Chapter 3. Behaviors

As a prelude to learning how to structure our process supervision trees and architect our concurrency models, let’s spend some time understanding the underlying principles behind behaviors. Instead of diving straight into the world of interface functions and callbacks, we explain what goes on behind the scenes, ensuring you use OTP behaviors efficiently and understand their benefits and advantages. So, what are they?

Erlang processes that solve radically different tasks follow similar design patterns. The most commonly used patterns have been abstracted and implemented in a set of generic library modules called the OTP behaviors. When reading about behaviors, you should see them as a formalization of process design patterns.

Although the strict concept of design patterns used in object-oriented programming hasn’t been applied to Erlang, OTP provides a powerful, reusable solution for concurrent processes that hides and abstracts away all of the tricky aspects and borderline conditions. It ensures that projects do not have to reinvent the wheel, while maximizing reusability and maintainability through a solid, well-tested, generic, and reusable code base. These behaviors are, in “design pattern speak,” implementation libraries of the concurrency models.

Process Skeletons

If you try to picture an Erlang process managing a key-value store and a process responsible for managing the window of a complex GUI system, they might at first glance appear very different in functionality and to have very little in common. That is often not the case, though, as both processes will share a common lifecycle. Both will:

  • Be spawned and initialized

  • Repeatedly receive messages, handle them, and send replies

  • Be terminated (normally or abnormally)

Processes, irrespective of their purpose, have to be spawned. Once spawned, they will initialize their state. The state will be specific to what that particular process does. In the case of a window manager, it might draw the window and display its contents. In the case of a key-value store, it might create the empty table and fill it with data stored in backup files or populate it using other tables spread across a distributed cluster of nodes.

Once the process has been initialized, it is ready to receive events. These events could, in the case of the window manager, be keystrokes in the window entry boxes, button clicks, or menu item selections. They could also be dragging and dropping of widgets, effectively moving the window or objects within it. Events would be programmed as Erlang messages. Upon receiving a particular message, the process would handle the request accordingly, evaluating the content and updating its internal state. Keystrokes would be displayed and clicking buttons or choosing menu items would result in window updates, while dragging and dropping would result in objects being moved across the screen. A similar analogy could be given for the key-value store. Asynchronous messages could be sent to insert and delete elements in the tables, and synchronous messages—messages that wait for a reply from the receiver—could be used to look up elements and return their values to the client.

Finally, processes will terminate. A user might have picked the Close entry in the menus or clicked on the Destroy button. If that happens in the window manager, resources allocated to that window have to be released and the window hidden or shut down. Once the cleanup procedure is completed, there will be no more code for the process to execute, so it should terminate normally. In the case of the key-value store, a stop message might have been sent to the process, resulting in the table being backed up on another node or saved on a persistent medium.

Abnormal termination of the process might also occur, as a result of a trapped exception or an exit signal from one of the processes in the link set. Where possible, if caught through a trap_exit flag or a try-catch expression, the exception should prompt the process to call the same set of commands that would have been called as a result of a normal termination. We say “where possible,” as the power cord of the computer might have been pulled out, the hard drive might have failed, the administrator might have tripped over the network cable, or the process might have been terminated unconditionally through an exit signal with the reason kill.

Figure 3-1 shows a typical process flow diagram outlining the lifecycle of a process.

The process skeleton
Figure 3-1. The process skeleton

As we’ve described, even if processes perform different tasks, they will perform these tasks in a similar way, following particular patterns. As a result of following these patterns, processes share a similar code base. A typical Erlang process loop, which has to be started, must handle events, and is finally terminated, might look like this:

start(Args) ->                         % Start the server.
    spawn(server, init, [Args]).

init(Args) ->                          % Initialize the internal process state.
    State = initialize_state(Args),

loop(State) ->                         % Receive and handle messages.
        {handle, Msg} ->
            NewState = handle(Msg, State),
        stop ->
            terminate(State)           % Stop the process.

terminate(State) ->                    % Clean up prior to termination.

This pattern is typical of a client-server behavior. The server is started, then it receives requests in the handle/2 function, where necessary sends replies, changes the state, and loops ready to handle the next incoming message. Upon receiving a stop message, the process terminates after having cleaned up its resources.

Although we say that this is typical Erlang client-server behavior, it is in fact the pattern behind all patterns. It is so common that even code written without the OTP behavior libraries tends to use the same function names. This allows anyone reading the code to know that the process state is initialized in init/1, that messages are received in loop/1 and individually handled in the handle/2 call, and finally, that any cleaning up of resources is managed in the terminate/1 function. Someone trying to maintain the code later will understand the basic behavior without needing any knowledge of the communication protocol, underlying architecture, or process structure.

