Chapter 3: Solving Stories
____________________________________________________ (52).
____________________________________________________ (11).
Ten seconds to the disappearance of this message.
September 12, 2010
Mr. Brandon Grave, 33rd Degree
Cryptographic Archivist
The Scottish Rite
Dear Mr. Grave,
I am sure that receiving an enciphered message like this will
be something of a shock. ________________________________
___________________________________________________ (155).
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
_________________________________ (165). In addition, he had
some books of yours on old Masonic ciphers. I thought you
were the best person to receive a message enciphered with an
antique Masonic cipher. I remember my grandfather speaking
warmly of his Masonic and Scottish Rite associations. _______
___________________________________________________ (156).
____________________________________________________ (23).
___________________________________________________ (175).
___________________________________________________ (164).
___________________________________________________ (254).
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
__________________________ (176). ________________________
___________________________________________________ (166).
I ask your help in this matter. _____________________________
________________________________ (203). If you would please
supply this person with a decrypted copy of this message
___________________________________________________ (153).
I know that this sounds crazy. Perhaps you can look up my
grandfather’s name in some Scottish Rite directory, which will
verify that part of the story. ______________________________
___________________________________________________ (216).
____________________________________________________ (99).
With hope,
Allison Carroll
There is little time.
________________________________ (77). ___________________
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
___________________________________________________ (349).
___________________________________________________ (109).
___________________________________________________ (350).
September 23, 2010
Special Agent Georgette Grenfell
The Federal Bureau of Investigation
The United States Department of Justice
Ms. Grenfell,
___________________________________________________ (351)
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
The text of a plaque placed in a classified trophy room within
the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency, Langley,
__________________________________________________ (39)
..................Content has been hidden....................

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