2. In addition, the variation of frequency in a large scale is easier if we use a logarithmic scale rather than the ordinary scale.

It is noted that in Bode plot, the magnitude of the loop transfer function is taken in terms of decibels (complex logarithm) rather than the simple logarithm. The magnitude used to plot the magnitude plot in Bode plot is determined using

Eqn482 dB

Table 8.3 shows the importance of logarithmic scale rather than the ordinary scale. Any real value existing between Eqn483 and 100 can be plotted between −40 to 40 dB.

Table 8.3 ∣ The dB values for the original magnitude


Thus a wide range of magnitude can be plotted easily using logarithmic magnitude scale.

8.11.2 Advantages of Bode Plot

The advantages of using Bode plot in plotting the frequency response of a system are:

  1. Expansion of frequency range of a system is simple.
  2. Experimental determination of transfer function of a system is simpler if the frequency response of the system is shown using Bode plot.
  3. Usage of asymptotic straight lines for approximating the frequency response of the system.
  4. Bode plot can be plotted for complicated systems.
  5. Relative stability of the closed-loop system can be analysed by plotting the frequency response of the loop transfer function of the system using Bode plot.
  6. Frequency domain specifications such as gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin and phase margin can easily be determined.
  7. The variation of frequency domain specifications can easily be viewed when a controller is added to the existing system.
  8. The system gain K can be designed based on the required gain and phase margins.
  9. Polar plot and Nyquist plot can be constructed based on the data obtained from Bode plot.

8.11.3 Disadvantages of Bode Plot

The disadvantages of using Bode plot in plotting the frequency response of a system are:

  1. Using Bode plot, it is possible only to determine the absolute and relative stability of the minimum phase system.
  2. Corrections are to be made in the obtained plot to meet the desired frequency plot.

8.12 Determination of Frequency Domain Specifications from Bode Plot

The different frequency domain specifications that can easily be determined using Bode plot are gain margin, phase margin, gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency. The plot shown in Fig. 8.13 indicates the determination of the above said frequency domain specifications.


Fig. 8.13 ∣ Frequency domain specifications

From the above plot, the formula for determining the frequency domain specifications can be obtained as follows:

Gain crossover frequency, Eqn491 = frequency at which Eqn492= 0.

Phase crossover frequency, Eqn493 = frequency at which Eqn494 = −180°.

Gain margin, Eqn495 = 0 dB −Eqn496.

Phase margin, Eqn497 = Eqn498 − (−180°) = 180°+ phase angle at Eqn499.

8.13 Stability of the System

The stability of the system is easier to determine using Bode plot once the frequency domain specifications are obtained. The stability of the system can be analysed on the basis of ­crossover frequencies (Eqn500 and Eqn501) or gain and phase margins.

8.13.1 Based on Crossover Frequencies

The system can either be a stable system, marginally stable system or unstable system. The stability of the system based on the relation between crossover frequencies is given in Table 8.4.

Table 8.4 ∣ Stability of the system based on crossover frequencies


8.13.2 Based on Gain Margin and Phase Margin

The stability of the system based on the gain margin and phase margin is given in Table 8.5.

Table 8.5 ∣ Stability of the system based on gm and pm


8.14 Construction of Bode Plot

The construction of Bode plot can be illustrated by considering the generalized form of loop transfer function is given by:


where Eqn518 are real constants,

Z is the number of zeros at the origin,

N is the number of poles at the origin or the TYPE of the system,

M is the number of simple poles existing in the system,

U is the number of simple zeros existing in the system,

V is the number of complex poles existing in the system

Q is the number of complex zeros existing in the system and

T is the time delay in seconds.

Substituting Eqn519 and simplifying, we obtain


Rearranging the above equation, we obtain


where Eqn522, Eqn523and Eqn524

The magnitude of Eqn. (8.25) in dB is given by



The phase angle of Eqn. (8.25) is given by


where magnitude of the term Eqn528 is 1 and phase angle of the term Eqn529is Eqn530.

It is noted that phase angle of the term Eqn531= 0°.

From Eqn. (8.25), it is clear that the open-loop transfer function Eqn532 may ­contain the combination of any of the following five factors:

  1. Constant K.
  2. Zeros at the origin Eqn533 and poles at the origin Eqn534.
  3. Simple zero Eqn535 and simple pole Eqn536.
  4. Complex zero Eqn537 and complex pole Eqn538.
  5. Transportation lag Eqn539.

    Hence, it is necessary to have a complete study (magnitude and phase plots) of these ­factors that can be utilized in constructing the plot (magnitude and phase plots) of a ­composite loop transfer function Eqn540. The composite plot for the loop transfer function Eqn541 is constructed by adding the plots of individual factors present in the ­function. Thus Bode plot is an approximate asymptotic plot of individual factors.

Factor 1: Constant K

The magnitude and phase angle of the constant K which are to be plotted in a semi log graph sheet are:

Magnitude in dB = Eqn542.

Phase angle = 0°.

The magnitude and phase plots corresponding to the values obtained using the above equation are shown in Figs. 8.14(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 8.14 ∣ Bode plot for factor K


  1. The constant K can have a value that is either greater than 1 or less than 1. The magnitude corresponding to the gain that is greater than 1 is positive and gain that is less than 1 is negative.
  2. If the gain K is varied, the corresponding changes occur only in the magnitude plot (i.e., either the plot raises or lowers). If the gain value is increased by a factor 10, then the corresponding magnitude plot gets raised by 20 dB. Similarly, if the gain value is decreased by a factor 10, then the corresponding magnitude plot gets decreased by 20 dB. The proof of this concept is given below.


    Similarly, Eqn545

  3. In addition, if the magnitude of a constant K is expressed in dB, the magnitude of ­reciprocal of the particular constant K in dB will have the same value but the sign ­differs.

    i.e., Eqn546

Factor 2: Zeros at the origin Eqn547 or poles at the origin Eqn548

In Bode plots, the frequency ratios are expressed in terms of octaves or decades. When the frequency band is from Eqn549 to Eqn550, it is called decade.

The details for plotting the magnitude and phase plots when only one pole or zero exists at the origin are given in Table 8.6.

Table 8.6 ∣ Magnitude and phase plots for Eqn552 and Eqn553



The magnitude in dB will be equal to zero at the frequency value of Eqn557.

If multiple poles or zeros exist at the origin, the corresponding changes in the magnitude and phase plots are given in Table 8.7. Let the number of zeros at the origin existing in the system be Z and the number of poles at the origin be N.

