Chapter 10. Special Processes and Your Own Behaviors

OTP behaviors, in the vast majority of cases, provide you with the concurrency design patterns you need in your projects. There might, however, be occasions where you want to create an OTP-compliant application while attaching processes that are not standard behaviors to your supervision tree. For instance, existing behaviors might have performance impacts caused by the overhead of the layers added as a result of abstracting out the generic parts and error handling. You may want to write new behaviors after separating your code into generic and specific modules. Or you might want to do something as simple as adding pure Erlang processes to a supervision tree, making your release OTP compliant beyond the capabilities provided by supervision bridges. For instance, you might have to preserve that proof of concept you wrote when you first started exploring Erlang that, against your better judgment, wound up in production.1

We refer to a process that can be added to an OTP supervision tree and packaged in an application as a special process. This chapter explains how to write your own special processes, providing you with the flexibility of pure Erlang while retaining all of the advantages of OTP. We also explain how you can take your special processes a step further, turning them into OTP behaviors by splitting the code into generic and specific modules that interface with each other through predefined callback functions. If you are not planning on implementing your own behaviors or are uninterested in how they work behind the scenes, feel free to jump to the next chapter (or go to the pub) without a bad conscience. You can always come back and read this chapter when you need to. If, on the other hand, we’ve piqued your curiosity, keep on reading.

Special Processes

In order for a process to be considered a special process, and as such be part of an OTP supervision tree, it must:

  • Be started using the proc_lib module and link to its parent

  • Be able to handle system messages, system events, and shutdown requests

  • Return the module list if running dynamic modules, as we did with event managers when defining their child specs

While optional, it is useful if the process is also capable of handling debug flags and generating trace messages.

We show you how to implement special processes by walking through an example where we implement a mutex, serializing access to critical resources.

The Mutex

Mutex stands for mutual exclusion. It ensures only one process is allowed to execute the code in the critical section at any one time. A critical resource could be a printer, shared memory, or any other device for which requests must be serialized because it can handle only one client at a time. A process executing code that accesses this resource is said to be in the critical section. It needs to finish executing all the code in the critical section and exit it before a new process is allowed to enter.

In Erlang, programmers can implement a mutex as an FSM, serializing client requests through a process and managing the request queue using the mailboxes and selective receives. Because we are implementing an FSM, you must be asking yourself why we are not using the gen_fsm behavior module. The reason is that the gen_fsm behavior, and any of the other standard OTP behaviors, for that matter, does not allow us to selectively receive messages through pattern matching. Instead, the standard behaviors force us to handle events in the order in which they arrive. In contrast, by using the process mailbox and selective receives to manage the queue of client processes waiting for the mutex, we simplify our code because we have to handle only one client request at a time, without having to worry about the others waiting in the queue.

Mutexes are FSMs with two states, free and busy. A client wanting to enter the critical section does so by calling the client function mutex:wait(Name), where Name is the variable bound to the registered name associated with the mutex. The wait call is synchronous, returning only when the calling process is allowed to enter the critical section. When that occurs, the FSM transitions to state busy.

Requests are stored in the mailbox and handled on a first in, first out basis. If the mutex is being blocked by another process in state busy, the request is left in the mailbox and handled when the mutex returns to state free. When the busy process is ready to leave the critical section, it calls mutex:signal(Name), an asynchronous call that releases the mutex. When that occurs, the FSM transitions back to state free, ready to handle the next request. Figure 10-1 shows the state transitions of a mutex.

Figure 10-1. State transitions in a mutex

Let’s have a look at the mutex module, starting with the client functions (other exported functions will be defined shortly):

-export([start_link/1, start_link/2, init/3, stop/1]).
-export([wait/1, signal/1]).

wait(Name) ->
    Name ! {wait,self()},
    Mutex = whereis(Name),
        {Mutex,ok} -> ok

signal(Name) ->
    Name ! {signal,self()},

Lots of borderline cases are handled gracefully in standard OTP behaviors and are often taken for granted by the programmer. You might have seen them yourself when looking at the code in the gen_server or gen_fsm modules. When implementing special processes, however, you need to decide which borderline cases to handle and take care of them yourself. In our example, we’ve opted for simplicity and do not cover any of them. But to give you an idea of what we are talking about, have a look at the wait/1 function, where we do not check if Name exists. We do not monitor whether the mutex terminates while the client process is suspended in its receive clause. Nor are we handling the case where the mutex terminates right before whereis/1 and is restarted and reregistered immediately, leaving wait/1 in a receive clause waiting for a message from a live process it will never receive. Nor have we implemented any timeouts if the mutex process is deadlocked or hanging.

