Abstract class, 137139

versus fully defined class and interface, 139140

Abstract data type, 31

Abstract method, 29

abstract modifier, 138


data, 2728

Accessor method, 57

Activation record, 209, 334

Active method, 208

Acyclic graph, 646, 648, 667, 669, 693694

Adjacent vertices, 644

Aggregation, 51

Algorithm, 105

connectedness, 658659

divide-and-conquer, 476477

longest path, 667669

minimum spanning tree, 659663

shortest path, 663667

Algorithm analysis, 105121

Alternate implementation(s)

of the BinarySearchTree class, 449451

of the HashMap class, 626635, 640

of the LinkedList class, 294295, 323

A-maze-ing application, 195208

Ancestor, 379, 439

Application Programming Interface (API), 6


backtracking through a maze, 195208

backtracking through a network, 686689, 695697

converting from infix to postfix, 338343

creating a symbol table, 617625

high-precision arithmetic, 251257

how compilers implement recursion, 334337

Huffman encoding, 573590

line editor, 300315

simulated car wash, 351365

spell checker, 530536

thesaurus, 517525

Approval voting (project), 545547

Argument, 19

ArrayList class, 234251

fields in, 248

heading of, 246247

versus LinkedList class, 150, 282285

ArrayList objects,

serializing, 247, 701702

simple program using, 244246

Arrays class

binarySearch, 112113, 180

sort (Merge Sort), 470476

(Quick Sort), 477489

assertArrayEquals, 62, 458

assertEquals, 62

Association, 51

Attribute in Unified Modeling Language, 49

Automatic garbage collection, 93

averageSpace(n), 106

averageTime(«), 106

important assumption for, 106

AVL tree, 435436

height of, 436438

AVLTree class, 438441

fixAfterDeletion method (project), 451454

fixAfterInsertion method (project), 455


BackTrack class, 193195

Backtracking, 191195

a-maze-ing application, 195198

Eight Queens (project), 221222

Knight's Tour (project), 222224

Numbrix (project), 227231

Sudoku (project), 225226

through a network, 686689, 695697

Balance factor, 438439

Balanced binary search tree, 430435

AVL tree, 435436

red-black tree, 501504

rotations, 431435

Base of a logarithm, 707

Base case, 709

Big-O notation, 106116

Big-Omega notation, 116

Big-Theta notation, 117119

Biglnteger class, 251

Binary search, 112113, 180185

Binary search tree, 402

AVL tree, 435436

red-black tree, 501504

rotations, 431435

Binary tree, 377392

branches and leaves, 378379

chain, 384

complete, 381383

decision tree, 468

definition, 377

external path length, 385

full, 381

Huffman tree, 576

properties, 378386

traversals, 386392

two-tree, 381

Binary Tree Theorem, 383

BinarySearchTree class, 403427

add method, 416418

alternative implementation, 449450

contains method, 414, 420

embedded Entry class, 411412

embedded TreeIterator class, 427430

fields, 411

method specifications, 407408

remove method, 418426

testing, 410411

TreeIterator embedded class, 427430

BinarySearchTreeTest class, 410411


dynamic, 49

late, 49

Bit-wise operators,

& (and), 605, 608

^ (exclusive or), 608

<< (left shift), 382

>> (right shift, 112

>>> (unsigned right shift), 608

Black-height, 716718

Bottom-up testing, 91

Boundary condition, 66

Boxing, 141

Branch, 378

Breadth-first iterator, 651654, 683

break statement, 73

Bubble Sort, 463464

Bytecode, 92


CalendarDate (project), 58

Car wash (application), 351365

randomizing the arrival times, 362365

CarWash class, 354361

Car class, 356, 359

CarWashTest class, 355

CarWashUser class, 361362

fields, 355357

UML diagram, 357

catch block, 6869, 73

with finally block, 81

with try block, 6869

chain in a binary tree, 384

Chained hashing, 609610

char type, 23

Checked exception, 7778

Circularity in LinkedList class, 298

Circularity in SinglyLinkedList class (project), 322

Class, 37

abstract, 137139

ArrayList, 234251

Arrays, 112113, 180, 470475, 477489

AVLTree, 438441

BackTrack, 193195

BigInteger, 251

CalendarDate, 58

Car, 356, 359

CarWash, 354361

CarWashTest, 355

CarWashUser, 361362

Collections, 256, 476

Company, 3537

CompanyTest, 6466

constant, 6061

constructor, 45, 43, 92

contiguous, 133

DecimalToBinaryTest, 163

Editor, 304312

EditorTest, 306307

EditorUser, 312315

embedded, 269

Entry, 268269

in BinarySearchTree class, 412

in HashMap class, 610

in Huffman class, 580

in LinkedList class, 295

in SinglyLinkedList class, 268269

in TreeMap class, 513

FactorialTest, 157158

Field, 1

FullTimeEmployee, 3234

FullTimeEmployeeTest, 6263

Hasher, 620625

HashIterator, 615619

HashMap, 603615

HashSet, 625626

HourlyEmployee, 3843

HourlyEmployeeTest, 6667

Huffman, 581586

HuffmanTest, 582

HuffmanUser, 586589

HuffmanUserTest, 587

Immutable, 20

implementing an interface, 3234

inheritance, 3743