Table 8.7 ∣ Magnitude and phase plots for Eqn558 and Eqn559


Factor 3: Simple pole Eqn565 or simple zero Eqn566

The details for plotting the magnitude and phase plots when only one simple pole or simple zero exists are given in Table 8.8.

Table 8.8 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle for simple pole and simple zero


It is known that the magnitude of a number is same as the magnitude of the reciprocal of a number with the opposite sign. Hence, in this case the step-by-step procedure for plotting the magnitude and phase plots for a simple pole are discussed.

For simple pole Eqn572

Magnitude plot

  1. The magnitude of the simple pole in dB is Eqn573.
  2. Consider two cases:

    Case 1: For low frequencies Eqn574

    Magnitude = Eqn575

    Slope = Eqn576

    Case 2: For high frequencies Eqn577

    Magnitude = Eqn578

    The slope of the line is determined as follows:

    At Eqn579, magnitude = 0 dB

    At Eqn580, magnitude = −20 dB

    Hence, the slope of the line is Eqn581

  3. Hence, the magnitude plot of the simple pole can be approximated using the two straight-line asymptotes
    1. Straight line at 0 dB Eqn582.
    2. Straight line with the slope of Eqn583Eqn584

    The approximate magnitude plot of the simple pole is shown in Fig. 8.15(a).


    Fig. 8.15 (a) ∣ Approximate magnitude plot for Eqn585

Corner frequency

The frequency at which two asymptotes meet is called corner frequency or break frequency. In this case, the corner frequency is at Eqn586. The corner frequency divides the frequency response curve of the system as low-frequency region and high-frequency region.

Error in the magnitude plot

The magnitude plot obtained using the above three steps is an approximated magnitude curve. The actual magnitude curve can be obtained by substituting different values of Eqn587 in magnitude equation of simple pole as given in Table 8.9.

Table 8.9 ∣ Actual magnitude curve


Hence, an error exists in the magnitude plot. The error in the magnitude plot is maximum at the corner frequency and the value of the error is obtained by

Error = Eqn594

The values of error at different frequencies are given in Table 8.10.

Table 8.10 ∣ Error versus Frequency Eqn595


The magnitude plot with the approximate curve and actual curve is shown in Fig. 8.15(b).


Fig. 8.15 (b) ∣ Magnitude plot for (1 + jωT)−1

Phase plot

  1. The phase angle for a simple pole is Eqn601.
  2. The phase plot for a simple pole is obtained by substituting different values of Eqn602.

    At Eqn603, phase angle = 0°

    At Eqn604, phase angle = −45°

    At Eqn605, phase angle = −90°

    Hence, the phase plot of a simple pole is shown in Fig. 8.15(c).


    Fig. 8.15 (c) ∣ Approximate phase plot for (1 + jωT)−1

The phase plot of a simple pole is skew symmetric about the inflection point at phase angle = −45°.

Some errors exist in the phase plot when the actual value is approximated and the approximate phase angle value and actual phase angle at different frequencies are given in Table 8.11.

Table 8.11 ∣ Exact and approximate phase values for simple zero


The phase plot with the approximate curve and actual curve are shown in Fig. 8.15(d).


Fig. 8.15 (d) ∣ Phase plot for a simple pole

For simple zero Eqn612

The reciprocal of a simple pole is a simple zero. Hence, the magnitude and phase plots of a simple zero are just the mirror image of the plots of simple pole. The magnitude and phase plots of a simple zero with the actual curve and approximated curve are shown in Figs. 8.15(e) and (f) respectively.


Fig. 8.15 ∣ Bode plot for simple zero (1 + jωT)−1

If the number of simple poles and simple zeros of same value existing on the system is Eqn614, then the magnitude and phase plots are obtained as

  1. Corner frequency is the same i.e., Eqn615.
  2. Low-frequency asymptote is a horizontal straight line at Eqn616.
  3. High-frequency asymptote is a straight line with the slope of Eqn617Eqn617
  4. The phase angle in the phase plot of the system is Eqn618 times the phase angle of the simple pole or simple zero at each frequency.
  5. Error in each plot is Eqn619 times the error of simple pole or simple zero.

Factor 4: Complex zero Eqn620 and complex pole Eqn621

The details for plotting the magnitude and phase plots of complex pole and complex zero is given in Table 8.12.

Table 8.12 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle for complex zero and complex pole


In Table 8.12, Eqn627 is the damping ratio and Eqn628.

It is known that the magnitude of a number is same as the magnitude of the reciprocal of that number with opposite sign. The magnitude and phase plots of the quadratic factor depend on the corner frequency and the damping factor. Hence, in this case, the step-by-step procedure for plotting the magnitude and phase plots for simple poles has been discussed.

8.14.1 Effect of Damping Ratio Eqn629

When the damping ratio is greater than 1, i.e., Eqn630, the quadratic factor can be written as the product of two first-order factors with real poles. When the damping ratio is within a range, i.e., Eqn631, the quadratic factor can be written as the product of two complex conjugate factors. The asymptotic approximation of the plots is not accurate for this factor with lower values of Eqn632.

Complex pole Eqn633

The step-by-step procedure for plotting the magnitude and phase plots for a complex pole is discussed below.

Magnitude plot:

  1. The magnitude of the simple pole in dB is


  2. Consider two cases:

    Case 1: For lower frequencies Eqn635 ,

    Magnitude = Eqn636

    Slope = Eqn637

    Case 2: For higher frequencies Eqn638,

    Magnitude = Eqn639

    The slope of the line is determined as

    At Eqn640, magnitude = 0 dB

    At Eqn641, magnitude = −40 dB

    Hence, the slope of the line is Eqn642.

  3. Hence, the magnitude plot of the simple pole can be approximated using the two straight-line asymptotes
    1. Straight line at 0 dB Eqn643.
    2. Straight line with the slope of Eqn644Eqn645.

The approximate magnitude plot of the complex pole is shown in Fig. 8.16(a).


Fig. 8.16 (a) ∣ Approximate magnitude plot for Eqn646

At the corner frequency i.e., Eqn647, the resonant peak occurs and its magnitude depends on Eqn648. Also, error exists in the approximation of two asymptotes and the magnitude of the error depends inversely on damping ratio Eqn649.

The actual magnitude curve can be obtained by substituting different values of Eqn650 in Eqn. (8.26) as given in Table 8.13.

Table 8.13 ∣ Actual magnitude curve


Hence, error always exists in the magnitude plot of the system. The error at Eqn657 is calculated as given below:

Error = actual value − approximate value

=Eqn658 dB

The error for different values of Eqn659 at Eqn660 is given in Table 8.14. Similarly, error will vary depending on Eqn661 and Eqn662.

