13.1 Introduction

The systems discussed in previous chapters were of Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) type. But the real world systems are of Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) type. To analyse MIMO type of systems, state-variable technique can be effectively used by which the complexity of mathematical equations governing the systems can be reduced. The state-variable technique provides a convenient formulation procedure for modelling such MIMO systems. While the conventional approach is based on input-output relationship or transfer function, the modern approach is based on the description of system equations in terms of differential equations. State-variable technique uses this modern approach to represent a system. The state-variable technique is applicable to linear and non-linear time-invariant time-varying systems . This technique also facilitates the determination of the internal behaviour of a system very easily. The state of a system at time Eqn1 is the minimum information necessary to completely specify the condition of the system at time Eqn2 in continuous-time systems and Eqn3 in discrete-time systems. It allows determination of the system outputs at any time Eqn4 Eqn5, when inputs upto time Eqn6 are specified. The state of a system at time Eqn7Eqn8 is a set of values, at time Eqn9 or Eqn10 of set variables. The information-bearing variables of a system are called state variables. The set of all state variables is called a system's state. State variables contain sufficient information so that all future states and outputs can be computed if the past history, input/output relationships and future inputs of a system are  known.

The state variables are chosen such that they correspond to physically measurable quantities. State-variable technique employing state variables can be extended to non-linear and time-varying systems also. It is also convenient to consider an N-dimensional space in which each coordinate is defined by one of the state variables Eqn11, Eqn12,…,Eqn13, where Eqn14 is the number of state variables of a system. This N-dimensional space is called state-space. The state vector is defined as an N-dimensional vector Eqn15, whose elements are the state ­variables. The state vector defines a point in the state-space at any time Eqn16. As the time changes, the system state changes and a set of points, which is nothing but the locus of the tip of the state vector as time progresses, is called a trajectory of a system.

An alternate time-domain representation of a causal LTI discrete-time system is by means of the state-space equation. They can be obtained by reducing the Eqn17 order difference equation to a system of Eqn18-first-order equations.

Conventional control method using Bode and Nyquist plots that are frequency domain approach requires Laplace transform for continuous-time systems and Eqn19-transform for discrete-time systems. But for both continuous and discrete-time systems, vector matrix form of state-space representation greatly simplifies system representation and gives accuracy of system performance.

13.1.1 Advantages of State-Variable Analysis

The advantages of state-variable analysis are:

  1. The state-variable analysis includes the effect of all initial conditions.
  2. It is useful to determine the time-domain response of non-linear systems effectively.
  3. State equations involving matrix algebra are highly compatible for simulation on digital computers.
  4. It simplifies the mathematical representation of a system.
  5. MIMO systems can be easily represented and analysed using state variables.
  6. The simulation diagram for an equation can be obtained directly.

13.2 State-Space Representation of Continuous-Time LTI Systems

A system with Eqn20 state variables with Eqn21 inputs and Eqn22 outputs can be represented by Eqn23 first-order differential equations and Eqn24 output equations as shown below.








where Eqn31 for Eqn32 are the system inputs, Eqn33 for Eqn34 are the state variables, Eqn35 for Eqn36 are the system outputs and Eqn37,Eqn38, Eqn39 and Eqn40 are the coefficients.

All the equations present in Eqn. (13.1) are called state equations and all the equations present in Eqn. (13.2) are called output equations, which together constitute the state-space model of a system. It will be very difficult to find the solution of such a set of time-varying state equations. If a system is time-invariant, then it will be easy to find the solution of the state equations.

Also, a compact matrix notation can be used for the state-space model and using the laws of linear algebra, the state equations can easily be manipulated. The vectors and matrices are defined below.

Eqn41, Eqn42,Eqn43(13.3)

Eqn44, Eqn45(13.4)

Eqn46 and Eqn47

Now the state equation and output equation given in Eqs. (13.1) and (13.2) respectively can be compactly written as



where Eqn50, Eqn51 is a matrix of order Eqn52, Eqn53 is a matrix of order Eqn54, Eqn55 is a matrix of order Eqn56, Eqn57 is a matrix of order Eqn58, Eqn59 is a matrix of order Eqn60, Eqn61 is a matrix of order Eqn62 and Eqn63 is a matrix of order Eqn64.

The different state-space models of both time-variant and invariant types represented in different domains are given in Table 13.1.

Table 13.1 ∣ Different state-space models


13.3 Block Diagram and SFG Representation of a Continuous State-Space Model

The basic element for drawing the block diagram from the state-space model of a system is the integrator. The procedure to obtain the block diagram of a state-space model is given below:

Step 1: The state-space model of a system is obtained by using one of the methods which is to be discussed in the following sections.

Step 2: The individual state equation and output equation are written by using the obtained state-space model.

Step 3: The block diagrams for the individual state equation and output equation are drawn.

Step 4: The number of integrators used for the given state-space model is Eqn77 (order of matrix Eqn78).

Step 5: The individual block diagrams obtained in Step 3 can be interconnected in an appropriate way and by using the Eqn79 integrators, the block diagram for the given ­state-space model can be obtained.

The schematic illustration of a system given by Eqs. (13.5) and (13.6) is shown in Fig. 13.1. The double lines indicate a multiple-variable signal flow path. The blocks represent matrix multiplication of the vectors and matrices.


Fig. 13.1 ∣ Block diagram of the state-variable model

Step 6: Once the block diagram of the state-space model is obtained using the steps mentioned in Chapter 4, the SFG for the model can be obtained.

The SFG representation for the block diagram of a system shown in Fig. 13.1 is shown in Fig. 13.2.


Fig. 13.2 ∣ SFG representation of the state-variable model

13.4 State-Space Representation

The state-space model of a system can be obtained in three different ways when differential equations or transfer function is given. The different ways of representing a system in state-space model are shown in Fig. 13.3.


Fig. 13.3 ∣ Different ways of representing a system in state-space model

13.5 State-Space Representation of Differential Equations in Physical Variable Form

The state-space model of electrical, mechanical (translational and rotational) and electromechanical systems can be obtained using physical variables. The physical variables which are considered as state variables differ from system to system. In an electrical system, the voltages across the resistance, inductance and capacitance and/or currents flowing through the resistance, inductance and capacitance are taken as state variables. In translational mechanical system, linear displacement, linear velocity and linear acceleration are taken as state variables and in rotational mechanical system, angular displacement, angular ­velocity and angular acceleration are taken as state variables.

13.5.1 Advantages of Physical Variable Representation

The advantages of physical variable representation are:

  1. The values of the physical quantities involving the physical variables are measurable.
  2. Implementation is simple.
  3. The performance of a system can be analysed as the behaviour of the physical variables with time is determined.
  4. The feedback design for a system can be done as the information about state variables and output variables are available from the feedback.

13.5.2 Disadvantages of Physical Variable Representation

The disadvantages of physical variable representation are:

  1. The method of obtaining solution is tedious.
  2. The state-space model of a system can be obtained if and only if the differential equation relating physical variables exists.
  3. It is difficult to determine the differential equation of a complex system.

13.6 State-Space Model Representation for Electric Circuits

The state-space model representation of an electric circuit is done as follows:

Step 1: For a given electric circuit, there exists Eqn80 number of state variables and Eqn81 number of output variables.

Step 2: Determine the number of input signals Eqn82 for a system.

