11.1 Introduction

The ultimate goal of examining the time domain analysis, frequency domain analysis and stability of a system in the previous chapters is to design a control system. The specific tasks for a system or requirements of a system can be achieved by a proper design of control systems. The performance specifications of a system generally relate to accuracy, stability and response time and these also vary based on the domain by which the system is to be designed. When the performance specifications of a system are given in time domain, the design can be carried out using any time-domain techniques and also if the performance specifications of a system are given in frequency domain, then the design can be carried out using any frequency domain techniques.

The general step followed in designing a control system is adjusting the gain of the system to meet its requirements. In practical situations, adjustment of gain may lead a system to unstable region or it may not be sufficient to meet the desired specifications. In such situations, additional devices or components can be added to the system to meet the specifications or to make the system stable. The additional devices or components that are added to a system are called compensators. The procedure for designing the compensators of a single-input single-output linear time invariant control system is discussed in this chapter. The steps to be followed in designing a control system are:

  1. Determine how the system functions and what the system has to do.
  2. Determine the controller or compensator that can be more suitable for the given ­system.
  3. Determine the parameters or constants present in the controller or compensator transfer function that has been chosen in the previous step.

11.2 Compensators

The compensator circuits basically introduce a pole and/or zero to the existing system to meet the desired specifications. The compensators may be designed using electrical, mechanical, pneumatic or any other components. The basic idea of determining the ­transfer function of the compensator is to suitably place the dominant closed-loop poles of a ­system. Compensated systems can be classified into six categories based on the location of ­compensators in the system as follows:

  1. Series or cascade compensation
  2. Feedback or parallel compensation
  3. Load or series-parallel compensation
  4. State feedback compensation
  5. Forward compensation with series compensation
  6. Feed-forward compensation

11.2.1 Series or Cascade Compensation

In this type of compensated system, the compensator is included in the feed-forward path of the system as shown in Fig. 11.1(a).


Fig. 11.1(a) ∣ Series or cascade compensation

The addition of compensator in the feed-forward path adjusts the gain of a system which reduces the response time and peak overshoot of the system. In addition, the stability of the system gets reduced.

11.2.2 Feedback or Parallel Compensation

In this type of compensated system, the compensator is included in the feedback path of a system as shown in Fig. 11.1(b).


Fig. 11.1(b) ∣ Parallel or feedback compensation

The addition of compensator in the feedback path increases the response time of the ­system that makes it accurate and more stable.

11.2.3 Load or Series-Parallel Compensation

The combination of both series and parallel compensation shown in Fig. 11.1(c) is known as load or series - parallel compensation.


Fig. 11.1(c) ∣ Series-parallel or load compensation

11.2.4 State Feedback Compensation

In this type of compensation, the control signal in the form of state variable is fed back as a control signal through the constant real gain as shown in Fig. 11.1(d).


Fig. 11.1(d) ∣ State feedback compensation

The implementation of the state feedback compensation is costly and impractical for higher order systems.

11.2.5 Forward Compensation with Series Compensation

When a simple closed-loop system is in series with the feed-forward controller, Eqn1, the resultant compensation is the forward compensation with series compensation that is shown in Fig. 11.1(e).


Fig. 11.1(e) ∣ Forward compensation with series compensation

11.2.6 Feed-forward Compensation

When the feed-forward controller Eqn2 is placed in parallel with the forward path of a simple closed-loop system, the resultant compensation is the feed-forward compensation that is shown in Fig. 11.1(f).


Fig. 11.1(f) ∣ Feed-forward compensation

The compensated systems shown in Figs. 11.1(a), 11.1(b) and 11.1(d) have one degree of freedom which intimates that the system has single controller. The disadvantage of one degree of freedom controller is that the performance criteria realized using these ­compensation techniques are limited.

In simple words, the compensators introduce additional poles/zeros to an ­existing system so that the desired specification is achieved.

11.2.7 Effects of Addition of Poles

The following are the effects of addition of poles to an existing system:

  1. The root locus of a compensated system will be shifted towards the right-hand side of the s-plane.
  2. Stability of a system gets lowered.
  3. Settling time of a system increases.
  4. Accuracy of a system is improved by the reduction of steady-state error.

11.2.8 Effects of Addition of Zeros

The following are the effects of addition of zeros to an existing system:

  1. The root locus of a compensated system will be shifted towards the left-hand side of the s-plane.
  2. Stability of a system gets increased.
  3. Settling time of a system decreases.
  4. Accuracy of a system is lowered as steady-state error of the system increases.

In this chapter, three types of compensators used in the electrical systems are discussed. They are:

  1. Lag compensators
  2. Lead compensators
  3. Lag–lead compensators

11.2.9 Choice of Compensators

The choice of compensators from the different categories discussed in the previous sections is based on the following factors:

  1. Nature of signal to the system
  2. Available components
  3. Experience of the designer
  4. Cost
  5. Power levels at different points and so on

11.3 Lag Compensator

The lag compensator is one that has a simple pole and a simple zero in the left half of the s-plane with the pole nearer to the origin. The term lag in the lag compensator means that the output voltage lags the input voltage and the phase angle of the denominator of the transfer function is greater than that of numerator. The general transfer function of the lag compensator is given by

Eqn3, Eqn4(11.1)

where Eqn5 are the constants and Eqn6.

The pole-zero configuration of the lag compensator is shown in Fig. 11.2.


Fig. 11.2 ∣ Pole-zero configuration of Gla(s)

The corner frequencies present in the lag compensator, whose transfer function is given by Eqn. (11.1) are at Eqn8 and Eqn9. The Bode plot and polar plot of the lag compensator are shown in Figs. 11.3(a) and 11.3(b) respectively.


