Chicken Stock





Chicken stock makes a great base and an easy flavor-enhancer for many dishes that call for a liquid, including soups, stews, and casseroles. It’s also warm, filling, and nourishing all on its own.

Prep Time
10 minutes
Cook Time
2 hours
16 cups
Serving Size
1 cups


1 (5-lb.; 2.25kg) whole roasting chicken

1 large carrot, skin on, chopped

1 large stalk celery, chopped

1 large yellow onion, skin on, chopped

1 bay leaf

10 sprigs thyme

1 TB. black peppercorns

1 tsp. sea salt

6 qt. (5.5l) water


1 In a large stockpot, combine chicken, carrot, celery, yellow onion, bay leaf, thyme, black peppercorns, sea salt, and water. Set over high heat, and bring to a boil.

2 Reduce heat to low, and simmer uncovered for 2 hours.

3 Remove chicken from the pot, and strain stock through a fine-mesh strainer into a large pan.

4 Pull cooked chicken from the bones, cool, and refrigerate tightly covered for future use.

5 If not using immediately, place stock pan in the sink and surround with cold water and ice cubes to cool.

6 Refrigerate in a container with a tight-sealing lid for up to 7 days, or freeze for up to 6 months.



Roasted Chicken Stock

Roast the chicken first to yield a richer, deeper-flavored stock. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C), place chicken on a baking sheet or in a glass baking dish, and roast for 30 minutes or until skin is browned. The chicken won’t be fully cooked at this point. Transfer it, and any browned bits and juices from the baking pan, to a large stockpot. Add remaining ingredients, and proceed as directed.


Roasted chicken is a good place to start your stock in later stages, resulting in a more flavorful dish.


Fish Stock

Substitute 4 ounces (2kg) fish for the chicken, and simmer for no more than 45 minutes. Use the bones, skins, fins, and heads, rather than the meat. For a lighter-flavored stock, choose mild white fish such as halibut, sole, flounder, or turbot. For a stronger stock, use salmon or bluefish.

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