Chapter 13. Decisions Under Uncertainty—Bayesian Techniques

This chapter introduces Bayesian inference and Bayesian networks and shows how you can use these techniques in games. Specifically, we’ll show you how to use these techniques to enable nonplayer characters (NPCs) to make decisions when the states of the game world are uncertain. We’ll also show you how simple Bayesian models enable your computer-controlled characters to adapt to changing situations. We’ll make heavy use of probability, so if that subject is not fresh in your mind, you might want to read Chapter 12 first and then come back to this chapter.

Before getting into the details of Bayesian networks, let’s discuss a hypothetical example. Suppose you’re writing a role-playing game in which you enable players to store valuables in chests located around the game world. Players can use these chests to store whatever they want, but they run the risk of NPCs looting the chests. To deter looting, players can trap the chests if they have the skill and materials to set such traps. Now, as a game developer, you’re faced with the issue of how to code NPC thieves for them to decide whether to open a given chest that they discover.

One option is to have NPCs always attempt to open any given chest. Although simple to implement, this option is not so interesting and has some undesirable consequences. First, having the NPCs always open the chest defeats the purpose of players trapping chests as a deterrent. Second, if players catch on that NPCs always will attempt to open a chest no matter what, they might try to exploit this fact by trapping empty chests for the sole purpose of weakening or even killing NPCs without having to engage them in direct combat.

Your other option is to cheat and give NPCs absolute knowledge that any given chest is trapped (or not) and have them avoid trapped chests. Although this might render traps adequate deterrents, it can be viewed as unfair. Further, there’s no variety, which can get boring after a while.

A potentially better alternative is to give NPCs some knowledge, though not perfect, and to enable them to reason given that knowledge. Further, if we enable NPCs to have some sort of memory, they potentially can learn or adapt, thus avoiding such exploits as the trapped empty chest we discussed a moment ago. We’ll take a closer look at this example later in this chapter. When we do, we’ll use probabilities and statistical data collected in-game as NPC memory and Bayesian models as the inference or decision-making mechanism for NPCs.

Note that in this example, we actually can give NPCs perfect knowledge, but we introduce uncertainty to make things more interesting. In other game scenarios, you might not be able to give NPCs perfect knowledge because you yourself might not have it to give! For example, in a fighting game you can’t know for sure what strike a player will throw next. Therefore, NPC opponents can’t know either. However, you can use Bayesian techniques and probabilities to give NPC opponents the ability to predict the next strike—that is, to anticipate the next strike—at a success rate more than twice what otherwise can be achieved by just guessing. We’ll take a closer look at this example, and others, later in this chapter. First, let’s go over the fundamentals of Bayesian analysis.

What is a Bayesian Network?

Bayesian networks are graphs that compactly represent the relationship between random variables for a given problem. These graphs aid in performing reasoning or decision making in the face of uncertainty. Such reasoning relies heavily on Bayes’ rule, which we discussed in Chapter 12. In this chapter, we use simple Bayesian networks to model specific game scenarios that require NPCs to make decisions given uncertain information about the game world. Before looking at some specific examples, let’s go over the details of Bayesian networks.


Bayesian networks consist of nodes representing random variables and arcs or links representing the causal relationship between variables. Figure 13-1 shows an example Bayesian network. Imagine a game in which an NPC can encounter a chest that can be locked or unlocked. Whether it is locked depends on whether it contains treasure or whether it is trapped.

Example Bayesian network
Figure 13-1. Example Bayesian network

In this example, the nodes labeled T, Tr, and L represent random variables (often referred to as events in the probabilistic sense). The arrows connecting each node represent causal relationships. You can think of nodes at the tail of the arrows as parents and nodes at the head of the arrows as children. Here, parents cause children. For example, Figure 13-1 shows that Locked is caused by Trapped or Treasure or both Trapped and Treasure. You should be aware that this causal relationship is probabilistic and not certain. For example, the chest being Trapped does not necessarily always cause the chest to be Locked. There’s a certain probability that Trapped might cause Locked, but it’s possible that Trapped might not cause Locked.

You measure the strength of the connections between events in terms of probabilities. Each node has an associated conditional probability table that gives the probability of any outcome of the child event given all possible combinations of outcomes of its parents. For our purposes, we’re going to consider discrete events only. What we mean here is that any event, any variable, can take on any one of a set of discrete values. These values are assumed to be mutually exclusive and exhaustive. For example, Locked can take on values of TRUE or FALSE.

Let’s assume that Trapped can be either TRUE or FALSE. Let’s also assume Treasure can be either TRUE or FALSE. If Locked can take on the values TRUE or FALSE, we need a conditional probability table for Locked that gives the probability of Locked being TRUE given every combination of values for Trapped and Treasure, and the probability of Locked being false given every combination of values for Trapped and Treasure. Table 13-1 summarizes the conditional probability table for Locked in this case.