Design Patterns

Let’s start drilling down into a more detailed example, focusing on client-server architectures implemented in Erlang. Clients and servers are represented as Erlang processes, with their requests and replies sent as messages. Have a look at Figure 3-2 and think of examples of client-server architectures that you have worked with or read about, preferably architectures with few similarities among them (as in our examples of a key-value store and a window manager). Focusing on Erlang constructs and patterns in the code of these applications, try to list the similarities and differences between the implementations. Ask yourself which parts of the code are generic and which parts are specific. What code is unique to that particular solution, and what code could be reused in other client-server applications?

The client server process architecture
Figure 3-2. The client-server process architecture

Let’s give you a hint in the right direction: sending a client request to a server will be generic. It can be done in a uniform manner across any client-server architecture, irrespective of what the server does. What will be specific, however, are the contents of that message.

We start off by spawning a server. Creating a process that calls the init/1 function is generic. What is specific are the arguments passed to the call and the expressions in the function that initialize the process state returning the loop data. The loop data plays the role of a variable that stores process data between calls.

Storing the loop data in between calls will be the same from one process to another, but the loop data itself will be specific. It changes not only according to the particular task the process might execute, but for each particular instance of the task.

Sending a request to the server will be generic, as is the client-server protocol used to manage replies. What is specific are the types and contents of the requests sent to the server, how they are handled, and the responses sent back to the client. While the response is specific, sending it back to the client process is handled generically.

It should be possible to stop servers. While sending a stop message or handling an exception or EXIT signal is generic, the functions called to clean up the state prior to termination will be specific.

Table 3-1 summarizes which parts of a client-server architecture are generic and which parts are specific.

Table 3-1. Client-server generic and specific code
  • Spawning the server

  • Storing the loop data

  • Sending requests to the server

  • Sending replies to the client

  • Receiving server replies

  • Stopping the server

  • Initializing the server state

  • The loop data

  • The client requests

  • Handling client requests

  • Contents of server reply

  • Cleaning up

Callback Modules

The idea behind OTP behaviors is to split up the code into two modules: one for the generic pattern, referred to as the behavior module, and one for specifics, referred to as the callback module (Figure 3-3). The generic behavior module can be seen as the driver. While it doesn’t know anything about what the callback module does, it is aware of a set of exported callback functions it has to invoke and the format of their return values. The callback module isn’t aware of what the generic module does either; it only complies with the format of the data it has to return when its callback functions are invoked.

The callback module
Figure 3-3. The callback module

Another way of explaining this is as a contract between the behavior and callback modules. They have to agree on a set of names and types for the functions in the callback API and respect the return values.

The behavior module contains all of the generic functionality reused from one implementation to another. Behaviors are provided by OTP as library modules. The callback module is implemented by the application developer. It contains all of the specific code for the implementation of that particular process.

OTP provides five behaviors that cover the majority of all cases. They are:

Generic server

Used to model client-server behaviors

Generic finite state machine

Used for FSM programming

Generic event handler/manager

Used for writing event handlers


Used for fault-tolerant supervision trees


Used to encapsulate resources and functionality

Generic servers are the most commonly used behavior. They are used to model processes using the client-server architecture, including the examples of the key-value store and the window manager we’ve already discussed.

Generic FSM behaviors provide all of the generic constructs needed when working with FSMs. Developers commonly use FSMs to implement automated control systems, protocol stacks, and decision-making systems. The code for the FSMs can be implemented manually or generated by another program.

Generic event handlers and managers are used for event-driven programming, where events are received as messages and one or more actions (called handlers) are applied to them. Typical examples of handler functionality include logging, metrics gathering, and alarming.

You can view handlers as a publish-subscribe communication layer, where publishers are processes sending events of a specific type and subscribers are consumers who do something with the events.

A supervisor is a behavior whose only tasks are to start, stop, and monitor its children, which can be workers as well as other supervisors. Allowing supervisors to monitor other supervisors results in process structures we call supervision trees. We cover supervision trees in the upcoming chapters. Supervisors restart children based on configuration parameters defined in the callback functions.

Supervision trees are packaged in a behavior we call an application. The application starts the top-level supervisor, encapsulating processes that depend on each other into the main building blocks of an Erlang node.

Generic servers, FSMs, and event handlers are examples of workers: processes that perform the bulk of the computations. They are held together by supervisors and application behaviors. If you need other behaviors not included as part of the standard library, you can implement them following a set of specific rules and directives explained in Chapter 10. We call them special processes.

Now you might be wondering: what is the point of adding a layer of complexity to our software? The reasons are many. Using behaviors, we are reducing the code base while creating a standardized programming style needed when developing software in the large. By encapsulating all of the generic design patterns in library modules, we reuse code while reducing the development effort. The behavior libraries we use consist of a solid, well-tested base that has been used in production systems since the mid-90s. They cover all the tricky aspects of concurrency, hiding them from the programmer. As a result, the final system will have fewer bugs1 while being built on a fault-tolerant base. The behaviors have built-in functionality such as logs, tracing, and statistics, and are extensible in a generic way across all processes using that behavior.

