
Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and p indicate plates.


Accuracy 182
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASMEs) third annual survey 
engineers and organizations 402
members 402t, 403t
six-point plan 403
Attention to detail 12
Avro Lancaster Bomber 12–13, 13p
Avro Manchester Bomber 12–13, 13p


Bahrain World Trade Center, Wind Turbines 97, 98p
Beach Groynes, Bournemouth 69, 70p
minimum safety factor 265–266
procedure, analyst/designer 266–269
roof beam loading regime 265
sectional view, intended 268f
shear force diagram 267, 267f
Blue Angel certification 388
classic 150–156
imaginary 157–158
deforestation 352
environmental impact, industrial activity 352
BRICS Nations 
Brazil 352
China 353–354
India 353
Russia 352
Buyers benefit 
energy efficiency improvement/in-built usage 380–381, 381f
intangible benefits 382–383, 383f
net cost-benefit argument, longevity/reparability 381–382


emissions, waste, environmental quality 347
guidelines and codes 347
quality, natural environment 347
Cantilever lifting device 292
Carbon fiber impact attenuator 252, 254f
Carbon footprint 
advantages and disadvantages 362
burden shifting 361
description 361
goods and services, climate change 361
initiatives 361–362
life cycle assessment 361
types, organizations 361
Carbon Reduction Label 389
Car Stacker 3D Parking System 232–233, 232p
Carstacker Mk2 with concrete base 1, 2p
China, BRICS Nations 353–354
Classic brainstorming 
analogy and association generation techniques 153–156, 162f
bed lifting device 154–155
definition 152
free thinking 150–151
generated solutions, phases 155–156
session phases 153–156, 154f
topic and ground rules 153
The Client 
drawing 213
individual 221
large institutions 220–221
medium-sized 221
presentation, designs 223
project requirements 222–223
requirements 221
styles, methods and presentation 223
Combined Heat and Power Act (KWKG) 350
The Comet, First Jet Airliner 
description 236
design flaws 237
pressurized cabin 236–237
Common errors 
drawing 213
end of shafts 214, 215f
general 215–216
instructions, drawing 213
materials 216
measurement, key way 214–215, 214f
oft-repeated convention 214
parts lists 216
remarks, drawings 213–214
title block and border 213
academic publishing 194
description 181
designers 181
drawing application 200–220
graphics 194–200
manufacturing 181
project/technical reports 187–194
tools 181
written 182–187
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) 
aerodynamics 8
air pressure profile, 70 Mph velocity 259, 260f
description 259
100 mm-height intervals, road surface 259, 261f
red-colored areas, maximum air disruption 259
standard passenger vehicle 259, 259f
wind tunnel tests 259
Computer-aided analysis 
accelerator pedal, in situ in pedal bracket 234, 236f
final concept design, high-performance vehicle 234, 234f
finite element stress analysis model 235, 238f
first solid plate iteration without weight saving 234, 237f
side view, accelerator pedal initial concept design 234, 235f
strength and weight, component/structure 234
Computer-aided failure (CAF) 
complex calculations 256
novice engineers 256
supermarket (Mall) roof 256
Concept design specification (CDS) 
Apple Press 52p, 54
client 53
function and performance 52
and PDS 54
physical architectural model 52, 53p
solutions and generation 
advantages 51
classic brainstorming 45
decomposition 43–44
evaluation 47, 47f
graphical synthesis 45–46, 46f
heuristic redefinition 44–45
imaginary brainstorming 45
“inventor syndrome” 43
least commitment 43
“mental blocks” 44
morphological box and chart 45, 50–51, 50f
plywood removal, floor panels 48–50, 49p, 49t
synectics 46–47
word-picture associations and analogies 45
sustainability 55–56, 55f
technical informations 54
typical 3-D model 52, 52p
visual representation 52
Concept development 
benchmarking, competitive products 129
design specification 125
“development iteration” 125
DVD player 126, 128f
economic analysis 129
electric arc welding unit 126, 127f
identification, customer needs 125–126
modeling and prototyping 129–130
project planning 129
testing 129
Consumer benefit 404–405


