55.jpg Intro Diet

With the introduction of raw vegetables and spices in stage 5, you’ll feel like your diet, and your life, is getting back to normal. Fruit also makes a limited appearance now, and after going so long with so little flavor, you’ll find they taste amazingly sweet.

How This Stage Works

  • Some old, some new Continue with the foods from past stages you still enjoy. You don’t have to abandon those recipes just because you’ve moved on. Continue to enjoy your core favorites.
  • Increased juicing Expand the foods you juice to include fruits as well as vegetables. Always aim for a higher percentage of vegetable juice.
  • Dish diversity Experiment with new recipes, and enjoy the variety of dishes you can prepare and eat now. Also enjoy the fresher flavors of fruits and vegetables again.

What You Can Expect

  • Progress slowly It can be easy at later stages to want to race ahead. But when adding new foods, do it slowly. Going too quickly could cause a setback.
  • Watch your reactions Healing a leaky gut doesn’t mean you can tolerate all foods. If your body reacts negatively to an added food, eliminate that food. Listen to your body.
  • Enjoy your progress You have more energy now, and it’s likely that you’re very happy with what you see in the mirror and on the scale. Celebrate your success!


Some dried spices are allowed now. Start with peppercorns, basil, sage, thyme, parsley, ginger, cumin, coriander, paprika, and cloves. You add more spices in stage 6 and on the full GAPS diet.


Pink peppercorns



Dried spices such as peppercorns begin the return to your diet, as does ginger.

What You Can Eat

RAW VEGETABLES These can now be incorporated in your diet. You’ll enjoy their crisp freshness and bright flavors. Finally, you’ve worked your way up to raw vegetables, and that opens the door for salads.

  • Bring on the salad Raw vegetables are now allowed. Salads of all sizes, flavors, and colors are a welcome change.
  • Start slowly As always, start gently with soft lettuce and peeled cucumber.
  • Progress gradually If you tolerate soft lettuce and peeled cucumber, progress to carrot, tomato, onion, and even cabbage, watching your body’s responses.

Simple salads taste great after you’ve not eaten fresh greens for a while.

FRUIT JUICES Fresh fruit juice is back on your menu, as are apples.The latter’s delicious, juicy flesh adds natural sweetness to your meals.

  • Fruit juice In addition to vegetable juice, you also can juice some fruits. Be sure you’re keeping track of your juices in your food journal so you can detect any possible sensitivities.
  • Apple, mango, and pineapple juices You can mix these juices with your vegetable juice. Make the fruit component no more than 20 to 25 percent of the mixture. No citrus fruits (other than lemon water) are allowed at this stage.
  • Baked apples These are a delicious choice for dessert. Try them with cloves for a comforting fall flavor.

Baked apples make a delicious dessert or snack.

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