Table 8.14 ∣ Error versus damping ratio at Eqn663


The magnitude plot with the actual and asymptotic value is shown in Fig. 8.16(b).


Fig. 8.16 (b) ∣ Magnitude plot for Eqn665

Phase plot

  1. The phase angle for the simple pole is given by
    1. Eqn666 for Eqn667
    2. Eqn668 for Eqn669
  2. The phase plot for the simple pole is obtained by substituting different values of Eqn670.

    At Eqn671, phase angle = 0°

    At Eqn672, phase angle = −90°

    At Eqn673, phase angle = −180°

Hence, the phase plot of a complex pole is shown in Fig. 8.16(c).


Fig. 8.16 (c) ∣ Phase plot for Eqn674

The phase plot of a simple pole is skew symmetric about the inflection point at phase angle = −90°.

Complex zero Eqn675

Plots for a quadratic zero are mirror images of those for a pole. The magnitude and phase plots for a complex zero are shown in Figs. 8.16(d) and (e) respectively.


Fig. 8.16 ∣ Bode plot for complex zero Eqn676

It is noted that in the quadratic zero when the damping ratio is less than 0.7 (i.e., Eqn677), a dip has to be drawn at frequency Eqn678 with the amplitude of Eqn679.

Similarly, for quadratic pole when the damping ratio is less than 0.7 (i.e., Eqn680), a peak has to be drawn at frequency Eqn681 with the amplitude of Eqn682.

Factor 5: Transportation lag, Eqn683

Consider a system with loop transfer function as


In frequency domain, the loop transfer function is given by


where T is the time delay in seconds.

Therefore, Eqn686

Hence, the magnitude and phase angle of the factor is given by


and Eqn688

Since the phase angle obtained is in the unit of radians, the phase angle can be calculated in degrees as


Table 8.15 shows the phase angle for different values of Eqn691.

Table 8.15 ∣ Phase angle versus frequency Eqn692


It is clear that for the transportation lag factor, the magnitude plot is zero for all the values of frequency Eqn698 and the phase plot is varying linearly with the frequency Eqn699.

Table 8.16 shows the different factors with its corner frequency, slope of the magnitude curve, values of the magnitude in dB and phase angle in degrees.

Table 8.16 ∣ Possible factors present in a given system


8.15 Constructing the Bode Plot for a Given System

Consider the loop transfer function as


Substituting Eqn725, we obtain


Now, the corner frequencies of the given system are


The phase plot is independent of the corner frequency. Since the magnitude of each term present in the transfer function is calculated in the increasing order of corner frequency, the magnitude plot depends on the corner frequency.

Hence, the relation between the corner frequencies is considered as Eqn728.

8.15.1 Construction of Magnitude Plot

For each term present in the loop transfer function, the slope of the magnitude curve varies. To combine the slope of the different terms present in the given system, the following steps are followed:

  1. Slope of each term is calculated.
  2. Change in slope from one term to another in the order of increasing corner frequencies has to be determined using Table 8.17. Usually, the constant term along with the pole or zero at the origin is taken as a term.

    Table 8.17 ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  3. Two different frequencies other than the corner frequencies are chosen arbitrarily as lower frequency value Eqn738 and higher frequency value Eqn739 such that the relation between different frequencies is


  4. Determine the gain at different frequencies in increasing order. In this case, there are five different frequencies and have only four terms. Hence, the magnitude of the first term in Table 8.17 is calculated at the first two frequencies. In this case, the magnitude of Eqn741is calculated at Eqn742 and Eqn743. The calculation of magnitude at other frequencies Eqn744 and Eqn745is done using the formula

    Gain at Eqn746

    where Eqn747

    The gain at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table 8.18.

    Table 8.18 ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  5. Any term in the estimation of magnitude has to be included only after its corresponding corner frequency is crossed.
  6. Using Table 8.18, the magnitude plot for the given system can be drawn.

8.15.2 Construction of Phase Plot

The construction of phase plot is much simpler when compared to construction of magnitude plot.

The phase angle of the given system as a function of frequency Eqn764 has to be determined as

Eqn765 for Eqn766

and Eqn767 for Eqn768

The values of Eqn769 at different frequencies are calculated including the frequencies mentioned in Table 8.18 and tabulated.

8.16 Flow Chart for Plotting Bode Plot

The flow chart for plotting the Bode plot (both magnitude and phase angle plot) for a given system is shown in Fig. 8.17.


Fig. 8.17 ∣ Flow chart for plotting the Bode plot for a system

8.17 Procedure for Determining the Gain K from the ­Desired Frequency Domain Specifications

The flow chart for determining the gain K for the desired Eqn804 is given in Fig. 8.18(a).


Fig. 8.18 (a) ∣ Determination of K for the desired ωgc

The flow chart for determining the gain K for the desired Eqn830 is given in Fig. 8.18(b).


Fig. 8.18 (b) ∣ Determination of K for the desired gm

The flow chart for determining the gain Eqn858 for the desired Eqn859 is shown in ­Fig. 8.18(c).


Fig. 8.18 (c) ∣ Determination of K for the desired pm

8.18 Maximum Value of Gain

The gain Eqn862 has an effect only on the magnitude plot of a loop transfer function of a system. The magnitude plot of a loop transfer function can be shifted vertically upwards or vertically downwards depending on the gain Eqn863. If there is an increase in gain value from the original value, then the magnitude plot gets shifted vertically upward and if there is a decrease in gain from the original value, then the magnitude plot gets shifted vertically downward. The gain value cannot be increased or decreased infinitely. There exists some limits in doing so. The gain can be increased or decreased till the magnitude reaches Eqn864 dB at phase crossover frequency. The new gain can be determined as


where Eqn866 is the value by which the magnitude plot has been raised or lowered to reach Eqn867 dB at Eqn868.

8.19 Procedure for Determining Transfer Function from Bode Plot

The step-by-step procedure for determining the transfer function of a system from its magnitude plot are:

Step 1: Determine the number of corner frequencies existing in the system (the point at which the slope of the system changes). If there exist Eqn869 different slopes for the given system, then there exist Eqn870 different corner frequencies.

Step 2: Determine the initial slope and final slope of the system.

Step 3: Construct a table for the given system in the format given below to determine the different factors present in the system.


Step 4:Determine the gain Eqn872, corner frequencies, unknown frequencies and unknown magnitude values using the equation of a straight line, Eqn873, where Eqn874 is the magnitude in dB, Eqn875 is the slope of the line in dB/dec, Eqn876 is the logarithmic value of frequency Eqn877, i.e., Eqn878 in rad/sec and Eqn879 is the constant.