Fig. 11.3 ∣ Plots of lag compensator

The Bode plot shown in Fig. 11.3(a) is plotted with Eqn10 and Eqn11. It is inferred that (i) magnitude of lag compensator is high at low frequencies and (ii) magnitude of lag compensator is zero at high frequencies. Hence, from the above conclusions, it is clear that the lag compensator behaves like a low-pass filter. The value of Eqn12 is chosen between 3 and 10. The magnitude plot and phase plot of the compensator with different values of Eqn13 are shown in Figs. 11.4(a) and 11.4(b) respectively.


Fig. 11.4 ∣ Bode plot for different values of Eqn14 (a) magnitude plot and (b) phase plot

11.3.1 Determination of Maximum Phase Angle Φm

The modified transfer function of the lag compensator is


The magnitude and phase angle of the lag compensator are


and Eqn19(11.4)

The maximum phase angle Eqn20 occurs at


Differentiating Eqn. (11.4) with respect to ω, we obtain




Solving the above equation, we obtain


Substituting the above equation in Eqn. (11.4), we obtain


Thus, Eqn. (11.5) gives the frequency at which the phase angle of the system is maximum and Eqn. (11.6) gives the maximum phase angle of the lag compensator.

11.3.2 Electrical Representation of the Lag Compensator

A simple lag compensator using resistor and capacitor is shown in Fig. 11.5.


Fig. 11.5 ∣ A simple lag compensator

Applying Kirchoff's voltage law to the above circuit, we obtain


and Eqn29(11.8)

Taking Laplace transform on both sides of Eqs. (11.7) and (11.8), we obtain


and Eqn31(11.10)

Substituting Eqn32 from Eqs. (11.10) to (11.9), we obtain


Therefore, the transfer function of the above circuit is


Rearranging the above equation, we obtain


Comparing Eqn. (11.1) and Eqn. (11.11), we obtain

Eqn36, Eqn37 and Eqn38.

11.3.3 Effects of Lag Compensator

The following are the effects of adding lag compensator to a given system are:

  1. The lag compensator attenuates the high-frequency noise signals in the control loop.
  2. It increases the steady-state error constants of a system.
  3. Gain crossover frequency of a compensated system gets lowered.
  4. Bandwidth of the compensated system decreases.
  5. Maximum peak overshoot, rise time and settling time of the system increases.
  6. The system becomes more sensitive to the parameter variations.
  7. As it acts like a proportional integral controller, it makes the system less stable.
  8. Transient response of the compensated system becomes slower.

11.3.4 Design of Lag Compensator

The objective of designing the lag compensator is to determine the values of Eqn39 and Eqn40 for an uncompensated system Eqn41 based on the desired system requirements. The design of lag compensator is based on the frequency domain specifications or time-domain specifications. The Bode plot is used for designing the lag compensator based on the frequency domain specifications, whereas the root locus technique is used for designing the lag compensator based on the time-domain specifications. Once the values of Eqn42 and Eqn43 are determined, the transfer function of the lag compensator Eqn44 can be obtained. The transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn45. If the Bode plot or root locus technique is plotted for the compensated system, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

11.3.5 Design of Lag Compensator Using Bode Plot

Consider the open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system Eqn46. The objective is to design a lag compensator Eqn47 for Eqn48 so that the compensated system Eqn49 will satisfy the desired system requirements. The steps for determining the transfer function of the compensated system Eqn50 using Bode plot are explained below:

Step 1:If the open-loop transfer function of the system Eqn51 has a variable Eqn52, then Eqn53 or Eqn54.

Step 2:Depending on the input and TYPE of the system, the variable Eqn55 present in the transfer function of the uncompensated system Eqn56 is determined based on either the steady-state error or the static error constant of the system.

The static error constants of the system are:

Position error constant, Eqn57

Velocity error constant, Eqn58

Acceleration error constant, Eqn59

The relation between the steady-state error and static error constant based on the TYPE of the system and input applied to the system can be referred to Table 5.5 of Chapter 5.

Step 3:Construct the Bode plot for Eqn78 with gain Eqn79 obtained in the previous step and determine the frequency domain specifications of the system (i.e., phase margin, gain margin, phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency).

Step 4:Let the desired phase margin of the system be Eqn80. With a tolerance Eqn81, determine Eqn82 as


where Eqn84 to Eqn85.

Step 5:Determine the new gain crossover frequency of the system for the phase margin Eqn86. Let it be Eqn87.

Step 6:Determine the magnitude A of the system in dB from the magnitude plot corresponding to Eqn89.

Step 7:As the magnitude of system at the gain crossover frequency must be zero, the Bode plot must be either increased or decreased by Eqn90 dB.

Step 8:The value of Eqn91 in the transfer function of the lag compensator will be determined as


Here Eqn93 is when the magnitude plot is to be increased and Eqn94 is when the magnitude plot is to be decreased.

Step 9:The value of Eqn95 in the transfer function of the lag compensator will be determined by using the equation, Eqn96.

Step 10: Thus, the transfer function of the lag compensator will be determined as


Step 11: The transfer function of the compensated system will be Eqn98. If the Bode plot for the compensated system is drawn, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

The flow chart for determining the parameters present in the transfer function of the lag compensator using Bode plot is shown in Fig. 11.6.


Fig. 11.6 ∣ Flow chart for designing the lag compensator using Bode plot

Example 11.1 Consider a unity feedback uncompensated system with the open-loop transfer function as Eqn99. Design a lag compensator for the system such that the compensated system has static velocity error constant Kv = 20 sec−1, phase margin Eqn100 and gain margin Eqn101.


  1. Let Eqn102 and desired phase margin Eqn103.
  2. The value of Eqn104 is determined by using Eqn105 as


    Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn107.

