

911 calls, 110


AAC (protected) codec, 327

accepting calls, 119-121


app settings, 77

menus, 287

system settings, 77

voicemail, 127-128


calendar, adding to Calendar app, 172-173


adding, 220-224

deleting, 230-231

editing settings, 225-230

troubleshooting, 224

for synchronization, adding, 445

Gmail, 24-28

creating, 24-26

multiple accounts, adding, 248

registering, 26-28

removing, 277

Samsung, creating, 28-30

viewing contacts from, 169

Adapt Sound feature, configuring, 134-135


accounts for synchronization, 445

calendar accounts to Calendar app, 172-173

contact group members, 155

content feeds to Flipboard, 278

email accounts, 220-224

email attachments, 241-242

email inserts, 242-243

fields to contact records, 142

folders to Home screen, 71-72

Home screen pages, 66-67

multiple Gmail accounts, 248

music to playlists, 329, 333-334

photos to contact records, 145-146

shortcuts to Home screen, 67-69

social networking accounts to Flipboard, 276-277

songs to playlists, 336

subjects for text messages, 257

text message recipients, 255

widgets, 69-70

Address Book (Mac)

contacts, exporting, 165

synchronization, 436-437

addresses (web), 197

editing for bookmarks, 210

typing, 197-198

Add Shortcut command (Internet app), 214

adjusting. See changing

Adult Swim video app, 380-381

Air Call Accept, 120

Air Gesture settings, 81-82

Air Browse, 82

Air Call Accept, 82

Air Jump, 81, 202

Air Move, 82

Quick Glance, 81

Airplane Mode, 130-131

alarms, setting, 187

album art, iTunes, 338


Call Alerts, 132

emergency alert settings, 273

Amazon Appstore

browsing, 302

collecting app usage data, 306

customizing, 305-306

downloading apps from, 302-304

installing, 300-301

menu commands, 306-307

updating apps, 313

ambient light sensor, 8

Android Beam, 428

Android Market. See Google Play

Android operating system, 39

checking version, 497

version 4.2.2, 9

Animated Photo shooting mode, 359

answering calls, 32, 119-124

anti-shake for photos, 355

antivirus apps, 464

Application Manager, uninstalling apps, 309

apps, 9, 283

Amazon Appstore

customizing, 305-306

installing, 300-301

menu commands, 306-307

antivirus, 464

Back key usage, 47

Calendar, 171

adding accounts, 172-173

events, creating, 174-178

managing events/tasks, 186-187

responding to reminders, 187-189

setting preferences, 190-192

synchronizing, 191

tasks, creating, 178-180

views, 180-184

widgets for, 185


launching, 348

recording videos, 395-398

settings, 352-361

ChatON, 281

Contacts, 137

adding photos to contacts records, 145-146

backing up data, 159-162

creating contact records, 140-144

deleting contact records, 152-153

display options, 168-169

editing contact records, 148

finding text message recipients, 255

groups, 153

interface, 138-139

joining and separating contact records, 150-151

marking contact records as favorites, 151-152

restoring data, 162-165

Send Email/Send Message commands, 167-168

setting contact record defaults, 149

viewing contacts, 146-147

contextual menus, 288

downloading and installing

from Amazon Appstore, 302-304

enabling other sources, 299

from Google Play (Play Store), 293-298


launching, 233

retrieving email, 231-232

setting up email account, 220

exiting, 288, 293

Favorite Apps palette, editing, 459


adding accounts, 276-277

adding content feeds, 278

viewing and interacting with content feeds, 279-280

folders for, creating, 76

Force Stop command, 485

Gallery, 363-370

emailing photos from, 420-422

launching, 350

reviewing photos immediately, 361-362

Gmail, 248-251

GPS-enabled apps, 315, 483

Group Play

settings, 342

sharing photos, 366

sharing songs, 339-343

troubleshooting, 343

Home key usage, 46

Home screen shortcuts, creating, 67-68, 308

imo (chat app), 281


configuring, 216

creating bookmark folders, 211

creating bookmark shortcuts, 69

creating bookmarks, 208-209

deleting bookmarks, 212-213

editing bookmarks, 210

following links, 198

incognito browsing, 206-207

launching, 196-197

menu commands, 214-215

moving bookmarks into folders, 211-212

portrait/landscape view, 202

privacy, 216

refreshing page, 204

searching for web pages, 200-201

setting home page, 216

sharing, 214

Smart Screen, 202

typing web addresses, 197-198

viewing pages, 201-207

visiting bookmarked, recent, saved pages, 199-200

Kies Air, 407

launching, 284-286

moving to memory card, 313

menus, accessing, 287


composing multimedia messages, 261-263

composing text messages, 254-260

configuring, 270-275

continuing conversations, 265

deleting conversations, 266

deleting text messages, 267-270

new message notifications, 263-264

options for text messages, 268-269

reviewing conversations, 266

tips for, 275


playing songs, 328-339

Settings menu, 339

speaker fidelity improvements, 338

navigating within, 284, 289

Pandora Internet Radio, 344

paying for, 295, 303-304

permissions, 295, 304, 464

Phone, opening from Contacts, 138

Photo Editor, 372-375

Play Music, 328

primary shortcuts, 44

requesting refunds from Google Play, 296

returning to Home screen, 288

running apps list, options, 478

running during phone calls, 127

running multiple apps, 290-292

settings, accessing, 77

shortcuts, 44

for social networking, 276, 280

streaming video, 380-381

switching among, 289-290

synchronization apps, 438

troubleshooting, 498

uninstalling, 308-311

with Application Manager, 309

with Google Play, 311

with Task Manager, 310

updating, 312-313


playing videos, 383-395

Video Player versus, 383

viewing battery usage, 484

WatchON, configuring, 474-475

Apps primary shortcut, 44

Apps tab, 11

Apps view

customizing, 74-76

navigating, 284

area codes, dialing, 31


contacts to groups, 143


to contact groups, 85-87

to contacts, 84-85

speed dial number, 112

attachments to email

adding, 241-242

downloading automatically, 229

forwarding, 228, 240

viewing and saving, 234-235


Adapt Sound feature, configuring, 134-135

Voice Recorder, 96-97

automated answering systems, inserting pause and wait commands when dialing calls, 118-119

