Cracking Codes & Cryptograms For Dummies
If you want to discover more about letter frequency
analysis — a basic skill for solving cryptograms — you
can delve into coauthor Denise’s book Word Searches
For Dummies (Wiley). For an academic treatise, try
Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution by
Helen Fouché Gaines (Dover).
How This Book Is Organized
This book is divided into three parts. Read on for more
information about each.
Part I: Code and Cryptogram
We start off by giving you some background information on
codes and cryptograms, both from an historical perspective
and from a practical perspective. If you want to know what
sorts of secret codes were used during World War II, or if
you want to know how to solve a Caesar Box Cipher, head to
this part.
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes,
and Cryptogram Puzzles
This part makes up the majority of the book and includes the
super-secret conspiracy stories as well as all the puzzles you
need to solve the stories! Decipher some of the additional
puzzles to discover some entertaining quotations.
Part III: Hints and Answers
to the Cryptos and Codes
This part is exactly what it sounds like. Here we give you hints
and answers for all the puzzles in the book.
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