

2008 IDC (International Data Corporation) study, 1

2014 IDG Enterprise CITE (Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise) study, 12


access, data

Azure RMS, 135147

choosing right deployment topology, 141143

how Azure RMS works, 137140

monitoring access to resources, 145147

RMS connector, 143145

leveraging on-premises resources, 127135

Web Application Proxy, 130131

Windows Server Dynamic Access Control, 128129

Work Folders, 131135

access levels (devices), 11

access management benefits, hybrid identity implementation, 5859

Activate button, turning on directory synchronization, 37


Azure RMS Tool, 152

directory synchronization in Azure AD, 61

EMS, 2324

Active Directory Federation Services. See AD FS

activity logs, Azure AD Premium, 30

Add A New Rights Policy Template dialog box, 154

adding public domains, 6061

Add Software wizard, 113

AD FS (Active Directory Federation Services)

directory integration, 3839

Farm page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 6566

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5556


customized branding, 7173

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 56

Admin Console, Policy workspace, 84

Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 135

AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), 135

A Host records, 55


Azure AD Premium, 2830

Microsoft Intune monitoring capabilities, 175176

Allow A Server To Utilize The Connector page (Azure RMS Connector Administrator Tool), 162

analysis of data, troubleshooting EMS, 189

Android devices

configuration policies, 8687

deploying email profile configuration policies, 109

enrollment, 117120

anomalous activity reports, Azure AD Premium, 2930

APN certificate signing request file, 103

APNs (Apple Push Notification service) certificates, 78, 103

AppContainer, Windows Phone security model, 13

Apple Configurator, 86

Apple Push Certificates Portal, 103

Apple Push Notification service (APNs) certificates, 78, 103

Application log, Event Viewer, 203

applications (apps)

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

data access and protection diagram, 150

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1213

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 51

Application Settings, Mobile Device Security Policy, 100

application usage reports, 30, 174

apps (applications)

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

data access and protection diagram, 150

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1213

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 51

Apps section, Company Portal, 81

Assign Custom Rights page, creating custom templates, 156157

auditing conditional expressions, 129

autonomy (persona distribution), 10

Azure Access Panel, 3235

accessing SaaS applications, 3233

group management, 3334

password management, 3435

Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services (Azure AD Sync), 4345

Azure Active Directory Sync Services Wizard, 43

Azure AD (Microsoft Azure Active Directory), 27

directory integration, 3547

AD FS, 3839

directory synchronization, 3638

scenarios, 3941

source of authority, 36

synchronization tools, 4147

disabling user access, 184

monitoring capabilities, 172174

preparing service for directory integration, 6061

Azure AD App and Attribute Filtering (optional feature, Azure AD Sync), 44

Azure AD Connect Wizard, 45-47

enabling SSO (Single Sign-On), 6470

Getting Started page, 46

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5758

troubleshooting Azure AD Premium, 191192

Azure AD Premium

Azure Access Panel, 3235

self-service group management, 3334

self-service password management, 3435

user access, SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications, 3233

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, 3032

cloud identity, 2728

security reports and alerts, 2830

troubleshooting EMS, 191194

Azure AD Sync (Azure Active Directory Synchronization Services), 4345

Azure AD Sync Scheduler task (Task Scheduler Library), 69

Azure Management Portal

activation of Azure RMS Tool, 152

creating custom templates, 154156

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, 3032

Azure Rights Management Administration Tool, installation, 151

Azure Rights Management Services. See Azure RMS; RMS

Azure RMS (Azure Rights Management Services), 135147

configuring templates, 153159

connector, 159168

data protection, 135147

choosing right deployment topology, 141143

how Azure RMS works, 137140

monitoring access to resources, 145147

RMS connector, 143145

templates, 135

integrating DAC feature, 133134

integration with Work Folders, 166168

leveraging for data protection, 151

monitoring capabilities, 179180

troubleshooting EMS, 199203

Azure RMS connector webpage, 162


BitLocker technology, 134


adding company branding, Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 7071