Denby Dale Pie cooker 
“Biggest Pie in the World” 279
cooker, designed 248
cross-section, single beam element 281, 281f
designers 279–282
loading regime 279
maximum ingredients addition 248, 282–283
one single column within fabrication 281
structure 279
Design approach 
advantages, structural analysis 299
aircraft 24
analysis 172, 173f
application 144–150
artisans 21–22
attention to detail 12
bed-lifting device optimization 292–293, 293f
bending moment, loading 297–298, 298f
bolt-together system 292
building-block elements 172, 172f
CAD modeling and simulation software 24
cantilever lifting device 292
classic design approach 31f, 32
classic digger backhoe 299, 299p
Colt factory 22
components 23, 149
construction, rating table 149, 173f, 174
creativity, tools 143
critical path 174
decision-making process 30
definition 143–150
drafting methods 23
dummy activities 174
elements and visualization, system 146, 172, 172f
fabricated foot bridge 297–298, 297p
FDS 32, 35, 61
flywheel energy storage system 
Gantt Chart 176–179, 179f
network 175, 178f
tasks list and sequence number allocation 175, 177f
Football stadium roof structure 298, 298p
functional parameters and metrics 
elements 33
kinetic energy storage device project 33–34
high-performance vehicle 25, 25f
high-priority/low-priority activities 172
industrial device 292–293
initial concept design 
accelerator pedal 25, 26f
pedal bracket 25, 26f
innovative process methods 295
label and impacts 146–149, 147f
Leyland model PH 4 22–23, 23f
lifting device 292–293
“light-bulb moment” 21
assembly direction minimization 307
car-parking device 306–307
design parts, fabrication and assembly 304–305
fastening systems 305–306
handling minimization 307
industry, 20th century 22
minimization, parts 303
modular designs 303
multifunctional parts 303
multiuse design parts 304
Microsoft Project Gantt Chart 170–172, 171f
modularization 300–302
NASA 143–144
optimization strategy 294–295
passenger vehicle body 296
PDS 32–33
PERT 174–175
practical product  See (Practical product, design approach)
problem statements 149–150, 150f
product creation process 291
product types and optimization approaches 293, 294f
prototypes 63
quality, manufactured goods 23
recycling infrastructure 310
reduction 310
refurbishment 310
requirements and tools, product 25
reuse 310
second concept design 25, 27f
simply supported beam, bending moment 296–297, 297f
single-unit production 299
specification, product 61–62, 62f
statistical, stress and structural analysis 25, 27f, 292, 295
supported beam, bending moment 296–297, 297f
sustainable design function 310–311
system elements, bicycle drive system 146–149, 147f
time allocation 173–174
tools 144
uniformly stressed beams 299
Design constraints and team formation 
engineering purchaser 322
manufacturing engineer 322
marketing and sales 322
multidisciplinary design team 321
product designer 322
production costs 321
value engineer 321–322
Design engineers 
challenges 28, 405
constructive discontent 29
creative attitudes 28–29
flywheel kinetic energy storage system 28
knowledge and skills 25–28
magnetic levitation bearings 28
processes 25–28
solutions 29
Design information process model 5–6, 6f
Digital analytical prediction 296
2D modeling 
assembly and subassembly drawings 200
detail/manufacturing drawings 199–200
subassemblies 200
3D modeling 
description 197–198
digitization 198
Filter Tilter 199
rotation gearbox case 197–198, 198f
tools 198
Drawing application 
allocation, drawing numbers 216–219
center lines 211
checklist and errors 213–214
position 207, 209
size 207–208
strategy 209–210
Filter Tilter assembly 201, 202f
hidden detail 207
information clarity 201–202
material specification 211
orthographic projection 202–206
rotation gearbox shaft 200–201, 201f
text and formal lettering 212
title block 211–212
tolerances and surface finish 210–211
views and sections 206–207