Auto Redial, configuring, 133

auto-rotate feature, enabling, 54

Auto shooting mode, 358


background image (wallpaper), changing, 64-65

backing up contact records, 159-162

to memory card, 161

merging with Google Contacts or Samsung account, 159-160

to SIM card, 160-161

to USB memory, 162

what to back up, 162

Back key, 8, 47, 289

battery, charging, 12-13, 483

battery usage, conserving, 480-485

GPS-enabled apps, 483

manual conservation tips, 481-483

notifications, 481

Power Saving Mode, 480-481

viewing usage by apps, 484

BCC (blind carbon copy), 228, 237

Beauty Face shooting mode, 361

Best Face shooting mode, 360

Best Photo shooting mode, 360

BlackBerry, transferring data from, 15

blocking caller ID information, 116


destination folder, selecting, 419

headsets, 20-23

configuring phone for, 133

enabling, 126

in-call options, 23

making calls, 22

pairing with phone, 21

icon, 418

tethering, 470

transferring files, 413-419

pairing phone and computer, 413-415

sending files from computer to phone, 415-416

sending files from phone to computer, 416-418


creating, 208-209

creating folders for, 211

creating shortcuts for, 69

deleting, 212-213

display options, 199

editing, 210

history list, 209

managing, 199

organizing in folders, 211-212

visiting bookmarked pages, 199-200

Bookmark widget, 70

Briefing widget, 185

broadcast messages, settings, 273


Back key usage, 47

default browser, setting, 196

Google Chrome, 195

Internet app

configuring, 216

creating bookmark folders, 211

creating bookmark shortcuts, 69

creating bookmarks, 208-209

deleting bookmarks, 212-213

editing bookmarks, 210

following links, 198

incognito browsing, 206-207

launching, 196-197

menu commands, 214-215

moving bookmarks into folders, 211-212

portrait/landscape view, 202

privacy, 216

refreshing page, 204

searching for web pages, 200-201

setting home page, 216

sharing, 214

Smart Screen, 202

typing web addresses, 197-198

viewing pages, 201-207

visiting bookmarked, recent, saved pages, 199-200

Burst Shot photos, 355


Calendar app, 171

accounts, adding, 172-173


creating, 174-178

editing repeat events, 187

managing, 186-187

multiple calendars, 175

preferences, setting, 190-192

reminders, responding to, 177, 187-189

synchronizing, 191


creating, 178-180

managing, 186-187

sorting, 183

views, 180-184

widgets for, 185

Calendar widget, 185

Call Alerts, configuring, 132

Caller ID

blocking, 116

configuring, 133

call forwarding, 122-124

call logs

deleting entries, 107

dialing calls from, 104-107

icons, 106

options, 107

viewing from Contacts, 104

Call Rejection, enabling/disabling, 132


Adapt Sound feature, configuring, 134-135

Air Call, 120

cost based on time/location, 488

cost versus texting, 488

dialing, 31

blocking caller ID information, 116

country codes, 100-101

emergency calls, 110-111

from call log, 104-107

from email message links, 108-109

from text message links, 108

inserting pause and wait commands, 118-119

quick dialing techniques, 109

speed dialing, 111-116

three-way calling, 117-118

with Bluetooth headsets, 22

with Contacts record, 102-103

without Contacts record, 100-102

hanging up, 32, 126

in-call options, 124-127

for Bluetooth headsets, 23, 126

end call, 126

hold, 125

keypad, accessing, 125

mute, 126

noise reduction, 125

notification panel, 126

personalized call sound, 125

speaker, 125

volume, adjusting, 125-126

missed calls, 133

mute/vibrate, enabling, 129-130

receiving, 32, 119-124

accepting/rejecting calls, 119-121

call forwarding, 122-124

call waiting, 121

mute/vibrate, enabling, 129-130

rejecting, 32

returning/redialing, 104-105

ringtone, muting, 121

settings, configuring, 131-134

voicemail, accessing, 127-128

Wi-Fi calling, 119

call sound, customizing, 89-91

call waiting, 121

Camera app

launching, 348

recording videos, 395-398

settings, 352-361

Quick Settings, 352-353

Settings dialog box, 354-357

shooting modes, 358-361

using flash, 356

cameras. See also photos; videos

connecting phone to PC as, 410

flash, 8, 353

front camera, 8, 348-350

rear camera, 8, 350-352

capitalization when entering text, 53

case sensitivity of passwords, 453

CC (carbon copy), 228, 237

cell broadcast settings, 273

changing. See also editing

default language, 36-37

email account settings, 225-230

equalizer settings, 331

group settings, 154

input methods, 55

language, 56

for voice input, 59

message read status, 246

number dialed, 101

personal message on lock screen, 458

playlist song order, 337

ringtones, 133

screen locking method, 448-457

search engines, 201

voicemail settings, 128

volume, 18-19

for Bluetooth headsets, 22

in Group Play app, 342

of music, 331

wallpaper, 64-65

character preview, 56

charging the battery, 12-13, 483

chat. See also texting

dedicated apps for, 281

video chat, 399

ChatON, 281

choosing. See selecting

Chrome, 195

clearing lock screen, 462-463

Clear Memory command, 479


copying photos to, 369


deleting, 61

pasting, 61

clock on lock screen, showing/hiding, 458

closing Notification panel, 48

color, adjusting in photos, 374

Complete Action Using dialog box, 196, 319

completed tasks, marking, 187


multimedia messages, 261-263

new email message, 237-239

text messages, 254-260

conditional call forwarding, 123

configuring. See also options; settings

Adapt Sound feature, 134-135

Calendar app settings, 190-192

Call settings, 131-134

email account settings, 225-230

Gmail settings, 249

Internet app, 216

Messaging app, 270-275

Power Saving Mode, 480-481

reminders for events, 177

voicemail, 23-24

WatchON app, 474-475

connected Wi-Fi network, viewing, 34

connecting to computer. See Bluetooth; USB; Wi-Fi

connection methods (Internet)