Starting Special Processes

When starting special processes, use the start and spawn functions defined in the proc_lib library module instead of Erlang’s standard spawn and spawn_link BIFs. The proc_lib functions store the process’s name, identity, parent, ancestors, and initial function call in the process dictionary. If the process terminates abnormally, SASL crash reports are generated and forwarded to the error logger. They contain all the process info stored at startup, together with the reason for termination. And like with other behaviors, there is functionality allowing for a synchronous startup with an init phase.

A common error is to attach a process that doesn’t implement a behavior to the supervision tree. There are no warnings at compile time or runtime for this, as the only check made by the supervisor is to ensure the tuple {ok, Pid} is returned. No checks are made on Pid either. You will notice things going wrong only after a crash, restart, or upgrade. And because these processes do not follow standard behaviors, unless you’ve tested your restart strategy, hunting down the issue will resemble more of a wild goose chase than a routine and civilized troubleshooting session. For non-OTP-compliant processes, use supervisor bridges, covered in “Supervisor bridges”. This chapter shows you how to create an OTP-compliant process.

Basic template for starting a special process

The recommended approach to starting a special process is to use the proc_lib:start_link(Mod, Fun, Args) call instead of the spawn_link/3 BIF. Given a module, a function, and a list of arguments, it synchronously spawns a process and waits for this process to notify that it has correctly started through the proc_lib:init_ack(Value) call. Value is sent back to the parent process, becoming the return value of the start_link/3 call. Note how we are passing optional DbgOpts debug option parameters in our start_link call. We covered them in Chapter 5. For now, assume DbgOpts is an empty list. Note also how we are passing the Parent process ID to the init/3 function; we need it in our main loop. It is the result of the self() BIF in the start_link/2 call.

start_link(Name) ->
    start_link(Name, []).

start_link(Name, DbgOpts) ->
    proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Name, DbgOpts]).

stop(Name) -> Name ! stop.

init(Parent, Name, DbgOpts) ->
    register(Name, self()),
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    Debug = sys:debug_options(DbgOpts),
    free(Name, Parent, Debug).

When initializing the process state, we first register the mutex with the alias Name. We set the trap_exit flag so we can receive exit signals from processes in our linked set (we use links instead of monitors to notify or terminate the caller if the mutex fails). And finally, we initialize the debug trace flags using the sys:debug_options(DbgOpts) call. The return value of debug_options/1 is passed as loop data and stored in the process state. It will be needed whenever the special process has to generate a trace message or receives a system message requesting it to update its trace flags.

As illustrated in Figure 10-2, once the state is initialized, we call proc_lib:init_ack(Value) to inform the parent that the special process has started correctly. Value is sent back and becomes the return value of the proc_lib:start_link/3 call. Although it isn’t mandatory, it is common practice to return {ok, self()} because supervisors expect their children’s start functions to return {ok, Pid}. If any part of the initialization fails before calling init_ack/1, proc_lib:start_link/3 terminates with the same reason. Have a look at the last line of the init/3 function and differentiate between the function call free, which points to the FSM’s first state, and Name, Parent, and Debug, which is the process state.

Figure 10-2. Starting special processes

The calls you can use to synchronously start a special process are:

  • proc_lib:start(Module, Function, Args)
  • proc_lib:start(Module, Function, Args, Time)
  • proc_lib:start(Module, Function, Args, Time, SpawnOpts) -> Ret
  • proc_lib:start_link(Module, Function, Args)
  • proc_lib:start_link(Module, Function, Args, Time)
  • proc_lib:start_link(Module, Function, Args, Time, SpawnOpts) -> Ret
  • proc_lib:init_ack(Ret)
  • proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, Ret) -> ok

The Ret return value of the start/3,4,5 and start_link/3,4,5 functions comes from the init_ack/1,2 call. As with other behaviors, SpawnOpts is a list containing all options the spawn BIFs accept, monitor excluded. If within Time milliseconds init_ack is not called, the start function returns {error, timeout}. If you use spawn or spawn_opt, do not forget to link the child to the parent process, either through the link/1 BIF or by passing the link option in SpawnOpts.