Ecodesign Directive 347–348
ECO-IT tool concept 
description 362
environmental impact and carbon footprint (CO2) scores 362
LCA programs 363
Eco-Rucksack tool 
catalytic converter 360–361
concept, NRE 358–360
“country of origin” 360
mining form 360–361
recycling issues and “hidden flow” 360
RS factor 360
virtual material (VM) 360
World Summit on Sustainable development (WSSD) 358–360
Elastic modulus 
defined 228
diverse sources 230
GN/m2 units 228
“predicted” stresses 228
resistance, shock load 229
stress calculation 228
tensile tests 229
typical Izod/Charpy test 229, 229f
EMIT consortium 364–365
End-of-life (EOL) 
designer’s role 342
recycle 341–342
reduction 339–340
reuse, floor panels 342
reuse/refurbish 340–341
chart 93, 95f
description 101
disposal techniques 76
hierarchy 92, 92f
model 92, 93f
Energy Conservation Act (EnEg) 350
Energy Savings Trust 401
Engineering design 
activities 4–5, 5f
actuation systems 6–7
Avro Lancaster Bomber 12–13, 13p
Avro Manchester Bomber 12–13, 13p
basic design process, feedback evolution 2, 3f
bicycle, modern concept 1, 3p
Bloodhound SSC 1,000-mph Car 8, 9p
brand-new product 1
Carstacker Mk2 with concrete base 1, 2p
computer databases 8
3-D computer-aided design (CAD) 7
definitive process 2
description 1
design information process model 5–6, 6f
development, passenger vehicle 7, 8, 8p
electric motor options 7
elements 8
environmental impact and sustainability 16–18
evolutionary process 7–9
factory environment 7
first product 7
information, communication 4, 10
“information is the currency of design” 5–6
inventions 1
Laufmaschine bicycle 1, 2p
The London Millennium Footbridge 13–14, 14p
lubrication delivery systems 12
manufacturing process 13, 14–15
marketing 3, 4
modern 3-D systems 12
modern vehicles 8
motorcycle helmet model 9, 9p
new product 1
packages, CAD software 10
people and society 16
process, new designs 12
product concept and cost 1, 12
profit 16
qualities 10–12
suppliers and manufacturers 7
tools 9
Engineering plastics 337–338
Environmental impact assessment (EIA) 
carbon emission reductions 358
decision makers 358
description 358
“fit-and-forget” approach 358
flow diagram 358, 359f
Directive 2008/98/EC 348
framework directives, national law 349
impacts, environment 347
mandatory product requirements, Ecodesign Directive 347–348
pollution issues 347
product groups, working plan 348
regulations 348
sustainable and renewable energy generation 348
waste hierarchy 348, 348t


Fatigue strength prediction 
The Comet, First Jet Airliner 236
description 235
quantifying fatigue life 
cracks 239
gear tooth crack propagation 240, 241p
materials 239
surface profile, typical 3D surface finish profile 239, 241f
typical 3D surface finish profile, average roughness 239, 240f
variations 239
welds 239
S-N Curves 240–245
welded joints 239
Financial drivers 
elimination 368
high investment cost 368
machine tools 368
packaging improvements 368–369
redesign/substitution 368
selection, materials 368
standardized reusable transport crates 369
Flywheel Battery 20KWh Storage 97, 97f


General beam theory 297
Generic product development process 
description 120, 122
design 122
drawings 122
geometry, materials and tolerances 122
manufacture and assembly 122–124, 123f
material components 122–124
phases 120, 121f
planning 120–122
production system 124–125
prototype testing and refinement 124
B2B sales 350
implementation, German Environmental Legislation 351, 351f
KWKG and EnEg in 2008 350
nonrecyclable packaging materials 350
packaging 350
priorities 350
producer 350
responsibility, federal government 349
sustainability strategy 349
Goodman Curves  See S-N Curves
Granta research 
academic users, private companies and corporations 363
CAD software programs 364
CES Selector 364
Ecoimpact Dashboard 363, 364f
EMIT consortium 364–365
issues across life cycle stages 363–364
LCA systems 363
“material intelligence” design aid tool 363
Graphical communication 
2D modeling 199–200
3D modeling 197–199
layout drawings 196–197, 197f
low-to high-level precision 195
sketches 195–196, 196f