Another important advantage of using behaviors is that they promote a common programming style. Anyone reading the code in a callback module will immediately know that the process state is initialized in the init function, and that terminate contains the cleanup code executed whenever the process is stopped. They will know how the communication protocol will work, how processes are restarted in case of failure, and how supervision trees are packaged. Especially when programming in the large, this approach allows anyone reading the code to focus on the project specifics while using their existing knowledge of the generics. This common programming style also brings a component-based terminology to the table, giving potentially distributed teams a way to package their deliverables and use a standard vocabulary to communicate with each other. At the end of the day, much more time is spent reading and maintaining code than writing it. Making code easy to understand is imperative when dealing with complex systems that never fail.

So, with lots of advantages, what are the disadvantages? Learning to use behaviors properly and proficiently can be difficult. It takes time to learn how to properly create systems using OTP design principles, but as documentation has improved, training courses and books have become available, and tools have been written, this has become less of an issue. Just the fact that you are reading a book dedicated largely to OTP says it all.

Behaviors add a few layers to the call chain, and slightly more data will be sent with every message and reply. While this might affect performance and memory usage, in most cases the impact will be negligible, especially considering the improvement in quality and free functionality. What is the point of writing code that is fast but buggy? The small increase in memory usage and reduction in performance is a small price to pay for reliability and fault tolerance. The rule of thumb is to always start with behaviors, and optimize when bottlenecks occur. You will find that optimizations as a result of inefficient behavior code are rarely if ever needed.

Extracting Generic Behaviors

Having introduced behaviors, let’s look at a familiar client-server example written in pure Erlang without using behaviors. We use the frequency server featured in the Erlang Programming book and implemented in the frequency module. No worries if you have not read the book and are not familiar with it; we explain what it does as we go along. The server is a frequency allocator for cell phones. When a phone connects a call, it needs to have a frequency allocated for it to use as a communication channel for that conversation. The client holds this frequency until the call is terminated, after which the frequency is deallocated, allowing other subscribers to reuse it (Figure 3-4).

As this is the first major Erlang example in the book, we step through it in more detail than usual. In the subsequent chapters, we speed up the pace, so if your Erlang is a bit rusty, take this opportunity to get up to speed. Here, we take the code from the frequency server example, find the generic parts embedded in the module, and extract them into a library module. The outcome will be two modules: one containing generic reusable code, the other containing specific code with the frequency server’s business logic.

The frequency server
Figure 3-4. The frequency server

The clients and server are represented as Erlang processes, and the exchange of information between them occurs via message passing hidden behind a functional interface. The functional interface used by the clients contains the functions allocate/0 and deallocate/1:

allocate() -> {ok, Frequency} | {error, no_frequency}
deallocate(Frequency) -> ok

The allocate/0 function returns the result {ok, Frequency} if there is at least one available frequency. If all frequencies are in use, the tuple {error, no_frequency} is returned instead. When the client is done with a phone call, it can release the frequency it’s using by making a function call to deallocate/1, passing the Frequency in use as an argument.

We start the server with the start/0 call, later terminating it with stop/0:

start()-> true
stop() -> ok

The server is registered statically with the alias frequency, so no pids need to be saved and used for message passing.

A trial run of the frequency module from the shell might look like this. We start the server, allocate all six available frequencies, and fail to allocate a seventh one. Only by deallocating frequency 11 are we then able to allocate a new one. We terminate the trial run by stopping the server:

1> frequency:start().
2> frequency:allocate(), frequency:allocate(), frequency:allocate(),
   frequency:allocate(),frequency:allocate(), frequency:allocate(). 
3> frequency:allocate(). 
4> frequency:deallocate(11).
5> frequency:allocate().
6> frequency:stop().

If you need a deeper understanding of the code, feel free to download the module from the book’s code repository and run the example. Next, we go through the code in detail, explain what it does, and separate out the generic and the specific parts.

Starting the Server

Let’s begin with the functions used to create and initialize the server. The start/0 function spawns a process that calls the frequency:init/0 function, registering it with the frequency alias. The init function initializes the process state with a tuple containing the list of available frequencies, conveniently hardcoded in the get_frequencies/0 function, and the list of allocated frequencies, represented by the empty list. We bind the frequency tuple, referred to in the rest of the example as the process state or loop data, to the Frequencies variable. The process state variable changes with every iteration of the loop when available frequencies are moved between the lists of allocated and available ones.

Note how we export the init/0 function, because it is passed as an argument to the spawn BIF, and how we register the server process with the same name as the module. The latter, while not mandatory, is considered a good Erlang programming practice as it facilitates debugging and troubleshooting live systems:

-export([start/0, stop/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1]).

start() -> register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])).

init() ->
    Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []},

get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].

