• Racism, 127

  • Railway Labor Act, 469

  • Random drug tests, 435437. See also Drug tests

  • Ranking system, 306

  • Rank order, 208

  • Rater error, 216

  • Reactive behavior, 21

  • Realistic job preview (RJP), 255

  • Reasonable accommodation, 98, 451452

  • Recession, 1

  • Recognitional picketing, 468

  • Recognition awards, 419420

  • Recordkeeping, 217

  • Recruitment. See also Employee recruitment/selection

  • Reengineering, 4950

  • Reference checks, 170

  • Referrals, employee, 158159

  • Relative judgment appraisal format, 208209

  • Reliability, 163

  • Religious minorities, 133135

  • Repatriation, 540

  • Resentment, 125126

  • Residual rights, 434

  • Responsibilities, 57

  • Restricted stock plans, 348

  • Restriction of range error, 216

  • Results-only work environment (ROWE), 73

  • Retention of employees, 126

  • Retirement

    • explanation of, 187

    • incentives for early, 187

    • management of early, 190

  • Retirement benefits

  • Retirement plans, 364

  • Retraining programs, 192, 248

  • Retreats, 411

  • Reverse brain drain, 20

  • Reverse culture shock, 542

  • Reverse discrimination, 102

  • Rights. See also Employee rights

  • Rightsizing, 189

  • Right-to-work law, 468

  • Rings of defense approach, 192

  • RJP (realistic job preview), 255

  • Role-plays, 248

  • Romance, office, 442444

  • Roth IRAs, 383

  • ROWE (results-only work environment), 73

  • Rucker Plan, 340

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