setting manually, 33


forgetting networks, 36

selecting network, 34-36

viewing network information, 36

connections in Group Play app, disconnecting, 343

connection speeds, testing, 470

conserving battery, 480-485

GPS-enabled apps, 483

manual conservation tips, 481-483

Power Saving Mode, 480-481

viewing usages by apps, 484

contact groups, 138, 153

adding/removing members, 155


contacts to, 143

ringtones to, 85-87

creating, 153-154

deleting, 157-158

emailing/texting, 155-156, 259

reordering, 157

contact info for text message recipients, 256

contact records

adding photos to, 145-146

assigning to groups, 143

backing up, 159-162

merging with Google Contacts or Samsung account, 159-160

to memory cards, 161

to SIM card, 160-161

to USB memory, 162

what to back up, 162

call logs, viewing, 104

creating, 140-144

deleting, 152-153

dialing calls from, 102-103

dialing calls without, 100-102

editing, 148

exporting from other sources, 165

favorites, 138, 151-152

fields, adding, 142

filtering in email, 238

groups, 138, 153

adding/removing members, 155

creating, 153-154

deleting, 157-158

emailing/texting, 155-156

reordering, 157

importing into Google Contacts, 165-167

joining and separating, 150-151

on Mac, synchronization, 436-437

restoring, 162-165

from memory card, 163-164

from SIM card, 162-163

from USB backup, 164

problems with, 165

ringtones, selecting, 84-85, 143

setting defaults, 149

speed dial numbers

assigning, 112

dialing, 115-116

rearranging, 115

removing, 114

replacing, 113

viewing, 146-147

Contacts app, 137. See also contact records

backing up data, 159-162

display options, 168-169

groups, 153

adding/removing members, 155

creating, 153-154

deleting, 157-158

emailing/texting, 155-156

reordering, 157

interface, 138-139

restoring data, 162-165

Send Email/Send Message commands, 167-168

shortcut, 44

text message recipients, selecting, 141, 156, 255

Contact widget, 70

content feeds in Flipboard

adding to, 278

viewing and interacting, 279-280

contextual menus, 288

continuing conversations, 265

control panel (for Samsung Kies), 404

conversations, Messaging, 254

continuing, 265

deleting, 244, 266

reviewing, 266

starting, 259-260

conversation view (Email), standard view versus, 235-236

converting DVDs for playback, 388-394


files with Samsung Kies, 405

iTunes music, 338

outgoing email messages, 228

photos to Clipboard, 369

text from web pages, 61

copy-protected songs, 327


of calls based on time/location, 488

texting versus calling, 488

country codes, 100-101

dialing, 31

when to dial, 123

cover release, 7

cropping photos, 369, 373

current location, checking, 318

custom Contacts views, 169

customizing, 10. See also settings

Amazon Appstore, 305-306

Apps view, 74-76

call sound, 89-91

Google Play, 296-298

Home screen, 64-74

folders, adding, 71-72

primary shortcuts, 74

rearranging, removing, adding pages, 66-67

repositioning and removing items, 72-73

shortcuts, adding, 67-69

wallpaper, selecting, 64-65

widgets, adding, 69-70

Multi Window feature, 292

Quick Settings, 353

system settings, 11-12


dark display

preventing in Group Play app, 343

restoring, 16

data, transferring from other phones, 15

data connection methods

setting manually, 33


forgetting networks, 36

selecting network, 34-36

viewing network information, 36

data limits, 33

data synchronization. See synchronization

data usage

checking, 485-486

managing, 486-488

monitoring, 34

Date and Time settings, 78

Day view (Calendar app), 182

dedicated apps. See apps


browser, setting, 196

camera settings, restoring, 357

email account, setting, 227

incoming call ringtone, setting, 82-83

language, changing, 36-37

messaging ringtone, setting, 87-88

notification ringtone, setting, 83-84

phone number for call forwarding, 122

contact record fields, setting, 149

text message settings, restoring, 275


apps from folders, 76

bookmarks, 212-213

call log entries, 107

Clipboard material, 61

contact group members, 155

contact records, 151-153

conversations, 266

downloads, 198

email, 243-244

email accounts, 230-231

events/tasks, 186-187

folder items, 72

groups, 157-158

Home screen items, 72-73

Home screen pages, 66-67

music, 329

notifications, 48

personal message on lock screen, 458

photo edits, 373

photos, 367

from multiple folders, 371

playlists, 337

POP3 email from server, 223

primary shortcuts, 74

shortcuts, 68

social networking accounts, 277

songs from playlists, 334, 336

speed dial number, 114

text messages, 267-270

Desktop View command (Internet app), 215

destination setting in Google Navigation, 318

destination folder for Bluetooth, selecting, 419

dialing calls, 31

blocking caller ID information, 116

country codes, 100-101

emergency calls, 110-111

from call log, 104-107

from email message links, 108-109

from text message links, 108

inserting pause and wait commands, 118-119

quick dialing techniques, 109

speed dialing, 111-116

three-way calling, 117-118

with Contacts record, 102-103

without Contacts record, 100-102

dialing prefixes. See country codes

dialog boxes, Back key usage, 47

dictation. See voice input

dimmed displays, restoring, 16

Direct Call (Motion setting), 79

Direct Dial widget, 70


with Google Local, 322-325

with Google Navigation, 317-321

Direct Message widget, 70


Airplane Mode, 131

call forwarding, 124

call rejection, 132

GPS (Global Positioning System), 316

mobile data, 486

Multi Window feature, 290

Smart Pause, 385

Wi-Fi, 33


from Group Play app, 343

USB-tethered phones, 473


dialog boxes, 47

keyboard, 47, 53

lock screen, 16

Notification panel, 47

options menus, 47

reminders, 189

displaying. See viewing

display options

Calendar app, 180-184

Contacts app, 168-169

Gallery app, 363

text messages, 272


dark displays

preventing in Group Play app, 343

restoring, 16

dimmed displays, restoring, 16

double tap, 50, 92

doubleTwist, 412

downloaded apps, viewing, 284



enabling other sources, 299

from Amazon Appstore, 302-304

from Google Play, 293-298

attachments automatically, 229


defined, 407

removing, 198

drafts, saving text messages as, 257

dragging, 51

Home screen indicator, 42

Drama shooting mode, 359

duplicate contact records, 164

duplicating letters in Swype, 54

DVDFab/DVD Ripper, 388

profiles, creating, 394

DVDs, converting for playback, 388-394. See also videos


e911 (Enhanced 911), 110

earpiece, 7

Easy Mode, 9

switching to Standard mode, 43-44

editing. See also changing

bookmarks, 210

contact records, 148

events/tasks, 186-187

Favorite Apps palette, 459


Gallery app, 363-370

Photo Editor app, 372-375

playlist titles, 337

Quick Settings (in Camera app), 353

text, 60-61

Text Templates phrases, 258-259

effects (photos), 349, 351, 374

ejecting USB-tethered phones, 473



adding, 220-224

creating subfolders, 246

deleting, 230-231

editing settings, 225-230

troubleshooting, 224


adding, 241-242

viewing and saving, 234-235

creating new message, 237-239

deleting, 243-244

POP3 email from server, 223

favorites, marking, 247-248

flags, 248

formatting messages, 238

forwarding, 240

Gmail app, 248-251

images, showing, 230

inserts, adding, 242-243

message links, dialing calls from, 108-109

message read status, changing, 246

moving between folders, 245-246

photos, sharing, 366, 420

reading, 232-234

replying to, 239

retrieving, 231-232

size limitations, 227


to contacts, 167-168

to groups, 155-156

songs, sharing, 422

spam, avoiding, 230

standard versus conversation view, 235-236

subfolders, creating, 246

synchronization options and schedules, 439-445

texting to email addresses, 260

transferring files, 419-423

photos from Gallery, 420-422

songs from My Files, 422-423

unread email, 246

Email app

launching, 233

retrieving email, 231-232

setting up email account, 220

embedding links in text messages, 260

embellishments, adding to photos, 375

emergency alert settings, 273

emergency calls, 110-111

emoticons in text messages, 257


Air Gesture, 81-82

Airplane Mode, 130-131

auto-rotate feature, 54

Bluetooth headsets, 126

Call Rejection, 132

Face Unlock, 454-456

GPS (Global Positioning System), 316

Increase Volume in Pocket, 134

Motion and Palm Motion settings, 78-80

Multi Window feature, 290

mute/vibrate, 129-130

noise reduction, 134

other app sources, 299

Power Saving Mode, 480-481

Quick Settings, 48

shutter sound, 357

Smart Pause, 385

voice input, 57

voice recognition for lock screen, 455

Zoom feature, 366

encoding videos, quality settings, 392

End/End All commands, 478

ending calls, 32, 126

entering text, 52-59

tapping keyboard, 52-53

typing tips, 54-61

voice input, 57-59

with Swype, 54

episodic DVDs

converting for playback, 390

settings, 391

equalizer settings, changing, 331

