Part II
Secret Stories,
Codes, and
Cryptogram Puzzles
In this part . . .
ou’re confronted with three tales of conspiracy, com-
posed by Freemason and writer Mark E. Koltko-Rivera.
One conspiracy dates to the days of the Revolutionary War;
another takes place over the course of 70 years before and
after the Civil War; and the third takes place — well, yester-
day, today, and tomorrow. Ah, but important phrases and
portions of each story are in code! How will you ever dis-
cover the truth of these conspiracies?
By solving the many puzzles we include in this part. The
solutions give you the coded pieces of the story to plug
into Chapter 3 so you can read our conspiracy stories.
If you’re more interested in the puzzles than the stories,
you can work through Chapters 4 through 13 for fun, with-
out ever deciphering Chapter 3. Plus you can  nd plenty
of cryptograms in this part that aren’t related to the sto-
ries at all. No matter what you prefer, this part is  lled
with enough codes and cryptograms to keep you busy for
quite some time!
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