Appendix S

The My Namespace

The My namespace provides shortcuts to make performing common tasks easier. The following sections describe the major items within the My namespace and describe the tools that they make available.


My.Application provides information about the current application. It includes properties that tell you the program’s current directory, culture, Log object, and splash screen. It also includes information about the application’s assembly, including the program’s version numbering.

The following table describes the most useful My.Application properties, methods, and events.

ApplicationContext Returns an ApplicationContext object for the currently executing thread. It provides a reference to the thread’s form. Its ExitThread method terminates the thread, and its ThreadExit event fires when the thread is exiting.
ChangeCurrentCulture Changes the thread’s culture used for string manipulation and formatting.
ChangeCurrentUICulture Changes the thread’s culture used for retrieving resources.
CommandLineArgs Returns a collection containing the command-line arguments used when the application was started. The first entry (with index 0) is the fully qualified name of the executable application.
CurrentCulture Returns a CultureInfo object that represents the settings used for culture-specific string manipulation and formatting. This includes calendar information, date and time specifications, the culture’s name, keyboard layout, number formats for general numbers (for example, the thousands separator character and decimal character), currency, and percentages.
CurrentUICulture Returns a CultureInfo object that represents the culture-specific settings used by the thread to retrieve resources. It determines the culture used by the Resource Manager and My.Resources.
Deployment Returns the application’s current ApplicationDeployment object used for ClickOnce deployment. Normally, you don’t need to manage deployment yourself, but this object lets you check for updates, start an update synchronously or asynchronously, download files, and restart the updated application.
DoEvents Makes the application process all of the Windows messages currently waiting in the message queue. Doing this allows controls to process messages and update their appearances while the program is performing a long calculation. Often, you can avoid using DoEvents by performing long calculations on a separate thread, so the user interface can continue running normally.
GetEnvironmentVariable Returns the value of the specified environment variable. For example, the following code displays the value of the PATH environment variable:
This method raises an exception if the named environment variable doesn’t exist. The method Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable performs the same function, except that it returns Nothing if the variable doesn’t exist.
Info Returns an AssemblyInfo object that provides information about the assembly such as assembly name, company name, copyright, trademark, and version.
IsNetworkDeployed Returns True if the application was deployed over the network. You should check this property and only try to use the My.Application.Deployment object if it returns True.
Log An object of the class MyLog. You can use this object’s WriteEntry and WriteException methods to log messages and exceptions.
MainForm Gets or sets the application’s main form.
NetworkAvailability Changed The application raises this event when the network’s availability changes.
OpenForms Returns a collection containing references to all of the application’s open forms.
Shutdown The application raises this event when it is shutting down. This event occurs after all forms’ FormClosing and FormClosed event handlers have finished. Note that it fires only if the program shuts down normally. If it exits, these events don’t fire.
SplashScreen Gets or sets the application’s splash screen.
Startup The application raises this event when it is starting up before it creates any forms.
StartupNextInstance The application raises this event when the user tries to start a second instance of a single-instance application.
UICulture Gets the thread’s culture used for retrieving resources.
UnhandledException The application raises this event if it encounters an unhandled exception.

The following table lists the Info object’s properties. Note that these properties have default blank values unless you set them by opening the project’s property pages, selecting the Application tab, and clicking the Assembly Information button.

AssemblyName Gets the assembly’s name.
CompanyName Gets the assembly’s company name.
Copyright Gets the assembly’s copyright information.
Description Gets the assembly’s description.
DirectoryPath Gets the directory where the assembly is stored.
LoadedAssemblies Returns a collection of Assembly objects for the application’s currently loaded assemblies.
ProductName Gets the assembly’s product name.
StackTrace Gets a stack trace.
Title Gets the assembly’s title.
Trademark Gets the assembly’s trademark information.
Version Gets the assembly’s version number.
WorkingSet Gets the number of bytes mapped to the process context.

The project’s Application property page gives you access to most of the Info values at design time. To open the Application property page, open Solution Explorer, double-click the My Project entry, and select the Application tab.

To set Info values at design time, open the Application property page and click the Assembly Information button, and then enter the assembly information in the dialog box shown in Figure S-1 and click OK.