Have a look at the preceding code and try to spot the generic expressions. Which expressions will not change from one client-server implementation to another?

Starting with the export directives, you always have to start and stop servers, irrespective of what they do. So, we consider these functions to be generic. Also generic are the spawning, registering, and calling of an initialization function containing the expressions used to initialize the process state. The process state will be bound to a variable and passed to the process loop. Note, however, that while the functions and BIFs might be considered generic, expressions in the functions and arguments passed to them aren’t. They will differ between different client-server implementations. We’ve highlighted all the parts we consider generic in the following code example:

-export([start/0, stop/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1]).

start() ->
    register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])).

init() ->
    Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []},

get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].

From the generic, let’s move on to the specific, which is the nonhighlighted code in the previous example. The first server-specific detail that stands out in the example is the module name frequency. Module names obviously differ from one server implementation to another. The client functions allocate/0 and deallocate/1 are also specific to this particular client-server application, as you will probably not find them in a window manager or a key-value store (and if they did happen to share the same name, the functions would be doing something completely different). Although starting the server, spawning the server process, and registering it are generic, the registered name and module containing the init function are considered specific.

The arguments passed to the init function are also specific. In our example, we are not passing any arguments (hence the arity 0), but that could change in other client-server implementations. The expressions in the init/0 function are used to initialize the process state. Initializing the state is different from one implementation to another. Various applications might initialize window settings and display the window, create an empty key-value store, and upload a persistent backup, or, in this example, generate a tuple containing the list of available frequencies.

When the process state has been initialized, it is bound to a variable. Storing the process state is considered generic, but the contents of the state itself are specific. In the code example that follows, we highlight the Frequency variable as specific. This means that the content of the variable is specific, whereas the mechanism of passing it to the process loop is generic. Finally, the get_frequencies/0 call used in init/0 is also specific. In a real-world implementation, we would probably read the frequencies from a configuration file or a persistent database, or through a query to the base stations. For the sake of this example, we’ve been lazy and hardcoded them in the module.

Let’s highlight the specific code:

-export([start/0, stop/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1]).

start() ->
    register(frequency, spawn(frequency, init, [])).

init() ->
    Frequencies = {get_frequencies(), []},

get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].

Are you seeing the pattern and line of thought we are emphasizing? Let’s continue doing the same with the rest of the module, starting with the client functions.

The Client Functions

We refer to the functions called by client processes to control and access the services of a server process as the client API. It is always good practice, for readability and maintainability, to hide message passing and protocol in a functional interface. The client functions in the running example do exactly this. In fact, we’ve taken it a step further here, encapsulating the sending of requests and receiving of replies in the call/1 and reply/2 functions. They contain code that otherwise would have to be cloned for every message sent and received:

stop()	         -> call(stop).
allocate()	 -> call(allocate).
deallocate(Freq) -> call({deallocate, Freq}).

call(Message) ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), Message},
	{reply, Reply} -> Reply end.

reply(Pid, Reply) ->
    Pid ! {reply, Reply}.

The stop/0 function sends the atom stop to the server. The server, upon receiving stop in its receive-evaluate loop, interprets it and takes appropriate action. For readability and maintainability reasons, it is good practice to use keywords that describe what we are trying to do, but for all it matters, we could have used the atom foobar, as it is not the name of the atom but the meaning we give it in our program that is important. In our case, stop ensures a normal termination of the process. We will see how it is handled later in the example.

The client functions allocate/0 and deallocate/1 are called and executed in the scope of the client process. The client sends a message to the server by executing one of the client functions in the frequency module. The message is passed as an argument to the call/1 function and bound to the Message variable. The Message is in turn inserted in a tuple of the form {request, Pid, Message}, where the pid is the client process identifier, retrieved by calling the self() BIF and used by the server as the destination for a response in the format {reply, Reply}. We refer to this extra padding as the “protocol” between the client and the server (see Figure 3-5).

The client/server message protocol
Figure 3-5. The message protocol

The server receives the request, handles it, and sends a reply using the reply/2 call. It passes the pid sent in the client request as the first argument and its reply message as the second. This message is pattern matched in the receive clause of the call/1 function, returning the contents of the variable Reply as a result. This will be the result returned by the client functions. A sequence diagram with the exchange of messages between the cell phones and the frequency server is shown in Figure 3-6.

The frequency server messages and responses
Figure 3-6. The frequency server messages

So, which parts of the code are generic? Which will not change from one client-server implementation to another? First in line is the stop/0 function, used whenever we want to inform the server that it has to terminate. This code can be reused, as it is universal in what it does. Every time we want to send a message, we use call/1. There is a catch, however, as this function is not completely generic. Have a look at the code and try to spot the anomaly:

stop()	         -> call(stop). 
allocate()	 -> call(allocate).
deallocate(Freq) -> call({deallocate, Freq}).

call(Message) ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), Message},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

reply(Pid, Reply) ->
    Pid ! {reply, Reply}. 

