9.1 Introduction to Polar Plot

The presence of magnitude plot and phase plot for showing the variation of gain and phase angle of a system with respect to the change in frequency is the major disadvantage of the Bode plot. The plot that combines both the plots to a single plot without losing any information is called polar plot. The polar plot can be plotted either on a polar graph or on an ordinary graph. Hence, polar plot for a particular system can be defined in two ways based on the graph used for plotting. The two different definitions for polar plot are given below:

The polar plot of a loop transfer function Eqn1 is defined as a plot of Eqn2 versus Eqn3 on the polar coordinates as the frequency Eqn4 varies from zero to infinity when it is plotted on a polar graph. Also, it is defined as a plot of real part of Eqn5 versus imaginary part of Eqn6 as the frequency Eqn7 varies from zero to infinity when it is plotted on an ordinary graph. The real and imaginary parts of the transfer function Eqn8 can be denoted as Eqn9 and Eqn10 respectively.

The concentric circles present in the polar graph represent the magnitude of the transfer function and the radial lines crossing the circles represent the phase angle of the transfer function. The phase angle of the transfer function Eqn11 can either be positive or negative. Hence, it can be noted that on a polar graph, positive phase angle is measured in counterclockwise direction and negative phase angle is measured in clockwise direction. A simple example of polar plot of a transfer function on an ordinary graph and on a polar graph is shown in Figs. 9.1(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.1 ∣ Polar plot on a graph

9.2 Starting and Ending of Polar Plot

The polar plot of any system starts from one quadrant on an ordinary graph and ends at the other quadrant. The starting and ending point of the polar plot depends on the type and order of the loop transfer function.

The starting point of the polar plot depends on the type of the loop transfer function of a given system as shown in Fig. 9.2(a). If the type of the loop transfer function of a given system Eqn12 is greater than 3, then the starting point of such system follows the system with type Eqn13.


Fig. 9.2 ∣ Starting and ending points of polar plot

The ending point of the polar plot depends on the order of the loop transfer function as shown in Fig. 9.2(b). Similar to the starting point of the polar plot, if the order of the loop transfer function of the given system m > 4, then the ending point of such system follows the system with order Eqn14.

It can be noted that this method of determining the starting and ending points of the polar plot is applicable to the system whose loop transfer function has only poles. In addition, it is applicable only if the plot is plotted on an ordinary graph sheet.

9.3 Construction of Polar Plot

The construction of polar plot can be illustrated by considering the generalized form of loop transfer function as


where Eqn16are real constants,

Eqn17 is the number of zeros at the origin,

Eqn18 is the number of poles at the origin or the type of the system,

Eqn19 is the number of simple poles existing in the system,

Eqn20 is the number of simple zeros existing in the system,

Eqn21 is the number of complex poles existing in the system,

Eqn22 is the number of complex zeros existing in the system and

Eqn23 is the time delay in seconds.

Substituting Eqn24 in the above equation and simplifying, we obtain


Its magnitude is


and the phase angle is


where the magnitude of the term Eqn28 is 1 and phase angle of the term Eqn29 is Eqn30.

From Eqn. (9.1), it is clear that the open-loop transfer function Eqn31 may contain the combination of any of the following five factors:

  1. Constant K
  2. Zeros at the origin Eqn32and poles at the origin Eqn33
  3. Simple zero Eqn34 and simple pole Eqn35
  4. Complex zero Eqn36 and complex pole Eqn37
  5. Transportation lag Eqn38

Hence, it is necessary to have a complete study of magnitude and phase angle of these factors that can be utilized in constructing the polar plot of a composite loop transfer function Eqn39. The polar plot for the loop transfer function Eqn40 is constructed by determining its magnitude and phase angle. The magnitude and phase angle of the loop transfer function can be obtained by the multiplication of magnitudes and addition of the phase angles of individual factors present in the function.

Also, if the polar plot of Eqn43 is to be plotted on an ordinary graph, the magnitude and phase angle of Eqn44 obtained at different frequencies are converted to the real and imaginary parts of Eqn45. Hence, it becomes necessary to determine the magnitude and phase angle of each factor which can be possibly present in a system.

Factor 1: Constant Eqn46

The constant Eqn47 is independent of frequency Eqn48 and hence the magnitude and phase angle of the factor are:

Magnitude : Eqn49

Phase angle : Eqn50

In addition, the real and imaginary parts of constant K are K and 0 respectively.

Since the magnitude, real part and imaginary part of constant K are independent of frequency, the polar plot of constant Eqn80 is a point on both polar graph and ordinary graph. The polar plot for constant Eqn81 on polar graph and on an ordinary graph is shown in Figs. 9.3(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.3 ∣ Polar plot for constant K

Factor 2: Zeros at the origin Eqn83 and poles at the origin Eqn84

The zeros at the origin Eqn85 and poles at the origin Eqn86are dependent on frequency Eqn87. Hence, the magnitude and phase angle when one pole or zero exists at the origin are given in Table 9.1(a).

Since the magnitude and phase angle of the factors are dependent on frequency Eqn97, the polar plot for the factor on polar graph can be drawn with the help of Table 9.1(a).

Table 9.1(a) ∣ Magnitude and Phase angle for and ()−1 for different values of frequency ω


The polar plot for Eqn123 and Eqn124on polar graph is shown in Figs. 9.4(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.4 ∣ Polar plot for Eqn125 and Eqn126on polar graph

When more than one pole or zero exist at the origin, the changes to be done in plotting the polar plot on polar graph is given in Table 9.1(b).

Table 9.1(b) ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of Eqn173 and Eqn174


When more than one pole or zero exist at the origin, the changes to be done in plotting the polar plot on an ordinary graph are not as easy as they are on polar graph. The reason is that depending on Eqn182 and Eqn183, the real and imaginary parts vary. For example, if Eqn184 the real part is zero, whereas if Eqn185 the imaginary part is zero.

Therefore, the polar plot for different values of Eqn186 and Eqn187 rotates by Eqn188 either in the clockwise direction or in the anticlockwise direction on an ordinary graph. The polar plots of Eqn189 for different values of Eqn190 on an ordinary graph are shown in Figs. 9.4(c) through (f).

Similarly, the polar plot of ( )-N for different values of N can be drawn on an ordinary graph. In addition, the polar plots of ( )Z and ( )-N for different values of Z and N can be drawn on polar graph.


Fig. 9.4 ∣ Polar plot for different values of Eqn191

It can be noted that if the polar plot of Eqn201 is drawn on an ordinary graph and it is rotated by Eqn202 in the clockwise or anticlockwise direction, the polar plot of Eqn203 can be obtained, provided Eqn204.

Factor 3: Simple zero (1 + jωT) and simple pole (1 + jωT)−1

The simple zero Eqn207 and simple pole Eqn208 are dependent on frequency Eqn209. Hence, the magnitude and phase angle of simple zero and simple pole are given in Table 9.2.