  3. The Bode plot for Eqn108 H(s) = 1 is drawn.
    1. Given Eqn109
    2. Substituting Eqn110 and Eqn_ab_1 in the above equation, we obtain


    3. The corner frequency existing in the given system is


      To sketch the magnitude plot:

    4. The changes in slope at different corner frequencies are given in Table E11.1(a).

      Table E11.1(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

    5. Assume the lower frequency as ωl = 0.1 rad/sec and higher frequency as Eqn_ab_2 = 20 rad/sec.
    6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E11.1(b).

      Table E11.1(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

    7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E11.1(b) and is shown in Fig. E11.1.

      To sketch the phase plot:

    8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


    9. The phase angle at different frequencies is obtained using the above equation and the values are tabulated as shown in Table E11.1(c).

      Table E11.1(c) ∣ Phase angle of a system for different frequencies

    10. The phase plot of a given system is plotted with the help of Table E11.1(c) and is shown in Fig. E11.1(a).

      Fig. E11.1(a)

    11. The frequency domain specifications of the given system are:

      Gain crossover frequency, Eqn139 rad/sec.

      Phase crossover frequency, Eqn140 rad/sec.

      Gain margin, Eqn141 dB

      Phase margin, Eqn142

      It can be noted that the uncompensated system is stable, but the phase margin of the system is less than the desired phase margin which is Eqn143.

  4. Let Eqn144.
  5. The new gain crossover frequency for Eqn145 is Eqn146 = 0.92 rad/sec.
  6. The magnitude of the system corresponding to Eqn147 is A = 27 dB.
  7. The magnitude plot of the uncompensated system is decreased by 27 dB so that the gain at Eqn148 is zero dB.
  8. The value of Eqn149 in the lag compensator will be determined as


    i. e., Eqn151

  9. The value of Eqn152 in the transfer function of the lag compensator is determined as


    i. e., Eqn154

  10. Thus, the transfer function of the lag compensator is


  11. Thus, the transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn156

11.3.6 Design of Lag Compensator Using Root Locus Technique

When a system is desired to meet the static error constant alongwith other time-domain specifications such as peak overshoot, rise time, settling time, damping ratio of the system and undamped natural frequency of oscillation, then lag compensator will be designed using root locus technique. The step-by-step procedure for designing the lag compensator using root locus technique is discussed below:

Step 1:The root locus of an uncompensated system with the loop transfer function Eqn157 is constructed.

Step 2:Determine Eqn158 using Eqn159.

Step 3:Draw a line from origin with an angle Eqn160 from the negative real axis and determine the point at which it cuts the root locus of the uncompensated system. Let that point be the dominant pole of the closed-loop system Eqn161.

Step 4:If the uncompensated system has a gain Eqn162, the gain Eqn163 is determined by using the formula Eqn164, or else, we can proceed to the next step.

Step 5:The static error constant of the uncompensated system is determined by

Position error constant, Eqn165

Velocity error constant, Eqn166

Acceleration error constant, Eqn167

Let the static error constant determined for the system be Eqn168.

Step 6:Determine the factor by which the static error constant is to be increased is determined by using


Step 7:Select the zero and pole of the lag compensator which lie very close to the origin such that the pole lies right to zero of the compensator. Let z and p be the zero and pole of the compensator. The pole and zero are chosen such that z = 10p.

Step 8:The transfer function of the lag compensator is obtained as Eqn173.

Step 9:The transfer function of the compensated system is obtained as Eqn174.

Step 10:The root locus of the compensated system is drawn and with the help of the damping ratio Eqn175, the dominant pole of the compensated system is determined. The new dominant pole obtained is Eqn176.

Step 11:The constant Eqn177 is determined by using Eqn178.

Step 12:If the static error constant of the compensated system is determined, it will satisfy the desired specifications.

Step 13:If the static error constant does not satisfy the desired specifications, then alternative values of z and p are chosen and step 7–12 will be continued; otherwise, we can stop the procedure.

Thus, the transfer function of the lag compensator using root locus technique is ­determined.

The flow chart for designing the lag compensator using root locus technique is shown in Fig. 11.7.


Fig. 11.7 ∣ Flow chart for designing the lag compensator

Example 11. 2: Consider a unity feedback uncompensated  system with the open-loop transfer function as Eqn181. Design a lag compensator for the system such that the compensated system has static velocity error ­constant Eqn182, damping ratio Eqn183 and settling time Eqn184 sec.


  1. The root locus for an uncompensated system is drawn.
    1. For the given system Eqn185, the poles are at 0, –1 and –4 i.e., Eqn186 and zeros does not exist i.e., Eqn187.
    2. Since Eqn188, the number of branches of the root loci for the given system is Eqn189.
    3. The details of the asymptotes are:
      1. Number of asymptotes for the given system Eqn190.
      2. Angles of asymptotes

        Eqn191 for Eqn192

        Therefore, Eqn193

      3. Centroid


    4. As all the poles and zeros are real values, there is no necessity to calculate the angle of departure and angle of arrival.
    5. To determine the number of branches existing on the real axis.

      If we look from the pole p = –1, the total number of poles and zeros existing on the right of –1 is one (odd number). Therefore, a branch of root loci exists between –1 and 0.

      Similarly, if we look from the point at Eqn196, the total number of poles and zero existing on the right of the point is three (odd number). Therefore, a branch of root loci exists between Eqn197 and –4.

      Hence, two branches of root loci exist on the real axis for the given system.

    6. The breakaway/break-in points for the given system are determined by


      For the given system, the characteristic equation is


      i.e., eqn764

      Therefore, Eqn200

      Differentiating the above equation with respect to Eqn201 and using Eqn. (1), we obtain



      Solving for s, we obtain


      (i) For Eqn205, K is 0.8794. Since Eqn206 is positive, the point Eqn207 is a breakaway point. (ii) For Eqn208, K is –6.064. Since Eqn209 is negative, the point Eqn210 is not a breakaway point.

      Hence, only one breakaway point exists for the given system.