We are sending a message to a registered process frequency. This name will change from one server implementation to the next. However, everything else in the call is generic. The function reply/2, called by the server process, is also completely generic. So what remains specific in the client functions are the client functions themselves, their message content to the server, and the name of the server:

stop()	         -> call(stop).
allocate()	 -> call(allocate).
deallocate(Freq) -> call({deallocate, Freq}).

call(Message) ->
    frequency ! {request, self(), Message},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

reply(Pid, Reply) ->
    Pid ! {reply, Reply}.

By hiding the message protocol in a functional interface and abstracting it, we are able to change it without affecting the code outside of the frequency module, client calls included. We show how this comes in handy later in the chapter, when we start dealing with some of the common error patterns that occur when working with concurrent programming.

The Server Loop

Server processes iterate in a receive-evaluate loop. They wait for client requests, handle them, return a result, and loop again, waiting for the next message to arrive. With every iteration, they may update their process state and might generate side effects:

loop(Frequencies) ->
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFrequencies, Reply} = allocate(Frequencies, Pid),
            reply(Pid, Reply),
        {request, Pid , {deallocate, Freq}} ->
            NewFrequencies = deallocate(Frequencies, Freq),
            reply(Pid, ok),
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            reply(Pid, ok)

In our frequency server example the loop/1 function receives the allocate, {deallocate, Frequency}, and stop commands. Allocating a frequency is done through the helper function allocate/2, which, given the loop data and the pid of the client, moves a frequency from the available list to the allocated list. Deallocating a frequency invokes the deallocate/2 call to do the opposite, moving the frequency from the list of allocated frequencies to the available list.

Both calls return the pair of updated frequency lists that make up the process state; this new state is bound to the variable NewFrequencies and passed to the tail-recursive loop/1 call. In both cases, a reply is sent back to the clients. When allocating a frequency, the contents of the variable Reply are either {error, no_frequency} or {ok, Frequency}. When deallocating a frequency, the server sends back the atom ok.

When stopping the server, we acknowledge having received the message through the ok response, and by the lack of a call to loop/1 we make the process terminate normally, as opposed to an abnormal termination that results from a runtime error. In this example, there is nothing to clean up, so we don’t do anything other than acknowledge the stop message. Had this server handled some resource such as a key-value store, we could have ensured that the data was safely backed up on a persistent medium. Or in the case of a window server, we’d close the window and release any allocated objects associated with it.

With all of this in mind, what functionality do you think is generic?

For starters, looping is generic. The protocol used to send and receive messages is generic, but the messages and replies themselves aren’t. Finally, stopping the server is generic, as is acknowledging the stop message. The generic parts of the code are highlighted here:

loop(Frequencies) ->
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFrequencies, Reply} = allocate(Frequencies, Pid),
            reply(Pid, Reply),
        {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}} ->
            NewFrequencies = deallocate(Frequencies, Freq),
            reply(Pid, ok),
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            reply(Pid, ok)

We have not highlighted the variables Frequencies and NewFrequencies used to store the process state. Although storing the process state is generic, the state itself is specific. That is, the type of the state and the particular value that this variable has are specific, but not the generic task of storing the variable itself.

With the generic contents out of the way, the specifics include the loop data, the client messages, how we handle the messages, and the responses we send back as a result:

loop(Frequencies) ->
        {request, Pid, allocate} ->
            {NewFrequencies, Reply} = allocate(Frequencies, Pid),
            reply(Pid, Reply),
        {request, Pid, {deallocate, Freq}} ->
            NewFrequencies = deallocate(Frequencies, Freq),
            reply(Pid, ok),
        {request, Pid, stop} ->
            reply(Pid, ok)

Had there been specific code to be executed when stopping the server, it would also have been marked as specific. This code is usually placed in a function called terminate, which, given the reason for termination and the loop data, handles all of the cleaning up.

Functions Internal to the Server

The functions that actually perform the work of allocating or deallocating a frequency within the server are not “visible” outside the server module itself, and so we call them internal to the server. The allocate/1 call returns a tuple with the new frequencies and the reply to send back to the client. If there are no available frequencies, the first function clause will pattern match because the list is empty. The frequencies are not changed, and {error, no_frequency} is returned to the client. If there is at least one frequency, the second function clause will match.

The available frequency list is split into a head and a tail, where the head contains the available frequency, and the tail (a possibly empty list) contains the remaining available frequencies. The frequency with the client pid is added to the allocated list, and the response {ok, Freq} is sent back to the client.

