Cracking Codes & Cryptograms For Dummies
dare!). Or work well into the night to decipher all the puzzles
relating to The Conspiracy of West Point (see Chapter 3 for
more about this conspiracy). If you get stuck at any point,
check out the hints in Chapter 14. And don’t forget to check
your answers against Chapter 15.
Conventions Used in This Book
To make working through this book a little easier for you, we
set some conventions early on. (We thought about creating a
secret society and ensuring you were initiated into it before
we let you in on those conventions, but then we realized that
hanging you from the ceiling by your ankles as you held burn-
ing candles in each hand could get a little messy, what with
the drippy wax and all. Just kidding!) Everything you need to
know is right here:
In Chapter 3, we present you with three conspiracy sto-
ries that just happen to have large chunks of text miss-
ing. At the end of each chunk of missing text, we include
a puzzle number in parentheses. Find that puzzle in
Part II, solve it, and write the answer into the blanks
in Chapter 3.
All puzzles in this book have a difficulty rating of Easy,
Tricky, or Treacherous. Use that rating to select your
preferred level of difficulty, and don’t be afraid to chal-
lenge yourself from time to time!
If you get stuck on any puzzle, regardless of difficulty
level, flip to Chapter 14. There we give you a hint to help
you solve each puzzle. And don’t worry, the answers are
in Chapter 15, so you won’t accidentally see the solution
when you’re looking up the hint. (We would never ruin
your fun like that!)
Although some of the shorter puzzles in this book look
like they’re easy to solve (and some of the long puzzles
look downright impossible), remember that length can
be deceiving! If you don’t have enough room to decipher
a puzzle on any given page, we recommend using scrap
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