Since the magnitude and phase angle are dependent on frequency Eqn218, the polar plot for a simple zero and simple pole on polar graph can be drawn using Table 9.2.

Table 9.2 ∣ Magnitude and Phase angle for Eqn219 and Eqn220 for different values of frequency ω


The polar plots for Eqn239and Eqn240 on the polar graph are shown in Figs. 9.5(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.5 ∣ Polar plot for Eqn241 and Eqn242 on polar graph

Factor 4: Complex zero (1 + j2ξunun2) and complex pole (1 + j2ξunun2)−1

The complex zero Eqn281 and complex pole Eqn282 are dependent on frequency Eqn285. Hence, the magnitude and phase angle of the factors are given in Table 9.3(a).

Table 9.3(a) ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of Eqn286 and Eqn287


In Table 9.3(a), Eqn294 is the damping ratio and Eqn295.

Since the magnitude and phase angle of the factors are dependent on frequency Eqn296, the polar plot for the factor on the polar graph can be drawn using Table 9.3(b).

Table 9.3(b) ∣ Magnitude and Phase angle for Eqn297 and Eqn298for different values of frequency ω


The polar plots for Eqn318 and Eqn319 on the polar graphs for different values of Eqn320 are shown in Figs. 9.6(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.6 ∣ Polar plots for Eqn321 and Eqn322 on the polar graph

Factor 5: Transportation lag Eqn359

The factor Eqn360 can be rewritten as Eqn361. The magnitude and phase angle of the factor are

Magnitude of Eqn362

and Phase angle = Eqn363

But the phase angle obtained is in the unit of radians. Therefore, the phase angle in degrees is obtained as



Fig. 9.7 ∣ Polar plot of transportation lag

Since the magnitude of the factor is independent of frequency Eqn365, the polar plot for the factor on polar graph and on an ordinary graph is a unit circle, which are shown in Figs. 9.7(a) and (b) respectively.

9.4 Determination of Frequency Domain Specification from Polar Plot

The different frequency domain specifications such as gain margin, phase margin, phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency can be determined by using polar plot. As the polar plots can be plotted both on polar graph and ordinary graph, the determination of frequency domain specification also differs.

9.4.1 Gain Crossover Frequency ωgc

It is the frequency at which the magnitude of the loop transfer function Eqn407 is unity. This frequency can be obtained by substituting random frequencies in Eqn. (9.2). But by this process, we can obtain only an approximate value of frequency and also this process is time-consuming. Hence, there exist two alternate methods for determining Eqn408 which are discussed below:

Method 1: It is known that Eqn409 = 1 at Eqn410. Also, Eqn. (9.2) is a function of frequency. Therefore, by solving the equation, we obtain Eqn411. This method consumes more time.

Method 2: From the polar plot drawn on the polar graph, it is easy to determine the Eqn412 when Eqn413. Substituting the obtained angle in Eqn. (9.3) and using Eqn414, it is easy to determine Eqn415.

Hence, method 2 is used in this chapter for determining the gain crossover frequency Eqn416 when a polar plot for a loop transfer function is drawn.

9.4.2 Phase Crossover Frequency ωpc

It is the frequency at which the phase angle of the loop transfer function Eqn418 is Eqn419or Eqn420. This frequency Eqn425 can be obtained by substituting random frequencies in Eqn. (9.3). But by this process, we can obtain only an approximate value of frequency and also this process is a time-consuming one. Hence, an alternate method exists for determining Eqn421 as discussed below:

Alternate method

It is known that Eqn422 at Eqn423. Hence, using Eqn424, the value of Eqn425 can be determined.

9.4.3 Gain Margin gm

The gain margin Eqn428 of the system obtained by taking the inverse of the magnitude of Eqn429 at phase crossover frequency Eqn430.


9.4.4 Phase Margin pm

The phase margin Eqn434 of the system is obtained by


9.5 Procedure for Constructing Polar Plot

The flow chart for constructing the polar plot of a system on a polar graph is shown in Fig. 9.8(a).


Fig. 9.8(a) ∣ Flow chart for constructing the polar plot on polar graph

The flowchart for constructing the polar plot of a system on an ordinary graph is shown in Fig. 9.8(b).


Fig. 9.8(b) ∣ Flow chart for constructing the polar plot on an ordinary graph

Intersection of polar plot for a system

If the polar plot intersects Eqn455 line on a polar graph, it implies that the polar plot intersects the positive real axis line on an ordinary graph. Therefore, there exists a relation between the intersection points on an ordinary graph and on a polar graph which is listed in Table 9.4.

Table 9.4 ∣ Relation between intersection points


In addition, it is to be noted that if Eqn460 number of intersection points exists in plotting the polar plot on a polar graph, same number of intersection points exists in plotting the polar plot on an ordinary graph.

9.6 Typical Sketches of Polar Plot on an Ordinary Graph and Polar Graph

The typical sketches of polar plot on an ordinary and polar graph based on the type and order of a system are given below.

Type 0 Order 2 System

Let the loop transfer function of Type 0 Order 2 system be


Substituting Eqn462, we obtain


The magnitude and phase angle of the system are given by




The magnitude and phase angle at Eqn466 and Eqn467 are given in Table 9.5.

Table 9.5 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


To determine the intersection point on real and imaginary axis

The real and imaginary part of loop transfer function can be determined as



Therefore, real part of loop transfer function Eqn479

and imaginary part of loop transfer function Eqn480

Intersection point on imaginary axis

Step 1: Equating the real part of loop transfer function to zero and determining the frequency Eqn481 i.e., Eqn482.

Therefore, Eqn483

Upon solving, we obtain


Step 2: Substituting Eqn485 in the imaginary part of loop transfer function, we obtain the intersection of the polar plot on imaginary axis.

Intersection point on imaginary axis = Eqn486

Substituting Eqn487in Eqn488, we obtain


Step 3: Therefore, magnitude and phase angle of loop transfer function at Eqn490 is

Magnitude Eqn491

and Phase angle Eqn492

Using the magnitude and phase angle at different frequencies, we can determine the real and imaginary parts of the loop transfer function as given in Table 9.6.

Table 9.6 ∣ Real and imaginary parts of the system


Using Table 9.6, the polar plot of TYPE 0 ORDER 2 system on an ordinary graph is shown in Fig. 9.9(a).


Fig. 9.9(a) ∣ Polar plot of the system

The magnitude and phase angle at different frequencies are given in Table 9.7.

Table 9.7 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle


Using Table 9.7, the polar plot of TYPE 0 ORDER 2 system on polar graph is shown in Fig. 9.9(b).


Fig. 9.9(b) ∣ Polar plot of the system

Similarly, the polar plot on a polar graph and intersection points on the different axes for different systems can be determined.

9.7 Stability Analysis using Polar Plot

The stability of a system can be examined from the polar plot once the frequency domain specifications are obtained. The stability of the system can be analyzed by using the crossover frequencies (Eqn516 and Eqn517) or the gain and phase margins.