Step 3: If the state variables Eqn83 and the output variables Eqn84 are given for an electric circuit, then these variables are assumed as the state variables and output variables. Otherwise, Eqn85 number of state variables Eqn86 and Eqn87 number of output variables, Eqn88 are assumed.

Step 4: Using Kirchhoff's current and/or voltage laws, obtain the differential equation of a system.

Step 5: Using the chosen state variables, the differential equations of a system obtained in the previous step are modified to obtain its first-order derivatives.

Step 6: Determine Eqn89 number of output equations relating Eqn90 number of state variables.

Step 7: Finally, by defining the matrices, the state-space model of the electrical circuit is obtained.

Example 13.1: Determine the state-space model for the electrical system shown in Fig. E13.1.


Fig. E13.1

Solution: As the state variables for the given electric circuit are not given, we choose the two state variables as the current through inductor Eqn91 and voltage across capacitor Eqn92.

Therefore, Eqn93, Eqn94 and Eqn95.

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the circuit shown in Fig. E13.1,


Therefore, Eqn97(1)

Also, Eqn98

Therefore, Eqn100(2)

Substituting Eqn101 and Eqn102 in Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain



Representing Eqs. (3) and (4) in matrix form, we obtain the state equation as


The output variable Eqn106

Therefore, the output equation in matrix form can be obtained as


The Eqs. (5) and (6) together represent the state-space model of a system.

Example 13.2: Determine the state equation of the electrical circuit shown in Fig. E13.2(a).


Fig. E13.2(a)

Solution: The circuit of Fig. E13.2(a) is redrawn, with the various branch currents and voltages as shown in the Fig. E13.2(b).


Fig. E13.2(b)

As the state variables for the given electric circuit are not given, we choose the state ­variables as Eqn108, where Eqn109 and Eqn110 are the node voltages and Eqn111 is the current flowing through the inductor Eqn112.

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law for the loops in the above circuit, we obtain




Applying Kirchhoff's current law to the node at which voltage is Eqn116, we obtain


Differentiating with respect to Eqn118, we obtain


Simplifying Eqn. (1), we obtain


Substituting in Eqn. (4), we obtain


Substituting Eqn122,Eqn123, Eqn124 and Eqn125, we obtain



Simplifying Eqn. (2), we obtain


Substituting Eqn129, Eqn130 and Eqn131 in the above equation, we obtain


Also, Eqn133

Simplifying, we obtain


From Eqn. (3), we obtain


Substituting the above equation in Eqn. (7), we obtain


Substituting Eqn137, Eqn138 and Eqn139 in the above equation, we obtain


Representing Eqs. (5), (6) and (8) in matrix form, we get the state equation of a system as


13.7 State-Space Model Representation for Mechanical System

A mechanical system is subdivided into translational mechanical system and rotational mechanical system. The state-space model representations for the two systems are obtained below.

13.7.1 State-Space Model Representation of Translational / Rotational Mechanical System

The state-space model representation of a translational / rotational mechanical system is done by the following steps:

  1. For a given translational / rotational mechanical system, there exists Eqn142 number of state variables and Eqn143 number of output variables.
  2. Determine the number of input signals Eqn144 for a system.
  3. If the state variables Eqn145 and the output variables Eqn146 are given for a translational/­rotational mechanical system, then these variables are assumed as the state variables and output variables. Otherwise, Eqn147 number of state variables Eqn148 and Eqn149 number of output variables Eqn150 are assumed.
  4. Using D'Alembert's principle, differential equation of a system is obtained.
  5. Using the chosen state variables, the differential equation of a system obtained in the previous step is modified so that first-order derivative of the chosen state ­variables is obtained.
  6. Determine Eqn151 number of output equations relating Eqn152 number of state variables.
  7. Finally, by defining the matrices, the state-space model of a translational/rotational mechanical system is obtained.

Example 13.3: Obtain the state equation and output equation of the translational mechanical system shown in Fig. E13.3.


Fig. E13.3

Solution: For a translational mechanical system shown in Fig. E13.3, let Eqn153, Eqn154 be the displacements and Eqn155, Eqn156 be the velocities.

Applying D'Alembert's principle to both the masses Eqn157 and Eqn158, we obtain



Since the state variables for the given system are not specified, we choose the following variables as state variables.

Eqn161, Eqn162, Eqn163, Eqn164, Eqn165,

Eqn166 and input variable Eqn167

Substituting the chosen state variables in Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain



Simplifying and rearranging the terms of the above equations, we obtain



Representing the chosen state variables, Eqs. (3) and (4) in matrix form, we obtain


Considering the displacements Eqn173 and Eqn174, the output equation is given by


Example 13.4: Obtain the state equation and output equation of the rotational mechanical system shown in Fig. E13.4.


Fig. E13.4

Solution: For the rotational mechanical system shown in Fig. E13.4, let Eqn187, Eqn188 and Eqn189 be the angular displacements and Eqn190, Eqn191 and Eqn192 be the angular velocities.

Applying D'Alembert's principle to the given system, we obtain




Since the state variables are not specified for the given system, we choose the following variables as state variables.

Eqn196 Eqn197 Eqn198 Eqn199 Eqn200

Eqn201, Eqn202 Eqn203 Eqn204 and input variable


Substituting the chosen state variables in Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we obtain




Simplifying and rearranging the above equations, we obtain




Representing the chosen state variable, Eqs. (4), (5) and (6) in matrix form, we obtain


Considering the angular displacements Eqn213, Eqn214 and Eqn215 as the output of the systems, the output equation is given by


13.8 State-Space Model Representation of Electromechanical ­System

An electromechanical system is the combination of electrical system and mechanical system. An example for an electromechanical system is DC motor. The armature and field controls of DC motor are discussed below.

13.8.1 Armature-Controlled DC Motor

The speed of DC motor is directly proportional to armature voltage and inversely ­proportional to flux. The armature winding and the field winding forms an electrical system. The rotating part of the motor and load connected to the shaft of the motor form a mechanical system. In armature-controlled DC motor, armature voltage is varied to attain the desired speed and the field voltage is kept constant. An armature-controlled DC motor is shown in Fig. 13.4.


Fig. 13.4 ∣ Armature-controlled DC motor

The DC machine parameters are : Eqn217 is the armature resistance in Ω, Eqn218 is the armature inductance in H, Eqn219 is the armature current in A, Eqn220 is the armature voltage in V, Eqn221 is the back emf in V, Eqn222 is the torque developed by motor in N-m, Eqn223 is the angular displacement of shaft in rad, Eqn224 is the angular velocity of the shaft in rad/sec, J is the moment of inertia of motor and load in kg-m2/rad and B is the frictional coefficient of motor and load in N-m/(rad/sec).

The equivalent circuit of armature is shown in Fig. 13.5.


Fig. 13.5 ∣ Electrical equivalent of armature

Applying Kirchoff's Voltage Law to the above circuit, we obtain


The torque output of the DC motor is proportional to the product of flux and current. Since flux is constant in this system (by keeping the field voltage as constant), the torque is proportional to armature current Eqn228

Therefore, Torque, Eqn229(13.8)

where Eqn230 is the torque constant in N-m/A.

The mechanical system of the DC motor is shown in Fig. 13.6.