AD FS sign-in page, 7173

customizing Company Portal, 98

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) devices


continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

scenarios, 47

challenges, 57

Microsoft Device Strategy Framework, 79

Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) capability, Azure RMS, 135, 142

built-in capabilities, data protection, 134135

BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) devices


continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

scenarios, 47

challenges, 57

Microsoft Device Strategy Framework, 79

BYOD Design Considerations Guide, 4

BYOK (Bring Your Own Key) capability, Azure RMS, 135, 142


central access policies, 128129

Certificate Compliance Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177


APNs (Apple Push Notification service), 78, 103

CLCs (Client Licensor Certificates), 140

code-signing (Symantec), 78

publicly trusted X509 v3 SSL, 56

security, 5657

SLCs (Server Licensor Certificates), 140


BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) scenarios, 57

enabling mobile workforces, 24

check compliance option, Company Portal app, 196

CheckPoint survey (2014), 5

choose your own device (CYOD) scenario, 8

CITE (Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise), 2014 study, 12

claims-aware FCI, 128

CLCs (Client Licensor Certificates), 140

client access validation, 166

Client Licensor Certificates (CLCs), 140

client-side RMS, troubleshooting, 199201

closure documentation, troubleshooting EMS, 190

cloud identity, Azure AD Premium, 2728

Cloud Policy Settings, Mobile Device Security Policy, 100

cloud services

data access and protection diagram, 150

disabling user access, 184

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 51

troubleshooting EMS, 191

cloud topology, Azure RMS, 141


Connect-AadrmService, 200

GenConnectorConfig, 163

Get-AadrmConfiguration, 200

Get-AADRMTemplate, 200

Get-AADRMTemplateProperty, 201

Import-Module AADRM, 200

Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent, 72

Set-AdfsWebTheme, 72

Update-WebApplicationProxyDeviceRegistration, 131

CNAME records, 56

code-signing certificates (Symantec), 78

code-signing Company Portal, 104

company-owned devices, monitoring

continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

Company Portal

check compliance option, 196

Company Portal app, 8081

customizing, 8182

company terms and conditions, 83

preparing Microsoft Intune for enrollment, 106107

usage terms and conditions, 108

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 9899

Complete Action dialog box, 118

compliance policies, 88

Microsoft Intune service enrollment, 109110

planning/designing device management solution, 101102

computer inventory management, 91

Computer Inventory Reports, Microsoft Intune, 91


configuration policies, 87

enrollment, 123125

Conditional Access Control, 129

Conditional Access For Exchange Online Policy, 102

conditional access policies, 8890

Microsoft Intune service enrollment, 110112

planning/designing device management solution, 102

conditional expressions

auditing, 129

permissions and, 129

Confidential template (Azure RMS), 154

Confidential View Only template (Azure RMS), 153

Configuration Manager, 77

configuration policies, 8488

Android devices, 8687

common mobile device settings, 8586

computers, 87

iOS devices, 86

Microsoft Intune service enrollment, 109

planning/designing device management solution, 100101

Windows devices, 86


Azure RMS templates, 153159

applying custom templates to a document, 157159

custom templates, 154156

compliance policies, 88

conditional access policies, 8889

configuration policies, 8487

Exchange ActiveSync policies, 9091

file classification, 163165

File Server to use Azure RMS, 163

Mobile Device Security Policy, 85

name resolution, 6364

synchronization filtering, 6869

users/groups for synchronization, 6263

Windows DNS name resolution, 79

conflicts, policies, 9091

Connect-AadrmService cmdlet, 200

connector (Azure RMS)

planning/designing data protection solution, 159168

configuring file classification, 163165

configuring File Server, 163

integration of Azure RMS with Work Folders, 166168

validating client access, 166

troubleshooting, 201203

Consumerization of IT in the Enterprise (CITE), 2014 study, 12

contact information, customizing Company Portal, 98

Contact IT section, Company Portal, 81

containerization (required capability), 10

continuous monitoring of devices, 169170

corporate network

data access and protection diagram, 150

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 50

CSS (Customer Service and Support), 142

Customer Service and Support (CSS), 142

Customization section, Company Portal, 82

customization via policy (required capability), 10


branding, 7073

adding company branding, Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 7071