Eraser, 358, 375

events, Calendar

creating, 174-178

defined, 174

editing repeat events, 187

managing, 186-187

reminders, responding to, 187-189

searching for, 183

Exchange Server synchronization strategy, 434


apps, 288, 293

dialog boxes, 47

exporting contact records from other sources, 165

exposure values for photos, 356

extended Home screen, 42

extracting text from photos, 370


Face Detection, 355

Face Unlock

enabling, 454-456

unlocking lock screens, 463

factory data reset, 500-501


music playback, 330

video playback, 384-385

Favorite Apps palette, editing, 459

favorites, 138

contact records, 151-152

email, 247-248

photos, 368

songs, 334

WatchON channels, 475

fields, adding to contact records, 142

file-handling systems, 412


in Bluetooth folder, 416

finding, 411

selecting all, 417


between phones, 423-430

via Bluetooth, 413-419

via email, 419-423

via USB, 408-412

via Wi-Fi, 402-407

file size for multimedia messages, 261

filtering contacts in Email, 238

finding. See also searching

files, 411

model number, 471

song files in folders, 423

Find on Page command (Internet app), 215

flagging email messages, 247-248

flash, 8

photos, 356

video recording, 397

flick, 50

Flipboard, 276

accounts, adding, 276-277

content feeds

adding, 278

viewing and interacting with, 279-280

flipping photos, 357, 373

focus, setting for photos, 351


adding to Home screen, 71-72


creating subfolders, 246

moving between, 245-246

for apps, creating, 76

for bookmarks

creating, 211

moving bookmarks into, 211-212

for photos, viewing list of, 364


selecting all, 417, 421-430

sharing/deleting, 371

song files, finding, 423

Force Stop command, 485

forgetting Wi-Fi networks, 36


email messages, 238

memory cards, 493


calls, 122-124

email, 240

email attachments, 228, 240

front camera, 8

shooting photos, 348-350

video recording with, 398

frozen screen, troubleshooting, 499


Galaxy Note/Note II phones, transferring data from, 15

Galaxy S II/III phones, transferring data from, 15

Gallery app, 363-370

emailing photos from, 420-422

launching, 350

reviewing photos immediately, 361-362

switching views, 363


Air Call Accept, 120

Air Gesture, 81-82

on touchscreens, 49-52

gesture sensors, 8

gift cards in Amazon Appstore, 305

Global Positioning System. See GPS (Global Positioning System)

Gmail accounts, 24-28

creating, 24-26

registering, 26-28

Gmail app, 248-251

Gmail synchronization strategy, 435

Google Chrome, 195

Google Contacts

importing contact records from other sources, 165-167

merging contact records with, 159-160

Google Local

directions with, 322-325

interchanging with Google Navigation/Google Maps, 317

Google Maps, interchanging with Google Navigation/Google Local, 317

Google Navigation

interchanging with Google Maps/Google Local, 317

options, 320-321

turn-by-turn directions, 317-321

Google Play, 293-298

customizing, 296-298

uninstalling apps, 311

updating apps, 312-313

website usage, 298

Google Play Music app, 328

Google synchronization strategy, 435

Google Voice Search, 95-96

Google Voice Typing, 55

Google Wallet, 295

GPS (Global Positioning System), 315

audio, 324

battery usage, 483

enabling/disabling, 316

search, 323

tagging photos, 355, 357

turn-by-turn directions

with Google Local, 322-325

with Google Navigation, 317-321

grid view (of Contacts Favorites), list view versus, 139

Group Play app

settings, 342

sharing photos, 366

sharing songs, 339-343

troubleshooting, 343

groups. See contact groups

guidelines on Camera viewfinder, 356


hanging up calls, 32, 126

hardware, 6-8

ambient light sensor, 8

Back key, 8

earpiece, 7

flash, 8

front camera, 8

gesture sensors, 8

headset jack, 8

Home key, 8

memory cards, 8

Menu key, 8

microphone, 7

Power button, 7, 13

proximity sensor, 8

rear camera, 8

status light, 8

touchscreen, 8

USB power/accessory connectors, 8

Volume control, 7

hardware keys, 45-47

Back key, 8, 47, 289

Home key, 8, 45-46, 288

lighting, 287

Menu key, 8, 45, 287

HDR (High Dynamic Range) shooting mode, 359


mirroring phone on, 473-475

WatchON app, configuring, 474-475

headphones, wired, 20

headset jack, 8


Bluetooth, 20-23

enabling, 126

in-call options, 23

making calls, 22

pairing with phone, 21

configuring phone for, 133

wired, 20

health-monitoring app (S Health), 97

Help command (Internet app), 215

help for S Voice, 93

Help Text (lock screen option), 457


keyboard, 53

Multi Window feature, 290

passwords when typing, 461

High Dynamic Range (HDR) shooting mode, 359

History list

creating bookmarks from, 209

visiting pages in, 199-200

hold, placing calls on, 125

Home key, 8, 45-46, 288

Homepage command (Internet app), 214

Home screen, 40-44

customizing, 64-74

folders, adding, 71-72

primary shortcuts, 74

rearranging, removing, adding pages, 66-67

repositioning and removing items, 72-73

shortcuts, adding, 67-69

wallpaper, selecting, 64-65

widgets, adding, 69-70

extended, 42

Home key usage on, 46

main area, 41

main Home screen page, 66

mode, setting Easy or Standard, 43-44

page indicators, 42

returning to, 288

shortcuts, 44

creating, 308

status bar, 40-41

Home screen indicator, dragging, 42

Hotmail accounts, synchronization with, 434

hotspots, creating, 467-470



in call logs, 106

call options, 125-126

in Quick Settings, 353

ignoring calls, 119-121


as email inserts, resizing, 243

wallpaper, changing, 64-65

imo (chat app), 281

important email messages, marking, 247-248

importing contact records from other sources into Google Contacts, 165-167

Improve Facial Recognition (lock screen option), 456-457

in-app purchasing in Amazon Appstore, 306

in-call options, 124-127

for Bluetooth headsets, 23, 126

end call, 126

hold, 125

keypad, accessing, 125

mute, 126

noise reduction, 125

notification panel, 126

personalized call sound, 125

speaker, 125

volume, adjusting, 125-126

incognito browsing, 206-207

incoming call ringtone, setting, 82-83

Increase Volume in Pocket, enabling, 134

indicator dots, 44

indicator lights, 8

input methods, changing, 55, 57-58

input mode, voice input, 57-59


folder items, 72

memory card, 491-492

pause and wait commands when dialing calls, 118-119

SIM card, 495

inserts, adding to email, 242-243


Amazon Appstore, 300-301


enabling other sources, 299

from Amazon Appstore, 302-304

from Google Play, 293-298

SIM card, 495

interface, 9

Contacts app, 138-139

hardware keys, 45-47

Back key, 47

Home key, 45-46

Menu key, 45

Home screen, 40-44

extended, 42

Home key usage on, 46

main area, 41

mode, setting Easy or Standard, 43-44

shortcuts, 44

status bar, 40-41

indicator dots, 44

Notification panel, 48-49

touchscreens, interactions with, 49-52

international calls, dialing country codes, 100-101

Internet app


creating, 208-209

creating folders for, 211

creating shortcuts for, 69

deleting, 212-213

editing, 210

moving into folders, 211-212

configuring, 216

following links, 198

incognito browsing, 206-207

launching, 196-197

menu commands, 214-215

portrait/landscape view, 202

privacy, 216

refreshing page, 204

searching for web pages, 200-201

setting home page, 216

sharing, 214

shortcut, 44

Smart Screen, 202

typing web addresses, 197-198

viewing web pages, 201-207

visiting bookmarked, recent, saved pages, 199-200

interval, setting screen timeout, 16-17

iPhone, transferring data from, 15

ISO settings, Camera 355

iTunes, copying music from, 338


Jabra EasyGo Bluetooth headset, 20

Jaksta Media Recorder, 382

joining contact records, 150-151


Delete key, 52

hiding/restoring, 53

input method, 55

landscape mode, 54

letter/symbol toggling, 52-53

Swype, 54

tapping, 52-53

typing tips, 54-61

keypad, showing/hiding during phone calls, 125

keys, hardware, 45-47

Back key, 47, 289

Home key, 45-46, 288

lighting, 287

Menu key, 45, 287

Kies Air app, 407


labels (Gmail), 250

landline phones, texting to, 260

landscape orientation, 51

Multi Window display, 292

photos, 350, 362, 364

slideshow, 376

typing, 54-55

web pages, 202


recording, 395

watching, 384

working in Email, 232, 234


changing, 56

default, changing, 36-37

for voice input, changing, 59


apps, 284-286

Multi Window apps, 291

Phone app from Contacts app, 138

phone from lock screen, 100

S Voice, 92

letters in Swype, duplicating, 54

LG phones, transferring data from, 15

lighting the hardware keys, 287

light metering, 355

light sensor, 8


in email messages, dialing calls from, 108-109

following, 198

opening apps from, 285

in text messages

dialing calls from, 108

embedding, 260

list view

Calendar app, 183

grid view (of Contacts Favorites) versus, 139

Live accounts, synchronization with, 434

live wallpaper, 65

Local. See Google Local

location-based services. See GPS (Global Positioning System)

