60. When People Are Uncomfortable, They Can’t Pay Attention

Sometimes we focus so much on ourselves, our presentation, how we feel, and where we will be standing or sitting during the presentation that we forget to think about the audience. If the audience is uncomfortable in any way, then it will be hard for them to pay attention to what you are presenting.

Whenever I give a presentation, I try to get as much information as possible about the venue or room beforehand. If people are sitting a lot, the chairs are uncomfortable, and I’m the last presenter in a full day of presentations, then I know it will be hard for people to pay attention to my presentation no matter how good it is.

Put Yourself In the Audience’s Seats

If possible, check out the room and the seating before your presentation. Are the chairs comfortable enough? Is there enough room between seats or is everyone going to be squished together? Are there enough chairs for the expected attendance? Is there cold or hot air blowing on a certain part of the room? When possible, I go into the room ahead of time to check out the room and the seating, and I sit down in one of the chairs and face the front. Even if you cannot change the room, at least you will know what the challenges might be for your audience.

Make Changes When Possible

A few years ago I was giving a presentation at a conference. My presentation was to be right after lunch, so during the lunch hour I went to the room to check it out. It was a room that would hold about 100 people. I was talking on a panel, and several of the panel members were very well known. I calculated that more than half of the conference attendees would want to get in on this panel session—about 250 people—but the room was set up for only 100. That meant that people would be standing in the back, sitting on the floor in front, or not able to attend. I found someone who was with the conference and discussed it with them. They did some last-minute switching and changed the room to one that could accommodate more people. The presentation started on time, and the room was full at over 250.

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