Happy Planet Index (HPI) 400
Heat transfer, Denby Dale pie 282–283
Heuristic redefinition 143–150
High-density polythene (HDPE) 
containers 401
milk bottle 401


Imaginary brainstorming 
hoax element 157
mini cement mixer 157–158
tool 157
India, BRICS Nations 353
Industrial device 292–293
Inertias and power prediction 247, 275–276
ISO 9000 series 393
ISO 14000 series 387


Basic Environment Plan 354
control, pollution levels 354
disaster at Fukushima 354
hybrid and electric vehicles 354
2010 OECD review, Japanese policy 354
role, guardian 354



Laufmaschine bicycle 1, 2p
BRICS Nations  See (BRICS Nations)
Canada 347
description 345
drivers, sustainable design 
financial 368–369
social 365–367
Europe 347–349
Germany 349–351
and international environmental regimes 
Chinese government 356
empirical evidence 356
European Environment Agency (EEA) 355
“fit-and-forget” approach 355
issues 355
lawyers and lawmakers 356
positive and preventative approach 357
“race-to-the-bottom” argument 356
UK DEFRA 355–356
Japan 354
labor cost 345–346
marketers 345
nonlegislative measurement and guidance tools  See (Nonlegislative measurements)
recycling 346
The United Kingdom 349
The United States 346
LG Electronics 391–392
Lifetime usage, environmental impact 
carbon footprint and embodied energy 323–324
designer’s duty 326–327
carbon footprint 323, 324f
embodied energy 323, 324f
natural energy 323–324
steel fabricated footbridge 325p, 325
steel fabrications 323
water-well rock drill 323, 323p
The London Millennium Footbridge 13–14, 14p
Lubrication delivery systems 
dual-line application 336, 337p
dual-line-injection measurement valve 336, 336f
grease guns 335, 335f


Market-driving sustainability 398–399
Measurement systems, TBL 
calculation 375
financial performance 377
GDP 376
index system 375
social responsibility 376
spider diagram, BL3 software 376–377, 376f
three-axis representation 377, 377f
Modular design 312–313
Motorcycle 70 cc 18p, 91p, 308p


Nonlegislative measurements 
carbon footprint 361–362
development, “eco” tools 357
EAI and IDEA abacus 357
Eco-Rucksack tool 358–361
energy-based and carbon-based models 357
Granta research 363–365
models, databases and algorithms 358
nonsustainable energy 357–358
pollution emissions 357
research and educational institutions 357
tool concept, ECO-IT 362–363


Old-style chassis design 296
Organisation Environmental Footprint (OEF) 384
Orthographic projection 
convention 205–206
first-angle 203, 204f
gun barrel 205, 205f
principle 202, 203f
quadrants 202, 203f
third-angle 203, 204f