Asynchronously starting a special process

The following variations on the standard spawn and spawn_link functions are used in situations where you need asynchronous starts, such as the simultaneous launch of hundreds of new processes. They spawn the child process and immediately return its pid:

  • proc_lib:spawn(Fun)
  • proc_lib:spawn_link(Fun)
  • proc_lib:spawn_opt(Fun, SpawnOpts) -> Pid
  • proc_lib:spawn(Module, Function, Args)
  • proc_lib:spawn_link(Module, Function, Args)
  • proc_lib:spawn_opt(Node, Function, SpawnOpts) -> Pid

Other options to synchronously start special servers include spawning a process using a fun and spawning a process with the spawn options SpawnOpts.

Use asynchronous spawning with care, because the functions might cause multiple processes to run in parallel, resulting in race conditions that make your program nondeterministic. The same arguments we put forward in “Starting a Server” when discussing generic servers are valid here. A startup error might be hard to reproduce if it is dependent on a certain number of concurrent events happening in a specific order, an issue that is becoming more evident with multicore architectures. To be able to deterministically reproduce a startup error, create your process synchronously.

Regardless of how you start your special processes, they always have to be linked to their parent (by default, the supervisor). This happens automatically if you use start_link, spawn_link, or pass the link option in SpawnOpts. However, no checks are made to ensure that the process is actually linked to the supervisor, so even here, omissions of this type can be difficult to troubleshoot and detect.

The Mutex States

As we saw, a mutex has two states, free and busy, that are implemented as tail-recursive functions. The synchronous wait and asynchronous signal events are sent as messages together with the client pid. The combination of state and event dictates the actions and state transitions. Note how when in the free state, we accept only the wait event, informing the client through the message {self(), ok} that it is allowed to enter the critical section. The mutex will then transition to the busy state, where the only event that will pattern match is signal, sent by Pid. You should have noticed that Pid was bound in the function head to the client holding the mutex. Upon receiving the signal event, the mutex transitions back to the free state:

free(Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {wait,Pid} ->
            Pid ! {self(),ok},
            busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug);
        stop ->

busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {signal,Pid} ->
            free(Name, Parent, Debug)

Note how we accept the stop message only if the mutex is in the free state. If you stop the mutex in the busy state, you’ll leave the client executing the code in its critical section in an unknown and possibly corrupt state, because the mutex might have been restarted and blocked by other client processes. By stopping the mutex only in the free state, you can guarantee a clean shutdown.

So far, so good. We are going back to Erlang 101 with the basics of FSMs. Let’s now start expanding the states to handle the system messages required by special processes.

Handling Exits

If the parent of your special process terminates, your process must terminate as well. If your process does not trap exit signals, the runtime will take care of this for you because you should be linked to your parent. Non-normal exit signals propagate to all processes in the link set, terminating them with the same reason that terminated the original process. An exit with reason normal doesn’t propagate, but in OTP, the supervisor guarantees that a parent will never terminate with that reason, so you don’t have to worry about it.

Special processes that trap exits have to monitor their parents, as they might receive messages of the format:

{'EXIT', Parent, Reason}

where Parent is the parent pid and Reason is the reason for termination. If they do, they should clean up after themselves, possibly in their terminate or cleanup function, followed by a call to the exit(Reason) BIF.

In our previous example, the mutex is trapping exits, so we have to monitor parent termination. Let’s expand the state functions, handling the EXIT messages from the parent process by calling terminate/2. We also call terminate/2 when receiving the stop message. If the parent terminates in state busy, we terminate the process holding the mutex before calling terminate/2:

free(Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {wait,Pid} ->
            Pid ! {self(),ok},
            busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug);
        stop ->
            terminate(shutdown, Name);
        {'EXIT',Parent,Reason} ->
            terminate(Reason, Name)

busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {signal,Pid} ->
            free(Name, Parent, Debug);
        {'EXIT',Parent,Reason} ->
            exit(Pid, Reason),
            terminate(Reason, Name)

terminate(Reason, Name) ->
terminate(Reason) ->
        {wait,Pid} ->
            exit(Pid, Reason),
    after 0 ->

The first thing terminate/2 does is unregister the mutex, ensuring that any processes that try to send it requests terminate with reason badarg. The mutex goes on to terminate all processes in the queue by traversing its mailbox and extracting wait requests. When done, it knows no client processes are kept hanging and terminates itself with reason Reason.