Fig. 13.6 ∣ Mechanical system of DC motor

The differential equation governing a rotational mechanical system of motor is given by


Substituting Eqn. (13.8) in Eqn. (13.9), we obtain


The back emf of the DC motor is proportional to speed (angular velocity) of the shaft i.e., Eqn233

Therefore, the back emf, Eqn234(13.11)

where Kb is the back emf constant in V/(rad/sec).

Substituting Eqn. (13.11) in Eqn. (13.7), we obtain


The Eqs. (13.10) and (13.11) are the differential equations governing the armature-controlled DC motor. The chosen state variables are

Eqn236, Eqn237 and Eqn238.

The input variable is armature voltage, Eqn239.

Substituting the chosen state variables for the physical variables in Eqn. (13.12), we obtain


or Eqn241

Simplifying, we obtain


Substituting the chosen state variables for the physical variables in Eqn. (13.10), we obtain


or Eqn244

Simplifying, we obtain


and Eqn246(13.15)

Representing Eqs. (13.13), (13.14) and (13.15) in matrix form, we obtain


The output variables are Eqn248, Eqn249 and Eqn250.

Relating the output variables to state variables, we obtain

Eqn251; Eqn252; Eqn253

Representing the above equations in matrix form, we obtain


The state equation given by Eqn. (13.16) and the output equation given by Eqn. (13.17) together constitute the state-space model of the armature-controlled DC motor.

The block diagram representation obtained by combining the state variables given by Eqs. (13.13), (13.14) and (13.15) and the output variables is shown in Fig. 13.7.


Fig. 13.7 ∣ Block diagram representation of the state-space model of an armature-controlled DC motor

13.8.2 Field-Controlled DC Motor

The speed of DC motor is directly proportional to armature voltage and inversely proportional to flux. The armature winding and the field winding form an electrical system. An electrical system consists of armature and field circuit but for analysis purpose, only field circuit is considered because the armature is excited by a constant voltage. The rotating part of the motor and load connected to the shaft of the motor form a mechanical system. In field-controlled DC motor, the field voltage is varied to attain the desired speed since the field current which is proportional to the flux can be controlled and the armature voltage is kept constant. The field-controlled DC motor is shown in Fig. 13.8.


Fig. 13.8 ∣ Field-controlled DC motor

The parameters of DC machine are : Eqn255 is the field resistance in Ω, Eqn256 is the field inductance in H, Eqn257 is the field current in A, Eqn258 is the field voltage in V, Eqn259 is the back emf in V, Eqn260 is the torque developed by motor in N-m, Eqn261 is the angular displacement of shaft in rad, Eqn262 is the angular velocity of the shaft in rad/sec, Eqn263 is the moment of inertia of motor and load in kg-m2/rad and Eqn264 is the frictional ­coefficient of motor and load in N-m/(rad/sec).

An equivalent circuit of field is shown in Fig. 13.9.


Fig. 13.9 ∣ Electrical equivalent circuit of field

Applying Kirchhoff's voltage law to the circuit shown in Fig.13.9, we obtain


The torque output of DC motor is proportional to the product of flux and armature current. Since armature current is constant in the system (by keeping the armature voltage constant), the torque is proportional to flux, which is proportional to field current i.e., Eqn266 Therefore,

Torque, Eqn267(13.19)

where Eqn268 is the torque constant in N-m/A.

A mechanical system of the DC motor is shown in Fig. 13.10.


Fig. 13.10 ∣ Mechanical system of DC motor

The differential equation governing a rotational mechanical system of motor is given by


Substituting Eqn. (13.19) in Eqn. (13.20), we obtain


The state variables chosen are Eqn271, Eqn272 and Eqn273. The input variable is armature voltage, Eqn274.

Substituting the state variables and input variable in Eqn. (13.18), we obtain


or Eqn276

Simplifying, we obtain


Substituting the state variables in Eqn. (13.20), we obtain


Simplifying, we obtain


Also, Eqn280(13.23)

Representing the Eqs. (13.21), (13.22) and (13.23) in matrix form, we obtain


The output variables are Eqn282 and Eqn283.

Relating the output variables to state variables, we obtain

Eqn284; Eqn285

Representing the above equations in matrix form, we obtain


The state equation given by Eqn. (13.24) and the output equation given by Eqn. (13.25) together constitute the state-space model of the field-controlled DC motor shown in Fig. 13.11.

The block diagram representation obtained by combining the state variables given by Eqs. (13.21), (13.22) and (13.23) and the output variables is shown in Fig. 13.11.


Fig. 13.11 ∣ Block diagram representation of the state-space model field-controlled DC motor

13.9 State-Space Representation of a System Governed by Differential Equations

When a differential equation of a system is provided, the state equation and output equation are obtained by the selection of state variables and output variables which can be clearly understood with the following examples.

Example 13.5: Obtain state-space representation for the system represented by Eqn287.

Solution: We choose the state variables as

Eqn288, Eqn289 and Eqn290.

Representing the given differential equation using the chosen state variables, we obtain


Therefore, the chosen state variables and above equation can be written in matrix form as


which is the state equation for the given system.

The output equation in matrix form is represented as


Example 13.6: Find state-space representation for the system Eqn295

Solution: We chose the state variables as Eqn297 and Eqn298

Representing the given differential equation using the chosen state variables, we obtain


Representing the chosen state variables and above equation in matrix form, we obtain


which is the state equation for the given system.

The output equation Eqn301 in matrix form is represented as


13.10 State-Space Representation of Transfer Function in Phase Variable Forms

The phase variables are the state variables which are obtained by assuming one of the system variables as a state variable and other state variables as the derivatives of the selected system variable. In most cases, the output variable which is one of the system variables is considered as the state variable. The state-space model of the system using phase variables can be obtained if and only if the differential equation of the system or the system transfer function is known. The state-space model of the system using phase variables can be obtained using three methods which are discussed below.

13.10.1 Method 1

Consider the Eqn303 order differential equation of a system as


where Eqn305 is the output and Eqn306 is the input.

Expressing the state variables in terms of the output Eqn307, we obtain






and Eqn313

Substituting all the equations of Eqn. (13.27) in Eqn. (13.26), we obtain


Simplifying Eqn. (13.28), we obtain


Representing Eqn. (13.27) and Eqn. (13.29) in matrix form, we obtain


Using Eqn. (13.27), we obtain the output equation as


Therefore, if the differential equation of a system is given by Eqn. (13.26), then the state-space model of such a system is given by

Eqn318 and Eqn319

where Eqn320, Eqn321 and Eqn322.

If a matrix is of the form as given by matrix Eqn323, then it is called the bush or companion form.

13.10.2 Method 2

Consider the Eqn324 order differential equation of a system as

Eqn325 (13.32)

To represent the system given by Eqn. (13.32) by state-space model, we consider Eqn326

Therefore, Eqn. (13.32) will be simplified as


Taking Laplace transform and simplifying, we obtain


The SFG of Eqn. (13.34) is shown in Fig. 13.12.


Fig. 13.12

Let us consider the output of each integrator as the state variable. The number of state variables of the system is three as there are three integrators in the system as shown in Fig. 13.12.

Considering the state variables as Eqn330, Eqn331 and Eqn332, the SFG will be modified as shown in Fig. 13.13.