Parts lists 
accounting 220
contents 220
manufacturing 220
planning department 220
purchasing department 219
Performance prediction 
advanced computational analytical techniques 249
basic electronic calculation tools 249
bearings and seals suppliers 247
brake disc in situ 251–252, 251p
brake pedal bracket, example 250, 250f
carbon fiber impact attenuator 252, 254f
categories 225
CFD analysis, wind tunnel model  See (Computational fluid dynamics (CFD))
computational analysis 248, 250
computing power 
design iteration, computer-aided analysis  See (Computer-aided analysis)
3D picture development, stresses 233
engineers 233
stadium roof 233–234, 233p
standard beam calculations 233
3D CAD system 252–253
Denby Dale pie challenge 247–248, 248p
3D rendition, brake disc 251–252, 252f
engineering analysis 225
factors of safety 230, 231f
fatigue strength prediction  See (Fatigue strength prediction)
first bottom line 260
fluid flow analysis, whole vehicle assembly 252, 254f
Formula One racing car engine 225
by guesswork/sheer experience 225
historical aspects 
early Homo sapiens 225–226
engineers, industrial revolution 226
mathematicians and engineers 226
Ukrainian Stephen P. Tymoshenko (1878–1972) 226
materials testing 
analytical techniques 226
elastic region 227
fracture point 228
typical tensile test characteristic, mild steel 227, 227f
UTS 228
yield point 228
Young’s Modulus E  See (Elastic modulus)
mathematical techniques 225
pedal box in situ 251, 251p
safety, structures and devices 
accurate material strengths, experimental data 230
designers 231
factors 230
footbridge 230–231
multiple safety factor 231
pivot points, “Car Stacker” 232
second bottom line 260–261
stages 247
stainless steel pipeline junction 257–258
thermal analysis, brake disc 252, 253f
third bottom line 262
University of Huddersfield 2013 Entry, Formula Student Vehicle Contest Run 253, 256, 256f
vibration isolation vendors 247
Practical product, design approach 
accident with rock drill 57–58, 57f
analysis 60–61
3-D component, gearbox casing 58, 60f
2-D drafting 58, 60
designer performance 56, 57
3-D software package 58
gearbox layout 58, 59f
Producers benefit 383–384
Product design specification (PDS) 
cost and sustainability 40
description 35
exploration and research 
competition 38–39
component 40p, 40, 41p
patents 39
scientific 39p, 39
duty 41–42
economic and manufacturing 42
environmental 42
sustainability 42
metrics 43
progression 35–36
requirements and constraints 43
Product development 
brainstorming  See (Brainstorming)
brain writing 6-3-5 156–157
concept  See (Concept development)
decision making 117
duration and cost 
composition 115, 116, 116f
development 114
effort 114, 115f
engineered products 114, 115f
estimated values 115f, 116
project and team 114–115
function 113–114
imaginary brainstorming 157–158
investment 117
manufacturing 114
marketing 113
morphological box 167–169
organizational realities 
function allegiances 118
inadequate resources 118
lack of team responsibility 118
minimal cross functional expertise 118
planning and methods, designs  See (Design approach)
coordination 119
management 119
opportunities 120
physical 118
planning 119
quality assurance 119
screws 117
technologies 117
TILMAG 163–167
time pressure 117
trade-offs 117
Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) 384
Programme evaluation and review technique (PERT) 174–175
Project/technical reports 
appendix 191
bibliography 191
body of text 190
contents page 188
cover sheet 188
description 187
effective introduction 189–190
elements 187–188
executive summary/abstract 189
language 187
grammar and spelling 194
landscape viewing position, A4-sized paper 192–193, 193f
logical progression 192
margins 193
pictures, diagrams and tables 194
portrait viewing position, A4-sized paper 192–193, 192f
single page, text 192
recommendations 190
references 188–189, 191
title 188


Renault Tangiers Smart Factory 
description 17p
digital 80–81
information process technology 79, 79f, 80
reductions, methods 78
sustainable manufacturing 77, 78–79
virtual factories 80
Reuse and refurbish 
ball bearing 94
brick-and-block clamp 93, 94f
clamp leg 94
gripper bar 95
machinery and equipment 91
Pivot pin 94
seals and bearings 92
self-lube plastic bearing 94
Stahel’s concept 91
Reused Byzantine Sculptures, Citadel Walls 69, 70p
Roman Lintel Reused, Citadel Walls 69, 69p
“alarming”, urban and industrial areas 352
environmental specialists 352
sovereign guarantees, environmental loans 353