AD FS sign-in page, 7173

Company Portal, 8182

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 9899

preparing Microsoft Intune for enrollment, 106107

usage terms and conditions, 108

custom templates (Azure RMS)

applying to a document, 157159

configuring, 154156

CYOD (choose your own device) scenario, 8


DAC (Dynamic Access Control)

integrating with AD RMS, 133134

leveraging for data protection, 128129

data analysis, troubleshooting EMS, 189

data collection, troubleshooting EMS, 189

data encryption, 10, 13

data governance, 13

data protection

Azure RMS, 135147

choosing right deployment topology, 141143

how Azure RMS works, 137140

monitoring access to resources, 145147

RMS connector, 143145

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1314


Azure RMS connector, 159168

configuring Azure RMS templates, 153159

goals, 149150

planning/designing solution, 151153

leveraging on-premises resources, 127135

Web Application Proxy, 130131

Windows Server Dynamic Access Control, 128129

Work Folders, 131135

understanding EMS solution, 2123

Deactivate button, turning off directory synchronization, 37

default AD FS sign-in page, 56

default Device Enrollment Policy, 80

default enrollment profile, Microsoft Intune service, 106

defense-in-depth strategy, data protection, 127


Mobile Device Security Policy, 108

policies (device management), 8391

compliance policies, 88

conditional access policies, 8890

configuration policies, 8488

Exchange ActiveSync policies, 90

policy conflicts, 9091

topology (RMS), 141143


data protection solution, 151153

leveraging Azure RMS, 151

preparing the environment, 151153

device management solution, 97105

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 9799

Mobile Device Management enrollment, 102105

policies, 100102

enabling mobile workforces, 915

apps, 1213

data protection, 1314

devices, 1012

threat mitigation, 1415

users, 910

hybrid identity solution, 51

Microsoft Azure Access Panel, 5253

Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 5152

on-premises environment, 5354

SSO (Single Sign-On) components, 5460

deskbound information worker (user profile), 9

Detected Software Reports (Microsoft Intune), 176


security incidents, 181183

security phase, 170

Device Capability Settings, Mobile Device Security Policy, 100

Device Enrollment dialog box, 115

Device History Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177

Device Registration Service, 131


access levels, 11

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

data access and protection diagram, 150

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1012

management, 75

enrollment, 7683, 114125

external device enrollment dependencies, 112114

full and selective wipes, 9293

implementation goals, 96

inventory management, 9192

planning/designing solution for implementation, 97105

policy deployment, 8391

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105112

solution diagram, 9697

Managed By Exchange ActiveSync, 89

Managed By Microsoft Intune And Exchange ActiveSync, 89

Managed By Microsoft Intune, 89


continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

registration, 131

required capabilities, 10

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 50

dialog boxes

Add A New Rights Policy Template, 154

Complete Action, 118

Device Enrollment, 115

Manage Mobile Devices, 76

Microsoft Intune report export, 178

Retire Device confirmation, 93

Select Containers (Synchronization Service Manager), 69

Set Up Service To Service Connector, 111

Upload The APNs Certificate, 112

View Policy Issues, 88

Warning, 116

directory integration, 3547

AD FS, 3839

directory synchronization, 3638

preparing Azure AD service for, 6061

preparing on-premises environment for, 6164

scenarios, 3941

directory sync, 40

directory sync with password sync, 40

directory sync with SSO, 40

multiforest directory sync with SSO, 41

source of authority, 36

synchronization tools, 4147

Azure AD Connect, 4547

Azure AD Sync, 4345

DirSync, 4143

directory sync scenario (directory integration), 40

directory synchronization, 3638

activating in Azure AD, 61

forcing action and verifying success, 6970

directory sync with password sync scenario (directory integration), 40

directory sync with SSO scenario (directory integration), 40

DirSync, 4143

DirSync Welcome page, 4142

disabling user access, 184

DNS CNAME records, 104

DNS name resolution, configuring, 79

domain synchronization, Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 60

Dynamic Access Control (DAC)

integrating with AD RMS, 133134

leveraging for data protection, 128129


Email Policy Settings, Mobile Device Security Policy, 100

email profile configuration policies

Microsoft Intune service enrollment, 109

settings, 101102

EMS (Enterprise Mobility Suite)

