
Even a conductor (such as a metal wire) is not 100% efficient at conducting current flow. As current flows through the wire, energy will be lost as heat (and sometimes light). For very small currents, this energy loss is negligible, but for large currents, the loss can cause the conductor to become quite hot (an effect utilized in toasters) or glow brightly (lightbulbs). This loss of energy results in a voltage difference across the wire (or component). The component is said to resist the current flow. This resistance (also known as impedance, although impedance is somewhat more complex than simple resistance) is measured in Ohms (unit symbol Ω, equation symbol R). Schematics commonly leave off the Ω symbol, so 100kΩ is usually written as just 100k.


On a schematic, a 4.7kΩ value may be written not as 4.7k, but rather as 4k7. The reason is that it is too easy for a decimal point to be missed or lost when the document is photocopied. The solution is to place the multiplier (k) in the position of the decimal point. Resistors such as 24.9Ω are written as 24R9.

This convention is used by design engineers in most of the world. However, in North America, it is only sometimes followed.

The relationship between voltage, current, and resistance is known as Ohm's Law , and is given by:

V = I * R

For a fixed resistance, a varying voltage will produce a varying current, while a constant voltage will produce a constant current. Hence, a varying voltage source is known as an Alternating Current source (or AC), while a constant voltage source is known as a Direct Current source (DC). An AC voltage is normally specified as VAC, while a DC voltage is either VDC or more often just V.


The stuff that comes out of your wall socket is AC and is nominally 110-120VAC (at 60Hz) if you live in North America, 100VAC if you’re in Japan (50Hz in the eastern half—Tokyo—and 60Hz in the western half—Osaka, Kyoto, and Nagoya), and 220-240VAC (at 50Hz) if you’re in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, or Europe. All digital electronics, and that includes computers, use DC internally and operate at typical voltages of either 5V or 3.3V. (Some digital electronics will operate at voltages as low as 1.8V or even lower.) The power supply of the computer (or TV or stereo or . . . ) converts the high-voltage AC supply into the lower DC required by the electronics. The AC adaptor or plug pack (charger) for your cell phone is also an example of a power supply.

For a given voltage difference, the smaller the resistance, the larger the current flow. Conversely, the bigger the resistance, the smaller the current flow. In this way, resistance can be used to limit the current flow through a particular part of a circuit. Special components, known as resistors, are produced for precisely this purpose. The schematic component symbols for a resistor are shown in Figure 2-5. Both symbols mean the same thing. The more commonly seen symbol is on the left.

Resistor symbols

Figure 2-5. Resistor symbols

A resistor may be used to pull up (or pull down) a signal line to a given voltage level. Figure 2-6 shows a pull-up resistor and a push button. When the button is open (not pressed), there is no current flow through the resistor, therefore the voltage at VOUT is (in this case) +5V. (Since there is no current flow through the resistor, there is no voltage drop across it.) When the button is pushed, VOUT is connected to ground, and as a consequence, current will flow through the resistor. This simple circuit can be used to switch an input between two logic-level thresholds.

Pull-up resistor and a push button

Figure 2-6. Pull-up resistor and a push button

Resistors may be combined together to increase resistance. This is known as a series connection (Figure 2-7).

Resistors in series

Figure 2-7. Resistors in series

The combined total resistance is given by the relation:

RTOTAL = R1 + R2

The current flow through any of the components in series connection will be the same for each component. In other words, the current flowing through the first resistor will be the same as through the second resistor. This derives from Kirchhoff's Current Law .


Kirchhoff’s Current Law

The current flowing through a given circuit point is equal to the sum of the currents flowing into that circuit point and is also equal to the sum of currents flowing out of that circuit point.

In other words, what flows in must flow out.

Resistors may be used in a voltage divider (Figure 2-8), to provide an intermediate voltage.

Voltage divider

Figure 2-8. Voltage divider

The output voltage is given by:

VOUT = VIN * R2 /(R1 + R2)

For example, if the input voltage is 5V, and the two resistors are both 1kΩ, then the output voltage is:

VOUT        = 5V * 1k /(1k + 1k)
            = 5V * 1k / 2k
            = 5V * 0.5
            = 2.5V

As you would expect, a voltage divider using equal resistors halves the input voltage.

Resistors combined in parallel (Figure 2-9) will decrease the total resistance.

Resistors in parallel

Figure 2-9. Resistors in parallel

The combined total resistance is given by the relation:

RTOTAL = 1 / (1/R1 + 1/R2)

The voltage drop across R1 must be the same as the voltage drop across R2. However, unless R1 is equal to R2 (and there is no requirement for them to be equal), the current flows through each will be different. This is derived from Kirchhoff's Voltage Law .


Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law

The sum of the voltage differences around a closed circuit is zero.

Resistors are part of a family of devices known as passive components . The other common passive component is the capacitor.

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