locked phone, 16

locking time zone in Calendar app, 191

lock screen, 447

Camera app, launching, 348

changing locking method, 448-457

clock, viewing/hiding, 458

current locking method, viewing, 448

dismissing, 16

Face Unlock, enabling, 454-456

launching phone from, 100

message notifications, responding to, 264

non-secure unlock methods, setting, 456-457

options, 18, 457-461

password, setting, 453-454

pattern, setting, 449-451

personal message, viewing/hiding, 458

PIN, setting, 451-452

reminders, responding to, 189

unlocking, 462-463

unsuccessful attempts to unlock, 463

Lock Screen Widgets (lock screen option), 458

lockups, troubleshooting, 499

low-light settings for photos, 355


Macintosh computers

Bluetooth destination folder, selecting, 419

contacts, synchronization, 436-437

manual USB file transfers, 408-409

manual Wi-Fi transfers

Kies Air, 407

Samsung Kies, 402-406

magnification of web pages, 203-204

mail. See email

main Home screen page, 66

Make Pattern Visible (lock screen option), 458


bookmarks, 199

data usage, 486-488

events/tasks, 186-187

notifications, 48-49

photos in Gallery app, 363-370

playlists, 336-337

speakers in Group Play app, 342

manual battery conservation tips, 481-483

manually checking for Google Play updates, 297

manually setting connection methods, 33

manual synchronization, 438, 441-444

manual USB file transfers

on Macintosh computers, 408-409

on PCs, 410-411

Maps, 317


email messages, 247-248

read/unread messages, 246

songs as favorite, 334

media device, connecting phone as, 410

meetings, creating, 177


clearing, 479

managing, 478

memory card, 8

backing up contact records, 161

formatting, 493

inserting, 491-492

manual USB file transfers, 409

removing, 494

restoring contact records, 163-164

SD cards, 489, 493

selecting, 490-491

as storage location for photos, 347, 357

as USB drive, 495

Menu key, 8, 45, 287


accessing, 287

contextual menus, 288

merging contact records with Google Contacts or Samsung account, 159-160

message read status, changing, 246

messages (email). See email

Messaging app. See also texting

configuring, 270-275


continuing, 265

deleting, 266

reviewing, 266

multimedia messages, composing, 261-263

new message notifications, 263-264

shortcut, 44

text messages

composing, 254-260

deleting, 267-270

options, 268-269

tips for, 275

messaging ringtone, setting, 87-88

MHL 2.0 HDTV Adapter, mirroring phone with, 473-475

microphone, 7

microSD to SD adapter, 491

Microsoft Exchange Server synchronization strategy, 434

mirroring phone on HDTV, 473-475

missed call notifications, 133

MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service), 254

mobile data, disabling, 486

mobile hotspots, creating, 467-470

mode (Home screen), setting, 43-44

model number, finding, 471

monitoring data usage, 34, 485-486

Month view (Calendar app), 181

motions, 52

Motion settings, enabling, 78-80

movies. See DVDs; videos


apps to memory card, 313

between Home screen pages, 73

bookmarks into folders, 211-212

email between folders, 245-246

Home screen items, 68, 72-73

text insertion mark, 60

multimedia messaging

composing messages, 261-263

settings for, 271

texting versus, 254

Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), 254


apps, running, 290-292

backups, exporting, 161

bookmarks, deleting, 213

calendar accounts, adding to Calendar app, 172

calendars, events in, 175

contact records

adding/removing as favorites, 152

deleting, 153

email messages, marking as favorites, 247

folders, sharing/deleting photos, 371

Gmail accounts, adding, 248

photos, sending via S Beam, 427

protocols for email accounts, 222

Multiple Widgets (lock screen option), 458

multitasking during phone calls, 127

Multi Window feature, 290-292

music. See also playlists

adding songs to playlists, 333-336

changing volume, 331

from iTunes, 338

marking as favorite, 334

Notification panel controls, 331

options for, 329

order of song playback, 330


copy-protected songs, 327

with Music app, 328-339

removing songs from playlists, 336

searching for songs, 329

sharing with Group Play app, 339-343

streaming with Pandora Internet Radio app, 344

viewing songs alphabetically, 328

Music app. See also playlists

playing songs, 328-339

Settings, 339

speaker fidelity improvements, 338

music track for slideshows, 377

Mute, enabling, 129-130

Mute/Pause (Palm Motion setting), 80


calls, 126

ringtone, 121

My Files

choosing email attachments, 241

emailing songs from, 422-423

locating downloads, 235, 416

selecting videos to play, 384

transferring files, 425, 495

viewing files, 286


naming phone, 425


Apps view, 284

Home screen pages, 42

web pages, 206

within apps, 289

Navigation. See Google Navigation; GPS (Global Positioning System)

Near Field Communication (NFC), 426-428

networks. See connection methods; Wi-Fi

Never sync interval, 441

new message notifications, 263-264

NFC (Near Field Communication), 426-428

night detection for photos, 355

Night shooting mode, 358

noise reduction

enabling, 134

for phone calls, 125

Nokia phones, transferring data from, 15

non-alphabetic characters, entering, 53

non-secure lock methods for lock screen, setting, 456-457


Google Voice Search, 96

writing on photos, 368

Notification bar, 40-41

Notification panel, 48-49

accessing during phone calls, 126

Back key usage, 47

Input Method, switching, 58

Music controls, 331

Power Saving Mode, 481


in Amazon Appstore, 306

managing, 48-49

reminders, 187-189

ringtone settings, 83-84

text message settings, 273

number dialed, changing, 101

numbers, entering, 53


opening. See launching

operating systems

Android 4.2.2, 9

checking version, 497

Optical Reader, 97

options. See also settings

call logs, 107

Contacts app display options, 168-169

Google Navigation, 320-321

in-call options, 124-127

Messaging app, configuring, 270-275

running apps list, 478

in Samsung Kies, 406

for synchronization, 439-441

for text messages, 268-269

order of playback (Music app)

