• EAPs. See Employee assistance programs (EAPs)

  • Economic strikes, 487

  • Educational attainment, 127

  • Educational attainment of Latinos, 132

  • EEO. See Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)

  • EEOC. See Equal Employment OpportunityCommission (EEOC)

  • EFCA (Employee Free Choice Act), 482

  • Egalitarianism, trends in, 15

  • Egalitarian pay system, 296

  • EI (employee involvement) groups, 477478

  • E-learning, 246

  • Electronic bulletin boards, 406

  • Electronic communication

  • Electronic monitoring

    • of employee Internet use, 14

    • for employee theft, 437440

    • examples of, 428429

    • explanation of, 437

  • Elitist pay system, 296

  • E-mail (electronic mail)

    • advantages and disadvantages of, 406407

    • communication skills for, 5

    • explanation of, 406

    • legal issues related to, 14

    • privacy issues and, 407

  • Emergent strategies, 2324

  • Emerging trends cases

    • beryllium, 525526

    • diversity, 145146

    • electronic monitoring, 3839

    • freelancers, 495496

    • nonmonetary compensation, 298299

    • one job, many roles, 180

    • overtime pay, 320321

    • terrorism, 562

    • workers with disabilities, 111

    • work-life balance, 79

  • Emotional stability, 166

  • Empirical validity, 164

  • Employee assistance programs (EAPs)

  • Employee attitude surveys, 413414

  • Employee benefits. See also Compensation; Compensation plans; Compensation systems; specific benefits

  • Employee development

    • benefits of, 455

    • employee training vs., 237239

    • in unionized companies, 491492

  • Employee discipline

    • for alcohol-related misconduct, 454

    • basic standards for, 448

    • for bullying behaviors, 452454, 524525

    • explanation of, 444445

    • grievance involving, 490

    • for illegal drug use, 454455

    • for insubordination, 452

    • just cause standard of, 448449

    • mistakes to avoid when administering, 449450

    • for poor attendance, 450451

    • for poor performance, 451452

    • positive, 446447

    • preventing need for, 455456

    • progressive, 445446

    • right to appeal, 449

    • steps for, 444445

  • Employee diversity

    • as asset, 123

    • career development and, 265266

    • categories of, 126137

    • cultural competency and, 229

    • explanation of, 119

    • managerial perspective on, 118119

    • statistics for, 6

    • trends in, 120121

  • Employee diversity management

    • affirmative action vs., 120

    • challenges in, 124126, 142

    • as corporate strategy, 124

    • function of, 120

    • marketing strategies and, 123124

    • strategies for, 137142

  • Employee feedback programs

    • appeals procedures as, 414415

    • employee attitude surveys as, 413414

    • explanation of, 413

  • Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), 482

  • Employee handbooks, 404406, 431

  • Employee health programs. See also Health insurance

  • Employee involvement (EI) groups, 477478

  • Employee noncompete agreements, 114115

  • Employee recognition programs

    • explanation of, 418

    • recognition awards as, 419420

    • suggestion systems as, 418419

  • Employee recruitment/selection

    • to avoid problem employees, 455

    • challenges in, 155157

    • costs of, 184185

    • credit checks, 439440

    • forecasting techniques and, 154155

    • global, 78

    • human resources supply and demand and, 150155

    • job analysis and, 58

    • legal issues in, 173174, 511

    • managerial perspective on, 150

    • misrepresentation of information on job applications, 1516, 177

    • negligent hiring and, 174, 515

    • software for, 56

  • Employee relations

    • audiovisual communications and, 406

    • choices related to, 2627

    • communication and, 401403. See also Communication

    • electronic communications and, 406413

    • employee assistance programs, 415418

    • employee feedback programs and, 413415

    • employee handbooks and, 404406, 431

    • employee recognition programs and, 419420

    • function of, 400

    • informal communications and, 411413

    • information dissemination programs and, 403404

    • managerial perspective on, 400

    • in unionized companies, 493

    • written communications and, 405406

  • Employee relations policies, 400

  • Employee relations representatives, 400

  • Employee retention, 200201

  • Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) of 1974, 380, 492493

  • Employee rights

  • Employees

    • alcohol-impaired, 454

    • college interns as, 72

    • contract, 7172

    • drug-impaired, 454455

    • exempt, 313

    • line, 2

    • mental health problems of, 520521, 526527

    • nonexempt, 313

    • orientation and socialization process for, 254255

    • part-time, 6869

    • public-sector, 472

    • shortages of, 150, 151152, 161

    • staff, 2

    • as stakeholders, 400

    • temporary, 68

  • Employee safety programs, 517, 519520. See also Workplace safety/health

  • Employee screening, 56

  • Employee selection. See Employee recruitment/selection

  • Employee separation

  • Employee services, 364, 387389

  • Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), 341342

  • Employee training

  • Employee turnover

  • Employer rights

  • Employment agencies, 160

  • Employment-at-will

    • explanation of, 434

    • fair policy? 199

    • legal limitations to, 435

    • performance appraisal, 220

    • whistle-blowers and, 441

  • Employment contracts, 430

  • Employment discrimination. See also Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws

    • adverse impact, 88

    • defense of charges of, 8990

    • disparate treatment, 88

    • employment policies to avoid, 8283

    • explanation of, 88

    • glass ceiling, 113

    • lawsuits resulting from, 8485

    • legislation addressing, 9498

    • pregnancy, 90

    • sexual harassment and, 9094

    • trends in, 89, 8283

  • Empowerment, 1920

  • English-only workplace policy, 108109

  • Enterprise union, 475

  • Entrepreneurial climate, 32

  • Entrepreneurship, 339

  • Environment, 3031

  • Environmental challenges

    • coping with, 23

    • explanation of, 3

    • globalization as, 78

    • green building, 425

    • Internet revolution as, 46

    • legislation, 89

    • natural disasters as, 10

    • rapid change as, 34

    • service sector skill shortages, 910

    • terrorism, 10

    • work and family roles as, 9

    • workforce diversity as, 67

  • Equal employment opportunity (EEO)

    • avoiding pitfalls related to, 105109

    • background of, 83, 125

    • employee resentment regarding, 125126

    • honesty, 105

    • in international context, 551553

  • Equal employment opportunity (EEO) laws. See also specific laws

    • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, 9596

    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, 9698

    • Civil Rights Act of 1991, 9495

    • employee discipline and, 447

    • enforcement of, 99103

    • Equal Pay Act of 1963, 87

    • Executive Order 11246, 95

    • explanation of, 86

    • listing of, 103104, 116117

    • regulations, 100

    • Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 8788

  • Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)

    • on alternative dispute resolution, 106

    • on Americans with Disabilities Act, 97, 98

    • functions of, 99100, 430

    • on job application information requests, 106, 107108

    • on reporting requirements, 105

    • on sexual harassment, 85, 90

    • Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures, 89

  • Equal Pay Act (EPA) of 1963, 87, 314315

  • ERISA, 380, 492493

  • ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan), 341342

  • Ethical issues

    • career anchors and, 268, 283284

    • collective bargaining and, 483484

    • data use and, 1314

    • employee unethical behavior, 231

    • employment-at-will and, 199

    • globalization and, 557558

    • layoff survivors and, 194195

    • misrepresentation of information on job applications and, 1516, 177

    • overview of, 1819

    • pay-for-performance systems and, 326329

    • performance appraisals as, 211212

    • unethical behaviors, 326

  • Ethical treatment, 431432

  • Ethics/social responsibility

    • background checks, 459460

    • career anchors and, 283284

    • child-care policy, 396397

    • college student unpaid internships, 7879

    • compensation, 319

    • diversity, 146147

    • employee noncompete agreements, 114115

    • employee relations, 423

    • employee training, 259

    • employment-at-will and, 199

    • foreign bribes, 563564

    • fraudulent job applications, 177

    • going green, 425

    • human resources, 19

    • international challenges, 557558

    • layoff survivors and, 194195

    • merit pay, 358359

    • penalty for unhealthy habits, 394395

    • rank and yank, 228

    • recruitment and hiring process, 172, 179

    • sustainability, 40

    • teachers paying for students’ welfare, 294

    • unions, 496497, 498499

    • whistle-blowing, 460462

    • workplace bullies, 524525

  • Ethics training, 251252, 259

  • Ethnocentric management approach, 536

  • Evaluation hiring, 161

  • Evaluation phase, 241

  • Executive Order 11246, 95, 173174

  • Executives. See also Chief executive officers (CEOs)

    • golden parachutes for, 347

    • long-term incentives for, 347

    • pay-for-performance plans for, 344349

    • perks for, 348349

    • salary and short-term incentives for, 346347

  • Exempt employees, 23, 313

  • Exit interviews, 185

  • Expatriates

    • advantages and disadvantages of using, 537

    • assignment challenges for, 538542

    • career development for, 546548

    • compensation for, 548549

    • difficulties of return for, 540542

    • explanation of, 532

    • HR department services for, 549

    • needs assessment for, 242243

    • political risks and, 546

    • selection of, 542543

    • training for, 242243, 260, 539, 544545

    • using mix of host-country employees with, 536538

    • women as, 549550

  • Exporting firms, 556559

  • Extended leave, 140

  • External control, 19

  • External labor market, 151

  • Extrinsic rewards, 330331

  • Extroversion, 166

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