8.20 Bode Plot for Minimum and Non-Minimum Phase Systems

Consider the loop transfer function of a minimum phase transfer function as


and the loop transfer function of a non-minimum phase system as


where Eqn882

The pole-zero plots of the minimum and non-minimum systems are shown in Fig. 8.19.

C08F019A B

Fig. 8.19 ∣ Pole-zero plots of (a) minimum and (b) non-minimum phase systems

The magnitude and phase angle of the transfer function can be obtained by substituting Eqn883 in Eqs. (8.27) and (8.28) as

Eqn884and Eqn885(8.29)


From Eqs. (8.29) and (8.30), it is clear that the magnitudes of minimum phase system and non-minimum phase system are same, whereas the phase angles of minimum phase system and non-minimum phase system are different. The magnitude and phase plots of minimum and non-minimum phase systems are shown in Fig. 8.20.


Fig. 8.20 ∣ Phase plot of minimum and non-minimum phase systems

Example 8.12 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn887. Sketch the Bode plot and determine the following frequency domain specifications (i) gain margin Eqn888, (ii) phase margin Eqn889, (iii) gain crossover frequency Eqn890 and (iv) phase crossover frequency Eqn891. Also, comment on the stability of the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of a system is given by


  2. Substituting Eqn893, we obtain


  3. Two corner frequencies exist in the given loop transfer function are:

    Eqn895 rad/sec and Eqn896 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies are given in Table E8.12(a).

    Table E8.12(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume the lower frequency as Eqn903 = 1 rad/sec and higher frequency as Eqn904 = 30 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.12(b).

    Table E8.12(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.12(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.12(a).

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angle at different frequencies are obtained by using the above equation and the values are tabulated as given in Table E8.12(c).

    Table E8.12(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.12(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.12(b).

    Hence, the magnitude and phase plots for the loop transfer function of the system are shown in Fig. E8.12.


    Fig. E8.12

  11. The frequency domain specifications for the given system can be obtained by drawing two horizontal lines across the two plots of the given system (one across the magnitude plot at 0 dB and another across the phase plot at −180°).

    From the definition of gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin, phase margin and from the graph shown in Fig. E8.12, the frequency domain specifications values are obtained as

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn925 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn926rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn927dB

    Phase margin, Eqn928

  12. The stability of the system can be determined based on either the frequency or the gain.

    Based on frequency:

    Since Eqn929, the system is stable.

    Based on frequency domain specifications:

    Since the gain margin and phase margin are greater than zero and Eqn930, the system is stable.

Example 8.13 The loop transfer of a given system is given by Eqn931. Sketch the Bode plot for given system. In addition, (i) determine the gain K and the phase margin so that gain ­margin is +30 dB and (ii) determine the gain K and the gain ­margin so that phase margin is Eqn932.


  1. Given Eqn933.
  2. Substituting Eqn934 and Eqn935, we obtain


  3. The two corner frequencies in the given system are

    Eqn937 rad/sec and Eqn938 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.13(a).

    Table E8.13(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume the lower frequency as Eqn945 = 0.1 rad/sec and higher frequency as Eqn946= 20 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.13(b).

    Table E8.13(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.13(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.13(a).

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.13(c).

    Table E8.13(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.13(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.13(a).

    Fig. E8.13 (a)

  11. The frequency domain specifications for the given system can be obtained by drawing two horizontal lines across the two plots of the given system (one across the magnitude plot at 0 dB and the other across the phase plot at −180°).

    From the definitions of gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin, phase margin and the graph shown in Fig. E8.13(a), the frequency domain specifications values are obtained as

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn986rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn987rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn988dB

    Phase margin, Eqn989

  12. The next step is to determine the gain Eqn990 corresponding to a particular gain margin and phase margin.

(i) To determine the gain value Eqn991 and gain margin corresponding to desired phase margin:

The required phase margin for the system is Eqn992.

But it is known that, phase margin Eqn993.

Therefore, Eqn994.

Hence, from Fig. E8.13(a), the new gain crossover frequency for a phase angle of Eqn995 is Eqn996rad/sec.

It is proven that at the gain crossover frequency, the magnitude must be 0 dB. But from Fig. E8.13(a), the magnitude at Eqn997dB. Hence, the magnitude plot shown in Fig. E8.13(a) is raised by 5dB.

The modified Bode plot is shown in Fig. E8.13(b).

From Fig. E8.13(b), the new frequency domain specifications are

New phase margin, Eqn999

New gain margin, Eqn1000=16 dB

New gain crossover frequency, Eqn10011.3 rad/sec

The value of Eqn1002 for the newly obtained Bode plot is determined as

Eqn1003 where Eqn1004 is the value in dB by which the original magnitude plot has been raised or lowered. In this case, the value of Eqn1005 is 5 dB.

Hence, Eqn1006


Therefore, the value of Eqn1008 is Eqn1009.


Fig. E8.13 (b)

(ii) To determine the gain Eqn1010 and phase margin corresponding to the gain margin

The required gain margin Eqn1011 dB.

We know that, the gain margin is obtained using the formula,


Therefore, required Eqn1013 is Eqn1014 dB.

But for the given system from the Bode plot shown in Fig. E8.13(a), the gain at Eqn1015 is Eqn1016 dB. Hence, it is clear that every point in the magnitude plot shown in Fig. E8.13(a), has to be reduced by Eqn1017 dB. The modified Bode plot is shown in Fig. E8.13(c).

From the Bode plot shown in Fig. E8.13(c), the obtained frequency domain specifications are:

New phase margin, Eqn1019

New gain margin, Eqn1020 = 30 dB

The value of Eqn1021 for the newly obtained Bode plot is determined as

Eqn1022, where Eqn1023 is the value in dB by which the original magnitude plot has been raised or lowered. In this case, the value of Eqn1024 is −10.

Hence, Eqn1025


Therefore, the value of Eqn1027 is Eqn1028.


Fig. E8.13 (c)

Example 8.14 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1029. Sketch the Bode plot for the given ­system. Also, determine the gain value K for the gain crossover ­frequency 5 rad/sec.


  1. The loop transfer function of the system is given by Eqn1030.
  2. Substituting Eqn1031 and Eqn1032 in the given system, we obtain


  3. The two corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1034 rad/sec and Eqn1035 rad/sec.

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.14(a).

    Table E8.14(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1042 rad/sec and Eqn1043 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.14(b).