Table 13-1. Example conditional probability table

Probability of Locked

Value of Trapped

Value of Treasure









P(L|T Tr)

P(L|T Tr)







P(L|T Tr)

P(L|T Tr)

In this table, the first two columns show all combinations of values for Trapped and Treasure. The third column shows the probability that Locked=TRUE given each combination of values for Trapped and Treasure, while the last column shows the probability that Locked=FALSE given each combination of values for Trapped and Treasure. The tilde symbol, , as used here indicates the conjugate of a binary event. If P(T) is the probability of Trapped being equal to TRUE, P(T) is the probability of Trapped being equal to FALSE. Note that each of the three events considered here are binary in that they each can take on only one of two values. This yields the 2 × 4 set of conditional probabilities for Locked, as shown in Table 13-1.

As the number of possible values for these events gets larger, or as the number of parent nodes for a given child node goes up, the number of entries in the conditional probability table for the child node increases exponentially. This is one of the biggest deterrents for using Bayesian methods in games. Not only does it become difficult to determine all of these conditional probabilities, but also as the size of the network increases, the computational requirements become prohibitive for real-time games. (Technically Bayesian networks are considered NP-hard, which means they are computationally too expensive for large numbers of nodes.)

Keep in mind that every child node will require a conditional probability table. So-called root nodes, nodes that don’t have parents—events Trapped and Treasure in this example—don’t have conditional probability tables. Instead, they have what are called prior probability tables which contain the probabilities of these events taking on each of their possible values. The term prior used here means that these are probabilities for root nodes before we make adjustments to the probabilities given new information somewhere else in the network. Updated probabilities given new information are called posterior probabilities. We’ll see examples of this sort of calculation later.

The complexity we discussed here is a major incentive for keeping Bayesian networks for use in games simple and specific. For example, theoretically you could construct a Bayesian network to control every aspect of an NPC unit. You could have nodes in the network representing decisions to chase or evade, and still other nodes to represent turn left, turn right, and so on. The trouble with this approach is that the networks become incredibly complex and difficult to set up, solve, and test. Further, the required conditional probability tables become so large that you’d have to resort to some form of training to figure them out rather than specify them. We don’t advocate this approach.

As we mentioned in Chapter 1, and as we’ll discuss in Chapter 14 on neural networks, we recommend that you use Bayesian methods for very specific decision-making problems and leave the other AI tasks to other methods that are better suited for them. Why use a Bayesian network to steer a chasing unit when reliable, easy, and robust deterministic methods are available for that task? Use the Bayesian network to decide whether to chase or evade and let other algorithms take over to handle the actual chasing or evading.


You can make three basic types of reasoning or inference using Bayesian networks. For this discussion, we’ll refer to the simple networks shown in Figure 13-2.

Simple networks
Figure 13-2. Simple networks

The network on the left is called a causal chain, in this case a three-node chain. The network on the upper right is called a common cause network. It’s also more commonly referred to as a naïve Bayesian network or Bayesian classifier. The network on the lower right is called a common effect network. The three basic types of reasoning are as follows:

Diagnostic reasoning

Diagnostic reasoning is probably the most common type of reasoning using Bayesian networks. This sort of reasoning, along with Bayesian classifier networks, is used heavily in medical diagnostics. For example, referring to the network on the upper right in Figure 13-2, A would be a disease and B and C symptoms. Given the symptoms presented, the doctor could make inferences as to the probability of the disease being present.

Predictive reasoning

Predictive reasoning involves making inferences about effects given information on causes. For example, referring to the network on the left in Figure 13-2, if we know something about A, which causes B, we can make some inferences about the probability of B occurring.

Explaining away

Explaining away involves common cause networks, as shown on the lower right in Figure 13-2. Let’s assume the nodes are all binary—that is, true or false. If we know C is true and we know A and B cause C, given that C is true we would raise the probability that A and B also are true. However, say we later learn that B is true; this implies that the probability of A occurring actually decreases. This brings up some interesting characteristics of Bayesian networks—namely, independence and conditional dependence.

The structure on the lower right in Figure 13-2 implies that events A and B are independent of each other. There’s no causal link between A and B. However, if we learn something about C and then something about A or B, we do affect the probability of A or B. In our example, learning that C is true and that B also is true lowers the probability that A is true even though A and B are independent events.

Now consider the network shown on the left in Figure 13-2. In this case, we see that A causes B which in turn causes C. If we learn the state of B, we can make inferences on the state of C irrespective of the state of A. A has no influence on our belief of event C if we know the state of B. In Bayesian lingo, node B blocks A from affecting C.

Another form of independence present in Bayesian networks is d-separation. Look back at the network shown in Figure 13-1. Instead of one node blocking another node, as in the previous discussion, you could have a situation in which a node blocks clusters of nodes. In Figure 13-1, C causes D and D causes E and F, but A and B cause C. However, if we learn the state of C, A and B have no effect on D and thus no effect on E and F. Likewise, if we learn something about the state of D, nodes A, B, and C become irrelevant to E and F. Identifying these independence situations is helpful when trying to solve Bayesian networks because we can treat parts of a network separately, simplifying some computations.