FIGURE S-1: Enter assembly information such as the application title and version number on the Assembly Information dialog box.


To place code in the My.Application object’s NetworkAvailabilityChanged, Shutdown, Startup, StartupNextInstance, or UnhandledException event handlers, open the Application property page and click the View Application Events button.

To make the application a single-instance application, open the Application property page and check the “Make single instance application” box.


My.Computer provides methods for understanding and controlling the computer’s hardware and the system software. It lets you work with the audio system, clock, keyboard, clipboard, mouse, network, printers, registry, and filesystem.

The following sections describe the properties, methods, and events available through My.Computer in detail.


This object provides access to the computer’s audio system. Its methods let you play a .wav file synchronously or asynchronously, stop a file playing asynchronously, or play a system sound. For example, the following code plays the system’s exclamation sound:


The following table describes the Audio object’s methods.

Play Plays .wav data from a file, byte array, or stream. The second parameter can be Background (play asynchronously in the background), BackgroundLoop (play asynchronously in the background and repeat when it ends), or WaitToComplete (play synchronously).
PlaySystemSound Plays a system sound. The parameter should be a member of the SystemSounds enumeration and can have the value Asterisk, Beep, Exclamation, Hand, or Question.
Stop Stops the sound currently playing asynchronously.


The Clipboard object enables you to move data in and out of the system’s clipboard. The My.Computer.Clipboard object provides extra tools that simplify some clipboard operations. The following table briefly summarizes the My.Computer.Clipboard object’s methods.

Clear Removes all data from the clipboard.
ContainsAudio Returns True if the clipboard contains audio data.
ContainsData Returns True if the clipboard contains data in a specific custom format.
ContainsFileDropList Returns True if the clipboard contains a file drop list.
ContainsImage Returns True if the clipboard contains image data.
ContainsText Returns True if the clipboard contains textual data.
GetAudioStream Gets audio data from the clipboard.
GetData Gets data in a specific custom format from the clipboard.
GetDataObject Gets a DataObject from the clipboard.
GetFileDropList Gets a StringCollection holding the names of the files selected for drop from the clipboard.
GetImage Gets image data from the clipboard.
GetText Gets textual data from the clipboard.
SetAudio Saves audio data to the clipboard.
SetData Saves data in a specific custom format to the clipboard.
SetDataObject Saves a DataObject to the clipboard.
SetFileDropList Saves a StringCollection containing a series of fully qualified filenames to the clipboard.
SetImage Saves an image to the clipboard.
SetText Saves textual data to the clipboard.


This property returns an object of type Clock that you can use to learn about the current time. The following table describes this object’s properties.

GmtTime Returns a Date object that gives the current local date and time converted into Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) or Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
LocalTime Returns a Date object that gives the current local date and time.
TickCount Returns the number of milliseconds since the computer started.

For example, suppose that you live in Colorado, which uses Mountain Standard Time (MST), seven hours behind Greenwich Mean Time. If My.Computer.Clock.LocalTime returns 2:03 PM, then My.Computer.Clock.GmtTime returns 9:03 PM.

If you must store a date and time for later use (for example, in a database), you should generally store it in UTC. Then you can meaningfully compare that value with other times stored on other computers in different time zones such as those across the Internet.


The FileSystem object provides tools for working with drives, directories, and files. The following table summarizes this object’s properties and methods.