for songs, 330

in playlists, changing, 337

organizing bookmarks, 211-212

orientation, viewing web pages, 202

outgoing email messages, copying, 228

Outlook 2011 (Mac) synchronization, 436-437

Outlook contacts (Windows), exporting, 165


pages, Home screen, 42

pairing phone

and Bluetooth headsets, 21

and computer, 413-415

Palm Motion settings, enabling, 78-80

Pandora Internet Radio app, 344

Panorama shooting mode, 358

parental controls in Amazon Appstore, 305


creating, 25-26

for lock screen, setting, 453-454

retrieving, 277

Show Password, 35

unlocking lock screen, 462

viewing/hiding when typing, 461


Clipboard material, 61

text, 60

pattern for lock screen

setting, 449-451

unlocking lock screen, 462

pause commands, inserting when dialing calls, 118-119


music playback, 330

video recording, 398


for Amazon apps, 303

for apps, 295

PCs, manual USB file transfers, 410-411

Pen tool, writing on photos, 375

percentage of battery usage, viewing, 480

permissions for apps, 464

Personalize Call Sound, 134-135

personalizing. See customizing

personal message on lock screen, viewing/hiding, 458


connecting to computer via USB, 12

launching from lock screen, 100

naming, 425

pairing with computer (Bluetooth), 413-415

receiving files from computer (Bluetooth), 415-416

restarting, 14

sending files to computer (Bluetooth), 416-418

transferring files between phones, 423-430

via S Beam, 426-428

via Share Shot, 428-430

via Wi-Fi Direct, 424-426

Phone app

opening from Contacts app, 138

shortcut, 44

phone calls. See calls

Photo Editor, 372-375


adding to contacts records, 145-146

attaching to status updates, 280

camera settings, 352-361

Quick Settings, 352-353

Settings dialog box, 354-357

shooting modes, 358-361

emailing from Gallery, 420-422


selecting all, 421-430

sharing/deleting photos from, 371

Gallery app, 363-370

multiple photos, sending via S Beam, 427

Photo Editor, 372-375

reviewing immediately, 361-362

selecting all, 417

sending via Share Shot, 428-430


with front camera, 348-350

with rear camera, 350-352

slideshows, creating, 376-377

storage location, 347, 357

taking during video recording, 398

viewing, 350

Picture in Picture feature (playing videos), 386


for lock screen, setting, 451-452

unlocking lock screen, 462

viewing/hiding when typing, 461

pinching (zooming out), 50-51

email messages, 234

maps, 324

photos in Gallery, 362-364

shooting photos in Camera, 350

web pages, 203

placing calls. See dialing calls

playback controls

Adult Swim video player, 381

Group Play app, 342

Music app, 330-331

Picture in Picture, 386

Video app, 384-385

videos on web pages, 382



copy-protected songs, 327

with Google Play Music, 328

with Music app, 328-339

from playlists, 335-336

videos, 383-395

converting DVDs for playback, 388-394

Picture in Picture feature, 386

Samsung Hub, 386-387

Video menu commands, 387-399


adding music to, 329, 333-334

built-in, 334

creating, 332-333

defined, 328, 332

deleting, 337

managing, 336-337

playing songs from, 335-336

Play Music app, 328

Play Store. See Google Play

POP3 email, deleting from server, 223

portable hotspots, creating, 467-470

portrait fixes for photos, 374

portrait orientation, 51

photos, 350

viewing web pages, 202

Power button, 7, 13

powering on/off, 13-14

Power Saving Mode, configuring and enabling, 480-481

precedence of ringtones, 87

predictive text, 56-61

preferences. See settings

Presence Check (lock screen option), 459

Preview window (converting DVDs for playback), 390

primary shortcuts on Home screen, 44, 74

Print command (Internet app), 215

printing photos, 369

profiles, creating in DVDFab, 394

protecting passwords, 26

protocols for email accounts, 222

proximity sensor, 8

push message settings, 273


quality settings for encoded videos, 392

Quick Settings

for Camera app, 352-353

in Notification panel, 48-49

quitting apps, 293

random song playback, 330

reading email, 232-234

moving into folders during, 245

read messages, changing to unread, 246

rear camera, 8, 350-352


bookmarks, 199

Home screen pages, 66-67

primary shortcuts, 74

speed dial number, 115

receiving calls, 32, 119-124

accepting/rejecting calls, 32, 119-121

call forwarding, 122-124

call waiting, 121

mute/vibrate, enabling, 129-130

Recent Destinations list (in Navigation), 318

recent pages, visiting, 199-200

reconnecting to Group Play app, 343


audio with Voice Recorder, 96-97

videos, 395-398

recording mode for videos, 396

red-eye correction, 374

redialing calls, 104-105

Auto Redial, configuring, 133

refreshing web pages, 204

refunds on apps, requesting, 296

rejecting calls, 32, 119-121, 132


configuring settings, 192

for events

configuring, 177

creating, 176

Google Voice Search, 96

responding to, 187-189

for tasks, creating, 179

remote control, configuring WatchON app, 474-475

removing. See also deleting

memory card, 494

SIM card, 495

renaming photos, 369, 375

reordering groups, 157

repeating events

creating, 176

editing, 187


primary shortcuts, 74

SIM card, 495

speed dial numbers, 113

replying to email, 239

repositioning Home screen items, 72-73

requesting refunds on apps, 296

rescheduling events, 186

resetting shooting mode, 361


email inserts, 243

split-screen display, 291


of photos, 354

of videos, 397


to new message notifications, 263-264

to reminders, 187-189

restarting phone, 14


contact records, 162-165

from memory card, 163-164

from SIM card, 162-163

from USB backup, 164

problems with, 165

dark display, 16

default camera settings, 357

default text message settings, 275

dimmed display, 16

phone, 500-501


email, 231-232

size limitations, 227

passwords, 277


calls, 104-105

to Home screen, 288


conversations, 266

photos immediately, 361-362


music playback, 330

video playback, 384

Rich Tone (HDR) shooting mode, 359


changing, 133

muting, 121

precedence, 87

setting, 82-89, 133, 329

assigning to contact groups, 85-87

assigning to contacts, 84-85, 143

creating from songs, 88-89

default incoming call ringtone, 82-83

default messaging ringtone, 87-88

default notification ringtone, 83-84

for email notifications, 225

for text messages, 273

silent, 225, 273

sound files as, 85


photos, 369, 373

screen, 51

running apps list options, 478

running multiple apps in Multi Window, 290-292


Safe mode, 499

Samsung accounts

creating, 28-30

merging contact records with, 159-160

synchronization strategy, 435

Samsung Hub, 386-387

Samsung Kies. See also Kies Air app

options, 406

transferring files

via USB, 412

via Wi-Fi, 402-407

Samsung Smart Switch, 15

saved web pages, visiting, 199-200

Saved Pages command (Internet app), 215


email attachments, 234-235

photo edits, 372

photos, 375

text messages as drafts, 257

web pages, 200

S Beam, 426-428

scheduling. See also Calendar app

synchronization, 439-441

for email accounts, 226

text messages, 260

screen captures, 46


in Home screen, 42

lock screen, 447

changing locking method, 448-457

Face Unlock, enabling, 454-456

non-secure unlock methods, setting, 456-457

password, setting, 453-454

pattern, setting, 449-451

PIN, setting, 451-452

setting options, 457-461

unlocking, 462-463

unsuccessful attempts to unlock, 463

viewing current locking method, 448

rotating, 51, 54

screen timeout, 15-17

