10.1 Introduction

The frequency-response techniques discussed in the previous chapters are the open-loop frequency plots that have obtained the information about the closed-loop stability using the open-loop frequency response of the system. In these methods, the frequency response of the loop transfer function Eqn1 is plotted and information regarding the closed-loop stability is derived from the plot. In this chapter, constant M-circles (magnitude), ­constant N-circles (phase) and Nichols chart are discussed, which directly give the information regarding the closed-loop stability of the system.

10.2 Closed-Loop Response from Open-Loop Response

The closed-loop transfer function of a system with open-loop transfer function Eqn2 and feedback transfer function Eqn3 is


Substituting Eqn5 in the above equation, we obtain


Letting Eqn7, we obtain


where Eqn9 is the magnitude of the closed-loop transfer function and Eqn10 is the phase angle of the closed-loop transfer function.

Since the magnitude and phase angle of the closed-loop system are the function of frequency Eqn11, the closed-loop frequency plot of a system is the plot of magnitude and phase angle of the closed-loop system with respect to frequency Eqn12. Analytically or graphically, the ­magnitude and phase angle of the closed-loop system for different values of Eqn13 can be calculated. In ­analytical method, tedious calculations are involved in determining the magnitude and phase angle of the closed-loop system for different values of Eqn14. The graphical methods that eliminate the disadvantages of the analytical method are constant M- and N-circles and Nichols chart.

10.3 Constant M-Circles

Let the open-loop transfer function of the system be Eqn15. In frequency-response analysis, Eqn16 is replaced with Eqn17. Therefore,


where Eqn19 is the real part of Eqn20 and Eqn21 is the imaginary part of Eqn22.

The closed-loop transfer function of the system with unity feedback is obtained as


Substituting Eqn. (10.2) and using Eqn. (10.1) in the above equation, we obtain


The magnitude of the above equation is


Squaring both sides of the above equation and cross multiplying, we obtain


Simplifying the above equation, we get


i.e., Eqn28

Dividing the above equation by Eqn29, we obtain


Adding the term Eqn31on both sides of the above equation, we obtain


Upon simplifying, we obtain



i.e., Eqn35, Eqn36(10.4)

Equation (10.4) resembles the equation of a circle with centre Eqn37 and radius Eqn38

The constant M-loci or constant M-circles are the family of circles described by Eqn. (10.4) in Eqn39-plane when Eqn40 takes different values. The constant M-loci or constant M-circles for different values of Eqn41 are shown in Fig. 10.1.

The following three cases can be inferred from Fig. 10.1.


Fig. 10.1 ∣ Constant M-circles or constant M-loci

Case 1: M > 1

When the magnitude Eqn43 increases, the radius of Eqn44-circles decreases and the centre of the Eqn45-circles move towards the point Eqn46. Therefore, when Eqn47, the radius of Eqn48-circle is zero and centre is at Eqn49. This implies that the constant Eqn50-circle at Eqn51 ­represents the point Eqn52. These circles lie to the left of the Eqn53 circle.

Case 2: M = 1

When the magnitude Eqn55 is equal to 1, the radius of Eqn56-circle is infinity and the centre of the Eqn57-circle is Eqn58. This implies that the constant Eqn59-circles at Eqn60 represents a straight line parallel to imaginary axis and the intersection of the parallel line with the real axis can be determined by substituting Eqn61 in Eqn. (10.3). Thus, the intersection point of Eqn62 circle in the real axis is at Eqn63.

Case 3: M < 1

When the magnitude Eqn65 decreases, the radius of Eqn66-circles decreases and the centre of the Eqn67-circles moves towards the origin. Therefore, when Eqn68, the radius of Eqn69-circles is zero and centre is at origin. This implies that the constant Eqn70-circles at Eqn71 represents the origin.

The above three cases can be explained more clearly with the help of Table 10.1 which gives the centre and radius of Eqn72-circles for different values of Eqn73

Table 10.1 ∣ Centre and radius of M-circles


10.3.1 Applications of Constant M-Circles

  1. The constant M-circles can be used to determine resonant peak Eqn78.
  2. The resonant frequency Eqn79 can be determined by using the constant M-circles.
  3. The gain K of open-loop transfer function with unity feedback system for a desired Eqn80 can be determined.
  4. The magnitude plot of the system can be determined easily using constant M-circles.

