Part III: Hints and Answers to the Cryptos and Codes
Puzzle 157: A Freemason, therefore, should be a man of honor
and of conscience, preferring his duty to everything beside,
even to his life; independent in his opinions, and of good
morals; submissive to the laws, devoted to humanity, to his
country, to his family; kind and indulgent to his brethren,
friend of all virtuous men, and ready to assist his fellows by
all means in his power. Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma
Puzzle 158: Having violated that oath, you are no longer my
brother, as a Mason or otherwise.
Puzzle 159: . . . former General Arnold evaded my agents,
apparently by accident.
Puzzle 160: As we are both members of a society of gentle-
men, perhaps this incident can be forgotten.
Puzzle 161: The time for us to establish a public face has
come. You will establish that face as soon as possible.
Puzzle 162: In the best of circumstances, we shall simply
repossess that . . .
Puzzle 163: Have Vallandigham disband the Order of the Sons
of Liberty. We shall now be completely submerged.
Puzzle 164: We have long suspected that he has ordered unau-
thorized “side operations,” small jobs that piggy-backed on
authorized operations. However, such suspicions are hard to
Puzzle 165: My late grandfather, Wilford Carroll, was a
Freemason, and a member of the Scottish Rite. Upon his death
last year, I inherited some of his effects, including some books
that gave details of some old ciphers used in the Scottish Rite
over a century ago — one of which I am using here.
Puzzle 166: I strongly suspect that my electronic and tele-
phone communications are being monitored. I cannot directly
contact the personnel within CIA who could help me with this
matter. (Keyword = EDWINA)
Puzzle 167: The chief distinction of a diplomat is that he can
say no in such a way that it sounds like yes. Lester Bowles
Chapter 15: Answers to All Cryptograms and Puzzles
Puzzle 168: Democracy is the recurrent suspicion that more
than half of the people are right more than half of the time.
E.B. White
Puzzle 169: . . . the agents cannot betray one another, and I am
unlikely ever to be caught and hanged as a spy. The system
generally worked well . . . (Keyword = WASHINGTO[N])
Puzzle 170: . . . on Great Jones Street, my agents converged
there, only to find that but a few hours earlier he had removed
himself suddenly to another location. (Keyword = ABSCOND)
Puzzle 171: . . . Mrs. Carroll is not trained as a courier.
Although a widow, she is not much older than a girl herself.
Puzzle 172: The end is now just a matter of time. The time has
come to activate our preparations, to protect our assets for
some future generation.
Puzzle 173: Second, I feel myself watched as if by hawks, by
Union agents who would soon detect any attempt to set up an
organization. (Keyword = PIKE)
Puzzle 174: First, I disagree with your aims, most vigorously.
The empire that you propose be built on slavery would be a
cancerous tumor on a continental scale. Slavery is a disease,
an evil, bred from concern that values profit over humanity.
Like all diseases, and all evils, slavery comes with conse-
quences. Those who wrote their tolerance of slavery into the
Constitution ensured the bloodbath of the War Between the
States as readily as if they had staged that war themselves.
Puzzle 175: As long as I have known him, Mr. Mannheim has
occasionally made unusual requests of his staff, both here
and abroad.
Puzzle 176: Two of my colleagues who were bold enough to
voice suspicions about this have been suddenly ‘transferred’,
although no one seems to know where.
Chapter 9
Puzzle 177: . . . give support to His Majesty’s Army.
Puzzle 178: . . . American would-be traitor
Part III: Hints and Answers to the Cryptos and Codes
Puzzle 179: . . . commander of the Continental Army forces at
West Point.
Puzzle 180: Your terms are acceptable.
Puzzle 181: The existence of the Inner Circle must remain
invisible to him.
Puzzle 182: . . . charges of treason . . .
Puzzle 183: Let the Northeast have its swollen cities and its
Puzzle 184: . . . be the hidden hand, not the public face.
Puzzle 185: You do not know me. I, however, know a fair
amount about you.
Puzzle 186: . . . the manila envelope and its contents.
Puzzle 187: Diplomacy — lying in state. Oliver Herford
Puzzle 188: Alice Carroll
Puzzle 189: . . . variety of plans and maps relating to West Point.
Puzzle 190: . . . give my love to my cousin Charles.
Puzzle 191: . . . this asset shall finance the next conflict.
Puzzle 192: How good of you it is to contact me after all these
Puzzle 193: Change the name to “Order of the American
Knights,” working through Vallandigham’s aides.
Puzzle 194: Do not present the contents of the manila enve-
lope to your associates.
Puzzle 195: You may be assured that your application for the
CIA will be given expeditious treatment.
Puzzle 196: . . . this message will disappear from your screen
within ten seconds of your reaching the last line.
Chapter 15: Answers to All Cryptograms and Puzzles
Puzzle 197: Gentlemen do not read each other’s mail. Henry
Puzzle 198: Anarchism is a game at which the police can beat
you. George Bernard Shaw
Puzzle 199: Have we established my credentials?
Puzzle 200: I appeal to you as a brother Mason.
Puzzle 201: The agents never meet each other or him.
Puzzle 202: Although we never met, I expect that he remains a
true son of the Confederacy.
Puzzle 203: Surely someone within the Scottish Rite in this
area is affiliated with the CIA.
Puzzle 204: . . . exchange my Major John André for General
Benedict Arnold.
Puzzle 205: A little rebellion now and then is a good thing.
Thomas Jefferson
Puzzle 206: I hate to spread rumors, but what else can one do
with them? Amanda Lear
Puzzle 207: Something unpleasant is coming when men are
anxious to tell the truth. [Benjamin] Disraeli
Chapter 10
Puzzle 208: . . . to what did I compare her beauty?
Puzzle 209: I have this day received my commission as com-
mander of West Point.
Puzzle 210: . . . rebuked by both Congress and General
Washington . . .
Puzzle 211: I am authorized to make you a final offer of 20,000
Part III: Hints and Answers to the Cryptos and Codes
Puzzle 212: . . . agitating for American expansion into the
Golden Circle of a 1,000 mile radius, centered on Havana.
Puzzle 213: My meetings with the British representatives go
well, although yet without fruit.
Puzzle 214: . . . heart to see the opportunities that this conti-
nent offers to men of vision and strength of will.
Puzzle 215: This shall be my last message to you.
Puzzle 216: If you simply get this message to someone at the
CIA, they will take care of verifying the rest.
Puzzle 217: However, I’ve recently become aware of the work
of someone whom you might find of interest.
Puzzle 218: . . . focusing on neutralizing the efforts of the
enemies of the nation to spy on America.
Puzzle 219: One final tip to rebels: always have a second pro-
fession in reserve. Nigel Nicolson
Puzzle 220: . . . let slip that his chief of spies, Major John
André, would be meeting with a well-placed traitor just south
of West Point, on September 21st.
Puzzle 221: Anyone who raises the slightest suspicion is to be
detained and searched.
Puzzle 222: She had no part in any of this.
Puzzle 223: . . . imminent war between North and South . . .
Puzzle 224: You shall have our future in your hands, guard it
Puzzle 225: I must look ahead to the very real possibility that
we shall not prevail — not this time, at least.
Puzzle 226: Suggest you consider Burton Mannheim, currently
at FBI National Security Division (hired 15 June 1977), may be
our kind of operative
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