    Table E8.14(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.14(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.14(a).

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.14(c).

    Table E8.14(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.14(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.14(a).

    Fig. E8.14 (a)

  11. The frequency domain specifications for the given system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, (ωgc) = 1 rad/sec.

    Phase crossover frequency, ( ωpc) = 0 rad/sec.

    Gain margin, (gm) = ∞ dB.

    Phase margin, (pm) = −50°.

  12. The next step is to determine the gain Eqn1096 corresponding to a particular gain crossover frequency.

It is given that the required gain crossover frequency of the system is Eqn1097 rad/sec, i.e., Eqn1098 rad/sec. Hence, it is necessary that the magnitude of the system at Eqn1099must be 0 dB. But from the Bode plot of the system shown in Fig. E8.14(a), the magnitude of the system is 28 dB.

Therefore, each and every point present in the magnitude plot must be added by Eqn1102 dB. Hence, the modified Bode plot with Eqn1103 rad/sec is shown in Fig. E8.14(b).


Fig. E8.14 (b)

The value of Eqn1105 for the new Bode plot is determined as follows:

Eqn1106 where Eqn1107 is the value by which the magnitude plot has been raised or ­lowered. In this case, Eqn1108 dB.

Hence, Eqn1109


Therefore, the Eqn1111 = Eqn1112.

Example 8.15 The loop transfer function of the system is given by Eqn1113. Sketch the Bode plot for the system. Also, determine the frequency domain specifications and hence ­determine the stability of the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of the system is Eqn1114.
  2. Substituting Eqn1115, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1117 rad/sec, Eqn1118 rad/sec and Eqn1119 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.15(a).

    Table E8.15(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1128 rad/sec and Eqn1129 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.15(b).

    Table E8.15(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.15(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.15.

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.15(c).

    Table E8.15(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.15(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.15.

    Fig. E8.15

  11. The frequency domain specifications for the given system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1173rad/sec

    Phase margin, Eqn1174

    From Table E8.15(c), it is clear that the phase angle of the system becomes Eqn1175 only when the frequency of the system is ∞ rad/sec. Hence, phase crossover frequency of the system is ∞ rad/sec. Therefore, the gain margin of the system is also ∞ dB.

  12. The stability of the system can be determined based on either the frequency or the gain.

    Based on frequency: Since Eqn1179, the system is stable.

    Based on frequency domain specifications: Since the gain margin and phase margin are greater than zero and Eqn1180, the system is stable.

Example 8.16 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1181. Sketch the Bode plot for the given ­system and determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1182.
  2. Substituting Eqn1183 and rearranging, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1185 rad/sec, Eqn1186 rad/sec and the third corner frequency is obtained as ­ follows.

    Comparing the standard second-order characteristic equation with the given quadratic factor, we obtain

    Eqn1187 rad/sec and Eqn1188

    Hence, the third corner frequency existing in the system is Eqn1189 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies are given in Table E8.16(a).

    Table E8.16(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1198 rad/sec and Eqn1199 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.16(b).

    Table E8.16(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.16(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.16.

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.16(c).

    Table E8.16(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.16(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.16.

    Fig. E8.16

  11. The frequency domain specifications are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1257 2.8 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1258 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1259 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1260

Example 8.17 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1261. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1262
  2. Substituting Eqn1263 and rearranging, we obtain


  3. The two corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1265 rad/sec and Eqn1266 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.17(a).

    Table E8.17(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1273 rad/sec and Eqn1274 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.17(b).

    Table E8.17(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.17(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.17.

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.17(c).

    Table E8.17(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.17(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.17.

    Fig. E8.17

  11. The frequency domain specifications of the system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1324 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1325 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1326 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1327

Example 8.18 The loop transfer function of a given system is Eqn1328. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1329.
  2. Substituting Eqn1330, we obtain Eqn1331
  3. It is known that for a simple zero, the slope is Eqn1332dB/dec and there exists no corner frequency for the given system. Hence, for the given system the slope is Eqn1333.
  4. As there exists only one factor in the given system, the change in slope cannot be determined.
  5. The magnitude for the given system is Eqn1334
  6. The phase angle for the given system is Eqn1335

Hence, the magnitude and phase plots for the given system depends on Eqn1336.

Example 8.19 The frequency response of a unity feedback system is given in Table E8.19.

Table E8.19 ∣ Frequency response of a system


Determine (a) gain margin and phase margin of the system and (b) change in gain so that the gain margin of the system is Eqn1354 dB.


  1. From Table E8.19, the frequency domain specifications are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1355 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1356 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1357 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1358

  2. For the gain Eqn1359, the gain margin Eqn1360 dB. But the required gain margin is Eqn1361 dB. Therefore, the magnitude at different frequency should increase by Eqn1362 dB.

    Hence, Eqn1363

    i.e., Eqn1364.

    Therefore, change in gain required to have the gain margin of the system as Eqn1365 dB is Eqn1366.

Example 8.20 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1367. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is


  2. Rearranging the above equation, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are Eqn1370 rad/sec, Eqn1371 rad/sec and the third corner frequency is obtained as follows.

    Comparing the standard second-order characteristic equation with the given quadratic factor, we obtain

    Eqn1372 rad/sec and Eqn1373

    Hence, the third corner frequency existing in the system is Eqn1374 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.20(a).

    Table E8.20(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1383 rad/sec and Eqn1384 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.20(b).

    Table E8.20(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.20(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.20.

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.20(c).

    Table E8.20(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.20(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.20.

    Fig. E8.20

  11. The frequency domain specifications for the system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1434 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1435 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1436 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1437

Example 8.21 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1438. Sketch the Bode plot for the given ­system and determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1439
  2. Substituting Eqn1440, we obtain


  3. The corner frequency that exists in the system is Eqn1442 rad/sec

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.21(a).

    Table E8.21(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1447 rad/sec and Eqn1448 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.21(b).

    Table E8.21(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.21(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.21.

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as

    Eqn1459 = Eqn1460

  9. The phase angle at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.21(c).

    Table E8.21(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.21(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.21.

    Fig. E8.21

  11. The frequency domain specifications of the system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1483 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1484 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1485 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1486

Example 8.22 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1487. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system. Determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1488
  2. As the roots of the quadratic factor are real, we can split the quadratic factor as


  3. Substitute Eqn1490 and rearranging, we obtain


    = Eqn1492

  4. The four corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1493 rad/sec, Eqn1494 rad/sec, Eqn1495 rad/sec and

    Eqn1496 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  5. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.22(a).
  6. Assume Eqn1507 rad/sec and Eqn1508 rad/sec.