CombinePath Returns a properly formatted combined path as a string.
CopyDirectory Copies a directory.
CopyFile Copies a file.
CreateDirectory Creates a directory.
CurrentDirectory Determines the fully qualified path to the application’s current directory.
DeleteDirectory Deletes a directory.
DeleteFile Deletes a file.
DirectoryExists Returns True if a directory exists.
Drives Returns a read-only collection of DriveInfo objects describing the system’s drives. See Chapter 30, “Filesystem Objects,” for information about the DriveInfo class.
FileExists Returns True if a file exists.
FindInFiles Returns a collection holding names of files that contain a search string.
GetDirectories Returns a String collection representing the pathnames of subdirectories within a directory.
GetDirectoryInfo Returns a DirectoryInfo object for the specified path.
GetDriveInfo Returns a DriveInfo object for the specified path.
GetFileInfo Returns a FileInfo object for the specified path.
GetFiles Returns a read-only String collection representing the names of files within a directory.
GetParentPath Returns a string representing the absolute path of the parent of the provided path.
MoveDirectory Moves a directory.
MoveFile Moves a file.
OpenTextFieldParser Opens a TextFieldParser object attached to a delimited or fixed-field file (such as a log file). You can use the object to parse the file.
OpenTextFileReader Opens a TextReader object attached to a file. You can use the object to read the file.
OpenTextFileWriter Opens a TextWriter object attached to a file. You can use the object to write into the file.
ReadAllBytes Reads all data from a binary file.
ReadAllText Reads all text from a text file.
RenameDirectory Renames a directory within its parent directory.
RenameFile Renames a file within its directory.
SpecialDirectories Returns a SpecialDirectoriesProxy object that has properties giving the locations of various special directories such as the system’s temporary directory and the user’s MyDocuments directory. See the section “My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories” in Chapter 30 for more information.
WriteAllBytes Creates a file and writes byte data into it.
WriteAllText Creates a text file and writes text into it.


The My.Computer.Info object provides information about the computer’s memory and operating system. The following list describes this object’s properties:

AvailablePhysicalMemory Returns the computer’s total amount of free physical memory in bytes.
AvailableVirtualMemory Returns the computer’s total amount of free virtual address space in bytes.
InstalledUICulture Returns the current user-interface culture.
LoadedAssemblies Returns a collection of the assemblies loaded by the application.
OSFullName Returns the computer’s full operating-system name as in Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition.
OSPlatform Returns the platform identifier for the operating system of the computer. This can be Unix, Win32NT (Windows NT or later), Win32S (runs on 16-bit Windows to provide access to 32-bit applications), Win32Windows (Windows 95 or later), or WinCE.
OSVersion Returns the operating system’s version in a string with the format
StackTrace Returns a string containing the application’s current stack trace.
TotalPhysicalMemory Returns the computer’s total amount of physical memory in bytes.
TotalVirtualMemory Returns the computer’s total amount of virtual address space in bytes.
WorkingSet Returns the amount of physical memory mapped to the process context in bytes.


This object returns information about the current keyboard state. The following table describes this object’s properties.

AltKeyDown Returns True if the Alt key is down.
CapsLock Returns True if Caps Lock is on.
CtrlKeyDown Returns True if the Ctrl key is down.
NumLock Returns True if Num Lock is on.
ScrollLock Returns True if Scroll Lock is on.
ShiftKeyDown Returns True if the Shift key is down.

The My.Computer.Keyboard object also provides one method named SendKeys. This method sends keystrokes to the currently active window just as if the user had typed them. You can use this method to provide some automated control over applications.


The My.Computer.Mouse object provides information about the computer’s mouse. The following table describes this object’s properties.

ButtonsSwapped Returns True if the functions of the mouse’s left and right buttons have been switched. This can make using the mouse easier for left-handed users.
WheelExists Returns True if the mouse has a scroll wheel.
WheelScrollLines Returns a number indicating how much to scroll when the mouse wheel rotates one notch.


The My.Computer.Name property simply returns the computer’s name.


The My.Computer.Network object provides a few simple properties and methods for working with the network. Its single property, IsAvailable, returns True if the network is available.

The following table describes the object’s methods.

DownloadFile Downloads a file from a remote computer. Parameters give such values as the filename, username, password, and connection timeout.
IsAvailable Returns True if the network is available.
Ping Pings a remote computer to see if it is connected to the network.
UploadFile Uploads a file to a remote computer. Parameters give such values as the filename, username, password, and connection timeout.

This object also provides one event, NetworkAvailabilityChanged, that you can catch to learn when the network becomes available or unavailable.


This object provides one property and a single method. Its SerialPortNames property returns an array of strings listing the names of the computer’s serial ports.

The OpenSerialPort method opens the serial port with a particular name (optional parameters give the baud rate, parity, and other port configuration information) and returns a reference to a SerialPort object.

The SerialPort class is much more complex than the My.Computer.Ports object. The following table describes the SerialPort class’s most useful properties.