Smart Factory  See Renault Tangiers Smart Factory
S-N Curves 
EN 8 (080M46) 242
idealized 240, 242, 242f
shaft with cycling loading 
calculation, diameter 244
cantilever at shaft, stressed element 242–244, 243f
diameter 244
infinite number, stress reversals 244
maximum bending moment 244
medium carbon steel, idealized 242–244, 243f
parameters 244
stress reversals (N) 244–245
working stress σw, 100 MN/m2 245
stress concentrations  See (Stress concentration factors)
Social drivers 
carbon emission reduction 365
consumer product suppliers 365
description 365
direct emission reductions 367
Dyson Airblade™ hand dryer 366, 366f
German activism and legislation 365
JCB Ecomax Engine 366, 367, 367f
public awareness, energy savings 365
savings, projects 367
stringent Stage IIIB/Tier 4i emissions 367
TerraChoice 365
Solid bodies/mechanics 
bicycle mass elements 271, 271f
bicycle relative components 274f
design engineers, project requirements 271–275
dynamics, powering a bicycle 247
parameters 271
pedal-wheel relationship 272f
wheel dimensions 271, 272f
Stadium roof 233–234, 233p
Stainless steel pipeline junction 
calibration within software 258
finite element analysis, pressurized tee-junction 257, 258f
with integral tee-joint test rig 257, 257p
reader’s attention 258
strain gauges, tee-junction 257, 257p
Steel Recycling Rates, United States 69, 70f
Stress concentration factors 
analysis 245–247
bending moment 263
bending stress 263
d/D ratio 264
σmax determination 265
determination, gear-mounted shaft 262–264
elements, shoulders/undercuts 245
find reactions 262
maximum level 247
maximum stress, shaft 265
nominal stress σnom 265
r/D ratio 264
with relief groove 263, 264f
second moment, area 263
shaft with relief groove 245, 264, 264f
“S-N” curve 245
spur gear mounted 
shaft between two bearings 245, 246f
shaft showing relief groove 245, 246f
Sustainability measurement systems 
aircraft structures 102
architects and builders 69
blogs and public rating systems 390–391
Blue Angel/Blauer Engel 388
Brundtland Commission Report 65
carbon footprint 101, 102f
carbon neutral 387–388
Carbon Reduction Label 389
classic design and manufacture model 71–72, 71f
closed loop material cycle 67
coal-and oil-powered power stations 68
description 65, 384
design, manufacture 77–81
“Divers of Greenwashing” 392, 392f
D to AAA rating system 387
Earth’s ecosystem 68
eco-audit 101, 102f
Eco-rucksack and Envirowise 100
embodied energy, flywheel rotor 101, 101f
Energy Saving Trust Recommended scheme 389–390
energy star label 388
engineering designers and design 104
EOL rotor 101
EU Ecolabel 389
giveback technique 96–97
Greenwashing 387, 391
“Holy Grail” 66
human infestation 67–68
IMechE 105
ISO 9000 and ISO 14000 series 387, 393
labels and quality management systems 393
LG Electronics 391–392
market communications 392–393
carbon dioxide 98
energy as parameter 99
mechanical engineering 69
open-loop cycle 66
pollution in Manchester, U.K. 68, 68p
recycling 71
4Rs 66
selection, labels 385, 385f
sourcing/ecosourcing 73–76
Taguchi approach 72
TerraChoice organization 391
14-tonne truck 102, 104f
US-based research 385
vehicle manufacturers 71
web-based criticism 390
Sustainability umbrella model 
application 288
design and manufacture process 287–288
design objectives model 288, 288f
embedded energy 287
recycled materials 289–290
reduction, haulage dependence 290–291
sourcing 288–289
stages 288
whole-life model 286f, 287
Sustainable design 
benefit to buyers 380–383
measurement and certification industry 384–393
3P approach  See (Triple bottom line (TBL))
producers benefit 383–384
Sustainable disposal value (SDV) 
EOL disposal techniques 88
4R components 88
recycling 89
reduction 96
repair and refurbish 89–91
reuse and refurbish 91–95
Sustainable engineering design (SED) 72–73
Sustainable giveback value (SGBV) 97
Sustainable life value (SLV) 
manageable elements 99–100, 100f
measurement method 105
Sustainable maintenance value (SMaV) 
Aldis projector 84, 84p
Dualit toaster 85, 85p
gaskets 87
gearbox 85, 86f
internal combustion engines 83–84
lubrication 87–88
manufacturers 83
trailer-mounted water well rock drill 85, 86f
Sustainable manufacturing value (SMV) 
description 77
safe product, minimal embodied energy value 299
smart factory 77–81
Sustainable sourcing 
designers’ duty 76
managed sources 75
material flow systems 76
recycle 76
techniques 75
transportation 73–74
Sustainable use value (SUV) 
design optimization 81–82
energy storage 82–83
incorporate equipment 82
natural energy 82
reducing energy 82
Systematic approach, design development 
analysis 137–138
cable tidy concept 
design 133
final wire form 133, 135f
hook concept 133, 134f
hook configuration, wall mounting 133, 134f
injection molded 133, 133f
wall mount option and cable capture method 133, 135f
customer needs statement 140–141
designer 130
evaluation 134–137
evolution 140
invention and lateral thinking 143
iterative design procedure 138–140, 139f
“primary need” product 130
secondary needs 141
solution process 
concept design specification 130–131
elements 131–132
product design specification 130
stages 130, 131f
technique 130
synthesis 132–133
typical product life cycle 141–142, 142f