instance variables, 59

LinkedList, 295300

ListItr, 285291

Mutable, 2122

Network, 669686

NetworkTest, 677

Nothing, 19

PriorityQueue, 552566

Random, 122126

SalariedEmployee, 46

SinglyLinkedList, 268276

SinglyLinkedListIterator, 276279

SpellChecker, 531534

SpellCheckerTest, 533

SpellCheckerUser, 534536

String, 49

Swap, 2021

Thesaurus, 518521

ThesaurusTest, 519520

ThesaurusUser, 521525

ThesaurusUserTest, 521522

TreeIterator, 427430

TreeMap, 509517

TreeSet, 525-530

VeryLongInt, 252257

VeryLongIntTest, 253

VeryLongIntUser, 257

VeryLongIntUserTest, 257

Class constant, 6061

Class variable, 60

clone method, 237238

Cloneable interface, 246247

close() method in PrintWriter class, 82, 85

Clustering in open-address hashing

primary, 631632

Co-domain (of a function), 705

Collection interface, 141142

Collections class, 256, 476

Collision, 606

Collision handling

with chained hashing, 609611

with open-address hashing, 626634

Company class, 3537

CompanyTest class, 6466

Comparable interface, 179

Comparator interface, 465468

Compiler: implementing recursion, 334338

Complete binary tree, 381383

Computer simulation, 350351

Concordance (project), 543545

Conditional operator (?:), 300

Connectedness, 646647, 658659

Constant (independent of n), 111, 117

Constant identifier, 60

Constructor, 45, 30, 43

copy, 236237

default, 4, 43

inheritance and, 43

Contiguous-collection class, 136, 234251, 329332, 552566

Contiguous elements, 17, 136

Conversion formulas, 135

Converting from infix notation,

to postfix notation, 338343

to prefix notation, 343346

tokens, 342343

transition matrix, 341342


shallow, 236237

Copy constructor, 236237

Correctness, 61

Cost of recursion, 209210

Covariant subtyping, 237

Critical activity, 668

Critical path, 668

Current line (in line editor), 300

Cycle, 646, 669


Data abstraction, 27

principle of, 2728

Data structure, 31

Dead end, in backtracking, 191

Decimal to binary (application), 162167

Decision tree, 468469

Decoding a Huffman-encoded message (project), 595597

Default constructor, 4, 43

Default visibility, 93

versus visibility modifiers, 9394, 100

Depth of an element, 381

Depth-first iterator, 654658

Depth-first search, 390391

Dequeue, 347

Deserialize, 702

Design pattern, 147

divide-and-conquer, 476477, 484

greedy, 578, 663, 664, 686, 692693

iterator, 147

Dictionary, 505

Dijkstra's Algorithm, 663667, 683686

Directed graph (digraph), 647648

Directed tree, 648649

Directed weighted graph, 649


Poisson, 362365

uniform, 122

Divide-and-conquer algorithms, 476477, 484

Domain (of a function), 705

Double hashing, 632635, 638, 640

Double rotation, 434435

Doubly linked list, 267268

Dummy entry, 295

Dynamic binding, 49


Earliest time for an event, 668

Edge, 643

Editor class, 304312

EditorTest class, 306307

EditorUser class, 312315

EditorUserTest class, 313

Efficiency of methods (estimating), 105119

Eight Queens (project), 221222

Embedded class, 269

Employee interface, 3132

Encapsulation, 48

Encoding, 573

prefix-free, 573575

Enhanced for statement, 145147

Enqueue, 347

Entry class

in BinarySearchTree class, 412

in HashMap class, 610

in Huffman class, 580

in LinkedList class, 295

in SinglyLinkedList class, 268269

in TreeMap class, 513

reason for static modifier, 296

Entry interface, 610


of objects, 79

of references, 89

untestability of double values for, 6667

equals method, 8, 94, 411

in Object class, 9495

overriding, 9596


in JUnit, 76

Evaluation of a condition (project), 371374

Event-driven simulation, 354

Exception, 6, 68

checked, 7778

handling of, 6874

propagating, 7174

testing, 6971, 7477

thrown, 6869

Execution frame, 159161

Exponential-time method, 119

Expression tree, 389390

Expression, 4445

extends, 38

External path length, 385

External Path Length Theorem, 385386


Factorial, 156159

execution frames, 159161

FactorialTest class, 157158


in JUnit, 76

Fail-fast iterators, 703704

Fairness in priority queue, 557, 566

Fast sorts

Heap Sort, 567573

Merge Sort, 470475

Quick Sort, 477489

Feedback, 350

Fibonacci numbers, 167

Fibonacci tree, 437

Field(s), 1

in the ArrayList class, 248

in the BinarySearchTree class, 411

in the CarWash class, 355357

in the Editor class, 307308

in the Hasher class, 621

in the HashMap class, 610611

in the LinkedList class, 295

in the Network class, 680681

in the SinglyLinkedList class, 273

in the SpellCheck class, 533

in the Thesaurus class, 520

in the TreeMap class, 512

in the VeryLongInt class, 254

pre-initialization of, 92


input, 1216

output, 8191

sorting (project), 497499

final modifier, 60

finally block, 81

Finite sequence, 706

First-in, first-out (FIFO)