System Messages

In addition to monitoring parents, special processes need to manage system messages of the format:

{system, From, Msg}

where From is the request originator and Msg is the system message itself. They could be messages originating from the supervisor used to suspend and resume processes during software upgrades or from a client manipulating or retrieving trace outputs using the sys module. What they are, however, is irrelevant to you as a developer, as you handle them as opaque data types and just pass them on.

No matter what the request is, these calls are handled behind the scenes in the sys:handle_system_message(Msg, From, Parent, Mod, Dbg, Data) function, as seen in Figure 10-3. The arguments to the sys:handle_system_message/6 call, although numerous, are straightforward:

  • Msg and From are provided by the system message.

  • Parent is the parent pid, passed when spawning the special process.

  • Mod is the name of the module implementing the special process.

  • Dbg is the debug data, initially returned by the sys:debug_options/1 call.

  • Data is used to store the loop data of the process.

Figure 10-3. Handling system messages

The functions in the special process module that executes the call must be tail recursive as they never return. Not making them tail recursive will cause a memory leak every time a system message is received. Control is handed back to the special process in the Mod module by calling one of the following callback functions:

Mod:system_continue(Parent, Debug, Data)
Mod:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, Data)

If control is returned through the system_continue/3 callback function, your special process needs to return to its main loop. If system_terminate/4 is instead called, probably as a result of the parent ordering a shutdown, the special process needs to clean up after itself and terminate with reason Reason. We show you all of this in the mutex example, but first, let’s understand how debug printouts work.

Trace and Log Events

When we covered the start functions earlier in this chapter, we discussed the SpawnOpts argument, which among other options allows us to pass debug flags to special processes. In our mutex:start_link/2 call, we can pass these debug options in the second argument, binding them to the DbgOpts variable. DbgOpts contains zero or more of the trace, log, statistics, and {log_to_file, FileName} flags described in Chapter 5. This list is passed by the special process to the sys:debug_options(DbgOpts) call, which initiates the debug routines. Unrecognized or unsupported debug options are ignored. The return value of the call, stored in the variable Debug in our example, is kept in the special process loop data passed to all system calls. Remember the example in “Tracing and Logging” where we turned the trace and logs on or off during runtime, printing them in the shell and diverting them to a file? If everything is initialized correctly, you can generate similar trace logs with your special processes, turning the options on and off at runtime. All requests originating from calls such as sys:trace/3 or sys:log/2 are received and handled as system messages. What might change in between calls are the contents of the Debug list, returned as part of the system_continue/3 callback function.

Generating trace events is a straightforward operation done by calling this function:

sys:handle_debug(Debug, DbgFun, Extra, Event)


  • Debug is the initialized debug options.

  • DbgFun is a fun of arity 3 that formats the trace event.

  • Extra is data that can be used when formatting the event, usually the process name or the loop data.

  • Event is the trace event you want to print out.

DbgFun is a fun that formats the event, sometimes by calling another function to do so. The arguments passed to it by the sys module include the I/O device you are writing to, which can be either the standard_io or standard_error atom or the pid returned by the file:open call. Extra and Event come from the arguments to the handle_debug/4 call:

fun(Dev, Extra, Event) ->
    io:format(Dev, "mutex ~w: ~w~n", [Extra,Event])

You can also add your own trace functions at runtime using the sys:install/2 call, using pattern matching in the fun head to examine events and decide on the flow of execution. With system messages and trace outputs in place, let’s see how it all fits together by adding them to our mutex example.

Putting It Together

For your convenience, we’ve put the whole mutex example in one place. Note how we’ve expanded the free and busy states to include trace messages and system messages. Let’s focus on this functionality, starting with trace messages.

When we receive the wait and signal events, we call sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, Name, Event), where Event is either {wait, Pid} or {signal, Pid}. This call hands control over to the sys module, which eventually calls the debug fun. In our case, it is the local function debug/3. Have a look at it, paying special attention as to how the I/O device, extra arguments, and events passed to it are used. handle_debug/4 returns NewDebug, which is passed as an argument to the next state. When reviewing the example, remember the mutex process does not implement the services it protects. It just implements the semaphore that gives other processes access to these services. The complete mutex example looks like this:


-export([start_link/1, start_link/2, init/3, stop/1]).
-export([wait/1, signal/1]).
-export([system_continue/3, system_terminate/4]).