    7. The point at which the branch of root loci intersects the imaginary axis is ­determined as follows:

      Using Eqn. (2), the characteristic equation for the given system is


      i.e., Eqn212(3)

      Routh array for the above equation is


      To determine the point at which the root loci crosses the imaginary axis, the first element in the third row must be zero i.e., Eqn214. Therefore, Eqn215.

      As K is a positive real value, the root locus crosses the imaginary axis and the point at which it crosses imaginary axis is obtained by substituting K in Eqn. (3) and solving for s.

      The solutions for the cubic equation Eqn216 are Eqn217.

      Hence, the point in the imaginary axis where the root loci crosses is Eqn218.

      The complete root locus for the system is shown in Fig. E11.2.


    Fig. E11.2

  2. Using Eqn219 and settling time Eqn220, the dominant closed-loop poles are

    Eqn221 (since Eqn222).

  3. The gain K at dominant closed-loop poles is obtained using the magnitude condition,




    i. e., Eqn226.

    Therefore, the transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn227.

  4. The static error constant for the uncompensated system is


  5. The factor by which the static error constant to be increased is determined by using

    Factor Eqn229

  6. Let the zero of the compensator be at 0.1 and the pole of the compensator be at 0.01.
  7. Therefore, the transfer function of the lag compensator is


  8. 8. Thus, the transfer function of the compensated system is


    where Eqn232

11.4 Lead Compensator

The lead compensator is one that has a simple pole and a simple zero in the left half of the s-plane with the zero nearer to the origin. The term lead in the lead compensator refers that the output voltage leads the input voltage and the phase angle of the numerator of the ­transfer function is greater than that of denominator. The general transfer function of the lead ­compensator is given by

Eqn233, Eqn234(11.12)

where Eqn235 and Eqn236 are constants.

The pole-zero configuration of the lead compensator is shown in Fig. 11.8.


Fig. 11.8 ∣ Pole-zero configuration of G1e(s)

The corner frequencies present in the lead compensator whose transfer function is given by Eqn. (11.12) are at Eqn238 and Eqn239. The Bode plot and polar plot of the lead compensator are shown in Figs. 11.9(a) and 11.9(b) respectively.





Fig. 11.9 ∣ Plots of lead compensator

The Bode plot shown in Fig. 11.9(a) is plotted with Eqn240 and Eqn241. It is inferred that (i) magnitude of lead compensator is low at low frequencies and (ii) magnitude of lead compensator is zero at high frequencies. Hence, the lead compensator behaves like a high-pass filter. The magnitude and phase plots for different values of Eqn242 are shown in Figs. 11.10(a) and 11.10(b) respectively.





Fig. 11.10 ∣ Bode plot for different values of Eqn243 (a) magnitude plot and (b) phase plot

11.4.1 Determination of Maximum Phase Angle Φm

The modified transfer function of the lead compensator is


The magnitude and phase angle of the lead compensator are


and Eqn248(11.15)

The maximum phase angle Eqn249 occurs at


Differentiating Eqn. (11.15) with respect to Eqn251, we obtain




Solving the above equation, we obtain


Substituting the above equation in Eqn. (11.15), we obtain


Thus, Eqn. (11.16) gives the frequency at which the phase angle of the system is maximum and Eqn. (11.17) gives the maximum phase angle of the lag compensator.

11.4.2 Electrical Representation of the Lead Compensator

A simple lead compensator using resistor and capacitor is shown in Fig. 11.11.


Fig. 11.11 ∣ A simple lead compensator

Applying Kirchoff's current law to the above circuit, we obtain



Taking Laplace transform on both sides, we obtain




Therefore, the transfer function of the above circuit is


Comparing Eqs. (11.12) and (11.20), we obtain

Eqn263 and Eqn264

11.4.3 Effects of Lead Compensator

The effects of adding lead compensator to the given system are:

  1. Damping of the closed-loop system increases since a dominant zero is added to the system.
  2. Peak overshoot of the system, rise time and settling time of the system decrease and as a result of which the transient response of the system gets improved.
  3. Gain margin and phase margin of the system get increased.
  4. Improves the relative stability of the system.
  5. Increases the bandwidth of the system that corresponds to the faster time response.

11.4.4 Limitations of Lead Compensator

The limitations of adding lead compensator to the given system are:

  1. Single-phase lead compensator can provide a maximum phase lead of Eqn265. If a phase lead of more than Eqn266 is required, multistage compensator must be used.
  2. There is always a possibility of reaching the conditionally stable condition even though the desired system requirements are achieved.

11.4.5 Design of Lead Compensator

The objective of designing the lead compensator is to determine the values of Eqn267 and Eqn268 for an uncompensated system Eqn269 based on the desired system requirements. The design of lead compensator can be either based on the frequency domain specifications or time- domain ­specifications. The Bode plot is used for designing the lead compensator based on the ­frequency domain specifications and root locus technique is used for designing the lead ­compensator based on the time-domain specifications. Once Eqn270 and Eqn271 are ­determined, the transfer function of the lead compensator Eqn272 can be obtained. The ­transfer function of the compensated system Eqn273. If the Bode plot or root locus technique is plotted for the compensated system, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

11.4.6 Design of Lead Compensator Using Bode Plot

Let the open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system be Eqn274. The ­objective is to design a lead compensator Eqn275 for Eqn276 so that the compensated system Eqn277 will ­satisfy the desired system requirements. The steps for determining the transfer function of the compensated system Eqn278 using Bode plot are explained below:

Step 1:If the open-loop transfer function of the system Eqn279 has a variable Eqn280, then Eqn281; otherwise Eqn282.

Step 2:Depending on the input and TYPE of the system, the variable Eqn283 present in the open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system is determined based on either the steady-state error or the static error ­constant of the system.

The static error constants of the system are

Position error constant, Eqn284

Velocity error constant, Eqn285

Acceleration error constant, Eqn286

The relation between the steady-state error and static error constant based on the TYPE of the system and input applied to the system can be referred to Table 5.5 of Chapter 5.