in a queue, 347

fixAfterDeletion method

in AVLTree class (project), 455

in TreeMap class (lab), 517

fixAfterInsertion method

in AVLTree class (project), 451454

in TreeMap class (lab), 515

Full binary tree, 381

FullTimeEmployee class, 3234

Function, 705

growth rate of, 117119

and map, 705


Garbage, 92

automatic collection of, 9293


a minimum spanning tree, 659663


exercise, 215216

lab experiment, 191

pseudorandom values, 122

Generic type, 140141


acyclic, 646, 648, 667, 669, 693694

algorithms, 651669

cycle, 646, 669

directed, 647648

edge, 643

neighbor, 644

path, 644

undirected, 643

vertex, 643

weighted, 649

Graph algorithms

breadth-first traversal, 651654

connectedness, 658659

depth-first traversal, 654658

longest path, 667669

minimum spanning tree, 659663

shortest path, 663667

Greedy algorithm, 578

Dijkstra's algorithm, 663667, 683686

Huffman's algorithm, 573577

Prim's algorithm, 659663

Growth rates, 117119


Has-a, 47

Hash classes

HashMap, 603615

HashSet, 625626

Hasher class, 620625

Hashing, 606

chained, 606612

double, 632635, 638, 640

identifiers, 617625

Uniform Hashing Assumption, 609

HashIterator class, 615619

HashMap class, 603615

chaining, 606612

fields in, 610611

implementation of, 612614

views (entrySet(), keyset(), values()), 616

HashSet class, 625626


of the ArrayList class, 246

of the BinarySearchTree class, 406

of the HashMap class, 603

of the LinkedList class, 295

of the Network class, 670

Heap, 553554

Heap Sort, 567573


black height, 716718

of an AVL tree, 436438

of a binary search tree, 434436

of a binary tree, 339, 447448 of a red-black tree, 503504

Hexadecimal notation (exercise), 25

High-precision arithmetic (application), 251257

HourlyCompany class, 44

HourlyEmployee class, 3842

HourlyEmployeeTest class, 6667

How fast can we sort, 468469


Huffman class, 581586

Huffman encoding, 574

Huffman tree, 574

HuffmanTest class, 582

HuffmanUser class, 586589

HuffmanUserTest class, 587


Identifier, 617

Imbalance ancestor, 439

Immutable, 20

Immutable class, 20

import directive, 12

In-place sorting, 461, 572

Index-related method, 147

Indirect recursion, 208209

Induction and recursion, 719

Infinite recursion, 177

Infix notation, 338

converting to postfix, 338343

converting to prefix, 343346

Information hiding, 48

Inheritance, 3743

and constructors, 43

multiple inheritance (not allowed), 139

Insertion Sort, 459461

Instance variables, 59

instanceof operator, 96

Integrated Web Browser and Search Engine (project),

ArrayList, 264266

GUI, 102104

HashMap, 640642

LinkedList, 328

Network, 698700

PriorityQueue, 595598

TreeMap, 548550


Application Programming Interface, 6

Collection interface, 141142

Comparable interface, 179

Comparator interface, 465468

Employee interface, 3132

Iterator interface, 143144

List interface, 147

ListIterator interface, 285287

Map interface, 504508

Queue interface, 348

Set interface, 403

SortedMap interface, 508

SortedSet interface, 525

Interning of strings, 8

Intractable problem, 119

Invariant subtyping, 237

Is-a, 47

Iterative method, 161

Iterator, 143

bi-directional, 285

breadth-first, 651654, 682

depth-first, 654658

design pattern, 143

fail fast, 703704


Java Collections Framework, 133

Java Virtual Machine, 92

java.util, 12

javadoc notation, 67

JUnit, 6167, 6970, 7477

assertArrayEquals, 62, 458

assertEquals, 62

error, 76

exception testing, 7475

fail(), 90 failure, 76

no testing of Big-O claims, 131

no testing double values for equality, 66

stub testing, 64, 76, 307

test first, 6364


Key part in a map, 504

Knight's Tour (project), 222224


Last-in, first-out (LIFO),

in a stack, 32

