Chapter 12
Anagrams and Cryptic
Puzzle 268
Anagram: FEATHERBRAIN TIN GHOST (2, 5, 3, 3, 7)
Puzzle 269
Anagram: I’m not interested in preserving the status quo;
Iwant to THRIVE TO ROW (9, 2). —Niccolo Machiavelli
Puzzle 270
Cryptic Clue: Countenance an unruly café (4)
Puzzle 271
Anagram: CHANCY PRESTIGE BISON (3, 10, 6)
Puzzle 272
Anagram: Freedom of the press is guaranteed only to
SOOTHE NEON WHOW (5, 3, 3, 3). —A. J. Liebling
Puzzle 273
Cryptic Clue: Palm tree rendezvous (4)
Puzzle 274
Anagram: Get your facts first, and then you can SMOTHER
DITT (7, 4) as much as you please. —Mark Twain
Puzzle 275
Cryptic clue: Higher great lake (8)
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
Puzzle 276
Anagram: Immorality: the morality of those who are
ATTENTIVE HERB MAGI (6, 1, 6, 4). —Henry Lewis Mencken
Puzzle 277
Anagram: SAD SEA RIVER (11)
Puzzle 278
Cryptic Clue: Chickens can be found in Athens (4)
Puzzle 279
Cryptic Clue: It’s untrue fleas get confused (5)
Puzzle 280
Anagram: A + B + C = Success if, A = Hard Work, B = Hard Play,
C = KEY IMPETUOUS HUG NORTH (7, 4, 5, 4). —Albert Einstein
Puzzle 281
Anagram: CLERIC LENGOD (6, 6)
Puzzle 282
Cryptic Clue: Exercise the locomotive (5)
Puzzle 283
Anagram: And Joseph . . . said unto them, SOUP ER ISAEY (3,
3, 5); you have come to observe the ESSAEKNEWS (10) of the
country. —Genesis 42:9, modern translation
Puzzle 284
Cryptic Clue: Lure held by a bonafide coyote (5)
Puzzle 285
Anagram: HERITAGE TRUMP MEN (6, 10)
Puzzle 286
Anagram: TROPHY GYP CAR (12)
Puzzle 287
Anagram: GET HOLD (3, 4)
Chapter 12: Anagrams and Cryptic Clues
Puzzle 288
Cryptic Clue: Cooked yam for a month? (3)
Puzzle 289
Cryptic Clue: Fish in fortunate places (4)
Puzzle 290
Anagram: Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting BALD
HATE RAT (1, 4, 6). —Plato
Puzzle 291
Anagram: UNWORO (3, 3)
Puzzle 292
Cryptic Clue: Gable mangled a bread roll (5)
Puzzle 293
Anagram: Friends come and go, but enemies CULMAUCETA
(10). —Henry David Thoreau
Puzzle 294
Anagram: BUDGET ALONE (6, 5)
Puzzle 295
Cryptic Clue: Nocturnal mammal hit the ball (3)
Puzzle 296
Cryptic Clue: Annoyed crucifix (5)
Puzzle 297
Anagram: EDIBLE DOVE WAFER (4, 7, 4)
Puzzle 298
Cryptic Clue: Ceremonies among the broken tiers (5)
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
Puzzle 299
Anagram: When cryptography TULIOSA DEW (2, 8), bayl bhg-
ynjf jvyy unir cevinpl. —Anonymous
Puzzle 300
Anagram: Do not regret growing old; many are IDLE
EIGHTEEN PRIVED (6, 3, 9). —Ogden Nash
Puzzle 301
Anagram: Scratch a lover, and OFFENDIA (4, 1, 3). —Dorothy
Puzzle 302
Cryptic clue: Don’t be scared by an unruly oat fern (4, 3)
Puzzle 303
Anagram: The only way to make a man trustworthy MUST
RIOT THIS (2, 2, 5, 3). —Henry L. Stimson
Puzzle 304
Cryptic Clue: Drink can be a part of acid erosion (5)
Puzzle 305
Anagram: UTMOST FINAL (4, 3, 4)
Puzzle 306
Cryptic Clue: Pairs jostling to get to the French capital (5)
Puzzle 307
Cryptic Clue: Long gun in humus ketchup (6)
Puzzle 308
Anagram: SPECTRA EEKE (4, 1, 6)
Puzzle 309
Cryptic Clue: Found in Hamburg undying? A nice red! (8)
Chapter 12: Anagrams and Cryptic Clues
Puzzle 310
Anagram: In 1765, Parliament passed the Stamp Act, which,
as any American high school student can tell you, was an act
that apparently HASN’T ADMITTED HOG SWIM PHOTO (3, 9,
2, 2, 4, 6). —Dave Barry
Puzzle 311
Cryptic Clue: Upright newspaper article (6)
Puzzle 312
Anagram: Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but
START NOVITIATE SONG HEN TOO (5, 2, 6, 3, 2, 4, 2). —
Agatha Christie
Puzzle 313
Anagram: OKLUG LOUTDLACOS (4, 4, 2, 2, 3)
Puzzle 314
Anagram: The hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who, in time of great moral crisis, ANNIHILATE TERRY
TITANIUM (8, 5, 10). —Dante
Puzzle 315
Cryptic Clue: Widespread army commander (7)
Puzzle 316
Cryptic Clue: Agitated magnate turns red (7)
Puzzle 317
Puzzle 318
Cryptic Clue: Citrus pies reveal agents (5)
Puzzle 319
Cryptic Clue: Reside in a Masonic group (5)
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