wait(Name) ->
    Name ! {wait,self()},
    Mutex = whereis(Name),
        {Mutex,ok} -> ok

signal(Name) ->
    Name ! {signal,self()},

start_link(Name) ->
    start_link(Name, []).

start_link(Name, DbgOpts) ->
    proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [self(), Name, DbgOpts]).

stop(Name) -> Name ! stop.

init(Parent, Name, DbgOpts) ->
    register(Name, self()),
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
    Debug = sys:debug_options(DbgOpts),
    NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, Name, init),
    free(Name, Parent, NewDebug).

free(Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {wait,Pid} ->		%% The user requests.
            NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, Name, {wait,Pid}),
            Pid ! {self(),ok},
            busy(Pid, Name, Parent, NewDebug);
        {system,From,Msg} ->	%% The system messages.
            sys:handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent,
                                  ?MODULE, Debug, {free, Name});
        stop ->
            terminate(stopped, Name, Debug);
        {'EXIT',Parent,Reason} ->
            terminate(Reason, Name, Debug)

busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug) ->
        {signal,Pid} ->
            NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, Name, {signal,Pid}),
            free(Name, Parent, NewDebug);
        {system,From,Msg} ->   	%% The system messages.
            sys:handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent, 
                                  ?MODULE, Debug, {busy,Name,Pid});
        {'EXIT',Parent,Reason} ->
            exit(Pid, Reason),
            terminate(Reason, Name, Debug)

debug(Dev, Event, Name) ->
    io:format(Dev, "mutex ~w: ~w~n", [Name,Event]).

system_continue(Parent, Debug, {busy,Name,Pid}) ->
    busy(Pid, Name, Parent, Debug);
system_continue(Parent, Debug, {free,Name}) ->
    free(Name, Parent, Debug).

system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, {busy,Name,Pid}) ->
    exit(Pid, Reason),
    terminate(Reason, Name, Debug);
system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, {free,Name}) ->
    terminate(Reason, Name, Debug).

terminate(Reason, Name, Debug) ->
    sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, Name, {terminate, Reason}),
terminate(Reason) ->
        {wait,Pid} ->
            exit(Pid, Reason),
    after 0 ->

When the free and busy functions receive {system, From, Msg}, they tail recursively invoke sys:handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent, ?MODULE, Debug, {State, LoopData}), handing control over to the sys module. The system message is handled behing the scenes, after which the function returns by calling either system_continue/3 or system_terminate/4 in the mutex module. If the function is not tail recursive, there will be, as we mentioned earlier, a memory leak for every system message received.

In our example, if system_continue is called, we just return to the state we were in, determined by the Name loop data in state free and the {Name, Pid} loop data in busy, where we wait for the next event or system call. In the case of system_terminate, if in state busy, we terminate the process that held the mutex (potentially leaving the system in an inconsistent state), followed by calling terminate/2. If in state free, we just call terminate/2. In both cases, we employ pattern matching on the final argument to ensure we take the correct actions for continuation and termination.

System messages and debug options are straightforward to handle in your own special processes. All you need to do is reuse the code from this example, ensuring that when you get handed back the control, you go back into your loop or state with a tail-recursive function. Before looking at the trial run of the mutex, read through the code one more time and make sure you understand the what, why, and hows of special processes.

In our trial run, we create a child specification for our special process, starting it as a dynamic child in a supervisor mutex_sup. We’ve not included the supervisor code in this example, as it is boilerplate code. All init/1 does is return the supervisor specification with a restart tuple with a one_for_one strategy allowing a maximum of five restarts per hour and an empty child list. You can find the source code in the book’s GitHub repository.

Note how in the mutex:start_link/2 arguments of the child specification, we turn on the trace flag. This leads to the trace printout when the mutex is started as a result of shell command 3. We turn on other debug options using the sys module in shell commands 4 and 5:

1> ChildSpec = {mutex, {mutex, start_link, [printer, [trace]]},
                   transient, 5000, worker, [mutex]}.
2> mutex_sup:start_link().
3> supervisor:start_child(mutex_sup, ChildSpec).
mutex printer: init
4> sys:log(printer, {true,10}).
5> sys:statistics(printer, true).
6> mutex:wait(printer), mutex:signal(printer).
mutex printer: {wait,<0.32.0>}
mutex printer: {signal,<0.32.0>}
7> sys:log(printer, get).
8> sys:log(printer, print).
mutex printer: {wait,<0.32.0>}
mutex printer: {signal,<0.32.0>}
9> sys:get_status(printer).
10> exit(whereis(printer), kill).
mutex printer: init
11> exit(whereis(mutex_sup), shutdown).
mutex printer: {terminate,shutdown}
** exception exit: shutdown

In shell command 6, we wait for the mutex and then signal for it to be released, and each request generates a trace event. In shell commands 7, 8, and 9, we retrieve some of the trace and status information through the sys module, followed by some tests with termination and restarts in shell commands 10 and 11.