Taguchi approach 
quality manufacturing 72
SED 72–73
TILMAG approach 
bed lifting device 165
operation technique 164
phases 165–167, 167f
solution generation technique 163
TILMAG Matrix 165, 165f
Torsion, shafts 
behavioral analysis 247
design engineers, project requirements 269–271
measurement setup 269, 269f
parameters 269
Total design control 
design function 291–311
ease of manufacture 
assembly direction minimization 319
assembly methods 318
design constraints and team formation 320–322
design parts, fabrication 314–315
fastening systems 318–319
handling minimization 320
maximization, compliance 319–320
minimizing number of parts 312
modular design 312–313
multifunctional parts 313
multiuse parts 313
product creation process 311
reevaluation, welds 315–318
embodied energy proportions 287, 287f
EOL disposal 338–342
lifetime usage 323–327
accessibility, ease of component removal 329
component life prediction 328
detail design, quick-and-easy maintenance 330–331
downtime 329–330
engineering plastics 337–338
life, product 327–328
location 331–332
lubrication and lubricant delivery 334–335
modular build 333
simplicity, components and standardization 329
water-well rock drill 332–333
manufacturing 311–322
stages, product’s development 287
sustainability umbrella model 285–286
whole-life model 286f, 287
Triple bottom line (TBL) 
Cascade Engineering Inc. 378
company’s financial performance 374
description 373
“elastic tool” 379
financial health and profitability 374
manufacturing companies, TBL 377–378
measurement systems 375–377
people/society 373
planet/environment 373
profit 373
public attitudes 373–374
public decision-making 379
“sketchy” set 379
society’s emerging trends 374
sustainability performance 379–380
Venn-diagram 374, 375f
Typical Izod/Charpy test 229, 229f


Ultimate tensile strength (UTS) 228
Uniformly distributed load (UDL) 297–298
The United Kingdom 
DEFRA, waste hierarchy 349
description 349
Waste and Emissions Trading Act 2003 349
The United States 
academics and engineering bodies 346
environmental protection 346
“gas guzzler tax”, vehicles 346
UK’s BREEAM and LEED certification systems 346
water pollution and resources development 346


Vibration isolation 
behavioral analysis 247
deflection 278
engine mount arrangement, large diesel engine 277
isolation efficiency graph 277–279
load, each isolator 278
spring stiffness 279
Virtual material (VM) 360


Waste hierarchy 348, 348t
Word-picture associations and analogies 
aircraft design, Supermarine S6 158, 159p
bed lifting device 163, 164f
bed lifting device 160–161
complications 161
description 160
picture associations 161
team stimulation 161–163
tools 160
word associations 161
brainstorming session 154f, 163
memory 158
microscopic image, Velcro 158, 158p
pictures 160, 161
random words 159–160
team stimulation 161–163
word associations 161
World Summit on Sustainable development (WSSD) 358–360
Written communication 
accuracy 182
avoidance 185
brevity and clarity 184
crafting 183
graphics 184
guidelines 183
intended audience 184–185
logs and notebooks 186
memoranda, business letters and e-mail 186–187
planning 183
presentation 182
report structure 183
research 182
revising, editing and proofreading 185–186
rewriting and proofreading 185
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