9.7.1 Based on Crossover Frequencies

A system can either be a stable system or marginally stable system or unstable system. The stability of the system based on the relation between crossover frequencies is given in Table 9.8.

Table 9.8 ∣ Stability of the system based on crossover frequencies


9.7.2 Based on Gain Margin and Phase Margin

The stability of a system based on the gain margin and phase margin is given in Table 9.9.

Table 9.9 ∣ Stability of the system based on Eqn523 and Eqn524


But the problem that exists in examining the stability of the system from polar plot is the determination of Eqn533 and Eqn534 which is a tedious process. Hence, an alternate way of examining the stability of the system using polar plot exists, which does not require the determination of Eqn535 and Eqn536 is discussed in the following section.

9.7.3 Based on the Location of Phase Crossover Point

Consider the polar plot of a loop transfer function drawn on an ordinary graph as shown in Fig. 9.10.

Let Eqn537 and Eqn538 be the points on the polar plot when the plot crosses the real axis and unit circle as shown in Fig. 9.10. Using Table 9.5, the points Eqn539 and Eqn540 are called phase crossover and gain crossover points respectively. Let the frequency Eqn541 at the point Eqn542 is the phase crossover frequency Eqn543 and magnitude of the loop transfer function at the point Eqn544 be Eqn545


Fig. 9.10 ∣ Polar plot of a loop transfer function in an ordinary graph

Now, based on the location of point Eqn546, the stability of the system can be examined. The stability of the system based on the location of point Eqn547 is listed in Table 9.10.

Table 9.10 ∣ Stability of the system based on phase crossover point, Eqn548


9.8 Determining the Gain K from the Desired Frequency Domain Specifications

The frequency domain specifications for which the gain Eqn558 can be determined are gain margin and phase margin. The procedure for determining the gain Eqn559 for the desired Eqn560 and Eqn561 using polar plot is not so tedious as it was using Bode plot. The following sections describe how the gain Eqn562 can be determined for desired Eqn563 and Eqn564 using polar plot.

9.8.1 When the Desired Gain Margin of the System is Specified

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain Eqn565 for a specified gain margin is explained below:

Step 1: Assume Eqn566 for the given loop transfer function and construct the polar plot of the system either on the polar graph or on the ordinary graph.

Step 2: Determine the phase crossover point, Eqn567 from the polar plot. If the polar plot is plotted on the polar graph, the point Eqn568 refers to the point at which the polar plot crosses Eqn569 line and if the polar plot is plotted on the ordinary graph, the point Eqn570 refers to the point at which the polar plot crosses negative real axis.

Step 3: Determine the magnitude of the loop transfer function at Eqn571 from the polar plot. Let it be Eqn572.

Step 4: Let the desired gain margin of the system be Eqn573dB. Let Eqn574 be the phase crossover point on the polar plot corresponding to Eqn575. The magnitude of the loop transfer function at Eqn576can be determined by using Eqn577

Step 5: Now, the gain Eqn578 for the desired gain margin can be determined as


Step 6: With the gain Eqn580, the new polar plot can be drawn. The polar plot for different values of Eqn581 is shown in Fig. 9.11(a).


Fig. 9.11(a) ∣ Polar plot for different values of Eqn582

9.8.2 When the Desired Phase Margin of the System is Specified

The step-by-step procedure to determine the gain Eqn585 for a specified phase margin is explained below:

Step 1: Assume Eqn586 for the given loop transfer function and construct the polar plot of the system either on the polar graph or on the ordinary graph.

Step 2: Determine the gain crossover point, Eqn587 from the polar plot. If the polar plot is plotted on the polar graph or on the ordinary graph, the point Eqn588 refers to the point at which the polar plot crosses unity circle.

Step 3: Determine the magnitude of the loop transfer function at Eqn589 from the polar plot. Let it be Eqn590.

Step 4: Let the desired phase margin of the system be Eqn591dB. Let Eqn592 be the gain crossover point on the polar plot corresponding to Eqn593.

Step 5: Determine the phase angle of the system corresponding to Eqn594. Let it be Eqn595deg. The value of Eqn596 is determined by using, Eqn597.

Step 6: Draw a radial line using Eqn598 deg from origin that cuts the polar plot of the loop transfer function Eqn599 with Eqn600 at Eqn601. The magnitude of the loop transfer function at Eqn602 can be determined from the polar plot and let it be Eqn603.

Step 7: Now, the gain Eqn604 for the desired gain margin can be determined as


Step 8: With the gain Eqn606, the new polar plot can be drawn. The polar plot for different values of Eqn607 is shown in Fig. 9.11(b).


Fig. 9.11(b) ∣ Polar plot for different values of Eqn608

Example 9.1: The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn611. Sketch the polar plot for the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of the system Eqn612.

    Fig. E9.1

  2. Substituting Eqn613 in the loop transfer function, we obtain


  3. The only one corner frequency existing in the system is Eqn615 rad/sec.
  4. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are Eqn616

    and Eqn617

  5. For different values of frequency Eqn618, the magnitude and phase angle of the system are calculated and tabulated in Table E9.1.

Table E9.1 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


The polar plot of the given system using Table E9.1 is shown in Fig. E9.1.

Example 9.2: The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn623. Sketch the polar plot for the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of the system Eqn624.
  2. Substituting Eqn625 and Eqn626 in the loop transfer function, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are

    Eqn628 rad/sec, Eqn629 rad/sec and Eqn630 rad/sec


    Fig. E9.2 ∣ Polar plot for Eqn638

  4. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


    and Eqn632

  5. For different values of frequency Eqn633, the magnitude and phase angle of the system are calculated and tabulated in Table E9.2.

Table E9.2 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


The polar plot of the given system using Table E9.2 is shown in Fig. E9.2.

Example 9.3: The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn639. Sketch the polar plot for the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn640.
  2. Substituting Eqn641, we obtain


  3. The three corner frequencies existing in the system are Eqn643 rad/sec, Eqn644 rad/sec and Eqn645 rad/sec.
  4. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


    and Eqn647


    Fig. E9.3 ∣ Polar plot for Eqn653

  5. For different values of frequency Eqn648, the magnitude and phase angle of the system are calculated and tabulated in Table E9.3.

Table E9.3 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


The polar plot of the given system using the data in Table E9.3 is shown in Fig. E9.3.

Example 9.4: The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn654. Sketch the polar plot for the system and determine the gain and phase margin of the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn655.
  2. Substituting Eqn656, we obtain


  3. The corner frequency of the given system is Eqn658 rad/sec.
  4. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


    and Eqn660

  5. For different values of frequency Eqn661, the magnitude and phase angle of the system are calculated and tabulated in Table E9.4.

Table E9.4 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


The polar plot of the given system using Table E9.4 is shown in Fig. E9.4.