Late binding, 49

Latest time (for an event), 668

Leaf, 378

Leap year, 71

LeapYear class, 72

LeapYearTest class, 7476

Left child, 379

Left rotation

followed by right rotation, 434435


of a path in a graph, 645

of a path in a network, 650

Let's Make a Deal (project), 131132

Level of an element, 380381

Line editor (application), 300315

Linear in n, 117

Linear-logarithmic in n, 117

Link, 267

Linked list, 267

doubly linked list, 268

singly linked list, 268

LinkedList class, 295300

alternate implementation (project), 323

iterators, 285291

versus ArrayList class, 282285, 291

List interface, 147

loadFactor, 611-612

Local variable, 912

explicit initialization, 10

Logarithmic in n, 117

Logarithms, 707708

Longest path through a network, 667668

Lower bound on sorting, 468469


main method, 1, 35

Map, 504

Map interface, 504508

embedded Entry interface, 610

Mathematical background

functions and sequences, 705719

logarithms, 707708

mathematical induction, 708719

sums and products, 706707

Mathematical induction. See Principle of Mathematical


and recursion, 719

Mathematical model, 350

Maze (application), 195208

Mean arrival time, 362

Median, 478

finding in linear-in-n time (exercise), 495496

of medians, 488

Member of a class, 35

Member-selection operator, 7

Merge Sort

in Arrays class, 470476

in Collections class, 476


in Huffman encoding, 573

in object-oriented language, 7

Method, 1

abstract, 29

accessor, 57

active, 208

exponential-time, 119

final, 61

iterative, 161

local variables in, 912

mutator, 57

overloading, 5

overriding, 3738

polynomial-time, 119

private, 39, 94

protected, 39, 94

public, 39, 94

recursive, 208209

signature, 5

static, 61

testing of, 6167, 6970, 7477

timing of, 121122

virtual, 49

Method specification, 56

in javadoc notation, 67

Minimum spanning tree, 659663

Model, 350

mathematical, 350

physical, 350

Modifier. See Visibility modifier,

abstract, 138

final, 6061

private, 39, 94

protected, 39, 94

public, 39, 94

static, 6061

transient, 248

Modularity, 34

Modulus operator (%), 2

Mutable class, 2122

Mutator method, 57


Natural logarithm, 708

Neighbor, 644

Nested class, 269

Network, 649689

backtracking through, 686689, 695697

finding longest path, 667669

finding minimum spanning tree, 659663

finding shortest path, 663667

Network class, 669686

NetworkTest class, 677

project network, 667

Traveling Salesperson Problem (project), 694695

new operator, 4

node, 136


Big-O, 106116

Big-Omega, 116

Big-Theta, 117119

infix, 338

javadoc, 57

postfix, 339

prefix, 343

null keyword, 7

NullPointerException, 78


Object class, 4647

overriding equals method of, 9496

Object-oriented concepts, 2749

Open-address hashing, 626637

double hashing, 632635, 638, 640

primary clustering, 631632

Open-Closed Principle, 38


bitwise and (&), 605, 608

bitwise exclusive or (^), 608

bitwise left shift (<<), 382

bitwise right shift (>>), 112

unsigned (>>>), 608

conditional (? :), 300

equality (==), 8

instanceof, 96

modulus (%), 2

new, 4,

Output file, 8191

Overloading of methods, 5

Overriding of methods, 3738


Package, 93

Parameterized type, 140141

Parent, 379

Path, 381, 644

cycle, 646, 669

length, 645

Path length

external, 385

Path Rule, 502

Performance requirements, 120

Permutation, generating

exercise, 215216

lab experiment, 191

Persistent object, 702

Physical model, 350

Poisson distribution, 362365

Polymorphism, 4849

Polynomial-time method, 119

Postcondition, 6, 28

Postfix notation, 338

converting from infix to, 338343

Pre-initialization of fields, 92

Precondition, 28

Prefix notation, 343

converting from infix to, 343346

Prefix-free encoding, 573575