Step 3:Construct the Bode plot for the uncompensated system with gain Eqn305 obtained in the previous step and determine the frequency domain specifications of the system (i.e., phase margin, gain margin, phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency). Let the phase margin of the uncompensated system be Eqn306.

Step 4:Let the desired phase margin of the system be Eqn307. With a tolerance Eqn308, determine Eqn309 as


where Eqn311to Eqn312.

Step 5:Determine Eqn313 using Eqn314 .

Step 6:Determine Eqn315 in dB. Let it be Eqn316.

Step 7:Determine the frequency from the magnitude plot of the uncompensated system for the magnitude of Eqn317dB. Let this frequency be the new gain crossover frequency Eqn318.

Step 8:Determine Eqn319 using Eqn320.

Step 9: Determine Eqn321 using Eqn322.

Step 10: Thus, the transfer function of the lead compensator will be determined as Eqn323

Step 11: The transfer function of the compensated system will be Eqn324. If the Bode plot for the compensated ­system is drawn, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

Flow chart for designing the lead compensator using Bode plot

The flow chart for determining the parameters present in the transfer function of the lead compensator using Bode plot is shown in Fig. 11.12.


Fig. 11.12 ∣ Flow chart for designing the lead compensator using Bode plot

Example 11.3: Consider a unity feedback uncompensated system with the open-loop ­transfer function as Eqn325. Design a lead compensator for the ­system such that the compensated system has static velocity error constant Eqn326 and phase margin pm = 40°.


  1. Let Eqn328.
  2. The value of Eqn329 is determined by using Eqn330 as


    Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn332.

  3. 3. The Bode plot for Eqn333 H(s) = 1 is drawn.
    1. Given Eqn334
    2. Substituting Eqn_ab_5 in the above equation, we obtain


    3. The corner frequency existing in the given system is

      Eqn336 rad/sec

      To sketch the magnitude plot:

    4. The changes in slope at different corner frequencies are given in Table E11.3(a).

      Table E11.3(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

    5. Assume the lower frequency as ωl = 0.1 rad/sec and higher frequency as ωh = 20 rad/sec.
    6. The values of gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E11.3(b).

      Table E11.3(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies

    7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E11.3(b) and is shown in Fig. E11.3.

      To sketch the phase plot:

    8. (h) The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


    9. The phase angle at different frequencies is obtained using the above equation and the values are tabulated as shown in Table E11.3(c).

      Table E11.3(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

    10. (j) The phase plot of the given system is plotted with the help of Table E11.3(c) and is shown in Fig. E11.3.

      Fig. E11.3

    11. (k) The frequency domain specifications of the given system are

      Gain crossover frequency, Eqn362 rad/sec

      Phase crossover frequency, Eqn363 rad/sec

      Gain margin, Eqn364 dB and

      Phase margin, Eqn365

      It can be noted that the uncompensated system is stable, but the phase margin of the system is less than the desired phase margin.

  4. With tolerance value Eqn367, Eqn368 is calculated as

    i. e., Eqn369.

  5. The value of Eqn370 in the lead compensator is determined by using, Eqn371.

    i.e., Eqn372


    Solving the above equation, we obtain


  6. Let Eqn375 dB
  7. The new gain crossover frequency Eqn376 corresponding to B from the magnitude plot of the uncompensated system is 5 rad/sec.
  8. Using Eqn377, determine T as Eqn378.

    i. e., Eqn379.

  9. The value of Eqn380 is determined as Eqn381 i.e., Eqn382.
  10. The transfer function of the lead compensator is


  11. Thus, the transfer function of the compensated system is


11.4.7 Design of Lead Compensator Using Root Locus Technique

The desired time-domain specifications that can be specified for designing the lead compensator are peak overshoot, settling time, rise time, damping ratio and undamped natural frequency of the system. The step-by-step procedure for designing the lead compensator for an uncompensated system whose open-loop transfer function is given by Eqn385 using root locus technique is given below:

Step 1: Determine the damping ratio Eqn386 and undamped natural frequency Eqn387 of the system based on the given time-domain specifications.

Step 2: Determine the dominant closed-loop poles of the system using Eqn388 or Eqn389. Let Eqn390 and Eqn391 be the dominant closed-loop poles of the system that is marked in s-plane as shown in Fig. 11.13(a).


Fig. 11.13(a)

Step 3: Determine the angle of the loop transfer function Eqn392 at any one of the dominant pole i.e., either Eqn393 or Eqn394. Let the angle obtained be Eqn395 degrees i.e., Eqn396

Step 4: The angle obtained in the previous step, i.e., Eqn397 should be an odd multiple of Eqn398. If it is not so, some values of angle can be added or subtracted from Eqn399 to make it an odd multiple of Eqn400. The angle by which Eqn401 has to be added or subtracted is obtained using Eqn402. The value of Eqn403 is always less than Eqn404 and if Eqn405 is greater than Eqn406, then multiple lead compensators can be used.

Step 5: Draw a line parallel to the X-axis from point Eqn407 to Eqn408 and also join the point Eqn409 with the origin as shown in Fig. 11.13(b).


Fig. 11.13(b)

Step 6: Determine Eqn410 and using Eqn411 draw a line from the point Eqn412 that bisects the negative X-axis at point Eqn413 as shown in Fig. 11.13(b).

Step 7: Draw two lines Eqn414 and Eqn415 from point P1 such that Eqn417, which is shown in Fig. 11.13(c).


Fig. 11.13(c)

Step 8: The points Eqn418 and Eqn419 in the negative real axis corresponds to the pole and zero of the lead compensator respectively.

Step 9: The constants in the lead compensator (Eqn420 and Eqn421) are determined by using Eqn422 and Eqn423.