Fig. E9.4

Determination of Gain Margin and Phase Margin

The gain margin and phase margin of the system are calculated at phase crossover frequency and gain crossover frequency respectively. The phase crossover frequency is the frequency at which the phase angle of the system is Eqn667 or Eqn668. Also, the gain crossover frequency is the frequency at which the magnitude of the system is 1.

Using the above definition and Table E9.4, we obtain

Gain crossover frequency Eqn669 rad/sec and Phase crossover frequency Eqn670 rad/sec.

Hence, gain margin and phase margin of the system are given by

Gain margin, Eqn671

and Phase margin, Eqn672

Example 9.5: The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn708. Sketch the polar plot for the system.


  1. The loop transfer function of a system is Eqn709
  2. Substituting Eqn710, we obtain


  3. The two corner frequencies existing in the given system are

    Eqn712 rad/sec and Eqn713 rad/sec respectively.

  4. The magnitude and phase angle of the system are


    and Eqn715


    Fig. E9.5

  5. For different values of frequency Eqn716, the magnitude and phase angle of the system are calculated and tabulated in Table E9.5.

Table E9.5 ∣ Magnitude and phase angle of the system


The polar plot of the given system using the data in Table E9.5 is shown in Fig. E9.5.

9.9 Introduction to Nyquist Stability Criterion

The Routh–Hurwitz criterion and root locus methods are used to determine the stability of the linear single-input single-output (SISO) system by finding the location of the roots of the characteristic equation in s-plane. The Nyquist stability criterion derived by H. Nyquist is a semi-graphical method that helps in determining the absolute stability of the closed-loop system graphically from frequency response of loop transfer function (Nyquist plot) without determining the closed-loop poles. The Nyquist plot of a loop transfer function Eqn738 is a graphical representation of the frequency response analysis when the frequency Eqn739 is varied from Eqn740 to Eqn741. Since most of the linear control systems are analyzed by using their frequency responses, Nyquist plot will be convenient in determining the stability of the system.

9.10 Advantages of Nyquist Plot

The advantages of Nyquist plot are:

  1. Nyquist plot helps in determining the relative stability of the system in addition to the absolute stability of the system.
  2. It determines the stability of the closed-loop system from open-loop transfer function without calculating the roots of characteristic equation.
  3. It gives the degree of instability of an unstable system and indicates the ways in which the stability of the system can be improved.
  4. It gives information related to frequency domain characteristics such as Eqn742, BW etc..
  5. It can easily be applied to systems with pure time delay that cannot be analyzed using root locus method or Routh–Hurwitz criterion.

9.11 Basic Requirements for Nyquist Stability Criterion

The Nyquist stability criterion will be useful in analyzing the stability of both the open-loop and closed-loop systems. The concepts such as encirclement, enclosement, number of encirclements around a point, mapping from one plane to another plane and principle of argument are important to study the Nyquist stability criterion of a system.

9.12 Encircled and Enclosed

The concept of encircled and enclosed will be helpful to interpret the Nyquist plot for analyzing the stability of the system.

9.12.1 Encircled

A point or region in a complex function plane is said to be encircled by a closed path if the particular point or region is found inside the closed path irrespective of the direction of closed path. All other points existing outside the closed path is not encircled. The concept of encirclement with two different points and different directions of closed path is shown in Figs. 9.12(a) and (b).


Fig. 9.12 ∣ Encirclement concept

Irrespective of the direction of closed path, the point A shown in Figs. 9.12(a) and (b) is encircled and it is found inside the path. Since the point B shown in Figs. 9.12(a) and (b) lies outside the closed path, the point B is not encircled.

9.12.2 Enclosed

A point or region in a complex function plane is said to be enclosed by a closed path if the point or region is encircled by the closed path or if the point or region lies to the left of the closed path when the path is traversed in the counter clockwise (CCW) direction.

In addition, a point or region in a complex function plane is said to be enclosed by a closed path if the point or region is not encircled by the closed path or it lies to the left of the closed path when the path is traversed in the clockwise (CW) direction. The concept of enclosement with two different points and different directions of closed path is shown in Figs. 9.13(a) and (b) respectively.


Fig. 9.13 ∣ Enclosement concept

The point A in Fig.9.13(a) and point B in Fig. 9.13(b) is enclosed by the closed path.

9.13 Number of Encirclements or Enclosures

Let Eqn743 be the number of encirclements or enclosures for a point, when the point is encircled or enclosed by the closed path. The sign of Eqn744 depends on the direction of closed path. If the closed path is in the clockwise direction, it is Eqn745; and if the closed path is in the counter clockwise direction, it is Eqn746. The magnitude of Eqn747 is determined as follows:

  1. Consider an arbitrary point Eqn748 on the closed path.
  2. Let the point Eqn749 follow the closed path in the direction of closed path until it reaches the starting point.

Now, Eqn750 is the net number of revolutions traversed by the arbitrary point Eqn751 or the number of encirclements/enclosures for a point. For example, consider two points Eqn752 and Eqn753as shown in Figs. 9.14(a) and (b) in Eqn754-plane.


Fig. 9.14 ∣ Number of encirclement concept

From Fig. 9.14(a), it is clear that the point A and B are encircled by the closed path and from Fig. 9.14(b), it is clear that the point A and B are enclosed by the closed path. Therefore, the net number of revolutions traversed by Eqn755 around the point A in Figs. 9.14(a) and (b) is Eqn756 and Eqn757 respectively. Similarly, the net number of revolutions traversed by Eqn758 around the point B in Figs. 9.14(a) and (b) is Eqn759 and Eqn760 respectively.

9.14 Mapping of s-Plane into Characteristic Equation Plane

The mapping of Eqn762-plane into characteristic equation plane will be helpful in mapping Eqn763-plane into Eqn764-plane which is the basic Nyquist stability criterion for analyzing the stability of the open-loop and closed-loop systems.

Consider a simple closed-loop system as shown in Fig. 9.15.


Fig. 9.15 ∣ A simple closed-loop system

The closed-loop transfer function of the system is Eqn765(9.5)

and the characteristic equation of the system is Eqn766(9.6)

where Eqn767 is the forward path transfer function, Eqn768 is the feedback path transfer function and Eqn769 is the loop transfer function of the system.

The general form of the loop transfer function is given by


and Eqn771 is the time delay in seconds.

Substituting Eqn. (9.7) in Eqn. (9.6), we obtain


Since Eqn773 is a complex quantity, the function Eqn774 is also a complex quantity that can be defined as Eqn775 and represented on the complex Eqn776-plane with Eqn777 and Eqn778 as the co-ordinates. Equations (9.7) and (9.8) indicate that for every point in Eqn779-plane at which Eqn780 exists, we can determine a point in the Eqn781-plane. Therefore, if a contour exists in the Eqn782-plane and does not go through any pole or zero of Eqn783, a corresponding contour will exist in the Eqn784-plane. These contours will be helpful in determining the stability of the system using Nyquist stability criterion.

