Chapter 1: Clueing You In about Codes and Cryptograms
Freemasonry: An Introduction, by Mark Koltko-Rivera (LVX
Publishing): This book, by one of the authors of the book
you hold in your hands, describes the ideals and values
of Freemasonry, its relationship to ancient systems of
initiation, and why men choose to become Freemasons in
the first place.
Scottish Rite Ritual Monitor and Guide, 2nd Edition, by
Arturo de Hoyos (Washington, DC: The Supreme Council
of the Scottish Rite, 33°, Southern Jurisdiction): If you’re
a real fan of Masonic ciphers, this book gives you tradi-
tional Scottish Rite alphabets and ciphers, including the
Cypher of the Rose Croix devised by Albert Pike, and
several other cryptographic treats. (This is the source of
the 19th century Masonic Ciphers we use in this book.)
For more info, check out
Committed to the Flames: The History and Rituals of a
Secret Masonic Rite by Arturo de Hoyos and S. Brent
Morris (Lewis Masonic): This book describes the effort
that successfully deciphered a custom Masonic Cipher
that resisted all efforts to break it for over a century.
The result revealed a secret set of ceremonies that were
used by a small Masonic group in New York.
Part I: Code and Cryptogram Strategies
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