• Halo error, 216

  • Handwriting analysis, 170171

  • Hay Guide Chart Profile Method, 304

  • Hazard Communication Standard, 506

  • Hazardous chemicals

  • Haz-Map, 517, 518519

  • Health. See Workplace safety/health

  • Health care

  • Health insurance

    • cost containment issues for, 378379

    • for employees’ partners, 378

    • explanation of, 364, 373374

    • health maintenance organizations, 375

    • health savings accounts, 378

    • legislation related to, 374375

    • preferred provider organizations, 375, 376

    • tax policy and, 364

    • traditional, 375376

  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 374375

  • Health maintenance organizations (HMOs), 375, 376

  • Health savings accounts (HSAs), 378

  • Healthy living incentives, 333334, 522

  • Hearing impairment, 515516

  • High-deductible health plans (HDHPs), 379

  • HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), 374375

  • Hiring. See Employee recruitment/selectionRecruitment

  • Hiring freeze, 192

  • Hispanics, 6, 131132

  • HIV/AIDS, 510513

  • HMOs (health maintenance organizations), 375, 376

  • Holidays, 387

  • Homosexuals, 130131

  • Honesty tests, 167

  • Horizontal skills, 311

  • Hostile work environment sexual harassment, 90

  • Hotlines, 415, 418

  • Hot-stove rule, 448

  • HR. See Human resources (HR)

  • HRIS. See Human resource information systems(HRIS)

  • HRM. See Human resource management (HRM)

  • HRP. See Human resource planning (HRP)

  • HSAs (health savings accounts), 378

  • Human resource information systems (HRIS)

    • applications of, 7475

    • explanation of, 74

    • security and privacy of, 75

  • Human resource management (HRM)

    • culture-specific HR, 564565

    • environmental challenges of, 310

    • for expatriates, 549

    • exporting firms and, 556559

    • in global context, 550556

    • global practices, 556

    • impact of labor unions on, 491493

    • individual challenges of, 1720

    • managerial perspective on, 2

    • organizational challenges of, 12

    • proactive, 478

    • specialization in, 35

  • Human resource planning (HRP)

    • explanation of, 150

    • guidelines for, 455456

  • Human resource practices, 3334

  • Human resources (HR)

    • audit, 35

    • controlling costs of, 11

    • explanation of, 2

    • supply and demand, 150155

  • Human resource strategies

    • benefits of, 2122

    • choosing HR tactics to implement, 33

    • explanation of, 2

    • as fit with environment, 3031

    • as fit with organizational capabilities, 32

    • as fit with organizational characteristics, 3132

    • as fit with organizational strategies, 2830

    • to increase performance, 2734

  • Human resource tactics, 2, 33

  • Hybrid pension plans, 384. See also Retirement plans

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