10.3.2 Resonant Peak Mr and Resonant Frequency ωr from Constant M-Circles

The polar plot of a loop transfer function Eqn83 and the constant M-circles for the same system are shown in Fig. 10.2.


Fig. 10.2 ∣ Polar plot and constant M-circles

The resonant peak Eqn84 and resonant frequency Eqn85 of the system are determined by using the following steps:

Step 1:The polar plot and constant M-circles for different values of M are drawn as shown in Fig. 10.2.

Step 2:The polar plot will intersect the constant M circles at more than one point.

Step 3:The frequency corresponding to the different intersection points is determined.

Step 4:The circles at which the polar plot is a tangent to the circle are determined and the corresponding M values are found.

Step 5:The value of M with smaller value is the resonant peak Eqn86 of the system.

Step 6:The frequency corresponding to the particular intersection point is the ­resonant frequency of the system Eqn87.

For the polar plot and the constant M-circles shown in Fig. 10.2, the resonant peak Eqn88 is at Eqn89 and the resonant frequency is Eqn90.

The flow chart for determining Eqn91 and Eqn92 from constant M-circles is shown in Fig. 10.3.


Fig. 10.3 ∣ Flow chart for determining Mr and ωr

10.3.3 Variation of Gain K with Mr and ωr

The variation of gain K with the polar plot is shown in Fig. 10.4. It is evident that as the gain K increases, the values of resonant peak and resonant frequency will also increase.


Fig. 10.4 ∣ Polar plot and constant M-circles for different values of gain K

10.3.4 Bandwidth of the System

When the variation of magnitude of the system with respect to frequency Eqn97 alone is plotted as shown in Fig. 10.5, the bandwidth of the system can be calculated and this is depicted in Fig. 10.5.


Fig. 10.5 ∣ Magnitude versus Eqn98 curve

Also, the resonant peak and resonant frequency are also shown in Fig. 10.5.

10.3.5 Stability of the System

The variation of resonant peak and resonant frequency with respect to variation in gain K is shown in Fig. 10.4. It is clear that, at gain Eqn99, the resonant peak is Eqn100. At this point, the system becomes marginally stable. Also, the system will be unstable when its gain is greater than Eqn101.

10.3.6 Determination of Gain K Corresponding to the Desired Resonant Peak (Mr)desired

The step-by-step procedure to determine the value of gain K corresponding to the desired resonant peak is given below:

Step 1:The polar plot of the system is drawn by assuming gain Eqn103.

Step 2:The angle Eqn104 is determined by using the formula, Eqn105.

Step 3:A radial line OA is drawn from the origin as shown in Fig. 10.6(a).

Step 4:The constant M-circle with Eqn106 with centre on the negative real axis is drawn, which is tangent to both the radial line OA and polar plot as shown in Fig. 10.6(a).

Step 5:Let the constant M-circle touch the radial line OA at B.

Step 6:A perpendicular line is drawn from the point B so that the line intersects the ­negative real axis at C.

Step 7:Thus, the desired gain K is obtained using the formula, Eqn107.


Fig. 10.6(a) ∣ Gain K corresponding to Eqn108

The flow chart for determining gain Eqn109 for desired resonant peak is given in Fig. 10.6(b).


Fig. 10.6(b) ∣ Flow chart for determining gain K for Eqn108

10.3.7 Magnitude Plot of the System from Constant M-Circles

The step-by-step procedure for determining the magnitude plot of the system using constant M-circles is given below:

Step 1:The polar plot of a system for the given gain is plotted in Eqn112-plane.

Step 2:The constant M-circles for different values of M are plotted in the same Eqn113-plane.

Step 3:The intersection points of the polar plot and constant M-circles are noted down.

Step 4:The frequency corresponding to an intersection point is noted down from polar plot and the magnitude corresponding to the intersection point is the value of M.

Step 5:Once the value of M and its corresponding frequency are noted down from the intersection points, the magnitude plot of the system is obtained by taking the value of M along Y-axis and corresponding frequency along X-axis.