Fig. 13.13

From Fig. 13.13, we obtain








Representing Eqs. (13.35), (13.36) and (13.37) in matrix form, we obtain the state equation as


Representing Eqn. (13.38) in matrix form, we obtain the output equation as


Therefore, for an Eqn342 order system, the state equation and output equation are given by



13.10.3 Method 3

There exists another method to determine the state-space equations for the system represented by Eqn. (13.32).

To understand this method of state-space representation, we assume Eqn345. ­Therefore, Eqn. (13.32) will be simplified as


Taking Laplace transform and simplifying, we obtain


Let Eqn348

where Eqn349(13.43)

and Eqn350(13.44)

Simplifying Eqn. (13.43), we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Let the state variables be

Eqn353, Eqn354and Eqn355(13.47)

Substituting the above state variables in Eqn. (13.46), we obtain


or Eqn357(13.48)

Simplifying Eqn. (13.44), we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Substituting the state variables given by Eqn. (13.47) in the above equation, we obtain


Substituting Eqn. (13.48) in the above equation, we obtain


or Eqn362(13.52)

Representing Eqs. (13.48) and (13.52) in matrix form, we get the state and output equations as



Therefore, for an Eqn365 order system, the state equation and output equation are given by



13.10.4 Advantages of Phase-Variable Representation

The advantages of phase-variable representation are:

  1. The implementation is simple.
  2. The state and output equations can be obtained by inspecting the differential ­equations constituting the system.
  3. The transfer function design and time-domain design can be related easily by using the phase variables.
  4. It is a powerful method for obtaining the mathematical model.
  5. It is not necessary to consider the phase variables as the physical variables.

13.10.5 Disadvantages of the Phase-Variable Representation

The disadvantages of phase-variable representation are:


  1. As the phase variables are not physical variables, the significance in measurement and control is lost for practical considerations.
  2. It is difficult to obtain higher order derivatives of output.
  3. It does not provide practical mathematical information.

Example 13.7: Find the state equation and output equation for the system given by Eqn368.

Solution: Given Eqn369


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Let the chosen state variables be



and Eqn374

Substituting Eqn. (2) in Eqn. (1), we obtain


Representing Eqs. (2) and (3) in matrix form, we obtain the state equation as


The output equation Eqn378 in matrix form is given by


Example 13.8: Determine the state representation of a continuous-time LTI system with system function Eqn380.

Solution: The transfer function is converted to the form


The SFG of the above equation is shown in Fig. E13.8(a).


Fig. E13.8(a)

Let the output of each integrator be the state variable. The number of state variables of the system is three i.e., there are three integrators in the system as shown in Fig. 13.1(b). Considering the state variables as Eqn382, Eqn383 and Eqn384, the SFG will be modified as shown in Fig. E13.8(b).


Fig. E13.8(b)

From Fig. E13.8(b), the state equations are obtained as




Representing the above three equations in matrix form, we get the state equation as


The output equation Eqn391 in matrix form is given by


Example 13.9: Find the state equation and output equation for the system given by Eqn393.

Solution: We know that Eqn394

Let Eqn395

where Eqn396(1)

and Eqn397(2)

Simplifying Eqn. (1), we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Let the state variables for the system be



and Eqn402

Substituting Eqn. (4) in Eqn. (3), we obtain


or Eqn404(6)

Simplifying Eqn. (2), we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Substituting Eqn. (4) in the above equation, we obtain


Substituting Eqn. (6) in Eqn. (8), we obtain



Representing Eqn. (4) and Eqn. (6) in matrix form, we get the state equations as


Representing Eqn. (9) in matrix form, the output equation is


13.11 State-Space Representation of Transfer Function in Canonical Forms

Consider a system defined by


where Eqn413 is the input and Eqn414 is the output.

Taking Laplace transform and simplifying, we obtain


13.11.1 Controllable Canonical Form

The transfer function for state-space representation in controllable canonical form is


The state and output equation for the above equation is obtained for (i) Eqn417 and (ii) Eqn418.

Rewriting Eqn. (13.57), we obtain


where Eqn420 for Eqn421

Therefore, the state equation is given by


The output equation is given by


Substituting Eqn424 in Eqn. (13.58), the transfer function is given by


Therefore, the state equation is given by


The output equation is given by


The controllable canonical form is important in discussing the pole-placement approach to the control systems design.

13.11.2 Observable Canonical Form

The transfer function for state-space representation in observable canonical form is

Eqn428 New equ 13.2



Rewriting the above equation, we obtain








Taking inverse Laplace transform and representing them in matrix form, the state ­equation is


The output equation is given by


Substituting Eqn438 in Eqn. (13.58), the transfer function is


Following similar procedure as done with Eqn440, the state equation is given by


The output equation is


13.11.3 Diagonal Canonical Form

The transfer function for state-space representation in diagonal canonical form is



where Eqn445, Eqn446, … Eqn447 are residues and Eqn448, Eqn449, …, Eqn450 are roots of denominator polynomial (or poles of the system).

The Eqn. (13.63) can be rearranged as





The Eqn. (13.66) can be represented by block diagram as shown in Fig . 13.14.


Fig. 13.14

Assuming the output of each Eqn454 block as a state variable, we get the state equations as





The output equation is Eqn459(13.68)

The state equation is given by


The output equation is given by


13.11.4 Jordan Canonical Form

Consider the case where the denominator polynomial involves multiple roots. Here, the preceding diagonal canonical form must be modified into the Jordan canonical form. Suppose, for example, that the roots of the denominator polynomial are different from one another, except for the first m roots 2 then the transfer function for state-space ­representation in Jordan canonical form is


The partial-fraction expansion of the above equation becomes


To represent the above equation, let us assume that m = 3. Therefore,



Fig. 13.15

The state equations from the block diagram shown in Fig. 13.15 are


The output equation from the block diagram is


The state equation in matrix form is given by


The output equation is given by


Therefore, in general for Eqn476 number of equal roots, the state equation and the output equation in matrix form can be written as


The output equation is given by


Example 13.10: Determine the state representation of a continuous-time LTI system with system function Eqn479 in controllable canonical form.

Solution: Given Eqn480

Comparing the above equation with the standard form as given in Eqn. (13.57), we find Eqn481 and the values for the controllable canonical form are

Eqn482, Eqn483, Eqn484, Eqn485 and Eqn486.

Using these values, the state-space model of the given system can be obtained as



Example 13.11: Determine the state representation of a continuous-time LTI system with system function Eqn489 in observable canonical form.

Solution: Given Eqn490

Comparing the above equation with the standard form as given in Eqn. (13.57), we find Eqn491 and the values for the observable canonical form are

Eqn493, Eqn494, Eqn495, Eqn496 and Eqn497.

Using these values, the state-space model of the given system can be obtained as



Example 13.12: Determine the state representation of a continuous-time LTI system with system function Eqn500 in diagonal canonical form.

Solution: Given Eqn501

Using partial-fraction expansion,


Here, Eqn503(1)

Equating coefficients of Eqn504 on both sides, we obtain


Equating coefficients of constants on both sides of Eqn. (1), we obtain


Solving Eqs. (2) and (3), we obtain

Eqn507 and Eqn508

Therefore, Eqn509

Comparing the above equation with the standard diagonal canonical form, the coefficient values for the diagonal canonical form are

Eqn510, Eqn511, Eqn512, Eqn513 and Eqn514.