scrolling web pages, 202

SD cards, 489, 493

search engines, changing, 201


Amazon Appstore, 303

contact records, 147

for events/tasks, 183

in Google Local, 323

with Google Voice Search, 95-96

for music, 329

for web pages, 200-201

Secured Lock Time (lock screen option), 459


additional security measures, 464

locked phone, 16

lock screen, 447

changing locking method, 448-457

Face Unlock, setting, 454-456

non-secure unlock methods, setting, 456-457

password, setting, 453-454

pattern, setting, 449-451

PIN, setting, 451-452

setting options, 457-461

unlocking, 462-463

unsuccessful attempts to unlock, 463

viewing current locking method, 448


creating, 25-26

Show Password, 35

viewing/hiding when typing, 461

synchronization issues, 444

Security section (Settings menu), 464


all photos, 417, 421-430

Bluetooth destination folder, 419

memory card, 490-491


for contacts, 143

for text messages, 273

shooting mode, 349, 358-361

text, 60

wallpaper, 64-65

Wi-Fi network connections, 34-36

words, 60

self-portraits, shooting, 348-350

Send Email command (Contacts app), 167-168

Send Message command (Contacts app), 167-168

sending messages to groups, 155-156

separating joined contact records, 150-159

servers, deleting POP3 email from, 223

settings, 10. See also customizing; options

Adapt Sound feature, configuring, 134-135

Air Gesture, enabling, 81-82

Airplane Mode, enabling, 130-131

Auto-Rotate Screen, 54

app settings, accessing, 77

Calendar app, 190-192

Call Settings, configuring, 131-134

call sound, 89-91

cameras, 352-361

front camera, 349

Quick Settings, 352-353

rear camera, 351

Settings dialog box, 354-357

shooting modes, 358-361

Data Usage, 34, 486-488

Date and Time, 78

email accounts, editing, 225-230

episodic DVDs, 391

Gmail, configuring, 249

Group Play app, 342

groups, changing, 154

in-call options for Bluetooth headsets, 23

Internet app, 216

lock screen options, 18

Messaging app, configuring, 270-275

Motion and Palm Motion settings, enabling, 78-80

mute/vibrate, enabling, 129-130

quality settings for encoded videos, 392

Quick Settings in Notification panel, 48-49

recording videos, 396-397

ringtones, 82-89

assigning to contact groups, 85-87

assigning to contacts, 84-85

creating from songs, 88-89

default incoming call ringtone, 82-83

default messaging ringtone, 87-88

default notification ringtone, 83-84

screen timeout intervals, 16-17

speed dialing, accessing, 111-112

synchronization, 439-441

system settings

accessing, 77

customizing, 11-12

Tethering and Mobile Hotspot settings

mobile hotspots, creating, 467-470

tethering, setup, 470-473

text messages, 268-269

voice input language, 59

voicemail, 23-24

changing, 128

volume, 18-19

Settings dialog box for Camera app, 354-357

Settings icon, 11

Settings menu

for lock screen, 457-461

Music app, 339

Security section, 464

Settings Shortcut widget, 12, 70

setup wizard, 14

Set Wake-Up Command (lock screen option), 460

Share Shot, 428-430

Share Via command

Gallery, 417-418, 421

Internet, 214

My Files, 422-423

Video, 387

sharing. See also transferring

photos, 366, 417-418, 421

from multiple folders, 371

songs with Group Play app, 339-343

videos, 387

web pages, 214

S Health, 97

shooting photos

with front camera, 348-350

with rear camera, 350-352

shooting modes for photos, 349, 351, 358-361


for bookmarks, creating, 69

moving, 68

on Home screen, 44

creating, 67-69, 308

primary shortcuts, rearranging and replacing, 74

removing, 68

for widgets, 70

Shortcuts (lock screen option), 459

Short Message Service (SMS), 254

Show Images option (Email), 229-230

showing. See viewing

Show Password, 35

shuffled song playback, 330

shutter sound, enabling, 357


for email, 227

text message settings, 274

silent mode, enabling, 129-130, 225, 273

SIM card

backing up contact records, 160-161

installing, 495

restoring contact records, 162-163


of multimedia messages, 261

photo resolution, 354

for retrieving email, 227

storage space specs, 490

slideshows, creating, 376-377

Smart Alert (Motion setting), 79

Smart Screen settings

Smart Pause, 385

Smart Scroll, 202

Smart Stay, 17, 343

Smart Switch, Samsung, 15

smileys in text messages, 257

SMS (Short Message Service), 254

Sneakernet, 438

snoozing, 187-188

social networking

accounts, removing, 277

dedicated apps for, 276, 280

Flipboard, 276

adding accounts, 276-277

adding content feeds, 278

viewing and interacting with content feeds, 279-281

songs. See also playlists

adding to playlists, 333-334, 336

changing playlist order, 337

changing volume, 331

copy-protected, 327

creating ringtones from, 88-89

emailing from My Files, 422-423

finding in folders, 423

from iTunes, 338

marking as favorite, 334

Notification panel controls, 331

options for, 329

order of playback, 330


with Music app, 328-339

from playlists, 335-336

removing from playlists, 336

searching for, 329

sharing with Group Play app, 339-343

streaming with Pandora Internet Radio app, 344

viewing alphabetically, 328


bookmarks, 199

contact records, 168-169

groups, 157

tasks, 183

videos, 383

SoundAlive icon, 331

sound files as ringtones, 85

sound settings

Adapt Sound feature, configuring, 134-135

for phone calls, 133

Sound & Shot shooting mode, 360

sources of videos, 395


avoiding in Email, 230

Messaging settings, 274

speaker fidelity improvements in Music app, 338

speakerphone, toggling on/off, 125


location on phone, 7

managing in Group Play app, 342

special effects (photos), 349, 351, 374

speed dialing, 111-116

speed dial numbers

assigning, 112

dialing, 115-116

rearranging, 115

removing, 114

replacing, 113

Speed Dial Setting screen, accessing, 111-112

split-screen display in Multi Window, resizing, 291

Sports shooting mode, 358

spreading (zooming in), 50-51

Standard mode (Home screen), 9

changing to Easy mode, 43-44

standard view (email), conversation view versus, 235-236

starting. See also launching

conversations, 259-260

Phone app from lock screen, 100

static wallpaper, live wallpaper versus, 65

status bar, 40-41

status lights, 8

status updates, posting, 280

attaching photos to, 280, 367

stickers for events, 176

stopping web page loading, 204

storage locations for photos, 347, 357

Storage setting for videos, 397

storage space

memory card

formatting, 493

inserting, 491-492

removing, 494

selecting, 490-491

as USB drive, 495

SD cards, 489, 493

size specs, 490

viewing, 489-490

S Translator, 97

strategy for synchronization, developing, 433-438

apps for, 438

contacts (Mac) synchronization, 436-437

Google/Gmail, 435

manual synchronization, 438

Microsoft Exchange Server, 434

streaming music with Pandora Internet Radio app, 344

streaming video

advantages/disadvantages, 382

with dedicated apps, 380-381

defined, 379

from web pages, 382

styles for Calendar views, 182

subfolders (Email), creating, 246

subjects for text messages, 257

S Voice, 92-93

swipe, 50

swipe method for lock screen, setting, 456-457

swiping versus tapping in call logs, 105


among apps, 289-290

input methods, 57-58

views (Gallery app), 363

Swype, 54

symbols, entering, 53


accounts, adding, 445

Calendar app, 191

manual syncing, 441-444

scheduling for email accounts, 226

setting options and schedules, 439-441

