Table of Contents



Chapter 1: Introducing Java

Why Learn Java?

Setting the Goals

The Life Cycle of a Java Program


Java SE and EE

Downloading and Installing JDK in Windows

Your First Java Program: Hello World

Try It

Chapter 2: Eclipse IDE

Introducing Eclipse IDE

Downloading and Installing Eclipse

Creating Hello Project in Eclipse

Creating the HelloWorld Class in Eclipse

Java Packages

Completing Code Generation

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Chapter 3: Object-Oriented Programming

Classes and Objects

Variables, Constants, and Data Types

Variable Scope

Wrappers, Autoboxing, and Unboxing

Program Comments

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Chapter 4: Class Methods

Method Arguments

Method Overloading


The Keyword super

The Keyword this

Passing by Value or by Reference

Variable Scopes

The Keyword static

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Chapter 5: Back to Java Basics



Debugging Java Programs

More about if and switch Statements

Command-Line Arguments

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Chapter 6: Packages, Interfaces, and Encapsulation

Java Packages


The Keyword final



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Chapter 7: Programming with Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Abstract Classes


Interfaces versus Abstract Classes

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Chapter 8: Introducing the Graphic User Interface

Swing Basics

Layout Managers

Swing GUI Builders

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Chapter 9: Event Handling in UI

Introduction to Event Listeners

Teaching the Calculator to Calculate

More Swing Listeners

How to Use Adapters

Inner Classes

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Chapter 10: Introduction to Java Applets

An Unofficial History of Java Applets

Restrictions of Java Applets

Learning HTML on the Run

Writing Applets Using Swing

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Chapter 11: Developing a Tic-Tac-Toe Applet

The Strategy

Coding Tic-Tac-Toe

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Chapter 12: Developing a Ping-Pong Game

The Strategy

The Code

Finishing the Ping-Pong Game

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Chapter 13: Error Handling

Stack Trace

Java Exceptions

Exception Hierarchy

try/catch Blocks

The throws Clause

The finally Clause

The throw Operator

Creating Your Own Exceptions

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Chapter 14: Introduction to Collections

Arrays Revisited

Classes ArrayList and Vector

Collection Interfaces from java.util

Classes Hashtable and HashMap

Enumeration and Iterator

Class LinkedList

Class BitSet

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Chapter 15: Introduction to Generics

Generics with Classes

Defining Generics

Wild Cards

Bounded Wild Cards

Generic Methods

What to Read Next

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Chapter 16: Working with Streams

Byte Streams

Buffered Streams

Character Streams

Data Streams

The Class File

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Chapter 17: Java Serialization

The Class ObjectOutputStream

The Class ObjectInputStream

The Interface Externalizable

Class Versioning

Serializing into Byte Arrays

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Chapter 18: Network Programming

Reading Data from the Internet

Connecting through HTTP Proxy Servers

How to Download Files from the Internet

The Stock Quote Program

Socket Programming

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Chapter 19: Processing E-Mails with Java

Protocols and Servers

Creating Birthday Mailer

How to Retrieve E-Mails

Useful Open-Source Components

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Chapter 20: Introduction to Multi-Threading

The Class Thread

The Interface Runnable

Sleeping Threads

How to Kill a Thread

Thread Priorities

Thread Synchronization and Race Conditions

Thread States

Wait and Notify

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Chapter 21: Digging Deeper into Concurrent Execution

Joining Threads

Goodies from java.util.concurrent

SwingWorker Thread

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Chapter 22: Working with Databases Using JDBC

JDBC Driver Types

Creating a Database with Derby

Sample JDBC Program

Processing Result Sets

The PreparedStatement Class

The CallableStatement Class

The ResultSetMetaData Class

Scrollable Result Sets and RowSet

Transactional Updates

Connection Pools and DataSources

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Chapter 23: Swing with JTable

JTable and the MVC Paradigm

The Model

Introduction to Renderers


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Chapter 24: Annotations and Reflection

Java Annotations Basics

Custom Annotations


Run-Time Annotation Processing


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Chapter 25: Remote Method Invocation

Developing Applications with RMI

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Chapter 26: Java EE 6 Overview

The Big Picture

Profiles and Pruning

Miscellaneous Concepts

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Chapter 27: Programming with Servlets

The Big Picture

The Thin Client

How to Write a Servlet

How to Deploy a Servlet

Installing the GlassFish Plug-In for Eclipse

How to Create a Servlet with Eclipse

Browser-Servlet Data Flow

HTTP Get and Post Requests

Session Tracking

Event Listeners

Asynchronous Servlets

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Chapter 28: JavaServer Pages

Embedding Java Code into HTML

Implicit JSP Objects

Overview of the JSP Tags

Error Pages


Loading JSP from Servlets

Tag Libraries


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Chapter 29: Developing Web Applications with JSF

The Big Picture

Managed Beans

Creating a JSF Website

Converters and Validators

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Chapter 30: Introducing JMS and MOM

Messaging Concepts and Terminology

Two Modes of Message Delivery

JMS API Overview

Types of Messages

How to Send a Message

How to Receive a Message

How to Publish a Message

How to Subscribe for a Topic

Message Selectors

Administering Objects in Open MQ

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Chapter 31: Introducing JNDI

Java Naming and Directory Interface

Administering JNDI Objects in GlassFish

Accessing the GlassFish Naming Service with JNDI

Injection of JNDI Resources

DataSource and JNDI

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

Try It

Chapter 32: Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans

Who Needs EJB Containers?

Types of EJBs

Stateless Session Beans

Stateful Session Beans

Singleton Beans

Deploying EJB

Message-Driven Beans

Timer Service


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Chapter 33: Introduction to the Java Persistence API

The Big Picture

Mapping Objects to Database Tables



A Brief Introduction to the Criteria API

Bean Validation

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Chapter 34: Working with RESTful Web Services

The SOAP Web Services

The RESTful Web Services

The RESTful Stock Server

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Chapter 35: Introduction to Spring MVC Framework

Bean Wiring

Overview of Spring MVC

Processing HTML with Spring

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Chapter 36: Introduction to Hibernate Framework

The Big Picture

Installing and Configuring Hibernate

Retrieving Data with Hibernate

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Chapter 37: Bringing JavaFX to the Mix

Consuming Stock Quotes with JavaFX

Code Walkthrough

Try It

Chapter 38: Java Technical Interviews

Getting the Interview

Doing Well at the Interview

Considering the Offer

Interviewing Enterprise Developers

To Get or Not to Get Certified?

Technical Questions and Answers


Appendix: What’s on the DVD?

Using the DVD on a PC

Using the DVD on a Mac

What’s on the DVD?


Customer Care


Who This Book Is For

What This Book Covers

How This Book Is Structured

What You Need to Use This Book

How to Read This Book


Source Code


End-User License Agreement

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