Prim's Algorithm, 659663

Primary clustering, 631632

Primitive type, 2

Principle of Data Abstraction, 2728

Principle of Mathematical Induction, 708

general form, 711

strong form, 710

Priority queue, 551

heap implementation of, 553556

in Huffman encoding, 575

in minimum-spanning-tree algorithm, 660

in shortest-path algorithm, 664

PriorityQueue class, 552566

private visibility, 39, 94

versus other visibility modifiers, 9394, 100


quadratic, 635

Program modularity, 34

Project network, 667669

critical activity, 668

critical path, 668

earliest time of an event, 668

latest time of an event, 668

project length, 667668

sink, 667

slack time of an activity, 668

source, 667

topological order, 669

topological sorting, 669

Propagating exceptions, 7174

protected visibility, 39, 94

fields, 39

methods, 42

testing protected methods, 306

versus other visibility modifiers, 39, 94

Pseudo-random number generator, 122

public visibility, 39, 94

versus other visibility modifiers, 39, 94

Public-key cryptography, 251

Punched-card sorters, 489

PurePriorityQueue class, 552

PureQueue class, 349

PureStack class, 333


Quadratic in n, 117

Quadratic probing, 635

Queue, 347

computer simulation, 350365

dequeue, 347

enqueue, 347

Queue interface, 348

implemented by LinkedList class, 348

implemented by PriorityQueue class, 552

Quick Sort, 477484

optimizations, 484489

Quotient-offset collision handler, 632633


Radix Sort, 489492

Random access, 134

Random class, 122126

Random number, 122

Random-number generator, 122


arrival times in simulation, 362365

variable seed in Random class, 123

Reachable vertices, 651

Recursion, 155210

activation record, 209, 334

backtracking, 191195

cost of, 209210

decimal to binary (application), 162167

definition, 209

divide and conquer, 476477

execution frame, 159161

factorial, 156159 indirect, 208209

induction and, 719

infinite, 177

maze searching (application), 195208

stack frame, 304

stack-based implementation, 334338

Towers of Hanoi (application), 167179

versus iteration, 161

Recursive definition, 377

Red Rule, 502

Red-black tree, 502

height of, 504, 715718

in TreeMap implementation, 504

Reference variables, 4

testing equality of (==), 8

Right child, 379

Right rotation, 433

followed by left rotation, 435

Robust program, 68

Root element, 377, 648

Rotation, 431

double, 434435

left, 431433

properties of, 435

right, 433434

Run-time analysis, 121126

of sort methods (lab), 492


SalariedEmployee class (lab), 46

Scanner class, 1217

delimiter, 12

InputMismatchException, 71

scanning over a string, 12

scanning over file input, 12

scanning over keyboard input, 12

token, 12

useDelimiter method, 16

whitespace, 12

Scope of an identifier, 11

Search engine. See Integrated Web Browser and Search Engine


an array, 179181

binary search, 180181, 601602

framework to analyze, 599600

in HashMap class, 614615

red-black tree, 602603

sequential, 179, 600601

seed, 123

Selection Sort, 461463

Sequence, 706

Sequential searching, 179, 600601

Serialization, 701703

Set interface, 403

Shallow copy, 236237

Shortest path through a network, 663667

Signature of a method, 5

Simple sorts, 458464

Simulation, 350

event driven, 354

Singly linked list, 268

SinglyLinkedList class, 268281

embedded SinglyLinkedListIterator class, 276279

embedded Entry class, 268

expanding (projects), 319322 field, 273

method definitions, 273276

testing, 271272

SinglyLinkedTest class, 271272

Sink, 667

Slack time (for an activity), 668

SortedMap interface, 508

TreeMap implementation of, 509


Bubble Sort, 463464

fast sorts, 470475, 477489, 567573

file sorting (project), 497499

Heap Sort, 567573

