Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
___________________________________________________ (194).
___________________________________________________ (154).
____________________________________________________ (54).
___________________________________________________ (317),
and, when it has served its purpose, _______________________
___________________________________________________ (186).
Your compliance with these requests will demonstrate to me
____________________________________________________ (89).
October 27, 1978
___________________________________________________ (131).
Later that day, __________________________________________
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
____________________________________________________ (53).
I understand that Mannheim is set to receive quite the
September 10, 1983
Special Agent Mannheim,
Congratulations on your marriage to the lovely Ms. Loretta
Heron. May you have many happy years together.
Now, my young family man, the time has come to consider a
change of venue for your career.
You have done a magnificent job at the National Security
Division of the FBI. ______________________________________
____________________________________________________ (24),
as well as Justice, within the FBI itself, in Washington and else-
where. It is time now to hunt for bigger game.
___________________________________________________ (244)
____________________________________________________ (65).
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
Yes, it would be more analysis than fieldwork, but you would
be _____________________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (218).
________________________________ (195). __________________
_________________________________ (120), I would expect that
you would do very well in this position. As always, I shall be
glad to feed you the information that I can.
Do let me know through our usual channels what you will do
about this recommendation. ______________________________
___________________________________________________ (108).
January 10, 1992
Mr. Burton Mannheim
Directorate of Intelligence
Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Mannheim,
I welcome the questions that you sent in your recent
communication. _________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (227).
Chapter 3: Solving Stories
As you have guessed, no, I am not affiliated with any agency of
the United States government. Nor am I an agent with a
foreign power. __________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (265).
However, as you can guess from the number of foreign agents
I have thrown your way over the last dozen years and more,
my organization has the interests of America close to heart.
No, Jade is not my real name.______________________________
____________________________________________________ (12).
I hope that this satisfies your inquiries for the moment. To
deal with other matters, I agree heartily that this is the time
for you to transfer back to Operations, where some interest-
ing challenges await you.
It is good that you have kept your word ____________________
____________________________________________________ (66).
As per usual, ____________________________________________
___________________________________________________ (196).
Part II: Secret Stories, Codes, and Cryptogram Puzzles
August 27, 2010
Mr. Burton Mannheim
Directorate of Operations, Central Intelligence Agency
Mr. Mannheim,
I am glad to hear that your youngest has successfully
departed for college. When the time comes, I do have a sug-
gestion for a fraternity with which I have an association. Just a
thought. My best regards to Loretta.
Something has come up regarding one of my organization’s
projects. We are in search of _____________________________
_____________________________________________________ (9).
What I would like you to do is to __________________________
___________________________________________________ (234).
____________________________________________________ (90).
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