    Table E8.22(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  7. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.22(b).

    Table E8.22(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  8. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.22(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.22.

    Fig. E8.22

    To sketch the phase plot

  9. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  10. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.22(c).

    Table E8.22(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  11. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.22(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.22.
  12. The frequency domain specifications of the given system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1573 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1574 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1575 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1576

Example 8.23 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1577. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1578
  2. Substituting Eqn1579 and Eqn1580 and rearranging, we obtain


    where Eqn1582.

  3. The two corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1583 rad/sec and Eqn1584 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.23(a).

    Table E8.23(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1591 rad/sec and Eqn1592 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.23(b).

    Table E8.23(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. It is known that the delay term (Eqn1606) present in the loop transfer function will ­contribute only to phase angle plot. Hence, the magnitude plot of any system with or without delay terms is same.
  8. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.23(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.23.

    To sketch the phase plot

  9. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


    = Eqn1609

  10. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.23(c).

    Table E8.23(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  11. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.23(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.23.

    Fig. E8.23

  12. The frequency domain specifications of the system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1632 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1633 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1634 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1635

Example 8.24 The block diagram of a system with Eqn1636 and Eqn1637 is shown in Fig. E8.24(a). Determine the loop transfer function and sketch the Bode plot for the same. Also, determine the maximum gain Eqn1638 before the system becomes unstable.


Fig. E8.24(a)


  1. The loop transfer function of the system shown in Fig. E8.24(a) is Eqn1639.
  2. Substituting Eqn1640 and Eqn1641 and rearranging, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1643 rad/sec, Eqn1644 rad/sec and Eqn1645 rad/sec.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.24(a).

    Table E8.24(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1654 rad/sec and Eqn1655 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.24(b).

    Table E8.24(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.24(b) and is shown in Fig. E8.24(b).

    Fig. E8.24(b)

    To sketch the phase plot

  8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


  9. The phase angles at different frequencies are tabulated as given in Table E8.24(c).

    Table E8.24(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

  10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted using Table E8.24(c) and is shown in Fig. E8.24(b).
  11. The frequency domain specifications of the system are:

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn1712 rad/sec

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn1713 rad/sec

    Gain margin, Eqn1714 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn1715

    To determine the maximum gain Eqn1716

  12. The magnitude in dB at Eqn1717 is 37 dB. Therefore, the magnitude plot can be raised by dB until the magnitude becomes Eqn1718 dB at Eqn1719. Therefore, the maximum gain Eqn1720 is determined as



Example 8.25 The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1723. Determine the maximum value of time delay Eqn1724, for the closed-loop system to be stable.


  1. The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1725
  2. Substituting Eqn1726, we obtain


  3. The two corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn1728 rad/sec and Eqn1729.

    To sketch the magnitude plot

  4. The change in slope at different corner frequencies is given in Table E8.25(a).

    Table E8.25(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

  5. Assume Eqn1736 rad/sec and Eqn1737 rad/sec.
  6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E8.25(b).

    Table E8.25(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

  7. It is known that the delay term (Eqn1751) present in the loop transfer function will ­contribute only to the phase angle plot. Hence, the magnitude plot of any system with or without delay term is same.
  8. It is clear from Table E8.25(b) that the gain crossover frequency Eqn1752 is Eqn1753 rad/sec.
  9. The phase angle of the system is


  10. To determine the maximum value of time delay, Eqn1755:

    The phase margin for the system to be stable is Eqn1756. Therefore,


Substituting Eqn. (1) in the above equation, we obtain


Substituting Eqn1759 = 10 rad/sec, we obtain


Eqn1761 i.e., T = 0.068 sec.

Therefore, maximum time delay, Eqn1762, for the closed-loop system to be stable is Eqn1763 sec.

Example 8.26 The magnitude plot of a system is shown in Fig. E8.26(a). Determine the transfer function of the system.


Fig. E8.26 (a)


From Fig. E8.26(a), we can obtain the following information:

  1. Three corner frequencies exist in the system
  2. Initial slope of the plot = Eqn1764 dB/decade
  3. Final slope of the plot = Eqn1765 dB/decade

The change in slope from initial to final slope occurs in three steps and the factor that could be present in the transfer function for that change in slope to occur is given in Table E8.26.

Table E8.26 ∣ Factor for the change in slope


Therefore, from the above table, we can determine the loop transfer function of the system as a function of gain value Eqn1785 as


The values of time constants Eqn1787 and Eqn1788 can be determined from their respective corner frequencies as

Eqn1789, Eqn1790 and Eqn1791.

Hence, the loop transfer function of the system as a function of Eqn1792 is


To determine the gain K

The gain Eqn1795 can be determined using the general equation of straight line, i.e., Eqn1796 where Eqn1797 is the magnitude of Eqn1798 in dB, Eqn1799 is the slope of the line, Eqn1800 is the logarithmic frequency in Eqn1801 and Eqn1802 is the constant.

The given magnitude plot of a system is redrawn as shown in Fig. E8.26(b).


Fig. E8.26(b)

For the line segment Eqn1803, we have

Slope of the line, Eqn1804.

Therefore, Eqn1805

At Eqn1806 Eqn1807 dB.

Therefore, Eqn1808 i.e., c =32.

The magnitude at Eqn1810 is Eqn1811

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1812 dB.

At Eqn1813 rad/sec, only the gain and poles at the origin exist in the system, i.e., Eqn1814.

Therefore, Eqn1815



Therefore, Eqn1818.

Hence, the transfer function for the given magnitude plot of a system is


Example 8.27 The magnitude plot of a particular system is shown in Fig. E8.27(a). Determine the transfer function of the system.


Fig. E8.27 (a)


From Fig. E8.27(a), we can obtain the following information:

  1. Three corner frequencies exist in the system
  2. Initial slope of the plot = 0 dB/decade
  3. Final slope of the plot = Eqn1820 dB/decade

The change in slope from initial to final slope occurs in three steps and the factor that could be present in the transfer function for that change in slope to occur is given in Table E8.27.

Table E8.27 ∣ Factor for the change in slope


Therefore, from Table E8.27, we can determine the loop transfer function of the system as a function of gain value Eqn1837 as


To determine the gain K and corner frequencies:

  1. As the initial slope of the magnitude plot is Eqn1840dB/decade and the magnitude is Eqn1841dB, we obtain the gain Eqn1842 as


    Therefore, Eqn1844

  2. Corner frequencies

    The gain Eqn1845 can be determined using the general equation of straight line, i.e., Eqn1846 where Eqn1847 is the magnitude of Eqn1848 in dB, Eqn1849 is the slope of the line, Eqn1850 is the logarithmic frequency in Eqn1851 and Eqn1852 is the constant.