Using these values, the state-space model of the given system can be obtained as


and Eqn516

Example 13.13: Determine the state representation of a continuous-time LTI system with system function Eqn517 in Jordan canonical form.


Given Eqn518

Using partial-fraction expansion,



Equating coefficients of Eqn521 on both sides, we obtain


Equating coefficients of Eqn523 on both sides of the Eqn. (1), we obtain


Equating coefficients of constants on both sides of the Eqn. (1), we obtain


Solving Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), we obtain

Eqn527, Eqn528 and Eqn529


Comparing the above equation with the standard Jordan canonical form, the coefficient values for the diagonal canonical form are

Eqn531, Eqn532, Eqn533, Eqn534, Eqn535 and Eqn536

Using these values, the state-space model of the given system can be obtained as


and Eqn538

13.12 Transfer Function from State-Space Model

Let the state-space model of the system be


The Laplace transforms of the equations are



Rewriting Eqn. (13.74), we obtain


Therefore, Eqn544(13.76)

where Eqn545 is an identity matrix.

Substituting Eqn. (13.76) in Eqn. (13.75), we obtain


Therefore, the transfer function


Here Eqn548 must have Eqn549 dimensionality and thus has Eqn550 elements. Therefore, for every input, there are Eqn551 transfer functions with one for each output which is the reason that the state-space representation can easily be the preferred choice for MIMO systems.

When the output and input are not directly connected, the matrix D will be a null matrix.

Therefore, the transfer function Eqn552(13.78)

Example 13.14: Obtain the transfer function of the system defined by the ­following state-space equations:



Solution: Since two columns exist in the B matrix, given system has two inputs Eqn555, Eqn556. Also, as two rows exist in the C matrix, given system has two outputs Eqn557, Eqn558. Therefore, four transfer functions exist for the given system which are given by

Eqn559, Eqn560, Eqn561 and Eqn562

From the given state-space model, we obtain


Transfer function, Eqn564


and Eqn566

Hence, transfer function Eqn567

equ 13_6 Eqn568

Therefore, Eqn569 , Eqn570 , Eqn571 and Eqn572

Example 13.15: Obtain the transfer function for the state-space representation of a system given by



Solution: From the given model,


Transfer function is given by




Therefore, the transfer function is


Eqn581 Eqn582

Example 13.16: Determine the transfer function for the parameters Eqn583 11111

Solution: The transfer matrix is given by



Therefore, Eqn586

Transfer function, Eqn587


Therefore, Eqn589

13.13 Solution of State Equation for Continuous Time Systems

Consider a system with state equation as given by


The above state equation can be of homogenous or non-homogenous type.

13.13.1 Solution of Homogenous-Type State Equation

State equation is said to be of homogenous type when the system is free running (i.e., with zero input forces). Then the state equation becomes


The procedure for obtaining the solution for the above equation is discussed as follows.

Consider a differential equation as given by


The above equation is a homogeneous equation with zero input vector and with the initial condition Eqn593.

The solution of Eqn. (13.81) is assumed to be given by


where Eqn595 are constants.

In the above equation, at Eqn596 Eqn597.

Substituting Eqn. (13.82) in Eqn. (13.81), we obtain


Simplifying, we obtain


Equating the coefficients of constants and time, Eqn600 for Eqn601 in the above equation, we obtain




Substituting Eqn. (13.85) in Eqn. (13.82), we obtain



Substituting Eqn607 in the above equation, we obtain


In the above equation, Eqn609 represents an exponential series which is represented as Eqn610.

Therefore, Eqn. (13.88) can be written as


The above equation is the solution of the homogenous equation in scalar form.

Therefore, for the state equation given by Eqn. (13.80), we have


The solution for the above equation is


where Eqn614 is not a scalar, but a matrix termed as State Transition Matrix (STM) of order Eqn615, which will be discussed in the forthcoming sections.

13.13.2 Solution of Non-Homogenous Type State Equation

State equation is said to be of non-homogenous type when the system is with input forces. Then the state equation remains the same as given in Eqn. (13.79) which is given by


or Eqn617(13.90)

Pre-multiplying both sides by Eqn618 we obtain


The above equation can be written as


Integrating Eqn. (13.91) with respect to time with limits Eqn622 and Eqn623, we obtain


Therefore, Eqn625

Pre-multiplying both sides by Eqn626, we obtain




This is the solution for the state equation given by Eqn. (13.90).

From Eqn. (13.92), it is observed that the solution is divided into two different parts. The first part Eqn629 is the solution of homogenous-type state equation and it is termed as Zero Input Response (ZIR).

The second part Eqn630 is the solution due to the application of input Eqn631 from time 0 to Eqn632. Therefore, the solution is termed as forced solution or Zero State Response (ZSR).

Thus, Eqn. (13.92) can be represented as


If the initial time is Eqn634, then the solution is


13.13.3 State Transition Matrix

For obtaining the solution of the homogeneous and non-homogeneous state equations, it is necessary to determine the State Transition Matrix (STM).

The STM represented as Eqn636 will be defined and derived as follows:

For homogenous-type state equation,


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


or Eqn639

Therefore, Eqn640(13.93)

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain

Eqn641 (13.94)

Comparing the above equation with the solution of homogenous-type state equation, we obtain


Therefore, Eqn644

where Eqn645 is called as the resolvent matrix, for which the inverse Laplace transform yields Eqn646.

For non-homogenous-type state equation,


Taking Laplace transform, we obtain


or Eqn649

Multiplying Eqn650 on both sides, we obtain


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Eqn653 (13.96)

Comparing the above equation with the solution of non-homogenous-type state equation, we obtain


where Eqn655 is called as the resolvent matrix for which the inverse Laplace transform yields Eqn656.

To prove that Eqn657 = Eqn658:

We know that, Eqn659



Therefore, Eqn662(13.97)

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we get



Various procedures to determine the STM are discussed below:

Inverse Laplace Transform Method

We know that the resolvent matrix Eqn666 is given by


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain

Eqn668 (13.99)

Series Summation method

We know that, Eqn671

The series represented by the above equation is used to determine Eqn672. The series summation method is better suited for digital computation. Assuming, Eqn673 and substituting in the above equation, we obtain



From the above equation, it is observed that each term in the above series contains the preceding term and a multiplier in a regular order. If the terms of the series are denoted as Eqn676, then each term can be represented as


The series would converge quickly if exponential terms are present in it.

Eqn678-matrix Method

By Eqn679-matrix method, a non-singular matrix M, called the modal matrix is to be determined such that the transformation of state variable is given by


Differentiating, we obtain


Therefore, substituting Eqs. (13.l01) and (13.l02) in state equation of a system, we obtain


Multiplying Eqn. (13.l03) by Eqn683 on both sides, we obtain



where Eqn687

and Eqn688(13.l05)

The transformation done in the above equations is called similarity transformation.

Proceeding further, it is required that eigen values and eigen vectors for a matrix are defined.

If Eqn689 is a matrix with order Eqn690, Eqn691 is a non-zero vector and Eqn679 is a scalar such that


Therefore, Eqn694 is the eigen vector and Eqn679 is an eigen value of Eqn696, since eigen values and eigen vectors are interdependent (i.e., Eqn697 is the eigen vector corresponding to eigen value Eqn679and Eqn679 is an eigen value corresponding to the eigen vector Eqn700).

