Reading Free-Format Data with Non-Blank Delimiters and Missing Values

Working with Delimiters

Most free-format data fields are clearly separated by blanks and are easy to imagine as variables and observations. But fields can also be separated by other delimiters, such as commas, as shown below.
Figure 18.10 Raw Data File with Comma Delimiters
External file that contains free-format raw data in columns that are separated by commas.
When characters other than blanks are used to separate the data values, you can tell SAS which field delimiter to use. Use the DLM= option in the INFILE statement to specify a delimiter other than a blank (the default).
Syntax, DLM= option:
delimiter(s) specifies a delimiter for list input in either of the following forms:
  • 'list-of-delimiting-characters' specifies one or more characters (up to 200) to read as delimiters. The list of characters must be enclosed in quotation marks.
  • character-variable specifies a character variable whose value becomes the delimiter.
  • DLM is an alias for the DELIMITER= option.

Example: DLM = Option

The following program creates the output shown below.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile cccomma dlm=','; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank  
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Figure 18.11 Output from the DLM= Option
Output that results from using the DLM= option to specify commas as the delimiter.
Note: The field delimiter must not be a character that occurs in a data value. For example, the following raw data file contains values for LastName and Salary. Notice that the values for Salary contain commas.
Figure 18.12 Raw Data File with Commas in Values
Raw data file that contains values for LastName and Salary with the values for Salary containing commas.
If the field delimiter is also a comma, the fields are identified incorrectly, as shown below.
Figure 18.13 Raw Data File with Incorrect Use of Commas
Raw data using commas as field delimiters as well as having commas in the values.
Figure 18.14 Output When Commas Are Used Incorrectly
Output that contains incorrect Salary values from using commas as delimiters and commas in the values.

Reading Values That Contain Delimiters within a Quoted String

You can also use the DSD option in an INFILE statement to read values that contain delimiters within a quoted string. As shown in the following PROC PRINT output, the INPUT statement correctly interprets the commas within the values for Salary, does not interpret them as delimiters, and removes the quotation marks from the character strings before the value is stored.
data work.finance2; 
   filename find 'c:datafindat2';
   infile find dsd; 
   length SSN $ 11 Name $ 9; 
   input ssn name Salary : comma. Date : date9.; 
proc print data=work.finance2; 
   format date date9.; 
Figure 18.15 Raw Data File Findat2
Raw data that shows commas within the values for Salary.
Figure 18.16 Output Created with PROC PRINT
Output that shows the table created by PROC PRINT.

Reading Missing Values at the End of a Record

Suppose that the third person who is represented in the raw data file below did not answer the questions about how many department store credit cards she has and about how often she uses them.
Figure 18.17 Raw Data File with Missing Values at the End of a Record
Raw data file that contains missing values at the end of a record.
The missing values occur at the end of the record. Therefore, you can use the MISSOVER option in the INFILE statement to assign the missing values to variables with missing data at the end of a record. The MISSOVER option prevents SAS from reading the next record if, when you are using list input, it does not find values in the current line for all the INPUT statement variables. At the end of the current record, values that are expected, but not found, are set to missing.
For the raw data file shown above, the MISSOVER option prevents the fields in the fourth record from being read as values for Deptcard and FreqDept in the third observation. Note that values for Deptcard and FreqDept are set to missing.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile creditcr missover; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Figure 18.18 Output Showing Missing Values
Output that shows missing values
Note: The MISSOVER option works only for missing values that occur at the end of the record.

Reading Missing Values at the Beginning or Middle of a Record

Remember that the MISSOVER option works only for missing values that occur at the end of the record. A different method is required when you use list input to read raw data that contains missing values at the beginning or middle of a record. In this example, see what happens when a missing value occurs at the beginning or middle of a record.
Suppose the value for Age is missing in the first record.
Figure 18.19 Raw Data File with Missing Values at the Beginning or Middle of a Record
Raw data file that shows missing values at the beginning or middle of a record.
When the program below executes, each field in the raw data file is read one by one. The INPUT statement tells SAS to read six data values from each record. However, the first record contains only five values.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile credit2 dlm=','; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank  
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
The two commas in the first record are interpreted as one delimiter. The incorrect value 1 is read for Age. The program continues to read subsequent incorrect values for Bankcard 8, FreqBank 0, and Deptcard 0. The program then attempts to read the character field FEMALE, at the beginning of the second record, as the value for the numeric variable FreqDept. This causes the value of FreqDept in the first observation to be interpreted as missing. The input pointer then moves down to the third record to begin reading values for the second observation. Therefore, the first observation in the data set contains incorrect values, and values from the second record in the raw data file are not included.
Figure 18.20 Output with Missing Data Records
Output of missing values that are incorrectly interpreted
You can use the Delimiter Sensitive Data (DSD) option in the INFILE statement to correctly read the raw data. The DSD option changes how SAS treats delimiters when list input is used. Specifically, the DSD option does the following:
  • sets the default delimiter to a comma
  • treats two consecutive delimiters as a missing value
  • removes quotation marks from values
When the following program reads the raw data file, the DSD option sets the default delimiter to a comma and treats the two consecutive delimiters as a missing value. Therefore, the data is read correctly.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile credit2 dsd; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Figure 18.21 DSD Raw Data and Output
Raw data showing missing values, and output of missing values that are correctly interpreted.
If the data uses multiple delimiters or a single delimiter other than a comma, simply specify the delimiter value or values with the DLM= option. In the following example, an asterisk (*) is used as a delimiter. However, the data is still read correctly because of the DSD option.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile credit3 dsd dlm='*'; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank  
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Figure 18.22 Raw Data with Multiple Delimiters and Output
Raw data that uses an asterisk as a delimiter, and output that shows missing values that are correctly interpreted.
The DSD option can also be used to read raw data when there is a missing value at the beginning of a record, as long as a delimiter precedes the first value in the record.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile credit4 dsd; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank  
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Figure 18.23 Raw Data with Missing Data and Output
Raw data that shows a missing value at the beginning of a record with a delimiter preceding the first value in the record, and output that shows missing values that are correctly interpreted.
Because DSD uses a comma as the delimiter, you can use DSD and DLM= to specify a different delimiter. You can also use the DSD and DLM= options to read fields that are delimited by blanks.
data sasuser.creditsurvey; 
   infile credit5.dat dsd dlm=' '; 
   input Gender $ Age Bankcard FreqBank  
         Deptcard FreqDept; 
proc print data=sasuser.creditsurvey; 
Last updated: January 10, 2018
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