The constant M-circles with polar plot of a system and its corresponding magnitude plot are shown in Figs. 10.7 and 10.8(a) respectively.


Fig. 10.7 ∣ Polar plot and constant M-circles


Fig. 10.8(a) ∣ Magnitude plot of the system

The flow chart for the determination of magnitude plot from constant M-circles is shown in Fig. 10.8(b).


Fig. 10.8(b) ∣ Flow chart for obtaining the magnitude plot from constant M-circles

10.4 Constant N-Circles

Let the open-loop transfer function of the system be Eqn115. In the frequency response analysis of the system s is replaced with Eqn117. Therefore,


where u is the real part of Eqn120 and v is the imaginary part of Eqn122.

The closed-loop transfer function of the system with unity feedback is obtained as


Substituting Eqn. (10.5) and using Eqn. (10.1) in the above equation, we obtain


The phase angle of the system is


Taking tan on both sides of the above equation, we obtain


Substituting Eqn128 in the above equation, we obtain


Using the formula Eqn130 in the above equation, we obtain


Simplifying the above equation, we obtain



Therefore, Eqn134

Adding Eqn135 on both sides of the above equation, we obtain


Rearranging the above equation, we obtain


The above equation resembles the equation of a circle with centre Eqn138 and radius Eqn139.

It is to be noted that irrespective of the value of N, Eqn. (10.6) gets satisfied for Eqn140 and Eqn141. Therefore, each constant N-circle will pass through the origin and Eqn142 in the Eqn143 eqn366-plane.

The constant N-loci or constant N-circles are the family of circles described by Eqn. (10.6) in Eqn144 eqn366-plane when Eqn145 takes different values. The constant N-loci or constant N-circles for different values of Eqn146 are shown in Fig. 10.9.

The centre and radius of constant N-circles for different values of N are shown in Table 10.2.

Table 10.2 ∣ Centre and radius of N-circles


The constant N-circles shown in Fig. 10.9 for a given value of Eqn154 are only arc and not entire circles. Thus constant N-circles for Φ = 60° and Φ = 60° − 180° = −120° are parts of same circle.


Fig. 10.9 ∣ Constant N-circles or constant N loci

10.4.1 Phase Plot of the System from Constant N-Circles

The step-by-step procedure for determining the phase plot of the system using constant N-circles is given below:

Step 1:The polar plot of a system for the given gain is plotted in Eqn157 eqn366-plane.

Step 2:The constant N-circles for different values of Eqn158 are plotted in the same Eqn159 eqn366-plane.

Step 3:The intersection points of the polar plot and constant N-circles are noted down.

Step 4:The frequency corresponding to an intersection point is noted down from polar plot and the magnitude corresponding to the intersection point is the value of Eqn160.

Step 5:Once the value of Eqn161 and its corresponding frequency are noted down from the ­intersection points, the magnitude plot of the system is obtained by taking the value of Eqn162 along Y-axis and corresponding frequency along X-axis.

The phase plot for the system using constant N-circles is shown in Fig. 10.10(a).


Fig. 10.10(a) ∣ Phase angle plot of the system

The flow chart for determining the phase angle plot from constant N-circles is shown in Fig. 10.10(b).


Fig. 10.10(b) ∣ Flow chart for plotting phase angle plot of the system

10.5 Nichols Chart

The chart that results after the transformation of constant M- and N-circles to log-magnitude and phase angle coordinates is called Nichols chart. This transformation is first introduced by N.B. Nichols. In addition, the Nichols chart can be defined as the chart that consists of constant M- and N-circles superimposed on a graph sheet. The graph sheet consists of ­magnitude of the system in decibels which is obtained from constant M-circles along the Y-axis and phase angle of the system in degrees which is obtained from constant ­N-circles along the X-axis. The typical Nichols chart with constant M- and N-circles is shown in Fig. 10.11.


Fig. 10.11 ∣ Nichols chart

10.5.1 Reason for the Usage of Nichols Chart

The reason for using Nichols chart for determining the stability of the system is due to the disadvantages that exist in working with the polar coordinates. The disadvantage is that when the loop gain of the system is changed, the polar plot will tend to change its shape. But in Bode plot or in magnitude versus phase plot, when the loop gain of the system is altered, the curve gets shifted up or down vertically. Therefore, it is convenient to work with Nichols chart compared to polar plot.