activation process, 2324

embracing mobile workforce scenario, 2426

leveraging response to security incidents, 180186

detection, 181183

prevention, 181

reaction, 183186

leveraging to monitor resources, 171180

Azure AD monitoring capabilities, 172174

Microsoft Azure RMS monitoring capabilities, 179180

Microsoft Intune monitoring capabilities, 175179


Azure AD Premium, 191194

Azure RMS, 199203

cloud services, 191

methodology, 187190

Microsoft Intune, 194198

tools, 190

where to find information, 190

understanding EMS solution, 1723

data protection, 2123

hybrid identity, 1819

MDM (Mobile Device Management), 2021


mobile workforces, 1

BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) scenarios, 47

challenges, 24

design strategies, 915

shift towards mobility, 12

SSO (Single Sign-On), 6470

configuring synchronization filtering, 6869

forcing directory synchronization and verifying success, 6970

encryption of data, 13

End-User License Agreement page (Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard), 160

enrollment, devices, 7683, 114125

Android devices, 117120

Company Portal, 8082

custom company terms and conditions, 83

device management prerequisites, 7879

external device enrollment dependencies, 112114

iOS devices, 114117

Microsoft Intune, 105112

compliance policies, 109110

conditional access policies, 110112

creating default enrollment profile, 106

customizing Company Portal, 106107

customizing usage terms and conditions, 108

deploying email profile configuration policies, 109

deploying Mobile Device Security Policy, 108

service configuration, 98

setting MDM authority, 105106

Mobile Device Management, 102105

iOS devices, 103

name resolution, 104105

Windows Phone 8.0, 104

Mobile Device Management authority, 7677

profiles, 80

Windows devices, 120125

Enterprise IT, enabling mobile workforces

BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) scenarios, 47

challenges, 24

design strategies, 915

shift towards mobility, 12

Enterprise Mobility Suite. See EMS

environment preparation, data protection solution, 151153

Event Viewer, Application log, 203

Exchange ActiveSync policies, 90, 135

Exchange Hybrid Deployment (optional feature, Azure AD Sync), 44

Exchange Online, conditional access policies, 89

Exchange on-premises, conditional access policies, 8990

executive (user profile), 9

external device enrollment dependencies, 112114


factory reset option, Company Portal, 93

FCI (File Classification Infrastructure), 128

Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS)-compliant Hardware Security Modules (HSMs), 135

Fiddler, 190

fields, Azure RMS log files, 180

field worker (user profile), 9

file classification

configuring, 163165

File Classification Infrastructure (FCI), 128

File Classification Infrastructure (FCI), 128

File Server, configuring to use Azure RMS, 163

File Server Resource Manager (FSRM)

configuring file management tasks, 164165

downloading GetConnectorConfig.ps1 tool, 163

enabling, 159

FIM (Forefront Identity Manager), 27, 68

Forefront Identity Manager (FIM), 27, 68

formats, PFILE, 140

FSRM (File Server Resource Manager)

configuring file management tasks, 164165

downloading GetConnectorConfig.ps1 tool, 163

enabling, 159

full device wipes, 9293


Gartner study (2013), 5

GenConnectorConfig cmdlet, 163

generic files, data protection, 136

Get-AadrmConfiguration cmdlet, 200

Get-AADRMTemplate cmdlet, 200

Get-AADRMTemplateProperty cmdlet, 201

Get Started With Rights Management Quick Start page, creating custom templates, 154