Actually solving, or making inferences, using Bayesian networks involves calculating probabilities using the rules we discussed in Chapter 12. We’re going to show you how to do this for simple networks in the examples that follow. We should point out, though, that some general-purpose methods for solving complex Bayesian networks we aren’t going to cover. These networks include the popular message passing algorithm (see the second reference cited at the end of this chapter) as well as other approximate stochastic methods. Many of these methods don’t seem appropriate for real-time games because computation requirements are large. Here, again, we recommend that you keep Bayesian networks simple if you’re going to use them in games. Of course, you don’t have to listen to us, but by keeping them simple, you can use them where they are best suited for specific tasks and let other methods do their job. This will make your testing and debugging job easier because you can isolate the complicated AI code from the rest of your AI code.


Let’s say you’re writing a game in which NPCs can loot chests potentially filled with players’ treasure and other valuables. Players can put their valuables in these chests for storage and they have the option of trapping the chests (if they have the skill) along with the option of locking the chests. NPCs can attempt to loot such chests as they find them. An NPC can observe the chest and determine whether it is locked, but he can’t make a direct observation as to whether any given chest is trapped. The NPC must decide whether to attempt to loot the chest. If successful, he keeps the loot. If the chest is trapped, he incurs damage, which could kill him. We’ll use a simple Bayesian network along with some fuzzy rules to make the decision for the NPC.

The Bayesian network for this is among the simplest possible. The network is a two-node chain, as illustrated in Figure 13-3.

Two-node chain
Figure 13-3. Two-node chain

Each event, Trapped and Locked, can take on one of two discrete states: true or false. Therefore, we have the following probability tables, shown in Tables 13-2 and 13-3, associated with each event node.

Table 13-2. Trapped probabilities




p T

(1-p T )

Table 13-3. Locked conditional probabilities

P(Locked | Trapped)





p Lt

(1-p Lt)


p Lf

(1-p Lf)

In Table 13-2, p T is the probability that the chest is trapped, while (1-p T ) is the probability that the chest is not trapped. Table 13-3 shows the conditional probabilities that the chest is locked given each possible state of the chest being trapped. In Table 13-3, p Lt represents the probability that the chest is locked given that it is trapped; p Lf represents the probability that the chest is locked given that it is not trapped; (1-p Lt) represents the probability that the chest is not locked given that it is trapped; and (1-p Lf) represents the probability that the chest is not locked given that it is not trapped.

Tree Diagram

Sometimes it’s helpful to look at problems in the form of tree diagrams as well. The tree diagram for this problem is very simple, as shown in Figure 13-4.

Tree diagram
Figure 13-4. Tree diagram

Looking at this tree diagram, it is clear that a chest can be locked in two possible ways and can be unlocked in two possible ways. Each branch in the tree has a corresponding probability associated with it. These are the same probabilities shown in Tables 13-2 and 13-3. This diagram illustrates the compactness of Bayesian network-style graphs as opposed to tree diagrams for visualizing causal relationships. This is important for more complicated problems with greater numbers of events and possible states for each event. In such cases, tree diagrams can become unwieldy in terms of visualizing the relationships between each event.

Determining Probabilities

We can determine the probabilities we need—those shown in Tables 13-2 and 13-3—by gathering statistics during the game. For example, every time an NPC encounters a chest and opens it, the frequencies of the chest being trapped versus not trapped can be updated. The NPC effectively learns these probabilities through experience. You can have each NPC learn based on its own experience, or you can have groups of NPCs learn collectively. You also can collect statistics on the frequencies of chests being locked given they are trapped and locked given they are not trapped to determine the conditional probabilities. Because we are using discrete probabilities and because each event has two states, you’ll have to develop a four-element conditional probability table as we discussed earlier. In a game, it is plausible that any given chest can exist in any one of the four states we illustrated in Figure 13-4. For example, a player can put his valuables in a chest and lock it without trapping it because he might not have the skill or materials required to set traps. Or a player can possess skill and materials to trap the chest as well as lock it, and so on. Therefore, we can’t assume that a chest always will be trapped or always will be locked, and so forth.

Making Inferences

In this example, we’re going to use diagnostic inference. What we aim to do is answer the question, given an NPC encounters a chest what is the probability that the chest is trapped? If the NPC does not observe that the chest is locked, the probability that the chest is trapped is simply p T. However, if the NPC observes the state of the chest being locked, we can revise the probability of the chest being trapped given this new information. We’ll use Bayes’ rule to make this revision. Bayes’ rule yields the following:

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Here P(T) represents the probability that Trapped=TRUE, P(L) represents the probability of Locked=TRUE, and P(L|T) represents the probability that Locked=TRUE given that Trapped=TRUE. In English, Bayes’ rule for this problem says that the probability that the chest is trapped given that the chest is locked is equal to the probability that the chest is locked given that it is trapped times the probability that the chest is trapped divided by the probability that the chest is locked. P(L|T) is taken from the conditional probability table. P(T) also is known from the probability table. However, we must calculate P(L)—the probability that the chest is locked. Looking at the tree diagram in Figure 13-4, we see that the chest can be locked in two ways: 1) given the chest is trapped; or 2) given the chest is not trapped. We can use probability rule 4 from Chapter 12 to determine P(L). In this case, P(L) is as follows:

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Again, in words, this says that the probability of the chest being locked is equal to the probability of the chest being locked given that it is trapped times the probability of the chest being trapped plus the probability of the chest being locked given that it is not trapped times the probability of the chest being not trapped. Here the tilde symbol, , indicates the conjugate state. For example, if P(T) represents the probability that the event Trapped=TRUE, P(T) represents the probability that the event Trapped=FALSE.