Do some tests of your own, experimenting with multiple clients, the SASL report browser, and other sys commands such as suspending and restarting the modules.

Dynamic Modules and Hibernating

You might recall from Chapter 8 that we need to provide the list of modules implementing the behavior in the child specification. They are used to determine which processes to suspend during software upgrades. There are occasions, as is the case with event managers and handlers, where the modules are not known at compile time. In the supervisor child specification module list, these behaviors were tagged with the atom dynamic. Special processes can also have dynamic modules.

Figure 10-4. Retrieving dynamic modules

If your special process modules are tagged as dynamic in the child specification, then as Figure 10-4 illustrates, you need to handle the system message {get_modules, From}. From is the pid of the supervisor, used to return the list of modules in the From ! {modules, ModuleList} expression.

If you need to hibernate your special processes, instead of the BIF, use:

proc_lib:hibernate(Mod, Fun, Args)

It hibernates the process just like the BIF and the standard OTP behavior return values, but as an added feature, it also ensures that logging and debugging still function when the process wakes up.

Your Own Behaviors

Now that you understand special processes, let’s take the concept further by splitting the code into generic and specific parts to implement our own behaviors. You will want to implement your own behaviors when several processes follow a pattern that cannot be expressed using existing OTP behaviors. Generic servers, FSMs, and event managers cater to most programmers’ needs, so don’t get caught up in the excitement and start writing new behaviors in every project. Chances are you are overengineering a solution that could easily be abstracted in a simple library module.

Having said that, there will be times when there are good reasons to implement your own behaviors. Patterns can be abstracted in generic and specific modules, when the generic part is substantial enough to make it worthwhile. If you go down this route, chances are good that your behavior (or library) can be built on top of generic servers. If not, or if you prefer to avoid generic servers because of the performance overhead, make sure your behavior follows the design rules required by special processes using the sys and proc_lib modules.


If you are into software archeology and have an interest in the evolution of software, try to get your hands on the source code of the early versions of Erlang/OTP. Skim through the old behavior code and you will find that most of the behaviors were built on top of generic servers. Current OTP behaviors, generic servers included, are built using a module called gen. It is a wrapper on top of the sys and proc_lib modules, handling a lot of the tricky and borderline cases associated with concurrent and distributed programming we’ve discussed in previous chapters. Look for it in the source directory of your stdlib application and look through the code. If you are implementing your own behaviors and do not want to get caught out, you might want to use gen instead of rolling your own. Be warned, however, as it is undocumented, and it might change in between releases with little or no notice.

Rules for Creating Behaviors

The steps to creating your own behavior are straightforward, requiring you to break up your code into generic and specific modules and define the callback functions and their return values. When doing so, you need to follow these simple rules:

  • The name of the generic module has to be the same as the behavior name.

  • You need to list the callback functions in the behavior module.

  • In your callback module, include the -behavior(BehaviorName). directive.

Once you’ve compiled your generic behavior code, compiling your callback modules with the behavior directives will result in warnings should you omit any callbacks.

An Example Handling TCP Streams

Let’s have a look at some parts of an example in which we implement our own behavior, focusing on the code specific to our behavior’s implementation. We’ve omitted functions not relevant to the example, marking them with ... in the code. If you want to look at the whole module, you can find it in the code repository with the book’s examples. There is no need, however, to view the full example if you are interested only in understanding the specifics of implementing your own behavior.

Our example is a wrapper that encapsulates activities associated with TCP streams, including connections, configuration, and error handling, exposing only the stream of data being received. Upon receiving a socket accept request, the behavior spawns a new process that is kept alive for as long as the socket is open. The behavior receives the packets, forwarding them to the callback module as they arrive. The socket can be closed by the callback module through a return value of a callback function, or indirectly when the TCP client closes its side of the connection.