Getting Started page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 46

gMSA (Group Managed Service Account), 66


data protection, 149150

device management implementation, 96

hybrid identity implementation, 4950

governance (data), 13

Group Managed Service Account (gMSA), 66


activity logs, 30

configuring for synchronization, 6263

self-service management, 3334

Groups Activity report (Azure AD), 174


HR (Human Resources), creating enterprise mobility strategy, 67

Human Resources (HR), creating enterprise mobility strategy, 67

hybrid identity, 27

Azure Access Panel, user self-services, 3235

accessing SaaS applications, 3233

self-service group management, 3334

self-service password management, 3435

Azure AD Premium

cloud identity, 2728

security reports and alerts, 2830

Azure Multi-Factor Authentication, 3032

device management, 96

directory integration, 3547

AD FS, 3839

directory synchronization, 3638

scenarios, 3941

source of authority, 36

synchronization tools, 4147


customized branding, 7073

enabling SSO (Single Sign-On), 6470

goals, 4950

identity and access management benefits, 5859

planning and designing solution, 51

preparing Azure AD service for directory integration, 6061

preparing on-premises environment for directory integration, 6164

solution diagram, 5051

understanding EMS solution, 1819

hybrid topology, Azure RMS, 141


IDC (International Data Corporation), 2008 study, 1

identity management benefits, hybrid identity implementation, 5859

identity synchronization, 37


data protection

Azure RMS connector, 159168

configuring Azure RMS templates, 153159

goals, 149150

planning/designing solution, 151153

device management, 95

enrollment, 114125

external device enrollment dependencies, 112114

goals, 96

planning/designing solution, 97105

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105112

solution diagram, 9697

hybrid identity

customized branding, 7073

enabling SSO (Single Sign-On), 6470

goals, 4950

identity and access management benefits, 5859

planning and designing solution, 51

preparing Azure AD service for directory integration, 6061

preparing on-premises environment for directory integration, 6164

solution diagram, 5051

Import-Module AADRM cmdlet, 200

incidence response plans, monitoring devices, 169171

Installation Of Microsoft Rights Management Connector Completed page (Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard), 160161

Installing Microsoft Rights Management Connector page (Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard), 160161

integrated applications, Azure AD Premium, 30

International Data Corporation (IDC), 2008 study, 1

inventory management, 9192

iOS devices

configuration policies, 86

deploying email profile configuration policies, 109

device management prerequisites, 78

diagnostic information dialog box, 198

enrollment, 114117

external device enrollment dependencies, 112113

Mobile Device Management enrollment considerations, 103

Irregular Sign In Activity report (Azure AD), 173

IT department, enterprise mobility strategy, 67


Kerberos authentication support, 128

Key Management Service (KMS), 135

KMS (Key Management Service), 135


legal department, enterprise mobility strategy, 67

License Installation Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177

License Purchase Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177

limitations, DirSync, 42

line of business (LOB) apps, 78

LOB (line of business) apps, 78

logs, Azure RMS, 179180


Managed By Exchange ActiveSync devices, 89

Managed By Microsoft Intune And Exchange ActiveSync devices, 89

Managed By Microsoft Intune devices, 89

management of devices, 75, 95

enrollment, 7683, 114125

external device enrollment dependencies, 112114

full and selective wipes, 9293

implementation goals, 96

inventory management, 9192

planning/designing solution for implementation, 97105

policy deployment, 8391

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105112

solution diagram, 9697

Manage Mobile Devices dialog box, 76

MDM authority (Mobile Device Management authority)

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 97

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105106

MDM (Mobile Device Management), 10

device enrollment, 7677, 102105

iOS devices, 103

name resolution, 104105

Windows Phone 8.0, 104

as part of the solution to device management, 97

understanding EMS solution, 2021

MDM authority

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 97

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105106

methodology, troubleshooting EMS, 187190

MFA (multi-factor authentication), 3031

Microsoft Azure Access Panel, planning hybrid identity solution, 5253

Microsoft Azure Active Directory. See Azure AD

Microsoft Azure Management Portal

customized branding, 7071

domain synchronization, 60

planning hybrid identity solution, 5152

Microsoft Azure RMS Connector Administrator Tool, 161

Microsoft Connectivity Analyzer tool, 192193

Microsoft Customer Service and Support (CSS), 142

Microsoft Device Strategy Framework, 79

Microsoft Intune

device management, 75

enrollment, 7683

full and selective device wipes, 9293

inventory management, 9192

policy deployment, 8391

monitoring capabilities, 175179

alerts, 175176

reports, 176179

preparing service for enrollment, 105112

compliance policies, 109110

conditional access policies, 110112

creating default enrollment profile, 106

customizing Company Portal, 106107

customizing usage terms and conditions, 108

deploying email profile configuration policies, 109

deploying Mobile Device Security Policy, 108

setting MDM authority, 105106

service configuration, 9799

Company Portal customization, 9899

device enrollment profiles, 98

Mobile Device Management authority, 97

terms and conditions, 99

troubleshooting EMS, 194198

Microsoft Intune Center, 87

Microsoft Intune Company Portal URLs, customizing Company Portal, 82

Microsoft Intune Online Connector for Online Exchange, 111112

Microsoft Intune report export dialog box, 178

Microsoft Intune Setup Wizard, 124125

Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization tool. See DirSync

Microsoft Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard, 159160

Microsoft RMS Administrator Credentials page (Microsoft Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard), 160