When deallocating a frequency in the deallocate/2 function, we delete it from the allocated list and add it to the available one. Have a look at the functions and try to figure out what is generic and what is specific:2

allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) ->
    {{[], Allocated}, {error, no_frequency}};
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}, Pid) ->
    {{Free, [{Freq, Pid}|Allocated]}, {ok, Freq}}.

deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
    NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
    {[Freq|Free], NewAllocated}.

This should have been an easy question to answer, as these internal functions are all specific to our frequency server. When did you last allocate and deallocate frequencies when working with a key-value store or a window manager?

The Generic Server

Now that we’ve gone through this example and distinguished the generic from the specific code, let’s get to the core of this chapter, namely the separation of the code into two separate modules. Figure 3-7 shows we can now put all of the generic code into the server module and all of the specific code into frequency. Despite these changes, we maintain the same functionality and interface. Calling the frequency module in our new implementation should be no different from the trial run we did in “Extracting Generic Behaviors”.

Splitting the generic and specific code bases into
Figure 3-7. The frequency and server modules

The server module is in control, managing the process activities. Whenever it has to handle specific functionality it does not know how to execute, it hands over to the callback functions in the frequency module. Let’s start with the generic code in the server module that starts and initializes the server:

-module(server).                         % server.erl
-export([start/2, stop/1, call/2]).

start(Name, Args) ->
    register(Name, spawn(server, init, [Name, Args])).

init(Mod, Args) ->
    State = Mod:init(Args),
    loop(Mod, State).

Spawning a process, registering it, and calling the init function are all generic, whereas the alias with which we register the process, the name of the callback module, and the arguments we pass to the init function are all specific. We pass this specific information as parameters to the server:start/2 function, using them where needed. Name is used both as the registered name of the frequency process and as the name of the callback module. Args is passed to the init function and is used to initialize the process state.

We keep the client functions in the frequency module, using it as a wrapper around the server. By doing so, we are hiding implementation details, including the very use of the server module. Just like in our previous example, we start the server using frequency:start/0, resulting in a call to server:start/2. The newly spawned server, through the Mod:init/1 call, invokes the init/1 callback function in the frequency module, initializing the process state by creating the tuple containing the available and allocated frequencies. Mod is bound to the callback module frequency and Args is bound to []. The frequency tuple gets bound to the State variable, which along with Mod is passed as an argument to the loop in the server module:

-module(frequency).                      % frequency.erl
-export([start/0, stop/0, allocate/0, deallocate/1]).
-export([init/1, terminate/1, handle/2]).

start() -> server:start(frequency, []).

init(_Args) ->
    {get_frequencies(), []}.

get_frequencies() -> [10,11,12,13,14,15].

The init/1 callback is required to return the initial process state, stored and used in the server receive-evaluate loop. In the init/1 callback function, note that we are not using the value of the _Args parameter. Because init/1 is a callback function, we have to follow the required protocol and functional interface for that callback API. In the general case, init/1 requires an argument because there might be server implementations that need data at startup. This particular example doesn’t, so we pass the empty list and ignore it.

Let’s jump back to the server module. When a client process wants to send a request to the server, it does so by calling server:call(frequency, Msg). The server, when responding, does so using the reply/2 call. We are, in effect, hiding all of the message passing behind a functional interface.

Another generic function is server:stop/1. We distinguish this function from call/2 because we want to fix its meaning and therefore differentiate it from server:call(frequency, {stop, self()}), which could be treated by the developer as a specific call rather than as a generic server control message. Instead, by calling stop, we invoke the terminate/1 callback function, which is given the process state and will contain all of the specific code executed when shutting down the server. In our case, we have kept the example to a minimum. Note, however, that we could have chosen to terminate all of the client processes that had been allocated a frequency:

stop(Name) ->                            % server.erl
    Name ! {stop, self()},
    receive {reply, Reply} -> Reply end.

call(Name, Msg) ->
    Name ! {request, self(), Msg},
    receive {reply, Reply} -> Reply end.

reply(To, Reply) ->
    To ! {reply, Reply}.

To ensure that we maintain the same interface, we export exactly the same functions in our new implementation of the frequency module:

stop()           -> server:stop(frequency).              % frequency.erl
allocate()       -> server:call(frequency, {allocate, self()}).
deallocate(Freq) -> server:call(frequency, {deallocate, Freq}).