Consider a characteristic equation of a system as Eqn785 (only one pole) and a contour in Eqn786-plane as shown in Fig. 9.16(a). From Fig. 9.16(a), it is clear that, as the contour in Eqn787-plane encloses Eqn788 (a singular point), a contour which encloses the origin will exist in Eqn789-plane.


Fig. 9.16(a) ∣ A contour in Eqn790-plane

Table 9.11 is used for transforming the contour in Eqn791-plane to a contour in Eqn792-plane.

Table 9.11 ∣ Transforming the contour from s-plane into F(s)-plane


The contour in Eqn810-plane that is obtained using Eqn811-plane is shown in Fig. 9.16(b).


Fig. 9.16(b) ∣ Contour in F(s)-plane

The conclusion obtained from Figs. 9.16(a) and (b) is that if the contour in Eqn813-plane encloses a single pole and moves in the clockwise direction, then the contour in Eqn814-plane will encircle the origin once in the counter clockwise direction.

Similarly, if the contour in Eqn815-plane encloses a Eqn816 poles and moves in the clockwise direction, then the contour in Eqn817-plane will encircle the origin m-times in the counter clockwise direction. Table 9.11 shows the mapping of different Eqn818-plane contour to the Eqn819-plane contour.

9.15 Principle of Argument

The principle of arguments will be useful in examining the stability of the system based on the Nyquist stability criterion. Its value is based on the mapping of contour from Eqn820-plane to the Eqn821-plane. The principle of argument can be stated as follows:

Let Eqn822 be the number of zeros and Eqn823 be the number of poles of the characteristic equation encircled by the Eqn824-plane contour, then the number of encirclements Eqn825 made by the Eqn826-plane contour around the origin can be obtained as the difference between Eqn827 and Eqn828

The principle of argument in equation form can be obtained as



Eqn830 is the number of encirclements made by the Eqn831-plane contour around the origin,

Eqn832 is the number of zeros of characteristic equation encircled by Eqn833-plane contour and

Eqn834 is the number of poles of characteristic equation encircled by Eqn835-plane contour.

The principle of argument can be graphically proved when Eqn836 of the system is represented in terms of polar co-ordinates (in terms of magnitude and phase angle) as explained below.

Consider Eqn837, where Eqn838 is a zero of Eqn839 and Eqn840 is a pole of Eqn841 and a contour with an arbitrary point Eqn842as shown in Fig. 9.17.


Fig. 9.17 ∣ Contour in Eqn843-plane with poles and zeros

Then, Eqn844 in polar co-ordinates can be obtained as



The function Eqn847 at Eqn848 is given by


Each factor present in Eqn. (9.11) can be represented graphically by the vector drawn from poles or zeros to the arbitrary point Eqn850 as shown in Fig. 9.18(a) which in turn represents Eqn851 as shown in Fig. 9.18(b).


Fig. 9.18 ∣ Relation between Eqn852-plane and Eqn853-plane

If the arbitrary point Eqn854 moves in the contour in the specified direction, then the angles generated by the vectors drawn from poles and zeros at Eqn855 can be determined till the arbitrary point reaches the initial position. The resultant angle generated by the poles and zeros that are not encircled by the contour and zero which is encircled by the contour will be Eqn856 radians if we calculate it manually. Therefore, if Eqn857 number of zeros are encircled by the contour, then the angle generated by the poles and zeros when the point Eqn858 completes one full rotation in the contour will be Eqn859 radians.

If the contour in Eqn860-plane encloses Eqn861 number of poles and Eqn862 number of zeros, then the net angle generated by the poles and zeros when the point Eqn863 completes one full rotation in the contour will be


or Eqn865(9.12)

where Eqn866 is the angle made by the contour in Eqn867-plane which is shown in Fig. 9.13(b).

Eqn868 is the net number of encirclements of the origin made by the contour in Eqn869-plane.

Hence, the net number of encirclements from Eqn. (9.12) will be Eqn870, which is the same as Eqn. (9.9). Table 9.12 shows the number of encirclements made by the Eqn871-plane contour around the origin for differentEqn872-plane contours.

Table 9.12 ∣ Mapping of Eqn873-plane contour to the Eqn874-plane contour alongwith the principle of arguments


The conclusion obtained using Eqn. (9.9) and Table 9.12 is listed in Table 9.13.

Table 9.13 ∣ Possible outcomes of principle of arguments


9.16 Nyquist Stability Criterion

The closed-loop system is said to be a stable system if all the roots of the characteristic equation Eqn896 lie in the left half of the Eqn897-plane. The system is stable if all the closed-loop poles of the system or the roots of the characteristic equation lie in the left half of the Eqn898-plane even though the poles and zeros of the loop transfer function Eqn899 lie in the right half of the Eqn900-plane. The relationship between the zeros of Eqn901, poles of Eqn902, characteristic equation Eqn903 and loop transfer function can be obtained using Eqs. (9.7) and (9.8) as follows:

  1. Zeros of Eqn904 = closed-loop poles of the system

    = roots of characteristic equation

  2. Poles of Eqn905 = poles of loop transfer function Eqn906

    The two types of stability are defined as

  1. Open-loop stability: If all the poles of the loop transfer function Eqn907 or poles of Eqn908 lie in the left half of the Eqn909-plane and the value is less than zero, then the system is said to an open-loop stable system.
  2. Closed-loop stability: If all the closed-loop poles of the system or the roots of characteristic equation or zeros of Eqn910 lie in the left half of the Eqn911-plane and their values are less than zero, then the system is said to be a closed-loop stable system.

If the loop transfer function of a system is given by Eqn. (9.7), just by inspection or by using Routh's criterion, it is possible to determine the number of poles which does not lie in the left half of the Eqn912-plane. But determining the zeros of Eqn913 or the roots of the characteristic equation of the system given by Eqn. (9.8) is difficult, if the order of the polynomial is greater than 3. Hence, to overcome these difficulties, the Nyquist stability criterion relates the frequency response of the loop transfer function Eqn914 to the number of poles and zeros of Eqn915 which will be helpful in determining the absolute stability of the system.

9.17 Nyquist Path

The semi-circular contour path of infinite radius in the right half of the Eqn916-plane with the entire Eqn917 axis from Eqn918 to Eqn919 in the clockwise direction is called as Nyquist path. This Nyquist path will be helpful in analyzing the stability of the linear control system and it encloses the entire right half of Eqn920-plane and also encloses the zeros and poles of Eqn921 that has positive real parts. The Nyquist path for a particular system is shown in Fig. 9.19(a). It is necessary that the Nyquist path should not pass through any poles and zeros of Eqn922.


Fig. 9.19(a) ∣ Nyquist path

If the loop transfer function Eqn923 has a pole or poles at the origin in the Eqn924-plane, mapping of this point will become indeterminate. Hence, a contour is taken around the origin to avoid such situations, which is shown in Fig. 9.19(b) and the zoomed view of the contour is shown in Fig. 9.19(c).