Notice that we use rule 6 from Chapter 12 to determine the probability of Locked=TRUE and Trapped=TRUE—that is, P(L|T) P(T). The same rule applies when determining the probability of Locked=TRUE and Trapped=FALSE—that is, P(L|T) P(T). This also is the conditional probability formula we saw in Chapter 12 in the section “Conditional Probability.”

Let’s consider some real numbers now. Say a given NPC in your game has experience opening 100 chests and of those 100 chests 37 were trapped. Of the 37 trapped chests, 29 were locked. Of the 63 chests that were not trapped, 18 were locked. With this information we can calculate the following probabilities:

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Given these probabilities, we can see that there’s a 37% chance that a given chest is trapped. Now, if the NPC also notices that the chest is locked—that is, Locked=TRUE—the probability that the chest is trapped is revised as follows:

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Thus, the observation that the chest is indeed locked increases the NPC’s belief that the chest is trapped. In this case, P(T) goes from 37% to 61%. In Bayesian network lingo, the 37% probability is the prior probability, while the revised probability of 61% is the posterior probability.

Now suppose the NPC observes that the chest was not locked. In this case, we have:

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This implies that the chest is less likely to be trapped because the NPC was able to observe that it was unlocked.

Now that you have these probabilities, how can your NPC use them to decide whether to open the chest? Let’s go back to the first scenario in which the NPC observed that the chest was locked and the posterior probability of the chest being trapped was determined to be 0.61. Does 61% imply a high probability that the chest is trapped, or perhaps a moderate probability, or maybe even a low probability? We could set up some Boolean logic if-then rules to decide, but clearly this is a good job for fuzzy rules, as we discussed in detail in Chapter 10.

Using Fuzzy Logic

We can set up fuzzy membership functions such as the ones shown in Figure 13-5 for the probability that the chest is trapped.

Trapped membership functions
Figure 13-5. Trapped membership functions

Then we can use fuzzy rules to determine what to do. For example, we can have rules to account for conditions and actions such as the following:

  • If High Probability Trapped then don’t open chest.

  • If Low Probability Trapped then open chest.

Even better, however, is to consider other relevant information as well. For example, presumably a trapped chest causes some damage to the NPC if it is triggered; therefore, it seems reasonable to consider the NPC’s health in his decision as to whether to open the chest given his belief that it is trapped. Taking this approach, we can set up rules such as the following:

  • If High Probability Trapped and Low Health then don’t open.

  • If Low Probability Trapped and High Health then open.

  • If Medium Probability Trapped and High Health then open.

  • If Medium Probability Trapped and Moderate Health then don’t open.

These are just a few examples of the sort of rules you can set up. The benefit of using this Bayesian approach in conjunction with fuzzy rules is that you can give the NPCs the ability to make rational decisions without having to cheat. Further, you give them the ability to make decisions in the face of uncertainty. Moreover, NPCs can adapt to players’ actions using this approach. For example, initially players can lock their chests without trapping them. However, proficient thief NPCs might learn to loot aggressively given the low risk of being hurt while opening a chest. If players start trapping their chests, NPCs can adapt to be less aggressive at looting and more selective as to which chests they open. Further, players might attempt to bluff NPCs by locking chests but not trapping them, or vice versa, and the NPC will adapt accordingly. This brings up another possibility: what if players try to fool NPCs by locking and trapping chests without putting anything of value in the chests? Players might do this to weaken NPCs before attacking them. Because stealing loot is the incentive for opening a chest, it would be cool to allow NPCs to assess the likelihood of the chest being trapped and it containing loot. NPCs could take both factors into account before deciding to open a chest. We’ll consider this case in the next example.


In this next example, we’re going to build on the simple Bayesian network we used in the previous example. Specifically, we want to allow the NPC to consider the likelihood of a chest containing treasure in addition to the likelihood of it being trapped before deciding whether to open it. To this end, let’s add a new event node to the network from the previous problem to yield a three-node chain. The new event node is the Treasure event—that is, Treasure is TRUE if the chest contains treasure and Treasure is FALSE if it does not. Figure 13-6 shows the new network.

Three-node chain
Figure 13-6. Three-node chain

In this case, we’re assuming that whether a chest is locked is an indication of the state of the chest being trapped and the state of the chest being trapped is an indication of whether the chest contains treasure.

Each event—Treasure, Trapped, and Locked—can take on one of two discrete states: true or false. Therefore, we have the following probability tables, Tables 13-4, 13-5 and 13-6, associated with each event node.