in-place sorting, 461, 572

Insertion Sort, 459461

Merge Sort, 470475

Quick Sort, 477489

Radix Sort, 489492

Selection Sort, 461463

simple sorts, 458464

stable sort, 458

summary, 493

topological sorting, 669

Source, 667

Spanning tree, 659

Specification of methods, 5

Speedo's car wash (application), 351354

making more realistic, 362365

Spell Checker (application), 530531

SpellChecker class, 531534

SpellCheckerTest class, 532533

SpellCheckerUser class, 534536

Splitting Rule, 112

Stable sort, 458

Stack, 329

in converting from infix-to-postfix, 334338

in implementing recursion, 338341 Stack class, 329333

Stack frame, 334

Static constant, 60

static modifier, 60

Static variable, 60

Storage structures for collection classes, 136

String class, 49

constructors, 4

testing equality of String objects, 78

Stub, 64

Subclass, 3738

Subclass-Substitution Rule, 44

Sums and products, 706707

super, 40

Superclass, 37

Symbol table, 617

Synonym, 606

System test, 91



bottom up, 91

unit testing. See JUnit

system tests, 91

Thesaurus (application), 517518

Thesaurus class, 518521

ThesaurusTest class, 519520

ThesaurusUser class, 521525

ThesaurusUserTest class, 521522

throw statement, 71

throws clause, 6768

Timing, 121122

Token, 342

Topological order, 669, 693694

Topological sorting, 669

Towers of Hanoi (application), 167178

iterative version (project), 219220

Trade-off, 119121

performance requirements, 120

time versus space, 120

transient modifier, 248

Transition matrix, 341342

Traveling Salesperson Problem (lab), 684

Traversals of a binary tree, 383392

breadthFirst, 391392

inOrder, 386388

postOrder, 387390

preOrder (= depth-first), 390391


balanced binary search tree, 430

binary search tree, 402

binary tree, 377

complete tree (binary), 382

decision tree (binary), 468

directed tree, 648

expression tree (binary), 389390

Fibonacci tree (binary), 437

full tree (binary), 381

Huffman tree (binary), 575

red-black tree (binary), 502

root, 377, 648

spanning tree, 659

subtree, 377

two-tree (binary), 381

undirected tree, 648

TreeMap class, 509517

approval voting (problem), 545547

building a concordance (problem), 543545

building a thesaurus (application), 518525

Comparable and Comparator interfaces, 510511

determining word frequencies (problem), 542543

Entry class, 513

field in Network class, 680681

fields in, 512

red-black tree, 504

SortedMap interface, 509

views (entrySet(), keyset(), values()), 507508

TreeSet class, 525530

spell checker (application), 530536

try block, 6869

with catch block, 6869

with finally block, 81

Two-tree, 381

Type parameter, 141


UML, See

Unified Modeling Language Unboxing, 141

Undirected graph, 643646

acyclic, 646

adjacent, 644

complete, 644

connected, 646

cycle, 646

edge, 643

neighbor, 644

path, 644

vertex, 643

Undirected, weighted tree, 676

Unified Modeling Language (UML), 4952

Uniform distribution, 112

Uniform Hashing Assumption, 609

Upper bound, 107


Value part in a map, 504

Variable, 1, 2

reference variable, 4

Vertex, 643

comparing vertices, 680

reachable, 651

Very long integers (application), 251257

VeryLongInt class, 251257

field in, 254

VeryLongIntTest class, 253

VeryLongIntUser class, 257

VeryLongIntUserTest class, 257

Virtual method, 49

Visibility modifier, 39, 94

default visibility, 93

private, 39, 94

protected, 39, 94

public, 39, 94


Web browser. See Integrated Web Browser and

Search Engine

Weighted graph, 649

Word frequencies (problem), 542543

worstSpace(n), 105

worstTime(n), 106

Wrapper class, 135

conversions from/to, 135

Wrapper method, 158, 164, 169, 181

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