Fig. 9.19 ∣ Nyquist contour for a system with a pole and/or zero at the origin

If the mapping theorem is applied to the system, then the following conclusion is made:

If the Nyquist path for a system is chosen as shown in Fig. 9.19(a), then the number of zeros of Eqn925 which lies in the right half of Eqn926-plane is equal to the summation of the number of poles of Eqn927 which lies in the right half of Eqn928-plane and number of clockwise encirclements of the origin made by the contour in Eqn930-plane.

9.18 Relation Between G(s) H(s)-Plane and F(s)-Plane

We know that Eqn933, which is the vector sum of the unit vector and the vector Eqn934. Hence, Eqn935 is identical to the vector drawn from the point Eqn936 to the point in the vector Eqn937 as shown in Fig. 9.20.

Therefore, encirclement of the origin by the contour in Eqn940-plane is similar to the encirclement of the point Eqn941 by the contour in Eqn942-plane. Hence, the stability of the closed-loop system can be examined by determining the number of encirclements of Eqn943 in Eqn944-plane.


Fig. 9.20 ∣ Relationship between Eqn938-plane and Eqn939-plane

9.19 Nyquist Stability Criterion Based on the Encirclements of −1+ j 0

The Nyquist stability criterion based on the number of encirclements of Eqn946 is analyzed for two cases as below:

Case 1: When the loop transfer function has no poles or zeros on the imaginary axis

If the loop transfer function of the system Eqn947 has Eqn948 number of poles in the right half of the Eqn949-plane, then for the system to be stable, the number of encirclements in the counterclockwise direction made by the locus in Eqn950 plane around the point Eqn951 must be equal to Eqn952

The above criterion can be expressed as


where Eqn954 is the number of zeros of Eqn955 present in the right half of Eqn956-plane, Eqn957 is the number of clockwise encirclements made by the locus of Eqn958 around the point Eqn959 and Eqn960 is the number of poles of Eqn961 present in the right half of Eqn962-plane.

Case 2: When the loop transfer function has poles and/or zeros on the imaginary axis

If the loop transfer function has poles and/or zeros on the imaginary axis, the Nyquist path is modified by drawing a small semicircle with very small radius Eqn963as shown in Fig. 9.19(c).

If the loop transfer function of the system Eqn964 has Eqn965number of poles in the right half of the Eqn966-plane, then for the system to be stable, the number of encirclements in the counterclockwise direction made by the modified locus in Eqn967-plane around the point Eqn968 must be equal to Eqn969

9.20 Stability Analysis of the System

Let Eqn970 be the number of zeros and Eqn971 be the number of poles of the characteristic equation encircled by the Eqn972-plane contour (Nyquist path), then the number of encirclements, Eqn973 made by the Eqn974-plane contour around the point Eqn975 in the clockwise direction can be obtained as the difference between Eqn976 and Eqn977

i.e., Eqn978

If Eqn979 is negative, it implies that the encirclement is in the counterclockwise direction. The different conditions for the system to be stable are discussed in Table 9.14.

Table 9.14 ∣ Conditions for the system to be stable


In general, the condition for the closed-loop stability is that Eqn994 must be equal to zero and the condition for the open-loop stability is that Eqn995 must be equal to zero.

9.21 Procedure for Determining the Number of Encirclements

The procedure for determining the number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn996-plane around the point Eqn997 is given below:

Step 1: Construct the contour in Eqn998-plane based on the Nyquist path in the Eqn999-plane.

Step 2: Draw a dotted line from the point Eqn1000 which is directed in the third quadrant of the Eqn1001-plane.

Step 3: Chose any arbitrary point Eqn1002 in the contour in the Eqn1003-plane.

Step 4: Starting from the point Eqn1004 traverse the contour in the Eqn1005-plane.

Step 5: If the dotted line is cut by the contour in the clockwise direction, the number of encirclements Eqn1006 is increased by one and if the dotted line is cut by the contour in the counterclockwise direction, the number of encirclements Eqn1007 is decreased by one.

Step 6: Repeat the above step until the arbitrary point reaches the initial position.

Step 7: The value of Eqn1008 present at the end of one complete rotation gives the number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1009-plane around the point Eqn1010.

The number of encirclements made by the different contours in Eqn1011-plane is listed in Table 9.15.

Table 9.15 ∣ Number of encirclements for different contour in Eqn1012-plane


9.21.1 Flow chart for Determining the Number of Encirclements Made by the Contour in G(s)H(s)-Plane

The flow chart for determining the number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1020-plane is shown in Fig. 9.21.


Fig. 9.21 ∣ Flow chart for number of encirclements

9.22 General Procedures for Determining the Stability of the System Based on Nyquist Stability Criterion

Step 1: Construct the Nyquist path that covers the whole right-hand side of the Eqn1021-plane based on the loop transfer function. The different Nyquist paths for different loop transfer functions are shown below:


Step 2: Divide the Nyquist path into different sections with the value of Eqn1022 and radius of the semi-circular path.

Step 3: For each section present in the Nyquist path, determine the contour in the Eqn1023-plane.

Step 4: The intersection point of the contour on the real axis is determined by substituting Eqn1024 at which the imaginary part of the transfer function is zero.

Step 5: Complete the contour in the Eqn1025-plane for the given system by joining the individual contours determined in the previous step.

Step 6: Determine the number of encirclements Eqn1026 made by the contour in Eqn1027-plane around the point Eqn1028.

Step 7: For the given loop transfer function, determine the number of poles Eqn1029 existing in the right half of the Eqn1030-plane.

Step 8: Determine the number of zeros, Eqn1031 existing in the right half of the Eqn1032-plane by using Eqn1033.

Step 9: Using Table 9.15, examine the closed-loop stability of the system.

9.22.1 Flow chart for Determining the Stability of the System Based on Nyquist Stability Criterion

The flow chart for determining the stability of the system based on Nyquist stability criterion is shown in Fig. 9.22.


Fig. 9.22 ∣ Flow chart for examining the stability of the system

Example 9.6: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1034. Sketch the Nyquist plot and hence calculate the range of values of K for stability.


  1. In general, the Nyquist path for a system is considered to have a complete right-hand side of the Eqn1035-plane covering the entire imaginary axis including the origin. In addition, the Nyquist path should not pass through any poles and/or zeros on the imaginary axis.

    As the pole at the origin for the given system exists, a small semicircle with infinitesimal radius is drawn around the origin of the Nyquist path. The modified Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.6(a).


    Fig. E9.6(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.6(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.6(a).

    Table E9.6(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1046-plane for each section given in Table E9.6(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.6(b).

    Table E9.6(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1091

    Therefore, Eqn1092



    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1095

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1096

    Equating the imaginary part of the above transfer function to zero, we obtain


    Eqn1098 or Eqn1099

    Substituting Eqn1100 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Eqn1101 as Eqn1102.

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1103-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.6(b).