Step 10: Using the constants determined in the previous step, the transfer function of the lead compensator is obtained as


Step 11: The transfer function of the compensated system is obtained using Eqn425

Step 12: The constant Eqn426 of the system is determined by using Eqn427.

Step 13: If the root locus of the compensated system is drawn, we can see that the root locus of the compensated system will pass through the dominant closed-loop poles of the system.

The flow chart for designing the lead compensator using the root locus technique is shown in Fig. 11.14.


Fig. 11.14 ∣ Flow chart for designing the lead compensator

Example 11.4 Consider a unity feedback uncompensated system with the open-loop transfer function as Eqn428. Design a lead compensator for the system such that the compensated system has damping ratio Eqn429 and un-damped natural frequency Eqn430 rad/sec.


  1. Refer to the solution of Example 11.2 and follow the steps to obtain the root locus of the system.

    The complete root locus for the system is shown in Fig. E11.4.

  2. Using Eqn466 and undamped natural frequency Eqn467 = 2, the dominant closed-loop poles are Eqn468.

    Fig. E11.4

  3. The angle of the system at dominant closed-loop pole is


  4. Since the angle obtained in the previous step is not an odd multiple of Eqn470, the angle to be contributed by lead compensator is given by Eqn471.
  5. A line parallel to the X-axis from point Eqn472 to Eqn473 and also the point Eqn474 is joined with the origin.
  6. The angle Eqn475 is determined as Eqn476and using Eqn477, a line from the point Eqn478 is drawn which bisects the negative X-axis at point Eqn479.
  7. Two lines Eqn480 and Eqn481 are drawn from point Eqn472 such that Eqn483
  8. The points C and D are the poles and zeros of the lead compensator respectively. Since the zero is at Eqn484 and there exists pole-zero cancellation, the zero of lead compensator is taken slightly left of point –1. Let it be Eqn485. Therefore, Eqn486 and Eqn487
  9. The constants in the lead compensator are determined by using Eqn488 and Eqn489 Therefore, Eqn490 and Eqn491.
  10. Therefore, the transfer function of lead compensator is Eqn492
  11. Thus, the transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn493.
  12. Using the magnitude condition, Eqn494, the constant Eqn495 is determined as



    Thus, the transfer function of the compensated system is


11.5 Lag–Lead Compensator

In the previous sections, the unique advantages, disadvantages and limitations of the lead compensator and lag compensator have been discussed. Lead compensator will improve the rise time and damping and also affects natural frequency of the system and lag compensator will improve the damping of the system, but it also increases the rise time and settling time. Therefore, lag–lead compensator is a combination of lag and lead compensators which is used for a system to gain the individual advantages of each compensator. Also, the use of both the compensators is necessary for some systems as the desired result cannot be achieved when the compensators are used alone. In general, in lag–lead compensator, the lead compensator is used for achieving a shorter rise time and higher bandwidth and lag compensator is used for achieving good damping for a system.

The general transfer function of the lag–lead compensator is given by


where Eqn502 are constants and Eqn503

The term in Eqn. (11.21) which produces the effect of lead compensator is


The term in Eqn. (11.21) that produces the effect of lag compensator is


The pole-zero configuration of the lag–lead compensator is shown in Fig. 11.15.


Fig. 11.15 ∣ Pole-zero configuration of Gla–le (s)

The Bode plot and polar plot of the lag–lead compensator is shown in Figs. 11.16(a) and 11.16(b) respectively.





Fig. 11.16 ∣ Plots of lag–lead compensator

The Bode plot shown in Fig. 11.16(a) is plotted with Eqn507 and Eqn508. The conclusion inferred from the Bode plot of the lag compensator shown in Fig. 11.16(a) is that magnitude of lag–lead compensator is zero at low and high frequencies.

11.5.1 Electrical Representation of the Lag–Lead Compensator

A simple lag-lead compensator using resistor and capacitor is shown in Fig. 11.17.


Fig. 11.17 ∣ A simple lag–lead compensator

Applying Kirchoff's current law to the above circuit as shown in Fig. 11.17, we obtain


The output voltage of the circuit is given by


Taking Laplace transform on both sides of the above equations, we obtain




Substituting Eqn. (11.24) in Eqn. (11.23), we obtain



Simplifying the above equation, we obtain




Therefore, the transfer function of the above circuit is





Rearranging Eqn. (11.21), we obtain


Comparing Eqn. (11.26) with Eqn. (11.25), we get

Eqn523, Eqn524,



From the above representation, it can be noted that the values of Eqn528 and Eqn529 should be same for the lag–lead compensator.

11.5.2 Effects of Lag–Lead Compensator

The following are the effects of adding lag–lead compensator to the given system:

  1. Used when both the fast response and good static accuracy for a system is required.
  2. Increases low-frequency gain that improves steady state.
  3. Increases the bandwidth of the system that results in faster response of the system.

11.5.3 Design of Lag–Lead Compensator

The objective of designing the lag–lead compensator is to determine the values of constants (Eqn530 and Eqn531) present in the transfer function of a compensator for a uncompensated ­system Eqn532 based on the desired system requirements. The design of lag–lead compensator can be either based on the frequency domain specifications or based on time-domain ­specifications. The Bode plot is used for designing the lag–lead compensator based on the frequency domain specifications and root locus technique is used for designing the lag-lead compensator based on the time-domain specifications. Once the constant is determined, the transfer function of the lag–lead compensator Eqn533 can be obtained. The transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn534; and if the Bode plot or root locus technique is plotted for the compensated system, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

11.5.4 Design of Lag–Lead Compensator Using Bode Plot

Consider the open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system be Eqn535. The ­objective is to design a lag–lead compensator Eqn536 for Eqn537 so that the compensated system Eqn538 will satisfy the desired system requirements. The step by step procedure for determining the transfer function of the compensated system Eqn539 using Bode plot is explained below:

Step 1:If the open-loop transfer function of the system Eqn540 has a variable Eqn541, then Eqn542; otherwise Eqn543.