These functions send requests and stop messages to the server. When the process receives the messages, the relevant callback functions in the frequency module are invoked. In the case of the stop message, it is the function terminate/1. It takes the process state as an argument and its return value is sent back to the client, becoming the return value of the stop/1 call:

loop(Mod, State) ->                      % server.erl
        {request, From, Msg} ->
            {NewState, Reply} = Mod:handle(Msg, State),
            reply(From, Reply),
            loop(Mod, NewState);
        {stop, From}  ->
            Reply = Mod:terminate(State),
            reply(From, Reply)

In the case of a call request, the handle/2 callback is invoked. The call takes two arguments, the first being the message bound to the variable Msg and the second the process state bound to the variable State. Pattern matching on the Msg picks the function clause that handles the message. The callback has to return a tuple in the format {NewState, Reply}, where NewState contains the updated frequencies and Reply is the reply sent back to the client. Have a look at the implementation of allocate/2. It returns exactly that: a tuple where the first element is the updated process state and the second element either {ok, Frequency} or {error, no_frequency}.

The first clause of the receive in loop/2 takes the return value from handle/2, sends back a reply to the client using reply/2, and loops with the new state, awaiting the next request:

terminate(_Frequencies) ->               % frequency.erl

handle({allocate, Pid}, Frequencies) ->
    allocate(Frequencies, Pid);
handle({deallocate, Freq}, Frequencies) ->
    {deallocate(Frequencies, Freq), ok}.

allocate({[], Allocated}, _Pid) ->
    {{[], Allocated}, {error, no_frequency}};
allocate({[Freq|Free], Allocated}, Pid) ->
    {{Free, [{Freq, Pid}|Allocated]}, {ok, Freq}}.

deallocate({Free, Allocated}, Freq) ->
    NewAllocated = lists:keydelete(Freq, 1, Allocated),
    {[Freq|Free], NewAllocated}.

The same applies to the deallocate request. The frequency is deallocated, the handle/2 call returns a tuple with the new state returned by the deallocate/2 call, and the response, the atom ok, is sent back to the client.

So what we now have is our frequency example split up into a generic library module we call server and a specific callback module we call frequency. This is all there is to understanding Erlang behaviors. It is all about splitting up the code into generic and specific parts, and packaging the generic parts into reusable libraries to hide as much of the complexity as possible from the developers. We’ve kept this example simple to show our point, and barely scratched the surface of the corner cases that are handled behind the scenes in the proper behavior libraries. We cover these details in the next section, and introduce them as we talk about the individual behavior library modules.

Message Passing: Under the Hood

Concurrent programming is not easy. You need to deal with race conditions, deadlocks, and critical sections as well as many corner cases. Despite this, you rarely hear Erlang developers complain, let alone discuss these problems. The reason is simple: most of these issues become nonissues as a result of the OTP framework. In this chapter, we extracted the generic code from a particular client-server system, but in doing so we kept our example as simple as possible. There are many error conditions in a scenario like this that are handled behind the scenes by the behavior library modules we cover in the next chapter. Just to emphasize the point, they are handled without the programmer having to be aware of them. Race conditions, especially with multicore architectures, have become more common, but they should be picked up with appropriate modeling and testing tools such as Concuerror, McErlang, PULSE, and QuickCheck.

Having said that, let’s look at an example of how behavior libraries help us hide a lot of the tricky cases an inexperienced developer might not think of when first implementing a concurrent system. We use the call/2 function from the previous example, expanding it as we go along:

call(Name, Message) ->
    Name ! {request, self(), Message},
        {reply, Reply} -> Reply

reply(Pid, Reply) ->
    Pid ! {reply, Reply}.

We send a message to the server of the format {request, Pid, Message} and wait for a response of the format {reply, Reply}. When we receive the reply, as shown in Figure 3-8, how can we be confident that the reply is actually a reply from the server, and not a message sent by another process but also complying with the protocol?

Ensuring the Uniqueness of a Response
Figure 3-8. Message race conditions

Given this implementation, we can’t. The solution to this problem is to use references. By creating a unique reference with the make_ref() BIF, adding it to the message, and including it in the reply, we will be guaranteed that the response is actually the reply to our request, and not just a message that happens to comply with our protocol. Adding references, our code looks like this:3

call(Name, Msg) ->
    Ref = make_ref(),
    Name ! {request, {Ref, self()}, Msg},
    receive {reply, Ref, Reply} -> Reply end.

reply({Ref, To}, Reply) ->
    To ! {reply, Ref, Reply}.

Note how Ref is already bound when entering the receive clause, ensuring replies are the result of the original message. This solves the problem, but is this enough? What happens if the server crashes before we send a request? If Name is an alias, we are covered because the client process will terminate when trying to send a message to a nonexistent registered process. But if Name is a pid, the message will be lost and the client will hang in the receive clause of the call function. Or similarly, what happens if the server crashes between receiving the message and sending the reply? This could be as a result of our request, or as the result of another client request it might be handling. Having a registered process will not cover this case either, as the process is alive when the message is sent.