By similarity transformation, matrix A is diagonalised with its diagonal elements being the eigen values.

That is, Eqn701(13.l07)

The modal matrix Eqn702 can be obtained by the eigen vectors Eqn703 of Eqn704 as


where Eqn706 is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value Eqn707.

Therefore, for the eigen vector Eqn708, Eqn. (13.l06) becomes


Representing the above equation in matrix form, we obtain


Extending the above equation from eigenvector Eqn711 to eigenvector Eqn712, we obtain




Equation (13.l11) can be represented as


Multiplying the above equation by Eqn716 on both sides and rearranging the terms, we obtain


Therefore, Eqn718(13.l13)

From the above equation, it is observed that by similarity transformation, modal matrix Eqn719 formed by the eigen vectors of Eqn720 diagonalises it.

However, if the matrix Eqn721 is of the phase-variable canonical form, the modal matrix may be given by


where Eqn723 are the eigen values of Eqn724.

By modal matrix, the STM is obtained from the similarity transformation of Eqn725 from Eqn. (13.l13) as


From Eqn.(13.113), we have




13.13.4 Properties of State Transition Matrix

The properties of STM Eqn729 are

  1. Eqn730(13.118)
  2. Eqn731 (13.119)

    Proof: Post multiplying both sides of Eqn. (13.98) by Eqn732 we obtain


    Then, premultiplying both sides of Eqn. (13.98) by Eqn734 we obtain

    Eqn 13_7

    Therefore, Eqn735(13.121)

    Thus, Eqn736(13.122)

    An interesting result from this property, of Φ(t) is,


    Which means that the state-transition process can be considered as bilateral in time, i.e., the transition in time can take place in either direction.

  3. Eqn738 for any Eqn739(13.124)




    This property of the STM is important since it implies that a state-transition process can be divided into a number of sequential transitions.

  4. Eqn742 for k-positive integer(13.126)




    The important properties of the STM are listed in Table 13.2.

    Table 13.2 ∣ Important properties of the STM


Example 13.17: Find the STM for a system described by Eqn755 where Eqn756 and Eqn757, by inverse Laplace transform method and by series summation method. Also, determine the solution of the system, that is, State Vector Eqn758 with input Eqn759( unit step function) for Eqn760 and initial vector Eqn761.

Solution: (a) To determine the STM

(i) Inverse Laplace Transform Method

Given Eqn762

Therefore, Eqn763


Taking inverse Laplace transform of the individual matrix elements,


Hence, Eqn769 (1)

(ii) Series Summation Method

Given Eqn772

Therefore, Eqn773

Also, Eqn774

By series summation method,


Neglecting higher order terms, considering till n = 3 and substitutingEqn776, Eqn777and Eqn778 in the above equation, we obtain





(b) Solution of the System

As the system is given by Eqn783, the solution of the system has two parts as given by


Substituting Eqn785, Eqn786, Eqn787 and STM Eqn788 in Eqn. (3), we obtain







Therefore, the solution with State Vectors Eqn795 and Eqn796 are


and Eqn798

Example 13.18: The state equation of a system is described by Eqn799. Find eigen values, eigen vectors and STM by Eqn800 matrix method. Also, determine the solution of the system, that is, state vector Eqn801 with input Eqn802 (unit step function) for Eqn803 and initial vector Eqn804.

Solution: To determine STM :

Given Eqn805

Therefore, Eqn806



Solving the equation Eqn809 the eigen values of matrix Eqn810 are Eqn811 and Eqn812

If Eqn813 is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value Eqn814, then the equation Eqn815 must be satisfied.


Since Eqn817,

the equations obtained from the above matrix are



Solving Eqs. (1) and (2), we obtain Eqn820

Assuming Eqn821, the eigen vector associated with the eigen value Eqn822 is


If Eqn824 is the eigen vector corresponding to the eigen value Eqn825, then the equation Eqn826 must be satisfied.

i.e., Eqn827


The equations obtained from the above matrix are



Solving Eqs. (3) and (4), we obtain Eqn831.

Assuming Eqn832 and Eqn833, the eigen vector associated with the eigen value Eqn834 is


Therefore, the modal matrix is


Taking inverse for the above matrix, we obtain


It is noted that if modal matrix Eqn838 is correctly formed, it should diagonalise Eqn839 through similarity transformation with the diagonal elements remaining the same as the determined eigen values. It is observed that,




The above matrix shows that the determined modal matrix is correct since diagonal elements are same as the determined eigen values.

Since Eqn843 , Eqn844

Therefore, STM, Eqn845




Solution of the System

As the system is of homogenous type (i.e., Eqn849), solution of the system is given by


Substituting Eqn851, Eqn852 and STM Eqn853 in Eqn. (5), we obtain



Therefore, the solutions with state vectors Eqn856 and Eqn857 are


and Eqn859

13.14 Controllability and Observability

A system is said to be controllable, if there exists some finite control vector Eqn860 that will bring the system from any initial state Eqn861 at Eqn862 to any specific desired state Eqn863 in the state-space, within a specified finite time interval given by Eqn864.

Observability is the dual of controllability, by which it is possible to construct an input vector Eqn865, which is unconstrained, transferring an initial output Eqn866 to a final output Eqn867 within a specified finite time interval Eqn868. Thus, the system is said to be observable if the outputs Eqn869 can be measured by identifying every state Eqn870 within a specified finite time interval.

13.14.1 Criteria for Controllability

A system with state equation, Eqn871 and output equation, Eqn872 is said to be controllable if the controllability matrix Eqn873 of order Eqn874 given by

Eqn875 has rank Eqn876.

13.14.2 Criteria for Observability

A system with state equation, Eqn877 and output equation, Eqn878 is said to be observable, if the observability matrix Eqn879 of order Eqn880 given by

Eqn881 has rank Eqn882.

Example 13.19: A system is given by the state equation Eqn883 and output equation Eqn884. Check whether the system is controllable and observable.

Solution: Comparing the standard state-space model of the system with the given state-space model, we obtain



To check whether the system is controllable or not, the controllability matrix Eqn886 is to be determined using the state-space model of the system.

Since the order of matrix Eqn887 is 3, the controllability matrix is given by Eqn888

The controllability matrix for the given state-space model of the system is formed as ­follows:

Step 1: Eqn892

Step 2: Eqn893

Step 3: Eqn894

Step 4: Therefore, Eqn895

Step 5: Since Eqn896 is not a square matrix, it is necessary to check all the possibility of higher order square matrix that can be obtained from Eqn897. In this case, the higher order matrix that can be obtained from Eqn898 is Eqn899. The number of Eqn900 matrix that can be obtained from Eqn901 is 20. Therefore, if the determinant value of any one of 20 matrices is non-zero, then the system is said to be completely controllable. For the obtained Eqn902, the determinant value of all the Eqn903 matrix is non-zero, therefore the rank of Eqn904.

Step 6: Since the rank of controllability matrix and order of matrix Eqn905 are same, the given system is completely controllable.


To check whether the system is observable or not, the observability matrix Eqn906 is to be determined using the state-space model of the system.

Since the order of matrix Eqn907 is 3, the observability matrix is given by Eqn908

The observability matrix for the given state-space model of the system is formed as:

Step 1: Eqn909

Step 2: Eqn910

Step 3: Eqn911

Step 4: Therefore, Eqn912

Step 5: Eqn913. Therefore, rank of Eqn914.