Table 13-4. Treasure probabilities




p Tr

(1-p Tr)

Table 13-5. Trapped conditional probabilities

P(Trapped | Treasure)





p Tt

(1-p Tt)


p Tf

(1-p Tf)

Table 13-6. Locked conditional probabilities

P(Locked | Trapped)





p Lt

(1-p Lt)


p Lf

(1-p Lf)

Notice that in this case, the table for the probabilities of the chest being trapped is a conditional probability table dependent on the states of the chest containing treasure. For the Locked event, the table is basically the same as in the previous example.

Alternative Model

We should point out that the model shown in Figure 13-6 is a simplified model. It is plausible that a chest can be locked given that it contains treasure independent of whether the chest is trapped. This implies a causal link from the Treasure node to the Locked node as well. This is illustrated in Figure 13-7.

Alternative model
Figure 13-7. Alternative model

In this alternative case, you also have to set up conditional probabilities of the chest being locked given the various states of it containing treasure. Although you easily can do this and still solve the network by hand calculations, we’re going to stick with the simple model in our discussion.

Making Inferences

We’re going to stick with the model shown in Figure 13-6 for the remainder of this example. To determine the probability that the chest is trapped given it is locked, we proceed in a manner similar to the previous example. However, now we have conditional probabilities for the Trapped event—namely, the probabilities that the chest is trapped given that it contains treasure and that it does not contain treasure. With this in mind, we apply Bayes’ rule as follows:

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P(L|T), the probability that the chest is locked given it is trapped, comes from the conditional probability table for the Locked event. This time, however, P(T) is not given, but we can calculate it as follows:

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In words, the probability of the chest being trapped is equal to the probability of it being trapped given it contains treasure plus the probability it is trapped given it does not contain treasure. Now, P(L) is as follows:

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We’ve already calculated P(T), and P(T) is simply 1-P(T), so all we need to do now is look up P(L|T) and P(L|T) in the conditional probability table for Locked to determine P(L). Then we can substitute these values in Bayes’ rule to determine P(T |L).

To find the probability of treasure given that the chest is locked, we need to apply Bayes’ rule again as follows:

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Notice, however, that Locked is blocked from Treasure given Trapped. Therefore, we can write P(L|Tr) as follows:

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This is the case because our simple model assumes that a trapped chest causes a locked chest.

We’ve already calculated P(L) from the previous step, and P(Tr) is given, so we have everything we need to determine P(Tr |L).

Numerical Example

Let’s consider some numbers now. Say a given NPC in your game has experience opening 100 chests, and of those, 50 of them contained treasure. Out of these 50, 40 of them were trapped and of these 40 trapped chests, 28 were locked. Now, of the 10 untrapped chests, three were locked. Further, of the 50 chests containing no treasure, 20 were trapped. With this information, we can calculate the following probabilities:

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Let’s assume your NPC approaches a chest. Without observing whether the chest is locked, the NPC would believe that there’s a 50% chance that the chest contained treasure. Now let’s assume the NPC observes that the chest is locked. What is the probability that the chest is trapped and what is the probability that it contains treasure? We can use the formulas shown earlier to determine these probabilities. In this case, we have:

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Now we can find P(Tr |L) as follows:

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In this example, we see that the observation of the chest being locked raises the probability of the chest being trapped from 60% to 78%. Further, the probability of the chest containing treasure is raised from 50% to 57%.

With this information, you can use fuzzy logic in a manner similar to the previous example to decide for the NPC whether to open the chest. For example, you can set up fuzzy membership functions for the events that the chest is trapped and has treasure and then construct a set of rules along these lines:

  • If High Probability Trapped and High Probability Treasure and Low Health then don’t open.

  • If Low Probability Trapped and High Probability Treasure and not Low Health then open.

These are just a couple of the cases you’d probably want to include in your rules set. Using this approach, your NPC can make decisions considering several factors, even in the face of uncertainty.

By Air or Land

For this next example, let’s assume you’re writing a war simulation in which the player can attack the computer-controlled army by land, by air, or by land and air. Our goal here is to estimate the chances of the player winning a battle given how he chooses to attack. We then can use the probabilities of the player winning to determine what sort of targets and defense should be given higher priority by the computer-controlled army. For example, say that after every game played you have the computer keep track of who won, the player or computer, along with how the player attacked—that is, by air, land, or both air and land. You then can keep a running count of these statistics to determine the conditional probability of the player winning given his attack mode. Suppose your game finds that the player is most likely to win if he attacks by air. Perhaps he found a weakness in the computer’s air defenses or has come up with some other winning tactic. If this is the case, it would be wise for the computer to make construction of air defenses a higher priority. Further, the computer might give enemy aircraft production facilities higher target priority. Such an approach would allow the computer to adjust its defensive and offensive strategies as it learns from past battles.

The Model

The Bayesian network for this simple example looks like that shown in Figure 13-8.

Attack mode network
Figure 13-8. Attack mode network

Notice that we have two causes for the player-winning result: air and land attacks. We assume these events are not mutually exclusive—that is, the player can make a land attack, or an air attack, or both. Each event node can take on one of two values: true or false. For example, Air Attack could be true or false,Land Attack could be true or false, and so on.