The callback functions in the callback module consist of an initialization function called once when the socket is opened, a data handling call invoked for every packet received, and a termination function called when the socket is closed:

-export([init_request/0, get_request/2, stop_request/2]).

init_request() ->
    io:format("Receiving Data~n."), 
get_request(Data, Buffer)->
    {ok, [Data|Buffer]}.
stop_request(_Reason, Buffer) ->

The callback function init_request/0 returns {ok, LoopData}. The get_request/2 function receives the TCP packet bound to the variable Data and the LoopData, returning either {ok, NewLoopData} or {stop, Reason, NewLoopData}. In this example, LoopData is a buffer of received TCP packets bound to the variable Buffer. Upon closing the socket, stop_request/2 is given the Reason for termination and the LoopData, and has to return the atom ok.

Note how we have included the -behavior(tcp_wrapper). directive in the code. This points to the tcp_wrapper module, where the behavior is implemented.

When starting the tcp_wrapper behavior, we pass the callback module Mod and the Port number. We spawn a process that initializes the behavior state, opens a listener socket, and eventually makes its way to the accept/4 function. For every concurrent stream, we accept a connection on the listener socket, spawn a new process that starts executing in the init_request/2 function, and handle the stream through the callback module. In the accept call, we specify a timeout to keep from blocking infinitely so we can yield control back to the main loop (not shown in the example) every second, ensuring we can handle system messages and the EXIT signal from the parent process. We also export the cast/3 call, which allows us to create a connection and send a request asynchronously to the server:2

-export([start_link/2, cast/3]).
-export([init/3, system_continue/3, system_terminate/4, init_request/2]).

-callback init_request() -> {'ok', Reply :: term()}.
-callback get_request(Data :: term(),
                      LoopData :: term()) ->
    {'ok', Reply :: term()} | 
    {'stop', Reason :: atom(), LoopData :: term()}.
-callback stop_request(Reason :: term(), LoopData :: term()) -> term().

start_link(Mod, Port) ->
    proc_lib:start_link(?MODULE, init, [Mod, Port, self()]).

cast(Host, Port, Data) ->
    {ok, Socket} = gen_tcp:connect(Host, Port, [binary, {active, false}, 
                                               {reuseaddr, true}]),
    send(Socket, Data),
    ok = gen_tcp:close(Socket).

send(Socket, <<Chunk:1/binary,Rest/binary>>) ->
    gen_tcp:send(Socket, [Chunk]),
    send(Socket, Rest);
send(Socket, <<Rest/binary>>) ->
    gen_tcp:send(Socket, Rest).

init(Mod, Port, Parent) ->
    {ok, Listener} = gen_tcp:listen(Port, [{active, false}]),
    proc_lib:init_ack({ok, self()}),
    loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, sys:debug_options([])).

loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, Debug) ->
        {system,From,Msg} ->
            sys:handle_system_msg(Msg, From, Parent, 
                                  ?MODULE, Debug, {Listener, Mod});
        {'EXIT', Parent, Reason} ->
            terminate(Reason, Listener, Debug);
        {'EXIT', Child, _Reason} ->
            NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3,
                                                   stop_request, Child),
            loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, NewDebug)
    after 0 ->
            accept(Mod, Listener, Parent, Debug)

accept(Mod, Listener, Parent, Debug) ->
    case gen_tcp:accept(Listener, 1000) of
        {ok, Socket} ->
            Pid = proc_lib:spawn_link(?MODULE, init_request, [Mod, Socket]),
            gen_tcp:controlling_process(Socket, Pid),
            NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, init_request, Pid),
            loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, NewDebug);
        {error, timeout} ->
            loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, Debug);
        {error, Reason} ->
            NewDebug = sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, error, Reason),
            terminate(Reason, Listener, NewDebug)

system_continue(Parent, Debug, {Listener, Mod}) ->
    loop(Mod, Listener, Parent, Debug).

system_terminate(Reason, _Parent, Debug, {Listener, _Mod}) ->
    terminate(Reason, Listener, Debug).

terminate(Reason, Listener, Debug) ->
    sys:handle_debug(Debug, fun debug/3, terminating, Reason),

debug(Dev, Event, Data) ->
    io:format(Dev, "Listener ~w:~w~n", [Event,Data]).

init_request(Mod, Socket) ->
    {ok, LoopData} = Mod:init_request(),
    get_request(Mod, Socket, LoopData).

get_request(Mod, Socket, LoopData) ->
    case gen_tcp:recv(Socket, 0) of
        {ok, Data} ->
            case Mod:get_request(Data, LoopData) of
                {ok, NewLoopData} ->
                    get_request(Mod, Socket, NewLoopData);
                {stop, Reason, NewLoopData} ->
                    stop_request(Mod, Reason, NewLoopData)
        {error, Reason} ->
            stop_request(Mod, Reason, LoopData)

stop_request(Mod, Reason, LoopData) ->
    Mod:stop_request(Reason, LoopData).