10.5.2 Advantages of Nichols Chart

The advantages of Nichols chart are:

  1. The magnitude and phase plot of the system can be obtained.
  2. The values of resonant peak, resonant frequency and bandwidth can be obtained from the Nichols chart for the given Eqn163.
  3. The various time-domain specifications can be obtained once the value of resonant peak and resonant frequency are determined.
  4. The gain of the system for the desired resonant peak can be determined.

10.5.3 Transformation of Constant M- and N-Circles into Nichols Chart

The transformation of constant M-circle into Nichols chart is explained using the step- by-step procedure as follows:

Step 1:The constant M-circles for M > 1 are plotted in Fig. 10.12(a).


Fig. 10.12(a) ∣ Constant M-circles of a system

Step 2:A line is drawn from the origin to any point on the constant M-circles as shown in Fig. 10.12(b).


Fig. 10.12(b) ∣ Line from origin to constant M-circles

Step 3:Consider a point A in the constant M-circles.

Step 4:The magnitude in dB and phase angle in degrees for that particular point are

Magnitude in dB = Eqn164

Phase angle in degrees = Eqn165

where Eqn166 is the length of the line OA and Eqn167 is the angle from the positive real axis to the line OA taken in the counterclockwise direction.

Step 5:Similarly, any point in the constant M-circles can be plotted in the Nichols chart.

Step 6:The constant M-circles shown in Fig. 10.12(a) are transformed to Nichols chart as shown in Fig. 10.12(c).


Fig. 10.12(c) ∣ Constant M circle in Nichols chart

It is noted that the critical point Eqn168 is plotted in Nichols chart as the point Eqn169.

Similarly, the constant N-circles can be transformed into Nichols chart.

10.5.4 Determination of Frequency Domain Specifications from Nichols Chart

The different frequency domain specifications that can be determined by using Nichols chart are gain margin Eqn170, phase margin Eqn171, gain crossover frequency Eqn172, phase crossover ­frequency Eqn173 and bandwidth Eqn174.

The step-by-step procedure to determine the frequency domain specifications using Nichols chart is given below:

Step 1:Draw the Eqn175 plot in the Nichols chart.

Step 2:Transform the constant M-circles into the Nichols chart.

Step 3:Determine the value of Eqn176 at which the locus Eqn177 is a tangent to that particular M-circle.

Step 4:Determine the frequency of that particular point Eqn178 from Eqn179 plot.

Step 5:Then, the resonant peak Eqn180 and resonant frequency Eqn181 are determined as Eqn182 and Eqn183.

Step 6:The gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency are the frequencies at which the Eqn184 plot crosses the 0dB line and −180° line in Nichols chart.

Step 7:Determine the gain margin and phase margin as shown in Fig. 10.13.

Step 8:The bandwidth of the system is determined as the frequency at which Eqn186 plot crosses the −3 dB or 0.707 circle.


Fig. 10.13 ∣ Determination of frequency domain specifications using Nichols chart

10.5.5 Determination of Gain K for a Desired Frequency Domain Specifications

The gain K of the system can be determined for the desired value of frequency domain specifications. The step-by-step procedure for determining the gain K for the desired value of frequency domain specifications is discussed in this section.

Case 1: To determine the gain K for a desired gain margin Eqn187

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain K for Eqn188 is given below.

Step 1:Draw the Eqn189 plot for gain Eqn190.

Step 2:Determine the magnitude Eqn191 in dB of Eqn192 for a phase angle of −180°.

Step 3:Determine the magnitude of Eqn194 in dB for Eqn196 which is given by Eqn197.

Step 4:Determine Eqn198.

Step 5:The Eqn199 plot will be shifted vertically upward or vertically downward based on the value of C.

If Eqn200, the plot is shifted vertically upward by Eqn201 dB.

If Eqn202, the plot is shifted vertically downward by Eqn203 dB.

If Eqn204, the plot is neither shifted upward nor downward vertically.

Step 6:The gain K for Eqn205 is determined using the formula


The flow chart for determining the gain Eqn207 for Eqn208 is shown in Fig. 10.14(a).