Step 2:Depending on the input and TYPE of the system, the variable Eqn544 present in the open-loop transfer function of the uncompensated system is determined based on either the steady-state error or the static error constant of the system.

The static error constants of the system are

Position error constant, Eqn545

Velocity error constant, Eqn546

Acceleration error constant, Eqn547

The relation between the steady-state error and static error constants based on the TYPE of the system and input applied to the system can be referred to Table 5.5 of Chapter 5.

Step 3:Construct the Bode plot for the uncompensated system with gain Eqn566 obtained in the previous step and determine the frequency domain specifications of the ­system (i.e., phase margin, gain margin, phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency). Let the phase margin, gain margin, phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency of the uncompensated system be Eqn567 and Eqn568.

Step 4:Let the desired phase margin of the system be Eqn569.

Step 5:Determine Eqn570 using Eqn571 and Eqn572.

Step 6:Determine the frequency of the system at which the phase plot of the uncompensated system is Eqn573. Let the frequency be the new gain crossover frequency Eqn574.

Step 7:Determine the constant, Eqn575.

Step 8:Determine the transfer function of the lag compensator as Eqn576.

Step 9:Determine the magnitude of uncompensated system at Eqn577. Let it be Eqn578 dB.

Step 10:Draw a line from the point (Eqn579) so that it bisects the Eqn580 dB line and Eqn581 dB line and determine the frequencies corresponding to the intersection points. Let Eqn582 rad/sec and Eqn583 rad/sec be the frequencies at which the line intersects Eqn584 dB line and Eqn585 dB line respectively.

Step 11:Determine the constants Eqn586 and Eqn587 using Eqn588 and Eqn589.

Step 12:Thus, the transfer function of the lag–lead compensator will be determined as Eqn590

Step 10:The transfer function of the compensated system will be Eqn591. If the Bode plot for the compensated system is drawn, it will satisfy the desired system requirements.

Flow chart for designing the lag–lead compensator using Bode plot

The flow chart for determining the parameters present in the transfer function of the lag–lead compensator using Bode plot is shown in Fig. 11.18.


Fig. 11.18 ∣ Flow chart for designing the lag–lead compensator using Bode plot

Example 11.5: Consider a unity feedback uncompensated system with the open-loop transfer function as Eqn592. Design a lag–lead compensator for the ­system such that the compensated system has static velocity error ­constant Eqn593, gain margin Eqn594 dB and phase margin Eqn595°.


  1. Let Eqn596.
  2. The gain Eqn597 is determined by using Eqn598 as


    Solving the above equation, we obtain Eqn600.

  3. The Bode plot for Eqn601 H(s) = 1 is drawn.
    1. Given Eqn602
    2. Substituting Eqn_ab_9 in the above equation, we obtain


    3. The corner frequencies existing in the given system are

      Eqn604 rad/sec and Eqn605 rad/sec.

      To sketch the magnitude plot:

    4. The changes in slope at different corner frequencies are given in Table E11.5(a).

      Table E11.5(a) ∣ Determination of change in slope at different corner frequencies

    5. Assume the lower frequency as Eqn611 = 0.1 rad/sec and higher frequency as Eqn612 = 20 rad/sec.
    6. The gain at different frequencies are determined and given in Table E11.5(b).
    7. The magnitude plot of the given system is plotted using Table E11.1(b) and is shown in Fig. E11.5.

      Table E11.5(b) ∣ Gain at different frequencies


      To sketch the phase plot:

    8. The phase angle of the given loop transfer function as a function of frequency is obtained as


    9. The phase angle at different frequencies is obtained using the above equation and the values are tabulated as shown in Table E11.5(c).

      Table E11.5(c) ∣ Phase angle of the system for different frequencies

    10. The phase plot of the given system is plotted with the help of Table E11.5(c) and is shown in Fig. E11.5.

      Fig. E11.5

    11. The frequency domain specifications of the given system are:

      Gain crossover frequency, Eqn641 rad/sec.

      Phase crossover frequency, Eqn642 rad/sec.

      Gain margin, Eqn643 dB

      Phase margin, Eqn644.

      It is to be noted that the uncompensated system is stable, but the phase margin of the system is less than the desired phase margin which is Eqn645.

  4. The desired phase margin for the compensated system is Eqn646.
  5. Using Eqn647 and Eqn648, Eqn649 is determined as 7.54.
  6. Let Eqn650
  7. The time constant of lag compensator is determined as


  8. Therefore, the transfer function of lag compensator is Eqn652.
  9. The magnitude of the system at Eqn653 dB.
  10. If the slope of +20 dB/decade is drawn from (1.4 rad/sec, –14 dB), the slope cuts the 0 dB line and –20 dB line at Eqn654 rad/sec and at Eqn655 rad/sec respectively.
  11. Thus, the transfer function of the lead portion of the lag–lead compensator is


  12. Therefore, the transfer function of the lag–lead compensator is


11.5.5 Design of Lag–Lead Compensator Using Root Locus Technique

The transfer function of the lag–lead compensator is given by Eqn658, Eqn659 and Eqn660. The design of lag–lead compensator using root locus technique is based on the relation between β and γ. Therefore, two different cases exist in designing the lag–lead compensator for a system.

Case 1: When Eqn664

The step-by-step procedure for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus ­technique when Eqn664 is discussed below.

Step 1:Determine the damping ratio Eqn665 and undamped natural frequency Eqn666 of the system based on desired time-domain specifications of the system.

Step 2:Determine the dominant pole of the system using Eqn667. Let the dominant poles of the system be Eqn668 and Eqn669.

Step 3:Follow the procedure shown in Fig. 11.14 in determining the constants of lead compensator, i.e., Eqn670 and Eqn671.