Microsoft Threat Modeling Tool, 14

mobile device inventory management, 9192

Mobile Device Inventory Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177

Mobile Device Management authority (MDM authority)

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 97

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105106

Mobile Device Management (MDM), 10

device enrollment, 7677, 102105

iOS devices, 103

name resolution, 104105

Windows Phone 8.0, 104

as part of the solution to device management, 97

understanding EMS solution, 2021

MDM authority

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 97

preparing Microsoft Intune service for enrollment, 105106

Mobile Device Security Policy

configuring, 85

deployment, 108

settings, 100

mobile worker (user profile), 9

mobile workforces

embracing enterprise mobility scenarios, 2426

enabling, 1

BYOD (Bring Your Own Devices) scenarios, 47

challenges, 24

design strategies, 915

shift towards mobility, 12


access to resources, 145147


continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

Multi-Factor Authentication app, 31

multi-factor authentication (MFA), 3031

multiforest directory sync with SSO scenario (directory integration), 41

MyDevices section, Company Portal, 81


name resolution

configuring, 6364, 79

Windows devices, 104105

Network Monitor, 190

New Sync Share Wizard, 167168

Noncompliance Apps Reports (Microsoft Intune), 177


OMA-URI (Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier) policies, Windows devices, 87

Online Connector for Online Exchange (Microsoft Intune), 111112

on-premises environment

directory integration with Azure AD, 3547

AD FS, 3839

integration scenarios, 3941

source of authority, 36

synchronization tools, 4147

leveraging resources for data protection, 127135

Web Application Proxy, 130131

Windows Server Dynamic Access Control, 128

Work Folders, 131135

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5360

Microsoft Azure Access Panel, 5253

Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 5152

on-premises environment, 5354

SSO (Single Sign-On) components, 5460

preparing for directory integration, 6164

publishing apps, 130131

syncing AD with Azure AD to enable SSO, 39

Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier (OMA-URI) policies, Windows devices, 87

Optional Features page, Microsoft Azure Active Directory Sync Services Wizard, 44

organization units (OUs), configuring users/groups for synchronization, 6263

OUs (organization units), configuring users/groups for synchronization, 6263


Password Reset Activity report (Azure AD), 174

password reset registration activity logs/reports, 30, 174

Password Synchronization (optional feature, Azure AD Sync), 44

Password Write-Back (optional feature, Azure AD Sync), 44


password sync, 40

reset activity log, 30

self-service management, 3435

perimeter network

data access and protection diagram, 150

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 50

permissions, conditional expressions and, 129

persona distribution, 1011

PFILE format, 140

pfile (protected file) encapsulation, 136

PhoneFactor, 31


data protection solution, 151153

leveraging Azure RMS, 151

preparing the environment, 151153

device management solution, 97105

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 9799

Mobile Device Management enrollment, 102105

policies, 100102

hybrid identity solution, 51

Microsoft Azure Access Panel, 5253

Microsoft Azure Management Portal, 5152

on-premises environment, 5354

SSO (Single Sign-On) components, 5460

plan of action, troubleshooting EMS, 189

PL (Publishing License), 140


creating Enterprise Mobility Strategy, 67

deployment (device management), 8391

compliance policies, 88

conditional access policies, 8890

configuration policies, 8488

Exchange ActiveSync policies, 90

policy conflicts, 9091

Mobile Device Security Policy, 108

planning/designing device management solution, 100102

compliance policies, 101102

conditional access policies, 102

configuration policies, 100101

Policy workspace, Admin Console, 84

Prerequisites, device management, 7879


security incidents, 181

security phase, 170


device enrollment, 80, 98

users, 9

protected file (pfile) encapsulation, 136

protection of data

Azure RMS, 135147

choosing right deployment topology, 141143

how Azure RMS works, 137140

monitoring access to resources, 145147

RMS connector, 143145

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1314


Azure RMS connector, 159168

configuring Azure RMS templates, 153159

goals, 149150

planning/designing solution, 151153

leveraging on-premises resources, 127135

Web Application Proxy, 130131

Windows Server Dynamic Access Control, 128129

Work Folders, 131135

understanding EMS solution, 2123

PTXT extensions, 136

public domains, 60-62

publicly trusted X509 v3 SSL certificates, 56

Publishing License (PL), 140

publishing on-premises apps, 130131


quickconfig command (WinRM), 192193



security incidents, 183186

security phase, 170

Reactivate button, turning on directory synchronization, 38

Ready To Install Microsoft Rights Management Connector page (Microsoft Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard), 160

registration, devices, 131

Registry Editor, 158

remote information worker (user profile), 9


Azure AD Premium, 173, 182-183

Microsoft Intune monitoring, 176179

Require Device Encryption policy, Exchange ActiveSync Mailbox Policies users, 135