If instead we allowed only a land or air attack but not both, the network would look like that shown in Figure 13-9.

Alternative attack network
Figure 13-9. Alternative attack network

In this case, Attack Mode could take on values such as Air Attack or Land Attack. Here, the values are mutually exclusive. For this discussion, we’ll stick with the more general case shown earlier.

Calculating Probabilities

As we mentioned earlier, we’ll have to collect some statistics to estimate the probabilities we’re going to need for our inference calculations. The statistics we need to collect as the game is played over and over are as follows:

  • Total number of games played, N

  • Total number of games won by player, Nw

  • Number of games won by player in which he launched an air attack only, Npa

  • Number of games won by player in which he launched a land attack only, Npl

  • Number of games played in which the player launched an air attack, Na

  • Number of games played in which the player launched a land attack, Nl

  • Number of games won by player in which he launched an attack by air and land, Npla

We can use this data to calculate the following probabilities:

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The first two probabilities are the probabilities that the player launches an air attack and the player launches a land attack, respectively. The last four probabilities are conditional probabilities that the player wins the game given all combinations of the Air Attack and Land Attack events. In these formulas, L represents Land Attack, A represents Air Attack, and Pw represents Player Wins. Note also that we assume the probability of the player winning a game is 0 if he does not launch any attack.

With this information, we can determine the probability of the player winning a new game. To do this, we sum the probabilities of all the ways in which a player can win. In this case, the player can win in any of four different ways. These calculations use the joint probability formula for each scenario. The formula is as follows:

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The possible ways in which the player can win are summarized in Table 13-7, along with all relevant probability data.

Table 13-7. Conditional probability table for Player Wins

Air Attack

Land Attack

P(Pw| AL)


Normalized P(Pw)

P(A) = Na/N

P(L) = Nl/N




P(A) = Na/N

P(L) = 1−P(L)




P(A) = 1−P(A)

P(L) = Nl/N




P(A) = 1−P(A)

P(L) =1-P(L)







This table looks a little complicated, but it’s really fairly straightforward. The first two columns represent the possible combinations of state for Air Attack and Land Attack. The first column contains the probabilities for each state of Air Attack—true or false—while the second column contains the probabilities for each state of Land Attack—true or false. The third column shows the conditional probability that Player Wins = TRUE given each combination of states for Air Attack and Land Attack. The fourth column, P(Pw), represents the joint probability of the events Air Attack, Land Attack, and Player Wins. You find each entry in this column by simply multiplying the values contained in the first three columns and placing the product in the fourth column. Summing the entries in the fourth column yields the marginal probability of the player winning.

Take a look at the fifth column. The fifth column contains the normalized probabilities for Player Wins. You find the entries in this column by dividing each entry in the fourth column by the sum of the entries in the fourth column. This makes the sum of all the entries in the fifth column add up to 1. (It’s like normalizing a vector to make a vector of unit length.) The results contained in the fifth column basically tell us which combination of states of Air Attack and Land Attack is most likely given that the player wins.

Numerical Example

Let’s consider some numbers. We’ll assume we have enough statistics to generate the probabilities shown in the first three columns of Table 13-8.

Table 13-8. Example conditional probability table for Player Wins

Air Attack

Land Attack



Normalized P(Pw)

P(A) = 0.6

P(L) = 0.4




P(A) = 0.6

P(L) = 0.6




P(A) = 0.4

P(L) = 0.4




P(A) = 0.4

P(L) = 0.6







These numbers indicate that the player wins about 27% of the games played. (This is taken from the sum of the fourth column.) Also, inspection of the fifth column indicates that if the player wins, the most probable mode of attack is an air attack without a land attack. Thus, it would be prudent in this example for the computer to give priority to its air defense systems and to target the player’s aircraft construction resources.

Now let’s assume that for a new game, the player will attack by air and we want to find the probability that he will win in this case. Our probability table now looks like that shown in Table 13-9.

Table 13-9. Revised probability table

Air Attack

Land Attack



Normalized P(Pw)

P(A) = 1.0

P(L) = 0.4




P(A) = 1.0

P(L) = 0.6




P(A) = 0.0

P(L) = 0.4




P(A) = 0.0

P(L) = 0.6







All we’ve done here is replace P(A) by 1.0 and P(A) by 0.0 and recalculate the fourth and fifth columns. In this case, we get a new marginal probability that the player wins reflecting our assumption that the player attacks by air. Here, we see the probability that the player wins increases to 37%. Moreover, we see that if the player wins, there’s an 82% chance he won by launching an air attack. This further reinforces our conclusion earlier that the computer should give priority to air defenses and target the player’s air offensive resources. We can make further what-if scenarios if we want. We can, for example, set P(L) to 1.0 and get a new P(Pw) corresponding to an assumed land attack, and so on.