Fig. 10.14(a) ∣ Flow chart for determining K for Eqn210

Case 2: To determine the gain K for a desired phase margin Eqn212

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain K for Eqn213 is given below.

Step 1:Draw the Eqn214 plot for gain Eqn215.

Step 2:Determine the angle of Eqn216 for Eqn217 as Eqn218 −180°.

Step 3:Determine the magnitude Eqn219 of Eqn220 in dB for Eqn221 degrees.

Step 4:The Eqn222 plot will be shifted vertically upward or vertically downward based on the value of E.

If Eqn223, the plot is shifted vertically downward by Eqn224 dB.

If Eqn225, the plot is shifted vertically upward by Eqn226 dB.

If Eqn227, the plot is neither shifted upward nor downward vertically.

Step 6:The gain K for Eqn228 is determined by using the formula


The flow chart for determining the gain Eqn230 for Eqn231 is shown in Fig. 10.14(b).


Fig. 10.14(b) ∣ Flow chart for determining K for Eqn233

Case 3: To determine the gain K for a desired resonant peak Eqn235

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain for Eqn242 is given below.

Step 1:Draw the Eqn237 plot for gain Eqn238.

Step 2:Determine the resonant peak for the system Eqn239.

Step 3:Trace the plot of Eqn240 with gain Eqn241 and move the plot either upward or downward based on Eqn242 so that the traced plot is a tangent to the Eqn243 contour.

Step 4:Determine the value F in dB by which the plot has moved.

Step 5:The gain K for Eqn242 is determined by using the formula,


The flow chart for determining the gain K for Eqn248is shown in Fig. 10.14(c).


Fig. 10.14(c) ∣ Flow chart for determining K for Eqn250

Case 4: To determine the gain K for a desired bandwidth Eqn252

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain K for Eqn254 is given below.

Step 1:Draw the Eqn255 plot for gain Eqn256.

Step 2:Determine the magnitude of Eqn257 in dB for Eqn258. Let it be Eqn259 dB.

Step 3:If the value of Eqn260 is equal to Eqn261 dB, then the plot is neither shifted vertically upward or downward. But, if the value of Eqn262 is not equal to Eqn263 dB, then the following steps are to be followed.

Step 4:Determine the point Eqn264 in the Eqn265 dB contour when it crosses Eqn266 dB.

Step 5:Trace the plot of Eqn267 with gain Eqn256 and move the plot either upward or downward so that it passes through the point Eqn269.

Step 6:Determine the value Eqn270 in dB by which the plot has moved.

Step 7:The gain K for Eqn271 is determined by using the formula


The flow chart for determining the gain Eqn273 for Eqn274 is shown in Fig. 10.14(d).


Fig. 10.14(d) ∣ Flow chart for determining K for Eqn276

Example 10.1: The loop transfer function of a system with a unity feedback is given by Eqn277. Determine the gain margin, phase margin, gain crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency and bandwidth of the system using Nichols chart.


The Eqn278 plot is plotted in the Nichols chart.

  1. Substituting Eqn279 in the given transfer function, we obtain


  2. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


    and Eqn282

  3. Substituting the different values of frequency Eqn283 in the above equations, we obtain the magnitude and phase angle of the system. The magnitude in dB and phase angle of the system in degrees for different frequency values are shown in Table E10.1.

    Table E10.1 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system

  4. Using the data obtained in Table E10.1, the plot for Eqn294 is plotted in Nichols chart as shown in Fig. E10.1.

    Fig. E10.1Eqn295 plot in Nichols chart

  5. Using the definition, the different frequency domain specifications are:

    Gain margin, Eqn296 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn297

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn298 rad/s

    Phase crossover frequency, Eqn299 rad/s

Example 10.2: The loop transfer function of an unity feedback system is Eqn300. Using Nichols chart, determine the gain K so that (a) the desired gain margin of the system is 16 dB, (b) the desired phase margin of the system is 40° and (c) the desired resonant peak of the system is 5 dB.


  1. The Eqn304 plot is plotted in the Nichols chart.
    1. Substituting Eqn305 and Eqn306 in the given loop transfer function, we obtain


    2. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


      and Eqn309

    3. Substituting different values of Eqn310 in the above two equations, we obtain the magnitude and phase angle of the system as given in Table E10.2.

