Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
___________________________________________________ (261).
___________________________________________________ (338).
Arriving home hours later and hearing from my housekeeper
of your agent’s departure, I took off at a gallop to intercept
her before the British sentries discovered her message. I was
stopped and searched by sentries twice before finding her.
___________________________________________________ (339).
___________________________________________________ (342).
I myself then was stopped a third time, and searched at
length while she made her departure. _____________________
___________________________________________________ (259).
The sentries, sensing some agitation in me, refused me passage;
your agent made her journey alone. I had no rest until I learned,
four days later, of her safe return to ___________________ (331).
___________________________________________________ (343).
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
Most sincerely yours,
the agent known as
___________________________________________________ (320)
The following commendation, in cipher, was placed in the
archives of the Continental Congress, passing into the hands of
the Central Intelligence Agency, shortly after its founding in 1947.
____________________________________________________ (30).
The Conspiracy of the Golden
Circle: 1805–1875
This conspiracy begins in the years of Thomas Jefferson’s
presidency, not long after the Revolutionary War. It continues
in the decades leading to the Civil War (1860–1864) and sur-
vives into the decade following the war.
January 4, 1805
General James Wilkinson
Governor Appointee, Louisiana Territory
Dear General and Governor Appointee Wilkinson,
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the little
arrangement that we have established._____________________
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
_____________________________________________________ (8).
____________________________________________________ (47).
All of this is of no consequence to me, of course. It merely
proves to me that you have the ___________________________
__________________________________________________ (214).
We can make a part of this continent _________________ (291).
___________________________________________________ (183).
I would rather __________________________________________
____________________________________________________ (86),
___________________________________________________ (115).
What say you? __________________________________________
_____________________________________________________ (6).
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
Aaron Burr
Vice President of the United States of America
June 17, 1805
The Man of Green
Lexington, Kentucky
Dear Green,
___________________________________________________ (241).
On the larger question: I agree that our arrangement must
become _________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (149).
____________________________________________________ (62).
___________________________________________________ (243).
___________________________________________________ (213).
We carry on.
As always,
Aaron Burr
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
August 5, 1807
__________________ (336):
____________________________________________________ (96).
____________________________________________________ (49).
____________________________________________________ (22).
Burr was acquitted from his federal ________________________
________ (182) because of lack of verifiable evidence.
July 3, 1826
___________________________________________________ (215).
___________________________________________________ (151).
___________________________________________________ (118).
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