The generic code handling the TCP stream is straightforward. It is a process loop that initializes the stream state, receives the packets, and terminates when the callback module returns a stop tuple, or when the TCP client decides to close its side of the connection. For initialization, receiving packets, and termination, appropriate callback functions in the Mod callback module are called.

One item that stands out in our behavior implementation—probably the most important one alongside the calling of the callback functions—is the callback specification. It lists the callback functions that need to be exported in the callback module, following the directives set out in the Erlang type and function specifications. The callback specifications are mapped to the behavior_info(callbacks) function, which returns a list of the form {Function, Arity}. You can bypass the callback specifications altogether, directly implementing and exporting the behavior_info/1 call in your generic behavior module (which is how behaviors were required to be implemented with older releases of Erlang/OTP prior to R15B). Compare the callback specifications to the callback functions in the tcp_print module. Do they match?


behavior_info(callbacks) ->
    [{init_request, 0}, {get_request, 2}, {stop_request, 2}].

The advantages of using callback specifications over the behavior_info/1 function is that the dialyzer tool will find discrepancies between your callback modules and the specs, a welcome addition to the undefined callback function compiler warnings. The dialyzer enables behavior callback warnings by default. Remember to compile your generic behavior module and make it available in the code search path before compiling your callback module, or else you will get an undefined behavior warning.

Summing Up

In this chapter, we’ve introduced you to the ins and outs of implementing special processes, making them OTP compliant and including them as part of OTP supervision trees. We’ve also taken special processes a step further, allowing you to split the code into generic and specific modules and turning them into behaviors complete with callback modules, behavior directives, and associated compiler warnings.

When starting and hibernating special processes, instead of the standard BIFs, you must use the functions in the proc_lib module, listed in Table 10-1.

Table 10-1. Starting special process with the proc_lib module
Function callCallback function or action
proc_lib:start/3,4,5proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, Reply), proc_lib:init_ack(Reply)
proc_lib:start_link/3,4,5proc_lib:init_ack(Parent, Reply), proc_lib:init_ack(Reply)

The system message calls in Table 10-2 and their respective callbacks need to be managed by your process, either by responding directly to the process sending the request or by using the sys module.

Table 10-2. System requests and messages
MessageCallback function or action
{system, From, Request}Mod:system_continue(Parent, Debug, LoopData), Mod:system_terminate(Reason, Parent, Debug, LoopData)
{'EXIT', Parent, Reason}exit(Reason)
{get_modules, From}From ! {modules, ModuleList}

You can read more about the sys and proc_lib modules in their respective manual pages. There is an example covering special processes and user-defined behaviors in the “sys and proc_lib” section of the OTP Design Principles User’s Guide. And finally, you can find more information on type and function specifications used in defining your own callback definitions in the Erlang Reference Manual and User’s Guide.

If you feel like coding, we suggest you download the mutex example from the book’s code repository and implement some of the edge cases that can occur in concurrent applications. In your client function, when requesting the mutex, add references guaranteeing the validity of your reply together with optional timeouts. You will also want to monitor the mutex in case it terminates abnormally while you are executing in the critical section.

What’s Next?

Special processes and user-defined behaviors are the foundations used to build existing and new behaviors, allowing us to glue them together in a supervision tree and package them in an application. In the next chapter, on release handling and system principles, we group applications in a release and see how we can configure, start, and stop an Erlang node as a whole.

1 For those of you working in large companies, we’re referring to the projects where we’ve spent more time in meetings discussing and trying to get approval for a migration to OTP than it would have actually taken to refactor the code.

2 An alternative to this timeout approach is to use the prim_inet:async_accept/2 function, which sends the calling process a message when a new connection is accepted, but that function is intended to be private to Erlang/OTP and so is not part of its documented and supported set of API functions.

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