Retire Device confirmation dialog box, 93

Return of Investment (ROI), 1

Review Options page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 67

Rights Management Services. See Azure RMS; RMS

Rights Management Sharing App, 140

rights-protected documents, 139140

risk mitigation

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1415

understanding EMS solution, 2223

RMS (Azure Rights Management Services), 135147

configuring templates, 153159

connector, 159168, 201-203

data protection, 135147

choosing right deployment topology, 141143

how Azure RMS works, 137140

monitoring access to resources, 145147

RMS connector, 143145

templates, 135

integrating DAC feature, 133134

integration with Work Folders, 166168

leveraging for data protection, 151

monitoring capabilities, 179180

troubleshooting EMS, 199203

ROI (Return of Investment), 1

running reports, Azure AD Premium Reports, 28


SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications, user access, 3233

scenarios, directory integration, 3941

directory sync, 40

directory sync with password sync, 40

directory sync with SSO, 40

multiforest directory sync with SSO, 41

SCEP (System Center 2012 Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection), 77

scope of integration, planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 54


certificates, 5657

data protection

Azure RMS, 135147

Azure RMS connector, 159168

configuring Azure RMS templates, 153159

goals, 149150

leveraging on-premises resources, 127135

planning/designing solution, 151153

leveraging EMS response, 180186

detection, 181183

prevention, 181

reaction, 183186

monitoring devices

continuous monitoring and incident response, 169170

incidence response plans, 170171

leveraging EMS to monitor resources, 171180

leveraging EMS to respond to a security incident, 180186

reports, Azure AD Premium, 2830

security identifiers (SIDs), 129

Select Containers dialog box (Synchronization Service Manager), 69

selective wipes, 9293

Select Users And Groups page, creating custom templates, 155

Select Your Solution page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 65

self-service features, Azure Access Panel, 3235

group management, 3334

password management, 3435

SaaS applications, 3233

Server Licensor Certificates (SLCs), 140

service configuration, Microsoft Intune, 9799

Company Portal customization, 9899

device enrollment profiles, 98

Mobile Device Management authority, 97

terms and conditions, 99

Service Level Agreements (SLAs), 12

service-to-service connector, Microsoft Intune, 89

Set-AdfsGlobalWebContent cmdlet, 72

Set-AdfsWebTheme cmdlet, 72

settings, Mobile Device Security Policy, 85, 100

Set Up Service To Service Connector dialog box, 111

shift towards mobile workforces, 12

sideloading, 78

SIDs (security identifiers), 129

behaviors, anomalous activity reports, 29

Sign Ins After Multiple Failures report (Azure AD), 182

Sign Ins From IP addresses With Suspicious Activity report (Azure AD), 173

Sign Ins From Multiple Geographies report (Azure AD), 183

Sign Ins From Possibly Infected Devices report (Azure AD), 173

Single Sign-On (SSO), 33

adding organization’s public domain, 39

enabling, 6470

configuring synchronization filtering, 6869

forcing directory synchronization and verifying success, 6970

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5460

AD FS, 55

AD FS sign-in page, 56

Azure AD Connect, 5758

security certificates, 5657

Web Application Proxy, 5556

SLAs (Service Level Agreements), 12

SLCs (Server Licensor Certificates), 140

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications, user access, 3233

solution diagram

hybrid identity implementation, 5051

device management implementation, 9697

source of authority, directory integration, 36

Specify Domain For Federation page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 67

Specify Federation Server Credentials page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 66

