Chapter 3
Solving Stories
In This Chapter
Diving into an American Revolutionary War conspiracy
Following a Civil War–era conspiracy
Uncovering a modern-day conspiracy
his book contains a wealth of ciphers for you to crack.
Some of them are quotations or apt sayings. But most of
our messages offer you something more — not just one con-
spiracy story, but three!
We tried to write the full stories for you in this chapter, but
the government censor discovered the letters and docu-
ments, and now large sections of each story are missing and
encrypted. Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to deci-
pher the missing portions from each story and unearth the
real story of what happened!
To solve these conspiracy stories, simply find the puzzle number
next to each gap, and solve that cipher in Part II to fill in the gap!
If you don’t want to follow the stories in this chapter, that’s
perfectly fine too. You can solve all the ciphers in this book
just for the fun of it, without putting them into the story.
The Conspiracy of West Point:
This conspiracy takes place during the days of the American
Revolutionary War.
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
In the spring of 1779, at the height of the American Revolution,
an unexpected message is passed to Major John André, who
has recently been _______________________________________
May 1, 1779
To Major John André, of British Secret Intelligence
Dearest Sir,
___________________________________________________ (113).
We have known each other as ____________________ (277) on
the field of combat. However, _____________________________
____________________________________________________ (60).
Please consider this offer and let me know how we might pro-
ceed to pursue this opportunity.
Very truly yours,
General Benedict Arnold
Continental Army
___________________________________________________ (236).
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
He has to establish ______________________________________
___________________________________________________ (126).
He replies:
May 12, 1779
To General Benedict Arnold, Continental Army
Greetings. Well did you say that your message would come to
me as a surprise. You will no doubt pardon my need to
___________________________________________________ (19).
As you are well aware, ___________________________________
___________________________________________________ (70).
May I ask you to ask her: _________________________________
___________________________________________________ (208),
when we stood __________________________________________
__________________________________________________ (248)?
Major John André
His Majesty’s Army
The _______________________________________________ (178)
responds to Major André’s challenge:
May 23, 1779
To Major John André, His Majesty’s Army
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
My ________________________________________________ (297)
informs me that _________________________________________
________________________________________________ (147), at
which you ______________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (95).
__________________________________________________ (199)?
General Benedict Arnold
Continental Army
___________________________________________________ (112).
May 31, 1779
Dear General Arnold,
____________________________________________________ (2).
Major John André
His Majesty’s Army
Major André seeks authority from his own _________________
__________________________________________________ (275).
June 15, 1779
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
To General Sir Henry Clinton
Dear General Sir Clinton,
I have recently been contacted by none other than General
Benedict Arnold of the Continental Army. __________________
____________________________________ (4). For these reasons
he _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________________ (237) and
(177). I seek your authority to ___________________________
___________________________________________________ (146).
By your leave,
Major John André
His Majesty’s Army
By July 1779, General Benedict Arnold is ___________________
___________________________________________________ (43).
Arnold dickered with ____________________________________
___________________________________ (84). Negotiations are
halted in October 1779, when the progress of the war makes
communications difficult. In April 1780, General Arnold is
for not _________________________________________________
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