Moving a control in the Windows Forms Designer is easy. Simply click the control and drag it to its new position.

To move a group of controls, select the controls that you want. Then click one of the controls and drag to move the whole group.

Note that you can drag controls in and out of container controls such as the FlowLayoutPanel, GroupBox, and Panel. When you drag a control into a new container, the mouse cursor acquires a little fuzzy rectangle on the lower right. If you are dragging a control and you see this appear, you know that dropping the control at the current position will move it into a new container. The new container indicator appears if you are dragging a control from the form into a container, from a container onto the form, or from one container to another.

Resizing a control is almost as easy as moving one. Click a control to select it. Then click and drag one of the white boxes surrounding the control to change its size.

To resize a group of controls, select the group. Then click and drag one of the boxes surrounding one of the controls. When you drag the mouse, the control beside the box you picked is resized as if it were the only control selected. The other selected controls resize in the same manner. For example, if you widen the clicked control by eight pixels, all of the other controls widen by eight pixels, too.

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