Specify Federation Service Account page (Azure AD Connect Wizard), 66

SSO (Single Sign-On), 33

adding organization’s public domain, 39

enabling, 6470

configuring synchronization filtering, 6869

forcing directory synchronization and verifying success, 6970

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5460

AD FS, 55

AD FS sign-in page, 56

Azure AD Connect, 5758

security certificates, 5657

Web Application Proxy, 5556

strategies, design strategies for mobile workforces, 915

apps, 1213

data protection, 1314

devices, 1012

threat mitigation, 1415

users, 910

supportability (devices), 12

support contact information, customizing Company Portal, 98

Symantec, code-signing certificates, 78


configuring filtering, 6869

configuration policies, 101

directory integration, 3638

Azure AD Connect, 4547

Azure AD Sync, 4345

DirSync, 4143

Synchronization Service Manager, 69

System Center 2012 Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection (SCEP), 77

System Center Configuration Manager 2012, 77


Task Scheduler Library, Azure AD Sync Scheduler task, 69

technical worker (user profile), 9

Template Distribution Web Service, 200

templates, configuring, 153159

tenant key topology, Azure RMS, 141

terms and conditions

customizing Company Portal, 83-84, 108

Microsoft Intune service configuration, 99

Terms and Conditions Reports

Company Portal, 83

Microsoft Intune, 177

Third Era of Enterprise IT, 1

threat mitigation

design strategies for mobile workforces, 1415

understanding EMS solution, 2223

Threat Modeling Tool, 14


directory synchronization, 4147

Azure AD Connect, 4547

Azure AD Sync, 4345

DirSync, 4143

troubleshooting EMS, 190

troubleshooting EMS

Azure AD Premium, 191194

Azure RMS, 199203

cloud services, 191

methodology, 187190

Microsoft Intune, 194198

tools, 190

where to find information, 190

two-factor authentication, 3031


Update Reports (Microsoft Intune), 176

Update-WebApplicationProxyDeviceRegistration cmdlet, 131

Upload The APNs Certificate dialog box, 112

UPNs (User Principal Names), 39

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5354

suffixes, 54, 62

usage terms and conditions, customizing Company Portal, 108

user access

disabling, 184

SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) applications, 3233

user-owned devices, 78

User Principal Names (UPNs), 39

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5354

suffixes, 54, 62

user profiles, 9


Azure Access Panel self-services, 3235

challenges of enabling enterprise mobility, 24

configuring for synchronization, 6263

data access and protection diagram, 150

design strategies for mobile workforces, 910

solution diagram for hybrid identity, 50

Users With Anomalous Sign In Activity report (Azure AD), 174, 182



client access, 166

results, troubleshooting EMS, 189

vendor-agnostic approach to BYOD, 4

verifying public domains, 6061

viewing Azure AD Premium reports, 28

View Policy Issues dialog box, 88

VLSC (Volume Licensing Service Center), 78

Volume Licensing Service Center (VLSC), 78


Warning dialog box, 116

Web Application Proxy

leveraging for data protection, 130131

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5556

Welcome page

Azure AD Sync, 43

DirSync, 4142

Windows 8.1 computers, enrollment, 123125

Windows devices

configuration policies, 86

deploying email profile configuration policies, 109

device management prerequisites, 79

enrollment, 120125

external device enrollment dependencies, 113

name resolution, 104105

Windows Phone 8.0

device management prerequisites, 79

enrollment, 120121

external device enrollment dependencies, 113114

Mobile Device Management enrollment considerations, 104

Windows Phone 8.0, enrollment, 121123

Windows Phone OMA-URI (Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier) policies, 87

Windows Phone Open Mobile Alliance Uniform Resource Identifier (OMA-URI) policies, 87

Windows Phone security model, AppContainer, 13

Windows Remote Management (WinRM) functionality, 191

Windows Server Dynamic Access Control, 128129

WinRM (Windows Remote Management) functionality, 191

wiping compromised devices, 186


Add Software wizard, 113

Azure AD Connect Wizard, 46, 57

enabling SSO (Single Sign-On), 6470

Getting Started page, 46

planning/designing hybrid identity solution, 5758

troubleshooting Azure AD Premium, 191192

Azure Active Directory Sync Services Wizard, 43

Microsoft Intune Setup Wizard, 124125

Microsoft Rights Management Connector Setup Wizard, 159160

New Sync Share Wizard, 167168

Work Folders

data protection at user device location, 131135

integration with Azure RMS, 166168

WS-Management protocol, 192


X509 v3 SSL certificates, 56


Your Template Has Been Added Quick Start page, creating custom templates, 155

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