BaseStream Returns the underlying Stream object.
BaudRate Gets or sets the port’s baud rate.
BreakState Gets or sets the break signal state.
BytesToRead Returns the number of bytes of data in the receive buffer.
BytesToWrite Returns the number of bytes of data in the send buffer.
CDHolding Returns the state of the port’s Carrier Detect (CD) line.
CtsHolding Returns the state of the port’s Clear-to-Send (CTS) line.
DataBits Gets or sets the standard length of data bits per byte.
DiscardNull Determines whether null characters are ignored.
DsrHolding Returns the state of the Data Set Ready (DSR) signal.
DtrEnable Determines enabling of the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) signal.
Encoding Determines the character encoding for text conversion.
Handshake Determines the handshaking protocol.
IsOpen Returns True if the port is open.
NewLine Determines the end-of-line sequence for the ReadLine and WriteLine methods. This is a linefeed by default.
Parity Determines the parity-checking protocol.
ParityReplace Determines the character used to replace invalid characters when a parity error occurs.
PortName Gets or selects the port.
ReadBufferSize Determines the port’s read buffer size.
ReadTimeout Determines the read timeout in milliseconds.
ReceivedBytesThreshold Determines the number of bytes in the input buffer before a ReceivedEvent is raised.
RtsEnable Determines whether the Request to Transmit (RTS) signal is enabled.
StopBits Determines the standard number of stop bits per byte.
WriteBufferSize Determines the port’s write buffer size.
WriteTimeout Determines the write timeout in milliseconds.

The following table describes the SerialPort object’s most useful methods.

Close Closes the port.
DiscardInBuffer Discards any data that is currently in the read buffer.
DiscardOutBuffer Discards any data that is currently in the write buffer.
GetPortNames Returns an array of strings holding the serial ports’ names.
Open Opens the port’s connection.
Read Reads data from the read buffer.
ReadByte Synchronously reads one byte from the read buffer.
ReadChar Synchronously reads one character from the read buffer.
ReadExisting Reads all immediately available characters in both the stream and the read buffer.
ReadLine Reads up to the next NewLine value in the read buffer.
ReadTo Reads a string up to the specified value in the read buffer.
Write Writes data into the port’s write buffer.
WriteLine Writes a string and a NewLine into the write buffer.

The SerialPort object also has a few events that you can use to learn about changes in the port’s status. The following table describes the object’s most useful events.

DataReceived Occurs when the port receives data. The e.EventType parameter indicates the type of data and can be SerialData.Eof (end of file received) or SerialData.Chars (characters were received).
ErrorEvent Occurs when the port encounters an error. The e.EventType parameter indicates the type of error and can be Frame (framing error), Overrun (character buffer overrun), RxOver (input buffer overrun), RxParity (hardware detected parity error), or TxFull (output buffer full).
PinChangedEvent Occurs when the port’s serial pin changes. The e.EventType parameter indicates the type of change and can be Break (break in the input), CDChanged (Receive Line Signal Detect, or RLSD, signal changed state), CtsChanged (CTS signal changed state), DsrChanged (DSR signal changed state), and Ring (detected a ring indicator).


My.Computer.Registry provides objects that manipulate the registry. My.Computer.Registry has seven properties that refer to objects of type RegistryKey that represent the registry’s main subtrees or “hives.”

The following table lists these objects and the corresponding registry hives.


My.Computer.Registry also provides two methods, GetValue and SetValue, that get and set registry values, respectively.

The program can use the RegistryKey objects to work with the corresponding registry subtrees. The following table describes the most useful properties and methods provided by the RegistryKey class.

Close Closes the key and writes it to disk if it has been modified.
CreateSubKey Creates a new subkey or opens an existing subkey within this key.
DeleteSubKey Deletes the specified subkey.
DeleteSubKeyTree Recursively deletes a subkey and any child subkeys it contains.
DeleteValue Deletes a value from the key.
Flush Writes any changes to the key into the registry.
GetSubKeyNames Returns an array of strings giving subkey names.
GetValue Returns the value of a specified value within this key.
GetValueKind Returns the type of a specified value within this key. This can be Binary, DWord, ExpandString, MultiString, QWord, String, or Unknown. (Unknown is particularly important because the registry can contain just about any custom data type.)
GetValueNames Returns an array of strings giving the names of all of the values contained within the key.
Name Returns the key’s registry path.
OpenSubKey Returns a RegistryKey object representing a descendant key. A parameter indicates whether you need write access to the key.
SetValue Sets a value within the key.
SubKeyCount Returns the number of subkeys that are this key’s direct children.
ToString Returns the key’s name.
ValueCount Returns the number of values stored in this key.

