The My.Computer.FileSystem object provides tools for working with drives, directories, and files. The following table summarizes this object’s properties.

CurrentDirectory Gets or sets the fully qualified path to the application’s current directory.
Drives Returns a read-only collection of DriveInfo objects describing the system’s drives.
SpecialDirectories Returns a SpecialDirectoriesProxy object that has properties giving the locations of various special directories (such as the system’s temporary directory and the user’s MyDocuments directory). See the following section “My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories” for more information.

The following list describes the My.Computer.FileSystem object’s methods:

CombinePath Combines a base path with a relative path reference and returns a properly formatted fully qualified path. For example, the following code displays the name of the directory that is the parent of the application’s current directory: MessageBox.Show(My.Computer.FileSystem.CombinePath (My.Computer.FileSystem.CurrentDirectory(), "..").
CopyDirectory Copies a directory. Parameters indicate whether to overwrite existing files, whether to display a progress indicator, and what to do if the user presses Cancel during the operation.
CopyFile Copies a file. Parameters indicate whether to overwrite existing files, whether to display a progress indicator, and what to do if the user presses Cancel during the operation.
CreateDirectory Creates a directory. This method will create ancestor directories if necessary.
DeleteDirectory Deletes a directory. Parameters indicate whether to recursively delete subdirectories, prompt the user for confirmation, or move the directory into the Recycle Bin.
DeleteFile Deletes a file. Parameters indicate whether to prompt the user for confirmation or move the file into the Recycle Bin, and what to do if the user presses Cancel while the deletion is in progress.
DirectoryExists Returns True if a specified directory exists.
FileExists Returns True if a specified file exists.
FindInFiles Returns a read-only collection of strings listing files that contain a target string.
GetDirectories Returns a string collection listing subdirectories of a given directory. Parameters tell whether to recursively search the subdirectories, and the wildcards to match.
GetDirectoryInfo Returns a DirectoryInfo object for a directory.
GetDriveInfo Returns a DriveInfo object for a drive.
GetFileInfo Returns a FileInfo object for a file.
GetFiles Returns a string collection holding the names of files within a directory. Parameters indicate whether the search should recursively search subdirectories, and give wildcards to match.
GetParentPath Returns the fully qualified path of a path’s parent. For example, this returns a file’s or directory’s parent directory.
MoveDirectory Moves a directory. Parameters indicate whether to overwrite files that have the same name in the destination directory and whether to prompt the user when such a collision occurs.
MoveFile Moves a file. Parameters indicate whether to overwrite a file that has the same name as the file’s destination and whether to prompt the user when such a collision occurs.
OpenTextFieldParser Opens a TextFieldParser object attached to a delimited or fixed-field file such as a log file. You can use the object to parse the file.
OpenTextFileReader Opens a StreamReader object attached to a file. You can use the object to read the file.
OpenTextFileWriter Opens a StreamWriter object attached to a file. You can use the object to write into the file.
ReadAllBytes Reads all of the bytes from a binary file into an array.
ReadAllText Reads all of the text from a text file into a string.
RenameDirectory Renames a directory within its parent directory.
RenameFile Renames a file within its directory.
WriteAllBytes Writes an array of bytes into a binary file. A parameter tells whether to append the data or rewrite the file.
WriteAllText Writes a string into a text file. A parameter tells whether to append the string or rewrite the file.
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