Kung Fu Fighting

For our final example we’re going to assume we’re writing a fighting game and we want to try to predict the next strike the player will throw. This way, we can have the computer-controlled opponents try to anticipate the strike and defend or counter accordingly. To keep things simple, we’re going to assume the player can throw one of three types of strikes: punch, low kick, or high kick. Further, we’re going to keep track of three-strike combinations. For every strike thrown we’re going to calculate a probability for that strike given the previous two strikes. This will enable us to capture three-strike combinations. You easily can keep track of more, but you will incur higher memory and calculation costs because you’ll end up with larger conditional probability tables.

The Model

The Bayesian network we’re going to use for this example is shown in Figure 13-10.

Strike network
Figure 13-10. Strike network

In this model, we call the first strike in the combination event A, the second strike event B, and the third strike event C. We assume that the second strike thrown, event B, in any combination is dependent on the first strike thrown, event A. Further, we assume that the third strike thrown, event C, is dependant on both the first and second strikes thrown, events A and B. Combinations can be anything—punch, punch, high kick; or low kick, low kick, high kick; and so on.

Calculating Probabilities

Ordinarily we would need to calculate probabilities for A and conditional probabilities for B given A, and conditional probabilities for C given A and B. However, in this example we’re always going to observe A and B rendering their prior probabilities irrelevant. Therefore, we need only calculate conditional probabilities for C given every combination of A and B. Because three states exist for each strike event A and B, we’ll have to track nine possible combinations of A and B.

We’ll again take a frequency approach to determining these conditional probabilities. After every strike thrown by the player, we’ll increment a counter for that strike given the two prior strikes thrown. We’ll end up with a conditional probability table that looks like the one shown in Table 13-10.

Table 13-10. Conditional probability table for strikes thrown

Probability of Strike C being:

Strike A

Strike B


Low Kick

High Kick







Low Kick





High Kick




Low Kick





Low Kick

Low Kick




Low Kick

High Kick




High Kick





High Kick

Low Kick




High Kick

High Kick




This table shows the probability of strike C taking on each of the three values—punch, low kick, or high kick—given every combination of strikes thrown in A and B. The probabilities shown here are subscripted with indices indicating rows and columns to a lookup matrix. We’re going to use these indices in the example code we’ll present shortly.

To calculate these probabilities, we need to keep track of the total number of strikes thrown. We then can calculate probabilities such as these:

image with no caption

These are just a few examples; we can calculate all the conditional probabilities in this manner. In these equations, N represents the number of strikes thrown and N with a subscript represents the number of a particular strike thrown given previously thrown strikes. For example, N punch-punch-punch is the number of times A, B, and C all equal punch.

In practice you don’t have to store probabilities; the frequencies are sufficient to use to calculate probabilities when required. In this case, we’ll store the frequencies of strike combinations in a 9 × 3 matrix. This matrix will represent counters for all outcomes of C corresponding to all nine combinations of A and B. We’ll also need a nine-element array to store counters for all nine combinations of A and B.

Strike Prediction

Now, to make a prediction for the next strike, C, look at which two strikes, A and B, were thrown most recently and then look up the combination in the conditional probability table for C. Basically, use A and B to establish which row to consider in the conditional probability matrix, and then simply pick the strike for C that has the highest probability. That is, pick the column with the highest conditional probability.

We’ve put together a little example program to test this approach. We have a window with three buttons on it corresponding to punch, low kick, and high kick. The user can press these in any order to simulate fighting moves. As he throws these strikes, the conditional probabilities we discussed earlier are updated and a prediction for the next strike to be thrown is made. Example 13-1 shows the core function that performs the calculations for this program.

Example 13-1. Strike prediction
TStrikes ProcessMove(TStrikes move)
          int     i, j;
          if(move == Prediction) NSuccess++;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 0;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 1;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 2;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 3;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 4;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 5;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 6;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 7;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 8;
          if(move == Punch) j = 0;
          if(move == LowKick) j = 1;
          if(move == HighKick) j = 2;
          AB[0] = AB[1];
          AB[1] = move;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 0;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 1;
          if((AB[0] == Punch) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 2;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 3;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 4;
          if((AB[0] == LowKick) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 5;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == Punch)) i = 6;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == LowKick)) i = 7;
          if((AB[0] == HighKick) && (AB[1] == HighKick)) i = 8;
          ProbPunch = (double) NCAB[i][0] / (double) NAB[i];
          ProbLowKick = (double) NCAB[i][1] / (double) NAB[i];
          ProbHighKick = (double) NCAB[i][2] / (double) NAB[i];
          if((ProbPunch > ProbLowKick) &&
              (ProbPunch > ProbHighKick))
                return Punch;
          if((ProbLowKick > ProbPunch) &&
             (ProbLowKick > ProbHighKick))
                return LowKick;
          if((ProbHighKick > ProbPunch) &&
              (ProbHighKick > ProbLowKick))
                return HighKick;
          return (TStrikes) rand() % 3; // Last resort

This function takes a TStrikes variable called move as a single parameter. TStrikes is simply an enumerated type defined as shown in Example 13-2.

Example 13-2. TStrikes
enum TStrikes {Punch, LowKick, HighKick};

The move parameter represents the most recent strike thrown by the player. The ProcessMove function also returns a value of type TStrikes representing the predicted next strike to be thrown by the player.