    The magnitude plot given in Fig. E8.27(a) can be redrawn as shown in Fig. E8.27(b).


    Fig. E8.27 (b)

For the line segment Eqn1853, we have Eqn1854

Therefore, Eqn1855

At Eqn1856, Eqn1857dB.

Therefore, Eqn1858

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1859

Also, at Eqn1860, Eqn1861dB

Therefore, Eqn1862

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1863s.

Similarly, for line segment Eqn1864, we have Eqn1865

Therefore, Eqn1866

At Eqn1867, Eqn1868 dB.

Therefore, Eqn1869

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1870

Also, at Eqn1871, Eqn1872 dB

Therefore, Eqn1873

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1874 s.

Similarly, for line segment Eqn1875, we have


Therefore, Eqn1877

At Eqn1878, Eqn1879 dB.

Therefore, Eqn1880

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1881

Also, at Eqn1882, Eqn1883 dB

Therefore, Eqn1884

Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn1885 s.

Therefore, the required transfer function will be


Review Questions

  1. Define frequency response of a system and discuss about the advantages of frequency response method for the analysis of linear systems.
  2. Discuss the correlation between frequency response and transient response for a second-order system. Derive any expression used.
  3. Explain the procedure to get the closed-loop frequency response from the loop transfer function.
  4. Explain the procedure for experimentally determining the frequency response of an electric circuit containing several interconnected components. Draw a complete schematic diagram of the experimental set-up.
  5. What are the different methods available for frequency response plot?
  6. Discuss the advantages of frequency response analysis over the root locus technique.
  7. Write down the frequency domain specifications.
  8. Define the frequency domain specification for bandwidth.
  9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of having large bandwidth?
  10. Express the resonant peak Mp and the resonant frequency Eqn1887 in terms of natural ­frequency of oscillation Eqn1888 and damping ratio Eqn1889 for a unity feedback second-order system.
  11. If a control system is required to have a given value for the resonant peak, describe how you would get the required value of the static loop gain Eqn1890, given the loop transfer ­function.
  12. Explain the effect of feedback on the gain and bandwidth of the system.
  13. What do you understand by frequency response plot?
  14. What are the unique features of Bode plots?
  15. What is corner frequency in Bode plot?
  16. Define minimum phase transfer function.
  17. Explain the gain margin and phase margin.
  18. Define gain and phase crossover frequencies.
  19. Explain the significance of phase margin and gain margin in determining the relative stability of closed-loop systems.
  20. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Bode plot?
  21. What is the major difference between Bode magnitude plots for first-order system and second-order system?
  22. Describe the change in open-loop frequency response magnitude plot if the time delay is added to the plant.
  23. If the phase response of a pure time delay is plotted on a linear phase versus linear frequency plot, what would be the shape of the curve?
  24. What will be initial slope of the Bode magnitude plot for a system having no poles and no zeros at origin?
  25. Tabulate the phase angle versus frequency for the loop transfer function of a system given by Eqn1891.
  26. A second-order system has a natural frequency of oscillation Eqn1892 rad/sec and damped frequency of oscillation Eqn1893 rad/sec. Determine (i) when it is subjected to a step input, calculate its percentage overshoot and (ii) when it is subjected to a sinusoidal input, calculate the maximum ratio to its output (resonant peak).
  27. An under damped second-order system exhibited 17% overshoot for a step input, and the frequency of oscillations was 0.5 Hz. Calculate the resonant peak Mp and the resonant frequency Eqn1894 of the frequency response of this system.
  28. A closed-loop transfer function of an automatic control system is given by


    Calculate (i) the peak response Eqn1896 and resonant frequency Eqn1897 of the system and (ii) damping ratio and natural frequency of oscillation Eqn1898 of the equivalent second-order system.

  29. The overshoot of the unit step response of a second-order feedback system is 30 per cent. Determine (a) damping ratio Eqn1899, (b) resonant peak Eqn1900, (c) resonant frequency Eqn1901, (d) damping frequency Eqn1902 and (e) time at which peak overshoot occurs. Assume natural frequency of oscillation Eqn1903 rad/sec.
  30. Determine the bandwidth for the closed-loop transfer function given by


  31. The transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1905. Show that Eqn1906.
  32. The closed-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is Eqn1907. The peak overshoot for a unit step input is 25 per cent. The damped frequency of oscillation is Eqn1908 rad/sec. Determine Eqn1909, bandwidth and the time at which the first overshoot occurs. In addition, find the steady state error of the system if Eqn1910.
  33. For Eqn1911 if Eqn1912 and Eqn1913 rad/sec, determine Eqn1914 and Eqn1915 and hence calculate the settling time and bandwidth.
  34. A control system is represented by Fig. Q8.34.

    Fig. Q8.34

    Determine (i) the values of Eqn1916 and Eqn1917 so that Eqn1918 and Eqn1919 rad/sec and (ii) corresponding bandwidth.

  35. The transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1920. (a) When Eqn1921 , determine the maximum time delay Eqn1922 in seconds for the closed-loop system to be stable and (b) when Eqn1923 sec determine the maximum gain Eqn1924 for the system to be stable.
  36. For a unity feedback system shown in Fig. Q8.36, determine (a) Eqn1925, (b) Eqn1926 and (c) bandwidth of the system for Eqn1927 and Eqn1928.