Step 6: Since the rank of observability matrix and order of matrix Eqn915 are same, the given system is completely observable.

Therefore, the given system is completely controllable and observable.

Example 13.20: Write the state equation for the block diagram of the system shown below in Fig . 13.21(a), in which Eqn916 constitute the state vector. Also, determine whether the system is completely controllable and observable.


Fig. E13.21(a)

Solution: The state equations are obtained by considering the blocks shown in Fig. 13.21(a).

Consider the first block as shown in Fig. E13.21(b).


Fig. E13.21(b)

From Fig. 13.21(b), it is observed that


Therefore, Eqn918

Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Consider the second block as shown in Fig. E13.21(c).


Fig. E13.21(c)

From Fig. 13.21(c), it is observed that


Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Consider the third block as shown in Fig . E13.21(d).


Fig. E13.21(d)

From Fig. E13.21(d), it is observed that


Simplifying, we obtain



Taking inverse Laplace transform, we obtain


Differentiating Eqn. (2) with respect to Eqn926, we obtain


Substituting the above equation and Eqn. (2) in Eqn. (1) and simplifying, we obtain


Let the output Eqn929(5)

Using Eqs. (2), (3) , (4) and Eqn. (5), the required state-space model of the system is given by

Eqn930 (state equation)(6)

Eqn931 (output equation)(7)

From Eqs. (6) and (7), we obtain

Eqn932, Eqn933 and Eqn934


To check whether the system is controllable or not, the controllability matrix Eqn935 is to be determined using the state-space model of the system.

Since the order of matrix Eqn936 is 3, the controllability matrix is given by Eqn937

The controllability matrix for the given state-space model of the system is formed as g:

Step 1: Eqn938

Step 2: Eqn939=Eqn940

Step 3: Eqn941

Step 4: Therefore, Eqn942

Step 5: Eqn943. Therefore, rank of Eqn944.

Step 6: Since the rank of controllability matrix and order of matrix Eqn945 are same, the given system is completely controllable.


To check whether the system is observable or not, the observability matrix Eqn946 is to be determined using the state-space model of the system.

Since the order of matrix A is 3, the observability matrix is given by Eqn948

The observability matrix for the given state-space model of the system is formed as follows:

Step 1: Eqn949

Step 2: Eqn950

Step 3: Eqn951

Step 4: Therefore, Eqn952

Step 5: Eqn953. Therefore, rank of Eqn954.

Step 6: Since the rank of observability matrix and order of matrix Eqn955 are same, the given system is completely observable.

Therefore, the given system is completely controllable and observable.

13.15 State-Space Representation of Discrete-Time LTI Systems

Consider a SISO discrete-time LTI system which is described by an Nth-order difference equation


Here, if Eqn957 is given for Eqn958 Eqn. (13.128) requires N initial conditions Eqn959 to uniquely determine the complete solution for n > 0. Thus, N values are required to specify the state of the system at any time.

Then, N state variables Eqn960 are defined as






Then from Eqs. (13.128) and (13.129), we have


and Eqn967

In matrix form, the above equations can be expressed as



Equations (13.130) and (13.131) can be rewritten compactly as



where Eqn972Eqn973; Eqn974 and Eqn975 is the Eqn976 matrix (or N-dimensional vector) state vector which is given by Eqn977

Equations (13.132) and (13.133) which represent the state equation and output equation are called as N-dimensional state-space representation of the system and the Eqn978 matrix A is called the system matrix.

If a discrete-time LTI system has m inputs and p outputs and N state variables, then a state-space representation of the system can be represented as


where Eqn980, Eqn981 and Eqn982

and matrices Eqn983, Eqn984

Eqn985 and Eqn986

where Eqn987 is a matrix of order Eqn988, Eqn989 is a matrix of order Eqn990, Eqn991 is a matrix of order Eqn992, Eqn993 is a matrix of order Eqn994, Eqn995 is a matrix of order Eqn996, Eqn997 is a matrix of order Eqn998 and Eqn999 is a matrix of order Eqn1000.

13.15.1 Block Diagram and SFG of Discrete State-Space Model

The basic block which is to be used in representing the discrete state-space model using block diagram technique is the delay unit (in continuous state-space model it is integrator block). The steps to be followed in representing the discrete state-space model using block diagram is similar to the steps discussed in Section 13.3. The block diagram representation of the discrete state-space model is shown in Fig. 13.16.


Fig. 13.16 ∣ Block diagram of the state-variable model

The SFG representation for the block diagram of the system shown in Fig. 13.16 is shown in Fig. 13.17.


Fig. 13.17 ∣ SFG representation of the state-variable model

13.16 Solutions of State Equations for Discrete-Time LTI Systems

Consider an N-dimensional state representation



where A, B, C and D are Eqn1003and Eqn1004 matrices, respectively.

Taking the z-transform of Eqs. (13.134) and (13.135) and using time-shifting property of z-transform, we obtain



where Eqn1007 and

Eqn1008 where Eqn1009

Rearranging Eqn. (13.136), we have


Premultiplying both sides by Eqn1011, we obtain


Taking inverse z-transform, we obtain


Substituting Eqn. (13.140) in Eqn. (13.135), we obtain


13.16.1 System Function H(z)

The system function H(z) of a discrete-time LTI system is defined by Eqn1015 with zero initial conditions. Thus, setting Eqn1016 = 0 in Eqn. (13.140), we have


Substituting Eqn. (13.142) in Eqn. (13.137), we obtain


Thus, Eqn1019

13.17 Representation of Discrete LTI System

The methods used for representing continuous linear time-invariant systems which have been discussed in Sections 13.10 and 13.11 are also applicable to the discrete linear time-invariant systems except for the fact that Eqn1020is replaced by Eqn1021.

Example 13.21 Determine the state equations of a discrete-time LTI system with ­system function Eqn1022.

Solution: Comparing the given system function with Eqn. (13.34), we can get the state and output equations as



Example 13.22: Given a discrete-time LTI system with system function Eqn1025, find a state representation of the system.

Solution: Given Eqn1026

Therefore, Eqn1027


Therefore, Eqn1029

and Eqn1030

Example 13.23: Sketch a block diagram of a discrete-time system, Eqn1031 and Eqn1032 with the state-space representation.

Solution: The given equation can be expressed as




Therefore, the block diagram representation for the above equations is shown in Fig. E13.23.


Fig. E13.23

13.18 Sampling

Let Eqn1036 be a continuous-time varying signal. The signal Eqn1037 which is shown in Fig . 13.18(a) is sampled at regular intervals of time with sampling period T as shown in Fig. 13.18(b). The sample signal Eqn1038 is given by



Fig. 13.18 ∣ (a) Continuous-time signal and (b) sampling of a continuous-time signal

A sampling process can be interpreted as a modulation or multiplication process, as shown in Fig. 13.19.


Fig. 13.19 ∣ Periodic sampling of Eqn1040

The continuous-time signal Eqn1041 is multiplied by the sampling function Eqn1042 which is a series of impulses (periodic impulse train); the resultant signal is a discrete-time signal Eqn1043.