Upon entering ProcessMove, the global variable, N, is incremented. N represents the total number of strikes thrown by the player. Further, if the most recently thrown strike, move, is equal to the previously predicted strike, Prediction, the number of successful predictions, NSuccess, gets incremented.

The next task performed in ProcessMove is to update the conditional probability table given the most recently thrown strike, move, and the two preceding strikes stored in the two-element array AB. AB is defined as shown in Example 13-3.

Example 13-3. Global variables
        int              NAB[9];
        int              NCAB[9][3];
        TStrikes         AB[2];
        double           ProbPunch;
        double           ProbLowKick;
        double           ProbHighKick;
        TStrikes         Prediction;
        TStrikes         RandomPrediction;
        int              N;
        int              NSuccess;

Because the conditional probability table is stored in a 9 × 3 array, NCAB, we need to find the appropriate row and column for the entry with which we’ll increment given the most recent strike and the previous two strikes. Calling NCAB a conditional probability table is not exactly correct. We don’t store probabilities. Instead we store frequencies and then use these frequencies to calculate probabilities when we need to do so.

At any rate, the first set of nine if-statements in ProcessMove checks all possible combinations of the strikes stored in AB to determine which row in the NCAB matrix we need to update. The next set of three if-statements determines which column in NCAB we need to update. Now we can increment the element in NCAB corresponding to the row and column just determined. We also increment the element in NAB corresponding to the row we just determined. NAB stores the number of times any given combination of A and B strikes was thrown.

The next step is to shift the entries in the AB array. We want to shift the strike stored in the B position (array index 1) to the A position (array index 0), bumping off the value that was previously stored in the A position. Then we put the most recently thrown strike, move, in the B position to make our prediction and for the next go around through this function.

Making the Prediction

At this point, we’re ready to make a prediction for the next strike to be thrown. The next set of nine if-statements determines which row in the NCAB matrix we need to consider given the new pattern of strikes stored in AB. We use the row thus determined to look up the frequencies in the NCAB matrix corresponding to each of the three possible strikes that can be thrown. Keep in mind these frequencies are conditional given the pattern of strikes stored in AB.

The next step is to calculate the actual probabilities, ProbPunch, ProbLowKick, and ProbHighKick, by simply dividing the retrieved frequency for each particular strike by the total number of times the combination of strikes stored in AB have been thrown. Finally, the function makes its prediction of the next strike by returning the strike with the highest probability. For the unlikely case in which all the probabilities are equal, we simply return a random guess. Technically speaking, we probably should have put a few more checks in place to capture cases in which two of the three strikes had equal probabilities that were higher than the third. In this case, a random guess between the two strikes with equal probability could be made.

Through repeated testing we found that the computer, using this method, achieves a success rate for predicting the next strike to be thrown of 60% to 80%. This is as opposed to a 30% success rate if the computer just makes random guesses every time a strike is thrown. Also, if the player happens to find a favorite combination and uses it frequently, the computer will catch on fairly quickly and its success rate will increase. As the player adjusts his combinations in light of the computer getting better at defending his other combinations, the success rate will drop initially and then pick up again as the player continues to use the new combinations. This cycle will continue, forcing the player to keep changing his techniques as the computer opponent adapts.

Further Information

Hopefully we’ve achieved our objective in this chapter of introducing Bayesian techniques and showing you how you can use simple Bayesian models in game AI for making decisions under uncertainty and for achieving some level of adaptation using probabilities. We’ve really only scratched the surface of these powerful methods and a wealth of additional information is available to you should you decide to learn more about these techniques. To set you on your way, we’ve compiled a short list of references that we find to be very useful. They are as follows:

  • Bayesian Inference and Decision, Second Edition by Robert Winkler (Probabilistic Publishing)

  • Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems: Networks of Plausible Inference by Judea Pearl (Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc.)

  • Bayesian Artificial Intelligence by Kevin Korb and Ann Nicholson (Chapman & Hall/CRC)

The first reference shown here is particularly exceptional in that it covers probability, Bayesian inference, and decision making under uncertainty thoroughly and in plain English. If you decide to pursue complex Bayesian models that are not easily solved using simple calculations, you’ll definitely want to check out the second reference, as it presents methods for solving more complicated Bayesian networks for general inference.

Numerous Bayesian resources also are available on the Internet. Here are some links to resources that we find useful:

The first link points to the “Bayesian Network Tools in Java” web site that contains tools and information on the open source Java toolkit for Bayesian analysis (for more information on the Open Source Initiative, visit The second link points to a page that contains a brief introduction to Bayesian networks for nongame applications. This page also contains links to other Internet resources on Bayesian networks. The third link points to a page containing several tutorials and many online links to other resources. The fourth link points to Microsoft’s Decision Theory and Adaptive Systems research page, which contains many links to resources on uncertainty and decision support technologies including, but not limited to, Bayesian networks. You can find many other resources on the Internet aside from these four links. You need only perform a search using the keywords “Bayesian networks” to find hundreds of additional links.

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