sync strategy, developing, 433-438

apps for, 438

contacts (Mac) synchronization, 436-437

Google/Gmail, 435

manual synchronization, 438

Microsoft Exchange Server, 434

warnings about, 444

system settings

accessing, 77

customizing, 11-12

system updates, checking for, 496-497


tabs in browser, creating, 204-206

talk time, checking, 485-486


keyboards, 52-53

swiping versus, in call logs, 105

tap, 49-50

Task Manager

exiting apps, 293

storage space, viewing, 489-490

uninstalling apps, 310


completion, 187

creating, 178-180

defined, 174

managing, 186-187

reminders, responding to, 187-189

searching for, 183

sorting, 183

Task view (Calendar app), 183

telephone calls. See calls

testing connection speeds, 470

Tethering and Mobile Hotspot settings

mobile hotspots, creating, 467-470

tethering, setup, 470-473

tethering, setup, 470-473


copying from web pages, 61

editing, 60-61

entering, 52-59

with Swype, 54

tapping keyboard, 52-53

typing tips, 54-61

voice input, 57-59

extracting from photos, 370

pasting, 60

predictive, 56

selecting, 60

texting, 253-254

composing messages, 254-260

contacts, 167-168, 255-256


continuing, 265

deleting, 266

reviewing, 266

cost versus calling, 488

default messaging ringtone, setting, 87-88

deleting messages, 267-270

embedded links, 260

to groups, 155-156

message options, 268-269

multimedia messaging versus, 254

photos, 366

responding to new message notifications, 263-264

saving as draft, 257

scheduling messages, 260

searching, 269-270

settings for, 271

Text Templates phrases, 258-259

tips for, 275

warnings about, 263

text insertion mark, moving, 60

text message links, dialing calls from, 108

text templates, 270

Text Templates phrases, 258-259

threads, message, 254

three-way calling, 117-118

time and date settings, 78

timeout interval, screen, 15-17

timer (Camera), 356

time zones, locking in Calendar app, 191

titles of playlists, editing, 337

T-Mobile, Wi-Fi calling, 119

touch and hold, 50

touchscreen, 8, 39

gestures, 49-52

interactions, 9, 49-52

rotating, 51

TouchWiz, 9, 39

transferring. See also sharing

data from other phones, 15


between phones, 423-430

via Bluetooth, 413-419

via email, 419-423

via USB, 408-412

via Wi-Fi, 402-407

transition effects for slideshows, 376

translation (S Translator app), 97


adding email accounts, 224

emailing photos, 422

factory data reset, 500-501

Group Play app, 343

lockups, 499

tips for, 497-498

turn-by-turn directions

with Google Local, 322-325

with Google Navigation, 317-321

turning on/off, 13-14



Back key usage, 47

tips, 54-61


unconditional call forwarding, 122

undoing photo edits, 372

uninstalling apps, 308-311

with Application Manager, 309

with Google Play, 311

with Task Manager, 310

Unlock Effect (lock screen option), 460

unlocking lock screen, 462-463

unmounting memory card, 494

unread messages

changing to read messages, 246

number of, 232


for apps, 312-313

manually checking, 297

system updates, checking for, 496-497

uploads, defined, 407

URLs, 197

editing for bookmarks, 210

typing, 197-198


backups, restoring contact records, 164

cable, tethering setup, 470-473

charging battery via, 12

drive, memory card as, 495

memory, backing up contact records, 162

power/accessory connector, 8

transferring files via, 408-412


creating, 25

for email accounts, 223


version of operating system, checking, 497

Vibrate, enabling, 129-130, 226

vibration patterns, assigning, 144

Video app

playing videos, 383-395

Video Player app versus, 383

video chats, 399

Video menu commands, 387-399

Video Player app, Video app versus, 383


encoding, quality settings, 392

playing, 383-395

converting DVDs for playback, 388-394

Picture in Picture feature, 386

Samsung Hub, 386-387

Video menu commands, 387-399

recording, 395-398

sorting, 383

sources of, 395


advantages/disadvantages, 382

with dedicated apps, 380-381

defined, 379

from web pages, 382

Video Size setting, 397

Video Stabilization setting, 396


apps, customizing view, 74-76

battery usage by apps, 484

bookmarks list, 199

call logs from Contacts, 104

clock on lock screen, 458

connected Wi-Fi network, 34

contact records, 146-147

from specific accounts, 169

content feeds in Flipboard, 279-280

current screen locking method, 448

downloaded apps, 284


attachments, 234-235

standard versus conversation view, 235-236

Gmail messages by label, 251

music alphabetically, 328

passwords when typing, 461

percentage of battery usage, 480

personal message on lock screen, 458

photos, 350

Gallery app, 363-370

storage space, 489-490

web pages, 201-207

creating new windows, 204-206

incognito browsing, 206-207

page navigation, 206

portrait versus landscape orientation, 202

refreshing, 204

scrolling, 202

zooming, 203-204

Wi-Fi network information, 36


Calendar app, 180-184

Gallery app, switching, 363

visiting web pages, 197-201

bookmarked, recent, saved pages, 199-200

following links, 198

searching for web pages, 200-201

typing web address, 197-198

voice commands

Camera, 94-95, 357

Clock, 94-95

Google Voice Search, 95-96

Music, 94-95

Phone, 94-95

S Voice, 92-93

Voice Control, 94-95

Voice Control, 94-95

voice input

changing language for, 59

entering text, 57-59

voicemail, 127-128

setting up, 23-24

sound/vibration notification settings, 134

voice recognition, enabling for lock screen, 455

Voice Recorder, 96-97


adjusting, 18-19

for Bluetooth headsets, 22

in Group Play app, 342

for music, 331

in phone calls, 125-126

Increase Volume in Pocket, enabling, 134

volume control (hardware), 7

Volume key, photo settings for, 355


wait commands, inserting when dialing calls, 118-119

Wake Up in Lock Screen (lock screen option), 460

wallpaper, 10, 41

selecting, 64-65


about synchronization, 444

about texting, 263

WatchON app, configuring, 474-475

web browsers. See browsers

Webpage Magnifier (Air View setting), 203

web pages

copying text, 61

creating bookmarks from, 208-209

saving, 200

streaming video, 382

viewing, 201-207

creating new windows, 204-206

incognito browsing, 206-207

page navigation, 206

portrait versus landscape orientation, 202

refreshing, 204

scrolling, 202

zooming, 203-204

visiting, 197-201

bookmarked, recent, saved pages, 199-200

following links, 198

searching for web pages, 200-201

typing web address, 197-198

Week view (Calendar app), 182

white balance for photos, 356

widgets, 9

adding, 69-70

auto-adding, 297

Calendar widgets, 175, 185

Email widget, 233

Google Search widget, 95

Lock Screen Widgets (lock screen option), 458

Multiple Widgets setting (for lock screen), 458

Music widget, 331

Wi-Fi, 33

Amazon Appstore usage, 305

calling via (T-Mobile), 119

connecting to, 34-36

forgetting networks, 36

mobile hotspots, creating, 467-470

transferring files, 402-407


connected network, 34

network information, 36

Wi-Fi Direct, 424-426

windows in browser, creating, 204-206

wired headsets/headphones, 20

wireless networks. See Wi-Fi

words, selecting, 60


multimedia messages, 261-263

new email message, 237-239

on photos, 368, 375

text messages, 254-260


Year view (Calendar app), 181

zooming, 50

photos, 350, 364-366

web pages, 203-204

Zoom feature, enabling, 366

Zoom (Motion setting), 79, 203

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