    Fig. E9.6(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1104-plane around the point Eqn1105 for the given system cannot be determined as the intersection point depends on the gain Eqn1106.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1107-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1108.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1109-plane cannot be determined for the given system.
  9. Hence, the stability of the system depends on the gain Eqn1111.
  10. To determine the range of gain Eqn1112 for the system to be stable:

    For the system to be stable, Eqn1113 should be less than −1

    i.e., Eqn1114 or Eqn1115

    Therefore, for the system to be stable, the range of gain Eqn1116 is Eqn1117.

Example 9.7: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1118. Sketch the Nyquist plot and comment on the stability of the system.


  1. As there exists no pole on the imaginary axis for the given system, the Nyquist path for the original system is shown in Fig. E9.7(a).

    Fig. E9.7(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.7(a) alongwith parameters are listed in Table E9.7(a).

    Table E9.7(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1127-plane for each section given in Table E9.7(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.7(b).

    Table E9.7(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the complete contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is


    Therefore, Eqn1164

    = Eqn1165



    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1168

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1169

    Equating the imaginary part of the transfer function to zero, we obtain


    Eqn1171or Eqn1172.

    Substituting Eqn1173 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Eqn1174 as


  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1176-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.7(b).

    Fig. E9.7(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1177-plane around the point Eqn1178 for the given system is 0, i.e., Eqn1179.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1180-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1181.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1182-plane is determined by using Eqn1183.
  9. Using Table 9.15 and the value of Eqn1184 obtained in the previous step, we may conclude that the system is stable.

Example 9.8: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1185. Sketch the Nyquist plot and comment on the stability of the system.


  1. As two poles exist at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.8(a).

    Fig. E9.8(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.8(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.8(a).

    Table E9.8(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1196-plane for each section given in Table E9.8(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.8(b).

    Table E9.8(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the complete contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1244

    Therefore, Eqn1245

    = Eqn1246



    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1249

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1250

    Equating the imaginary part of the transfer function to zero, we obtain Eqn1251.

    Substituting Eqn1252 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Eqn1253. Hence, there is no valid intersection point of contour on the imaginary axis.

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1254-plane as shown in Fig. E9.8(b).

    Fig. E9.8(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1255-plane around the point Eqn1256 for the given system is 2, i.e., Eqn1257.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1258-plane is 0, i.e., Eqn1260.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1261-plane is determined by using Eqn1262.
  9. Using the Table 9.15 and the value of Eqn1263 obtained in the previous step, we may conclude that the system is unstable.

Example 9.9: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1264. Sketch the Nyquist plot and examine the stability of the system.


  1. As no pole exists at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.9(a).

    Fig. E9.9(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.9(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.9(a).

    Table E9.9(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1273-plane for each section given in Table E9.9(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.9(b).

    Table E9.9(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1309




    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1312

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1313

    Equating the imaginary part of the above transfer function to zero, we obtain


    Substituting Eqn1315 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Eqn1316 as Eqn1317. Hence, other than the point Eqn1318, we have no intersection of the contour in the Eqn1319-plane.

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1320-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.9(b).

    Fig. E9.9(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1321-plane around the point Eqn1322 for the given system is zero, i.e., Eqn1323
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1324-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1325.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1326-plane is Eqn1327.
  9. As the value of zero which lies in the right half of the Eqn1328-plane is zero, the system is stable.

Example 9.10: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1329. Sketch the Nyquist plot and examine the stability of the system.


  1. As no pole exists at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.10(a).

    Fig. E9.10(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.10(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.10(a).

    Table E9.10(a) Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1338-plane for each section given in Table E9.10(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.10(b).

    Table E9.10(b) Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1374

    Therefore, Eqn1375


    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1377

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1378

    Equating the imaginary part of the above transfer function to zero, we obtain Eqn1379.

    Substituting Eqn1380 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Eqn1381 as Eqn1382. Therefore, the contour crosses the real axis only at Eqn1383.

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1384-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.10(b).
  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1385-plane around the point Eqn1386 for the given system is zero, i.e., Eqn1387.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1388-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1389.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1390-plane is Eqn1391.
  9. As the value of zero which lies in the right half of the Eqn1392-plane is zero, the system is stable.

    Fig. E9.10(b)

Example 9.11: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1393. Sketch the Nyquist plot and examine the stability of the system.


  1. As two poles exist at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.11(a).

    Fig. E9.11(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.11(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.11(a).

    Table E9.11(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1404-plane for each section given in Table E9.11(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.11(b).

    Table E9.11(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1446

    We know that when the Eqn1447 contour crosses the real axis, the phase angle of the system will be Eqn1448.




    Taking Eqn1451 on both sides of the equation, we obtain


    We know that, Eqn1453

    Using the above equation, we obtain Eqn1454

    Upon solving, we obtain

    Eqn1455 rad/sec

    Substituting Eqn1456 in the magnitude of the transfer function, we obtain


    Therefore, the contour intersects the real axis at Eqn1458

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1459-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.11(b).

    Fig. E9.11(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1460-plane around the point Eqn1461 for the given system is zero, i.e., Eqn1462.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1463-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1464.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1465-plane is Eqn1466.
  9. As the value of zero which lies in the right half of the Eqn1467-plane is zero, the system is unstable.

Example 9.12: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1468. Sketch the Nyquist plot and examine the stabilityof the system.


  1. As three poles exist at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.12(a).

    Fig. E9.12(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.12(a) alongwith its parameters are listed in Table E9.12(a).

    Table E9.12(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1479-plane for each section given in Table E9.12(a) and the individual contours are listed in Table E9.12(b).

    Table E9.12(b) ∣ Contours for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1527

    Therefore, Eqn1528



    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1531

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1532.

    Equating the imaginary part of the transfer function, we obtain


    Substituting Eqn1534 in the real part of the transfer function, we obtain the intersection point Q as Eqn1535.

  5. The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1536-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.12(b).

    Fig. E9.12(b)

  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1537-plane around the point Eqn1538 for the given system cannot be determined as the intersection point depends on the gain Eqn1539.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1540-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1541.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1542-plane cannot be determined for the given system.
  9. As the value of zero which lies in the right half of the Eqn1543-plane is not determined, the stability of the system cannot be analyzed. The stability of the system depends on the Eqn1544.
  10. To determine the range of gain Eqn1545 for the system to be stable:

    For the system to be stable, Eqn1546 should be less than −1.

    i.e., Eqn1547or Eqn1548

    Therefore, for the system to be stable, the range of gain Eqn1549 is Eqn1550.

Example 9.13: The loop transfer function of a certain control system is given by Eqn1551. Sketch the Nyquist plot and examine the stability of the system.


  1. As no poles exist at the origin for the given system, the Nyquist path for the system is shown in Fig. E9.13(a).

    Fig. E9.13(a)

  2. The different sections present in Fig. E9.13(a) alongwith parameters are listed in Table E9.13(a).

    Table E9.13(a) ∣ Sections present in the Nyquist path

  3. Construct a contour in Eqn1560-plane for each section given in Table E9.13(a) and the individual contour is listed in Table E9.13(b).