    Fig. Q8.36

  37. Consider a unity feedback system whose loop transfer function is Eqn1929 . ­Determine gain Eqn1930 such that the resonant peak magnitude in the ­frequency response is 2 dB or Eqn1931 dB.
  38. A unit step input is applied to a feedback control system whose open-loop transfer function is given by Eqn1932 Determine Eqn1933 and Eqn1934 given that maximum overshoot is 26 per cent and resonant frequency is Eqn1935 rad/sec. Calculate resonance peak Eqn1936, gain crossover frequency and phase margin.
  39. For each closed-loop system with the following performance characteristics, determine the closed-loop bandwidth for (a) Eqn1937, (b) Eqn1938, (c) Eqn1939 and (d) Eqn1940.
  40. Determine the resonant frequency Eqn1941, resonant peak Eqn1942 and bandwidth for the system whose transfer function is given by Eqn1943.
  41. Determine the phase crossover frequency, gain crossover frequency, gain margin and phase margin for the given system with Eqn1944 and Eqn1945 without ­plotting the Bode plot. Also comment on the stability of the stability.
  42. Determine analytically the gain margin and phase margin for the system with the ­following transfer function Eqn1946. Also determine the gain crossover frequency and phase cross over frequency.
  43. The transfer function of an electric circuit is Eqn1947. Determine (a) gain margin and phase margin and (b) gain and phase angle at a frequency of 1 kHz.
  44. An amplifier is subjected to a sinusoidal voltage gain as Eqn1948. Determine the amplitude of output signal and the phase difference between output and input. The amplifier transfer function is Eqn1949.
  45. A sinusoidal waveform Eqn1950 is fed to a constant block with a transfer function of 0.675. Determine (a) signal gain, (b) output amplitude and (c) phase difference between input and output.
  46. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1951. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system. Also, determine the frequency domain specifications.
  47. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1952. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  48. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1953 . Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain ­specifications.
  49. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1954. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  50. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1955. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  51. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1956. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  52. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1957 . Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain ­specifications.
  53. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1958 . Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  54. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1959. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  55. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1961 . Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  56. Determine the gain and phase margins of the system using Table Q8.56.

    Table Q8.56

  57. The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn1963. Determine the gain margin and phase margin using Bode plot.
  58. A constant block has a magnitude of 20 dB at 100 rad/sec. Determine (a) block transfer function, (b) magnitude at a frequency of 1,000 rad/sec and (c) phase angle at 1,000 rad/sec.
  59. Determine the stability of the system using Bode plot whose block diagram is given in Fig. Q8.59.

    Fig. Q8.59

  60. A unity feedback control system is characterized by an open-loop transfer function


    Show that the gain margin of the system is Eqn1966

  61. A negative feedback control system is characterized by an open-loop transfer function Eqn1967. Determine (a) Eqn1968 for a gain margin Eqn1969 of 10 dB, (b) Eqn1970 for a Eqn1971 of 30 dB, (c) K to give phase margin Eqn1972 of 24° and (d) the marginal value of Eqn1973 for stability.
  62. At the phase crossover frequency, the gain of the system is Eqn1974. What is the corresponding gain margin in dB?
  63. The block diagram of a floppy disc is shown in Fig. Q8.64.

    Fig. Q8.64

    Use frequency response technique to determine (a) Eqn1975, zero dB frequency 180° frequency, (b) closed-loop bandwidth, percentage overshoot, settling time and peak time and also comment on the stability of the system.

  64. Draw the Bode plot for the transfer function Eqn1976
  65. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by


    Derive an expression for gain K in terms of Eqn1978 and specified gain margin Eqn1979.

  66. For the given transfer function Eqn1980 sketch the Bode magnitude and phase angle plot. Obtain gain margin and phase margin.
  67. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1981. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system. Also, determine the gain K when the gain margin is 10 dB.
  68. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1982. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system. Also, determine the gain K when the phase margin is 30°.
  69. The loop transfer of a given system is given by Eqn1983. Sketch the Bode plot for the given system. Also, determine the gain margin and phase margin of the system.
  70. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn1984 . Sketch the Bode plot for the given system and determine the frequency domain specifications.
  71. A servo control system of type 0, has a transfer function Eqn1985. Sketch the Bode plot and comment on the stability of the system.
  72. Explain the Bode plot for the following functions of a unity feedback system.

    (i) Eqn1986(ii) Eqn1987and (iii) Eqn1988

  73. Explain the Bode plot for the following functions of a unity feedback system:

    (i) Eqn1989and (ii) Eqn1990

  74. The closed-loop control system incorporating an amplifier with a gain of K is shown in Fig. Q8.75.

    Fig. Q8.75

    Using Bode plot, determine (a) is the system stable for a gain K = 1 and (b) what is the maximum value of K before the system becomes unstable.

  75. Draw the Bode plot for the system shown in Fig. Q8.76. Determine (i) Eqn1991 and Eqn1992 (ii) whether the closed-loop system is stable (iii) obtain the closed-loop frequency response and plot on a Bode diagram. Find the resonance frequency and bandwidth. What are the ­values of Eqn1993 and settling time?

    Fig. Q8.76

  76. Sketch the Bode plot for the loop transfer function Eqn1994. Determine the maximum value of Eqn1995 for the system to be stable.
  77. Draw the Bode plot for the transfer function Eqn1996 where Eqn1997.
  78. For the following transfer function, identify the corner frequencies, the initial slope and the final slope of the magnitude plot Eqn1998
  79. Consider a system as shown in Fig. Q8.80.

    Fig. Q8.80

    Determine (a) phase margin for the time delay of 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1 s (b) gain margin for the time delay mentioned in (a), (c), for what time delay mentioned in (a), the system is stable and (d) for each time delay that makes the system unstable, how much reduction in gain is required for the system to be stable?

  80. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is Eqn1999 . ­Using Bode plot, determine (a) Eqn2000 so that the Eqn2001 is 20 dB, (b) Eqn2002 so that the Eqn2003 is 60° and (c) Eqn2004 so that the resonant peak Eqn2005 of the system is 1 dB. What are the corresponding values of Eqn2006 and Eqn2007 and (d) Eqn2008 so that the bandwidth Eqn2009 of the system is 1.5 rad/sec.
  81. Describe the asymptotic phase response of a system with a single pole at −2.
  82. For a system with three poles at −4, what is the maximum difference between the asymptotic approximation and the actual magnitude response?
  83. The loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn2010. Sketch the Bode plot for the following two cases: (i) Eqn2011 and (ii)Eqn2012.
  84. Consider a system as shown in Fig. Q8.85. Determine the loop transfer function and sketch the Bode diagram for the same. Also, determine the value of gain Eqn2013 such that the phase margin is Eqn2014. What is the gain margin of this system with this gain Eqn2015?

    Fig. Q8.85

  85. The block diagram of a control system is shown in Fig. Q8.86. Determine the range of the gain Eqn2016 for stability.

    Fig. Q8.86

  86. Determine the gain margin, phase margin, damping factor and critical ­frequency of ­oscillation for the system with unity feedback and has a transfer function Eqn2017.
  87. Sketch the Bode plot for the loop transfer function of the system


    Determine the range of K for closed-loop stability.

  88. Determine the gain and phase angle of the system at a frequency of 1 rad/sec. The transfer function of the system is G(s) = (s + 1).
  89. The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn139. Determine the frequency response of the system over a frequency range of 0.1₧10 rad/sec.
  90. Determine the gain and phase angle of the given system at a frequency of 0.1 Hz. The transfer function of the system is Eqn117.
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