Summary and Conclusions

Training Versus Development

Although training and development often go hand in hand and the terms are often used interchangeably, the terms are not synonymous. Training typically focuses on providing employees with specific skills and helping them correct deficiencies in their performance. Development is an effort to provide employees with the abilities that the organization will need in the future.

Challenges in Training

Before embarking on a training program, managers must answer several important questions: (1) Is training the solution to the problem? (2) Are the goals of training clear and realistic? (3) Is training a good investment? (4) Will the training work?

Managing the Training Process

The training process consists of three phases: assessment, development and conduct of training, and evaluation. In the assessment phase, organizational, task, and person needs are identified and the goals of training are clarified. Several options are available during the training phase. Training can take place either on the job or off the job and can be delivered through a variety of techniques (slides and videotapes, teletraining, computers, simulations, virtual reality, classroom instruction, and role-plays). The most appropriate type of training (for example, skills, retraining, cross-functional, team, creativity, literacy, diversity, crisis, or customer service) should be chosen to achieve the stated objectives. In the evaluation phase, the costs and benefits of the training program should be assessed to determine its effectiveness.

A Special Case: Orientation and Socialization

Organizations should pay particular attention to socializing employees. The first step in socializing them is orientation, or informing new employees about what is expected of them in the job and helping them cope with the inevitable stresses of transition. Companies and managers who recognize that socialization is a long-term process and should be carefully planned will benefit from lower turnover.

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