13.18.1 Sampling Theorem

The sampling theorem states that a band-limited signal Eqn1045 having finite energy which has no frequency components higher than Eqn1046 Hz can be completely reconstructed from its samples taken at the rate of Eqn1047 samples per second (i.e., Eqn1048 where Eqn1049 is the sampling frequency and Eqn1050 is the highest signal frequency.

The sampling rate of Eqn1051 samples per second is the Nyquist rate and its reciprocal Eqn1052 is the Nyquist period. For simplicity, Eqn1053 is denoted as Eqn1054.

13.18.2 High Speed Sample-and-Hold Circuit

Figure 13.20(a) shows a sample-and-hold circuit for high speed of operation. The MOS transistor M shown is an analog switch is capable of switching by logic levels, such as that from TTL. It alternately connects and disconnects the capacitor Eqn1055 to the output of op-amp Eqn1056. Diodes Eqn1057 and Eqn1058 are inverse-parallel connected. They prevent op-amp Eqn1059 from getting into saturation when the transistor M is OFF. This makes the operation of the circuit faster. Hence, the output of op-amp Eqn1060 will be Eqn1061 when Eqn1062 and Eqn1063 when Eqn1064.

When transistor M is ON, the op-amps Eqn1065 and Eqn1066 act as voltage followers. The waveforms shown in Fig . 13.20(b) illustrate the operation of the circuit. The transistor Eqn1067 is alternately switched ON and OFF by the control voltage Eqn1068 at its gate terminal. Note that the voltage Eqn1069 must be higher than the threshold voltage of the FET. When the transistor switch Eqn1070 is ON for a short interval of time, the capacitor Eqn1071 quickly charges or discharges to the value of the analog signal at that instant. In other words, when input Eqn1072 is larger than capacitor voltage Eqn1073 and the transistor Eqn1074 is OFF, it rapidly charges to the level of Eqn1075 the instant M switches ON. Similarly, if Eqn1076 is initially greater than Eqn1077, then Eqn1078 rapidly discharges to the level of Eqn1079 when Eqn1080 becomes ON.

When M is OFF, only the input bias current of op-amp Eqn1081 and the gate-source reverse leakage current of FET are effective in discharging the capacitor. Hence, the sampled voltage is held constant by Eqn1082 until the next sampling instant or acquisition time. Figure 13.20(c) shows the sampling or acquisition time Eqn1083 and holding time Eqn1084. During the sampling time Eqn1085, Eqn1086 is charged through the FET channel resistance Eqn1087 and the charging time Eqn1088 when the capacitor charges to 0.993 of input voltage. During the hold time Eqn1089, the capacitor partially discharges. This is called hold-mode droop. To avoid this, the op-amp Eqn1090 must have very low input bias current, the capacitor should have a low leakage dielectric and M must have very low reverse leakage current between its gate and source terminals. The low ­channel resistance Eqn1091 is desirable for the FET to achieve faster charging and ­discharging of Eqn1092.


Fig. 13.20(a) ∣ Sample-and-hold circuit


Fig. 13.20(b) ∣ Signal voltage, control voltage and output voltage waveforms


Fig. 13.20(c) ∣ Capacitor voltage waveform Continuous-Data Control Systems

In continuous-data control system, the signals at various parts of the system are l functions of the continuous-time variable t. Examples for continuous-data control system include AC control system and DC control system.

In DC control system, the signals are unmodulated. The schematic diagram of a closed-loop DC control system with waveforms of the signals in response to a step-function input are also shown in Fig. 13.21. Typical components of a DC control system are DC tachometers, potentiometers, DC motors, etc.


Fig. 13.21 ∣ Schematic diagram of a typical DC closed-loop control system

In AC control system, the signals are modulated. The schematic diagram of a typical AC control system is shown in Fig. 13.22. The modulated information signal transmitted by an AC carrier signal is demodulated by the low-pass characteristics of the AC motor. AC control systems are used extensively in aircraft and missile control systems, wherein noise and disturbance often cause problems. By using modulated AC control systems with carrier frequencies of 400 Hz or higher, the system will be less vulnerable to low-frequency noise. Typical components of an AC control system are synchros, AC amplifiers, gyroscopes, accelerometers, AC motors, etc.


Fig. 13.22 ∣ Schematic diagram of a typical AC closed-loop control system Discrete-Data Control Systems

In discrete-date control systems, the signals provided to the system are in the form of either train of pulses or a digital code. Discrete-data control systems are divided into sampled-data and digital control systems. In sampled-data control systems the signals are in the form of pulse data. In digital-data control system digital computer or controller is used in the system so that the signals are digitally coded.

In general, a sampled-data system receives data or information intermittently at specific instants of time. For example, the error signal in the sampled-data control system can be supplied only in the form of pulses, which has information about the error signal during the periods between two consecutive pulses.

Figure 13.23 shows the block diagram of sampled-data control system. A continuous-data input signal Eqn1093, applied to the system is compared with the output signal Eqn1094 and the error signal Eqn1095 is sent to the sampler, from which a sequence of pulses are obtained as output. The sampling rate of the sampler can be uniform or non-uniform. The advantages of the sampling operation is that expensive equipment used in the system may be utilized effectively as it would be time-shared among several other control equipments and noise cancellation is effectively achieved.


Fig. 13.23 ∣ Block diagram of sampled-data control system

Digital computers provide many advantages such as reduced size and increased flexibility. Hence, computer control is a popular technique employed in recent times. Figure 13.24 shows the block diagram of a digital-data control system which is used as autopilot for guided missile control.


Fig. 13.24 ∣ Example for digital-data control system (a guided missile)

Review Questions

  1. Explain the concept of state.
  2. Define a) state variables b) state vector and c) state-space.
  3. What are the advantages of state-space analysis?
  4. What do you mean by homogenous and non-homogenous state equations?
  5. Define state transition matrix.
  6. What are the properties of state transition matrix?
  7. What are the advantages and disadvantages of representing the system using phase ­variables?
  8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of representing the system using canonical variables?
  9. What are the different methods available in representing the system using state-space model?
  10. Define controllability and observability.
  11. What is the difference between continuous-time signal and discrete-time signal?
  12. What is a sampler?
  13. Explain the sampling process.
  14. Check the following systems for controllability and observability:
    1. Eqn1096, Eqn1097, Eqn1098
    2. Eqn1099, Eqn1100, Eqn1101
    3. Eqn1102, Eqn1103, Eqn1104
  15. The state equation for a system is Eqn1105. Determine the unit step response of the system when Eqn1106.
  16. The state equation for a homogenous system is Eqn1107. Determine the solution of the system when Eqn1108.
  17. Determine the system matrix Eqn1109 for a certain system when Eqn1110, we have Eqn1111 and when Eqn1112, we have Eqn1113.
  18. The state-space model of a system is given by Eqn1114 and Eqn1115. Determine the transfer function of the system.
  19. The state-space model of a system is given by Eqn1116 and Eqn1117. Determine the transfer function of the system.
  20. Obtain the state-space model of the system whose transfer function is given by Eqn1118 in Jordan cananonical form.
  21. The transfer function of the system is given by Eqn1119. Determine the state-space model of the system using phase variables.
  22. The differential equation of a system is given by Eqn1120 Determine the state-space model of the system.
  23. Determine the STM for a system whose Eqn1121 matrix is given by Eqn1122.
  24. The difference equation of a system is given by Eqn1123 Determine the state-space model of the system.
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