      Table E10.2 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system

    4. Using the data obtained in Table E10.2, the plot for Eqn321 is plotted in Nichols chart as shown in Fig. E10.2(a).

    Fig. E10.2(a)

  2. Using the plot shown in Fig. E10.2(a), the frequency domain specifications for the system with gain Eqn322, are

    Gain margin, Eqn323 dB

    Phase margin, Eqn324 59° and

    Gain crossover frequency, Eqn325 rad/s

  3. The gain values for the desired frequency domain specifications are determined as follows:

Case 1: When the desired gain margin of the system is 16 dB.

  1. The magnitude of Eqn326 at −180°, Eqn328 dB.
  2. For the desired gain margin of 20 dB, Eqn329 dB.
  3. Therefore, Eqn330 dB.
  4. As the value of Eqn331 is less than zero, the Eqn332 plot is to be shifted ­vertically downward by 4 dB. The modified plot in Nichols chart is shown in Fig. E10.2(b).

    Fig. E10.2(b)

  5. Therefore, the gain for Eqn333 = 16 dB is


    i.e., Eqn335.

Case 2: When the phase margin of the system is 40°.

  1. The angle of Eqn337 for Eqn338, D = 40° − 180° = −140°.
  2. The magnitude of Eqn340 in dB for Eqn341 degrees, Eqn342 dB.
  3. As the value of Eqn343 is less than zero, the plot is to be shifted vertically upward by 5 dB.
  4. The modified plot of Eqn345 is shown in Fig. E10.2(c).

    Fig. E10.2(c)

  5. Therefore, the gain of the system for desired phase margin is


    i.e., Eqn347.

Case 3: When the desired resonant peak of the system, Eqn348 = 6 dB.

  1. The resonant peak of the system is 0.25 dB.
  2. The plot of Eqn349 shown in Fig. E10.2(a) is traced in a tracing paper.
  3. The plot in the tracing paper is moved in the Nichols chart so that the resonant peak of the system is 6 dB and the plot is plotted in the Nichols chart as shown in Fig. E10.2(d).

    Fig. E10.2(d)

  4. If we check the plots in Figs. E10.2(a) and E10.2(d), it is clear that the plot has been increased by 5 dB. Therefore, let Eqn350 dB.
  5. Therefore, the gain of the system for Eqn351is


    i.e., Eqn353.

Thus, the frequency domain specifications for the system are determined and the gain values for the various desired frequency domain specifications are also determined.

Review Questions

  1. Define constant M-circles.
  2. Define constant N-circles.
  3. How can the closed-loop frequency response of the system be obtained from the open-loop frequency response using constant M- and constant N-circles?
  4. What do you mean by Nichols Chart?
  5. How can the closed-loop frequency response of the system be obtained from the open-loop frequency response using Nichols chart?
  6. What are the advantages of Nichols chart?
  7. Explain with a neat diagram, how the frequency domain specifications are obtained using Nichols chart.
  8. How are the constant M-circles marked in the Nichols chart?
  9. The loop transfer function of an unity feedback system is Eqn354 . Using Nichols chart, determine the gain Eqn355 so that resonant peak is 1.4. Also, determine the corresponding frequency.
  10. Determine the frequency domain specification of an unity feedback system whose loop transfer function is given by Eqn356 using Nichols chart.
  11. The loop transfer function of an unity feedback system is given by Eqn357. Determine the frequency domain specifications of the system using Nichols chart.
  12. Determine the frequency domain specifications of an unity feedback system whose loop transfer function is given by Eqn358 using Nichols chart with Eqn359. Also, determine the gain Eqn360 so that the gain margin of the system is 10 dB.
  13. Determine the frequency domain specification of an unity feedback system whose loop transfer function is given by Eqn361 using Nichols chart with Eqn362. Also, determine the gain Eqn363 so that the phase margin of the system is 50°.
  14. In the Nichols chart shown in Fig. Q10.14, the plot for Eqn365 is plotted for different frequencies. Determine the frequency domain specifications of the system.

    Fig. Q10.14

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