Step 4:Determine the constant Eqn672 using the condition Eqn673.

Step 5:Using the static error constant and constants determined in the previous steps, the value of Eqn675 is determined.

Step 6:Determine Eqn676 using Eqn677

Step 7:Now, determine the transfer function of the lag–lead compensator Eqn678.

Step 8:The transfer function of the compensated system is Eqn679.

Flow chart for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus technique when Eqn680

The step-by-step procedure for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus ­technique when Eqn681 is shown in Fig. 11.19.


Fig. 11.19 ∣ Flow chart for designing lag-lead compensator when Eqn682

Case 2: When Eqn683

The step-by-step procedure for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus ­technique when Eqn684 is discussed below:

Step 1:Determine the damping ratio Eqn685 and undamped natural frequency Eqn686 of the system based on desired-time domain specifications of the system.

Step 2:Determine the dominant pole of the system using Eqn687. Let the dominant poles of the system be Eqn688 and Eqn689.

Step 3:Using the formula for static error constant, determine the value of constant Eqn690.

Step 4:Determine the angle of the loop transfer function Eqn691 at any one of the ­dominant pole, i.e., either Eqn692 or Eqn693. Let the angle obtained be Eqn694 degrees.

Step 5:The angle obtained in the previous step, i.e., Eqn695 should be an odd multiple of Eqn696. If it is not so some value of angle can be added or subtracted from Eqn697 to make it an odd multiple of Eqn698. The angle by which Eqn699 has to be added or subtracted is obtained using the formula, Eqn700. The value of Eqn701 is always less than Eqn702 and if Eqn703 is greater than Eqn704, then multiple lead compensators can be used.

Step 6:Determine the length of points OA and OB such that Eqn705 and Eqn706. The points in the s-plane are shown in Fig. 11.20.


Fig. 11.20

Step 7:Determine the constants Eqn707 and Eqn708 using the formula Eqn709 and Eqn710.

Step 8:Determine Eqn711 using Eqn712.

Step 9:The transfer function of the lag–lead compensator is determined as Eqn713.

Flow chart for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus technique when Eqn715

The step-by-step procedure for designing the lag–lead compensator using root locus technique when Eqn715 is shown in Fig. 11.21.


Fig. 11.21 ∣ Flow chart for designing lag-lead compensator when Eqn715

Review Questions

  1. What is the principle of compensation? What are the types of compensation?
  2. Draw the electric network that could be used for phase lag compensation. Derive its transfer function and hence obtain Bode plot.
  3. Derive the transfer function of phase lag network and sketch the frequency response curves to the same.
  4. Under what circumstances a lag compensator is preferred? Why?
  5. What are the steps involved in designing a phase-lag compensator?
  6. What are the advantages of the lag compensator?
  7. Give the diagram to lead compensator.
  8. How are lag and lead compensators realized using electric circuits?
  9. Under what circumstances is a lead compensator preferred? Why?
  10. Show how a phase lead compensation network can be designed.
  11. Derive the transfer function of phase lead network and obtain the necessary expressions for system compensation with lead network.
  12. Enumerate the design steps involved in the phase lead compensation.
  13. Compare lead, lag and lag-lead compensation.
  14. Write a short note on series compensation.
  15. Explain the features of feedback compensation.
  16. Write short notes on the feedback compensation.
  17. Show the realization of a lag–lead compensator using electrical circuit.
  18. Write a note on series compensation using lag-lead networks.
  19. What is meant by feedback compensation?
  20. Consider a TYPE 1 system with open loop transfer function Eqn720 Design a lag compensator to meet the following specifications:

    Damping ratio Eqn721

    Settling time = 10 sec

    Velocity error constant Eqn723

  21. For a unity feedback system with open-loop gain Eqn724design a compensator to meet the following:

    Damping ratio Eqn725

    Settling time Eqn726

    Velocity error co-efficient Eqn727

  22. Determine the transfer function of a lead compensator that will provide a phase lead of Eqn728 and gain of 8 db at Eqn729
  23. A unity feedback network system has Eqn730. Design a compensator ­network for the system so that the static velocity error constant Eqn731 and the phase margin is at least Eqn732.
  24. Design a lead compensator for a unity-feedback open-loop transfer function Eqn733 to meet the following specifications:

    Damping ratio Eqn734

    Settling time Eqn735

    and Velocity error constant Eqn736

  25. Design a lag compensator for the system Eqn737 with unity feedback to achieve the following specifications:

    Velocity error constant Eqn738

    and phase margin Eqn739

  26. A unity feedback system with the open-loop transfer function Eqn740 is required to have (i) velocity error constant Eqn741 and (ii) phase margin Eqn742. Design a suitable phase lag compensator to meet the above specifications.
  27. Explain the steps involved in the time-domain design of phase lead ­compensation.
  28. The open-loop transfer function of a system is given as Eqn743. Design a lead compensation for the system to meet the following specifications:

    (i) Setting time 4 sec and (ii) peak over shoot for step input Eqn744 %.

  29. A unity feedback system with forward path transfer function Eqn745 is to have (i) the velocity error constant Eqn746 and (ii) phase margin Eqn747. Design a suitable phase-lag compensator to meet the above specifications.
  30. A unity feedback system with Eqn748 is to be compensated to have a phase margin of Eqn749 without sacrificing the velocity error constant. Design a suitable lag network and compute the component values for a suitable impedance level.
  31. Design a compensator for a unity feedback system with open-loop gain given by Eqn752 so that the static velocity error constant is Eqn753 and the dominant closed-loop poles are located at Eqn754.
  32. For the system whose open-loop transfer function is Eqn759, ­design a compensator so that the damping ratio is 0.5 and undamped natural frequency is 2.
  33. Design a compensator for the system with Eqn762 to have a phase ­margin of Eqn763.
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