The solution is to monitor the server. In doing so, let’s use the monitor BIF instead of a link, because links are bidirectional and might cause side effects on the server if the child process were to be killed during the request. While the client wants to monitor termination of the server, terminating the client should not affect the server. The monitor BIF returns a unique reference, so we can drop the make_ref() BIF and use the monitor reference to tag our messages:

call(Name, Msg) ->
    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Name),
    Name ! {request, {Ref, self()}, Msg},
        {reply, Ref, Reply} ->
        {'DOWN', Ref, process, _Name, _Reason} ->
            {error, no_proc}

Have we covered everything that can go wrong? No, not really. By monitoring the process, we are now exposing ourselves to another race condition. Consider the following sequence of events:

  1. The client monitors the server.

  2. The client sends a request to the server.

  3. The server receives the request and handles it.

  4. The server sends back a response to the client.

  5. The server crashes as the result of another request.

  6. The client receives a DOWN message as a result of the monitor.

  7. The client extracts the server response from its mailbox.

  8. The client demonitors the (now defunct) server.

We are stuck with a DOWN message in the client mailbox containing a reference that will never match. Now, what are the chances of that happening? Do you really think someone would think of that particular test case where the server terminates right after it sends the client its reply, but before the client executes the erlang:demonitor/2 call? While this is an extreme corner case, we still need to handle the DOWN message as it might cause a memory leak. We do this by passing the [flush] option to the second argument in the demonitor/2 call, ensuring that any DOWN messages belonging to that monitor are not left lingering in the process mailbox.

Are we there yet? No, not really: what if Name is not an alias of a registered process? We need a catch to trap any exception raised as a result of the client sending a message to a nonexistent registered process. We don’t really care about the result of the catch—if we did, we would have used try-catch instead—because if the server does not exist, monitor/1 will send a DOWN message. Our new code now looks like this:

call(Name, Msg) ->
    Ref = erlang:monitor(process, Name),
    catch Name ! {request, {Ref, self()}, Msg},
        {reply, Ref, Reply} ->
            erlang:demonitor(Ref, [flush]),
        {'DOWN', Ref, process, _Name, _Reason} ->
            {error, no_proc}

Unfortunately, though, these changes are still not enough. What happens if process A does a synchronous call to B at the same time as process B calls A? By “synchronous call,” we mean an Erlang message exchange where the sending process expects a response, and the message and response are each sent as asynchronous messages. Process A enters the receive clause right after sending its request matching on a unique reference sent with the request, and B does the same. Back to answering our original question, if two processes synchronously call each other using this code, we get a deadlock. While deadlocks are a result of a design flaw, they might happen in live systems, and a recovery mechanism (preferably a generic one) needs to be put in place. The easiest way to resolve deadlocks is through a timeout in your receive statement, terminating the process. We go into more detail on deadlocks and timeouts and show you how OTP solves this problem in the next chapter.

Summing Up

In this chapter, we’ve covered the principles behind concurrency design patterns, introducing the concept of behavior libraries. We hope we have made our point about the importance and power of behavior libraries, as understanding them is fundamental to understanding the underlying principles of OTP. Decades of experience in process-oriented programming are reflected in them, removing the burden from the developers, reducing their code bases, and ensuring that corner cases are handled in a consistent, efficient, and correct manner. Be honest: how many of the corner cases discussed in this example would you have handled in a first iteration? What about your colleagues? Imagine testing and maintaining a system where everyone has reinvented the wheel with their own representation of these concurrent conditions and corner cases! The bottom line is that standard OTP behaviors handle all of these issues; that is why you should use them.

If you have the time, pick a simple client-server example you might have written when learning Erlang. It could be a key-value store, a chat server, or any other process that receives and handles requests. If you do not have any examples at hand, use the mobile subscriber database example from the ETS and DETS chapter of the Erlang Programming book. You can download the code from the authors’ GitHub repositories.

Another useful exercise is to extend the call function with an after clause, making the process exit with reason timeout. Create a new function:

call(Name, Message, Timeout)

which, given a Timeout integer value in milliseconds or the atom infinity, allows users to set their own timeouts. Keep the call/2 call, setting the default to 5 seconds. If the server does not respond within the given timeout value, make the client process terminate abnormally with the reason timeout. Don’t forget to clean up before exiting, as the exit signal might be caught in a try-catch expression in the code using the server library.

What’s Next?

In the next chapters, we introduce the library modules that together give us the OTP behaviors. We start with the gen_server library, and then later use a similar approach to introduce FSMs, event handlers, supervisors, and applications. We have not yet covered deadlocks, timeouts, and error cases that can arise when dealing with distribution or messages that never match. These are all topics we discuss when covering the individual behavior libraries.

1 Bug-free systems exist only in the dreams of the bureaucrats. When using Erlang/OTP, equal focus should be placed on correctness and error recovery, as the bugs will manifest themselves in production systems whether you like it or not.

2 Warning, this is a trick question.

3 Minor changes are also needed to the code in order to get the stop call to work. We skip them in this example.

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