Visual Basic’s native registry methods SaveSetting and GetSetting are generally easier to use than My.Computer.Registry, although they provide access to only part of the registry.


The My.Computer.Screen property returns a Screen object representing the computer’s main display. The following table describes the Screen object’s most useful properties.

AllScreens Returns an array of Screen objects representing all of the system’s screens.
BitsPerPixel Returns the screen’s color depth in bits per pixel.
Bounds Returns a Rectangle giving the screen’s bounds in pixels.
DeviceName Returns the screen’s device name as in .DISPLAY1.
Primary Returns True if the screen is the computer’s primary screen.
PrimaryScreen Returns a reference to a Screen object representing the system’s primary display. For a single display system, the primary display is the only display.
WorkingArea Returns a Rectangle giving the screen’s working area bounds in pixels. This is the desktop area excluding taskbars, docked windows, and docked toolbars.

The following table describes the Screen class’s most useful methods.

FromControl Returns a Screen object representing the display that contains the largest piece of a specific control.
FromHandle Returns a Screen object representing the display that contains the largest piece of the object with a given handle.
FromPoint Returns a Screen object representing the display that contains a given point.
FromRectangle Returns a Screen object representing the display that contains the largest piece of a given Rectangle.
GetBounds Returns a Rectangle giving the bounds of the screen that contains the largest piece of a control, rectangle, or point.
GetWorkingArea Returns a Rectangle giving the working area of the screen that contains the largest piece of a control, rectangle, or point.

The AllScreens and PrimaryScreen properties, and all of these methods, are shared members of the Windows.Forms.Screen class.

The WorkingArea property does not update after you access the Screen object. If the user moves the system taskbar, the WorkingArea property does not show the new values.

However, the GetWorkingArea method retrieves the screen’s current working area. If you must be certain that the user has not moved the taskbar or a docked object, use the GetWorkingArea method.


My.Forms provides properties that give references to an instance of each of the types of forms defined by the application. If the program begins with a startup form, the corresponding My.Forms entry refers to that form. For example, suppose the program begins by displaying Form1. Then, My.Forms.Form1 refers to the startup instance of the Form1 class.

You can also refer to these forms directly. For example, the following two statements set the text and display the predefined instance of the Form2 class:

My.Forms.Form2.Text = "Hello!"

Other forms that you create using the New keyword are separate instances from those provided by My.Forms.

If you know you will only want one instance of a particular form, for example, if the form is a dialog box, you can use the instance defined in the My.Forms collection instead of creating new instances of the class. If you will need to use more than one instance of the form at the same time, you must use New to create them.

You can set these properties to Nothing to dispose of the forms, but you can never set them to anything else. In particular, you cannot set them to new instances of their form classes later. When you destroy one of these instances, it is gone forever. If you will need to reuse the form later, set its Visible property to False rather than set it equal to Nothing. Alternatively, you can just create new instances of the class when you need them and ignore the forms in My.Forms.


My.Resources provides access to the application’s resources. Its ResourceManager property returns a reference to a ResourceManager object attached to the project’s resources. You can use this object to retrieve the application’s resources.

My.Resources also provides strongly typed properties that return the application’s resources. For example, if you create a string resource named Greeting, the following code sets the form’s caption to that string’s value:

Me.Text = My.Resources.Greeting

See Chapter 28, “Configuration and Resources,” for more information on using My.Resources to access the application’s resources.


My.User returns information about the current user. The following table describes the My.User object’s most useful properties.

CurrentPrincipal Gets or sets an IPrincipal object used for role-based security.
InitializeWithWindowsUser Sets the thread’s principal to the Windows user who started it.
IsAuthenticated Returns True if the user’s identity has been authenticated.
IsInRole Returns True if the user belongs to a certain role.
Name Returns the current user’s name in the format domainuser_name.
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