    Table E9.13(b) ∣ Contour for different sections

  4. To determine the intersection point of the contour in the real axis:

    The loop transfer function of the given system is Eqn1592

    Therefore, Eqn1593

    Hence, the real part of the transfer function = Eqn1594

    and the imaginary part of the transfer function = Eqn1595.

    Equating the imaginary part of the transfer function, we obtain Eqn1596.

    As the real part of the transfer function is independent of Eqn1597, there is no intersection point on the real axis other than −2.

  5. (v) The individual contours obtained in step (iii) are combined together to construct the complete contour in Eqn1598-plane alongwith the intersection point as shown in Fig. E9.13(b).
  6. The number of encirclements made by the contour in Eqn1599-plane around the point Eqn1600 for the given system is Eqn1601.
  7. For the given system, the number of poles which lies in the right half of the Eqn1602-plane is zero, i.e., Eqn1603.
  8. The number of zeros which lies in the right half of the Eqn1604-plane for the given system is Eqn1605.
  9. As the value of zero which lies in the right half of the Eqn1606-plane is zero the given system is stable.

Fig. E9.13(b)

Review Questions

  1. A feedback control system is characterized by the open-loop transfer function Eqn1607
    1. Draw the polar plot of the open-loop system. Calculate the magnitude and phase at 10 equi-spaced frequency points, including the point where the plot intersects the imaginary axis and use them to construct the plot.
    2. From the polar plot, how will you determine the gain margin, phase margin, gain crossover frequency and phase crossover frequency? Comment on the system stability.
  2. Draw the polar plot of each of the following complex functions:
    1. Eqn1608
    2. Eqn1609
    3. Eqn1610
    4. Eqn1611
  3. Sketch the polar plot for Eqn1612, Eqn1613.
  4. Determine: (a) the phase crossover frequency, (b) the gain crossover frequency, (c) the gain margin and (d) phase margin for the system of Eqn1614 with Eqn1615 and Eqn1616
  5. Sketch the polar plot for
    1. Eqn1617
    2. Eqn1619
    3. Eqn1621
    4. Eqn1623
    5. Eqn1625
    6. Eqn1627
    7. Eqn1629
    8. Eqn1631
    9. Eqn1618
    10. Eqn1620
    11. Eqn1622
    12. Eqn1624
    13. Eqn1626
    14. Eqn1628
    15. Eqn1630
  6. Sketch the polar plot for the following loop transfer function (a) Eqn1632 and (b) Eqn1633.
  7. Draw the polar plot for the unity feedback system given by Eqn1634 and determine the range of for the stability of the system.
  8. Sketch the polar plot for the unity feedback system given by Eqn1635 and find the phase margin.
  9. Draw the polar plot for the transfer function of a system Eqn1636.
  10. Consider the transfer function Eqn1639 Draw the polar plot for Eqn1640
  11. Consider the non-minimum phase transfer function Eqn1641 Sketch the polar plot.
  12. Draw the polar plot for the transfer function Eqn1642
  13. Consider the following transfer function Eqn1643 Show that the polar plot of Eqn1644 in the Eqn1645 plane is a circle Eqn1646 and diameter Eqn1647 as Eqn1648 varies from Eqn1649 to Eqn1650.
  14. Determine graphically the gain margin and phase margin and gain and phase crossover frequencies for the system whose open-loop transfer function is given asEqn1651.
  15. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by Eqn1652. Sketch the polar plot and determine the gain margin and phase margin.
  16. Determine the phase margin ad gain margin for the system whose transfer function is Eqn1653. Use polar plot.
  17. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by Eqn1654 Derive an expression for the gain Eqn1655 in terms of Eqn1656 and Eqn1657 and specify the gain margin Eqn1658
  18. Draw the polar plot for the following transfer functions (a) Eqn1659 and (b) Eqn1660.
  19. For the following transfer function draw the actual polar plot by calculating the magnitude and phase for Eqn1661
  20. Determine analytically phase margin, gain margin, phase crossover frequency and gain-crossover frequency for the transfer function given below. Draw the polar plot.


  21. Sketch the polar plot for the following transfer function:


  22. For an RLC series network, the output is taken across the capacitor. The transfer function is Eqn1664 where the undamped natural frequency Eqn1665 and damping coefficient Eqn1666. Draw the polar plot.
  23. Obtain the polar plot for the unity feedback control system having open-loop transfer function as Eqn1667, assume Eqn1668.
  24. State and explain the Nyquist criterion for stability.
  25. State the Nyquist stability criterion for the stability of a closed-loop system and compare it with Routh's criterion.
  26. Given the open-loop transfer function Eqn1669, determine the condition of stability from the polar plot. Verify this condition using Routh–Hurwitz criterion.
  27. Write a note on Nyquist path.
  28. Define gain margin and phase margin with reference to Nyquist plot.
  29. Explain clearly with the necessary mathematical preliminaries the Nyquist criterion for stability.
  30. Explain the conditionally stable system. With the help of a Nyquist plot, show the behaviour of such systems.
  31. What are the effects of additional poles and zeros on the shape of the Nyquist loci? Explain using appropriate diagrams.
  32. Define principle of arguments.
  33. Using Nyquist criterion, investigate the stability of the system Eqn1670
  34. If a position control system has the forward loop transfer function Eqn1671, determine the gain margin and phase margin the system using Nyquist plot.
  35. Given Eqn1672, determine the stability range of K using Nyquist's stability criterion.
  36. The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn673. Sketch the polar plot for the system and determine the gain and phase margin of the system.
  37. The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn691. Sketch the polar plot for the system and determine the gain and phase margin of the system.
  38. The loop transfer function of a unity feedback system is given by Eqn722. Sketch the polar plot for the system.
  39. The open-loop transfer function of a feedback system is Eqn1673, determine its stability using Nyquist criterion.
  40. Sketch the Nyquist plot for Eqn1674 and determine whether the closed-loop system is stable or not.
  41. The loop transfer function is Eqn1675 Determine, using Nyquist stability criterion, the critical value of K for stability of closed-loop system.
  42. A position control system has the forward loop transfer function Eqn1677. Draw the Nyquist plot and determine the stability of the closed-loop system.
  43. Sketch the Nyquist plot for the system whose open-loop transfer function is given by Eqn1678 and using Nyquist stability criterion, check whether system is stable.
  44. The open-loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by Eqn1679. Draw the Nyquist plot and calculate the gain margin.
  45. The loop transfer function of a feedback system is given by Eqn1680. Sketch the Nyquist plot and determine the stability and hence the gain and phase margins.
  46. Sketch the Nyquist plot for the following open-loop transfer function and comment on the stability Eqn1681. Determine the gain and phase margins.
  47. A control system has the loop transfer function Eqn1682. Sketch the Nyquist diagram and determine its stability.
  48. The loop transfer function of a feedback system is Eqn1683. Using Nyquist method, determine the stability of the system.
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